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本文(CEPT T S 43-02 E-1989 Signalling System Telephone User Part Plus (TUP+) (Revised in Edinburgh 1988)《信令系统 电话用户部分“+”(TUP+)(1988年在爱丁堡修订)》.pdf)为本站会员(fatcommittee260)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CEPT T S 43-02 E-1989 Signalling System Telephone User Part Plus (TUP+) (Revised in Edinburgh 1988)《信令系统 电话用户部分“+”(TUP+)(1988年在爱丁堡修订)》.pdf

1、CEPT T/S*43-02*E i37 m 2326414 001Lb1 473 m T/S 43-02 Page 1 E Recommendation T/S 43-02 (by correspondence, April 1987, revised in Edinburgh 1988) SIGKALLING SYSTEM TELEPHONE CSER PART “PLLS” (TCP +) Recommendation proposed by Working Group T WG 11 “Signalling. Protocols and Switching“ (SPS) Text of

2、 the Recommendation adopted bx the “Telecomtnimicntions” Commission : “The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations. considering - that CCITT Recommendations 4.721-4.725 i to 5 Red Book define the Telephone Cser Part. that there are a number of options and points requirin

3、g further specification in Recommendations 4.771-4.724 i1 to 41, - that the interconnection of ISDNs in Europe is an important requirement for European Administrations (see GAP (Analysis and Forecasting Group) report of the EEC). recommends that European Administrations who wish to interconnect ISDN

4、s apply the following Recommendations.“ O INTRODUCTION This Recommendation called the Telephone Cser Part “Plus“ (TUP +) is a revised version of CCITT Recommenda- tions 4.721-4.724 (Telephone User Part). In particular. throughout the text. references and figure numbers are maintained as in the CCITT

5、 Red Book. Note. Q.725+ is not included. The Recommendations are defined for use between international gateways. The interworking between this Recom- mendation, and National signalling systems is the responsibility of the Administrations concerned. This Recommendation satisfies the requirements laid

6、 down in the GAP report Phase 1 only. Note 1. References to 4.931 6 in this Recommendation are intended in a general sense to identify the capabilit! of the signalling system on the access side. and do not refer to any specific document. Note 2. Recommendation T:S 43-02. revision I contains clarific

7、ations and corrections of the previous text which are considered very important to prevent divergent interpretations xhen implementing the TUP A in international _oateva!-s. a situation which could lead to possible troubles for the first international ISDN interconnections in Europe. Edition of Janu

8、ary 15. 1989 . CEPT T/S*43-02*E 89 2326434 OOLLb2 32T W T/S 43-02 E Page 3 Contents Part I . 4.721 + . 1 . GENERAL 1 2 . TELEPHONE USER PART . 1 3 . MESSAGE TRAKSFER PART . 1 Functional Description of the Signalling System Telephone Lser Part+ (TCP+) Part II . Q.722+. 1 . SIGNALLING MESSAGES . 1 2 .

9、 SERVICE IKFORMATION 3 3 . SIGNALLING INFORMATION . 2 General Function of Messages or ii) if the range field is coded u11 zero, the reset of the circuit group has been started and the reset state of each circuit concerned will be reported by the appropriate call. circuit or circuit group supervision

10、 signal/message. Deleted Edition of January 15. 1989 CEPT T/S*43-02*E 89 m 2326434 OOL3703 T35 m Subservice 1 field TIS 43-02 E Part i11 10.723-), Page 1 Service I indicator I ! Recommendation Q.723 + FORMAT ASD CODES O. 1. 1.1. 1.2. EXPLANATORY NOTE The letter “F” is used through this Recommendatio

11、n to indicate the message code that it appears against is “Faulty” and depending on the call state. either the call vil1 be failed and the circuit is cleared or the messageicode will be discarded and no action will be taken. BASIC FORMAT CHARACTERISTICS General The messages are carried on the signal

12、ling data link by means of signal units. the format of which is described in Recommendation 4.703 i i. paragraph 2.2. The signalling information of each message constitutes the signalling information field of the corresponding signal unit and consists of an integral number of octets. It basically co

13、ntains the label. the heading code and one or more signals and or indications. Structure and function of the label are described in para- graph 2.; the heading codes and detailed message formats are described in paragraph 3. This modified specification is for international use only and not intended

14、for national application. The service information octet The service information octet comprises the service indicator and the subservice field. The service indicator is used to associate signalling information nith a particular Cser Part and is only used with message signal units (see Recommendation

15、 4.704 131. paragraph 12.2.). The information in the subservice field permits a distinction to be made between national and international signalling messages. The format of the service information octet is shown in Figure I 4.723 +. 1.3. 1.3.1 1.3.2 I O000 I 1111 i I I i I I 1 + 4 4 First bit transm

16、itted Figure 1 4.723 +. Service information octet. The following codes are used in the fields of the service information octet: (a) The service indicator is coded 11 11. (b) Subservice field is coded 0000. Format principles The user generated information in the signalling information field is. in ge

17、neral. divided into a number of subfields which may be either of fixed or variable length. For a ghen message type identified by a unique message heading. the presence of a given subfield may be either mandatory or optional. The various types of subfields are further defined below. Mandatory sub$eld

18、s Subfields which have been declared mandatory for a given message type appear in all messages of that type. Opt ional sub$elds Subfields which have been declared optional for a given message type only appear when required in messages of that type. The presence or absence of each optional field is i

19、ndicated by the state of a field indicator located in an indicator field, which in this case is a mandatory subfield. Edition of January 15. 1989 TIS 43-02 E Part III (Q.723+), Page 2 CIC 1.3.3. Fixed length .wb$eld.v Subfields which have been declared fixed length for a given message type contain t

20、he same number of bits in all messages of that type. For subfields which have been declared variable length for a given message type. the number of bits may vary between messages of that type. The size of a varitable length subfield is indicated in an immediately preceding fixed length subfield in t

21、erms of predefined unit such as bits. octets or half-octets. For a given type of message the various types of subfields are transmitted in the following order: (a) mandatory subfields (b) optional subfields Within each of these two classes, the order of subfield transmission is. in generril. as foll

22、ows: 1. 2. variable length subfields. Within each defined subfield the information is transmitted least significant bit first. Spare bits are coded O unless indicated otherwise. 1.3.4. Vcirirrble length suIds 1.3.5. Order of subjcl trunsrnission fixed length subfields (with the exception of the indi

23、cator field and subfields indicating the size of a variable length subfield), 1.3.6. Order oj bit transmission 1.3.7. Coding of sparc hits OPC DPC 2. LABEL 2.1. Genera1 The label is an item of information which forms part of every signalling message and is used by the message routing function at Mes

24、sage Transfer Part level 3 to select the appropriate signalling route and by the User Part function to identify the particular transaction (e.g. the call) to which the message pertains. In general, label information encompases an explicit or implicit indication of the message source and destination

25、and, depending on the application. various forms of transaction identification. For messages which are related to circuits, the transaction is conveniently identified by including the corresponding circuit identity in the label. One standard label format is specified (paragraph 2.2.) for internation

26、al use. 2.2. Standard label 2.2.1. Lahcl formit The standard label has a length of 40 bits and is placed at the beginning of the signalling information field. The label structure is as shown in Figure 214.723 + . 12 14 14 First bit transmitted Figure 21Q.723 +. Standard label structure. The destinat

27、ion point code (DPC) indicates the signalling point for which the message is intended. while the originating point code (OPC) indicates the signalling point which is the source of the message. The circuit identification code (CIC) indicates one circuit among those directly interconnecting the destin

28、ation and the originating points. The portion of the label that consists of the destination point code and originating point code fields and of the four least significant bits of the circuit identification code field corresponds to the standard routing label specified in Recommendation Q.7M QI. para

29、graph 2.2. Edition o January 15, 1940 CEPT T/S*43-02*E 9 2326434 0033705 0 TIS 43-02 E Part 111 Q.723-). Page 3 2.2.2. Destination and originating point codes The standard label structure requires that each exchange in its role as signalling point is allocated a code from code plans established for

30、the purpose of unambiguous identification of signalling points. The separate code plans will be used for the international signalling network and for different national signalling networks. The principles of code allocation which apply to the international signalling network are in accordance with R

31、ecommendation Q.708 8. The destination point code will be the code applicable to the exchange to ivhich the message is sent. The originating point code will be the code applicable to the exchange from which the message is sent. The allocation of circuit identification codes to individual circuits is

32、 determined by bilateral agreement and.or in accordance with applicable predetermined rules. Allocation rules for certain applications are defined below: (a) 2,048 kbitis digital path 2.2.3. Circuit identijication code For circuits which are derived from a 2.048-kbit s digital path (Recommendations

33、G.737 17 and G.734 181) the circuit identification code contains in the 5 least significant bits a binary representation of the actual number of the time slot which is assigned to the circuit. The remaining bits in the circuit identification code are used. where necessary. to identify one among seve

34、ral systems interconnecting an originating and destination point. For circuits which are derived from a 8.448-kbit s digital path (Recommendations G.743 I91 and G.746 20) the circuit identification code contains in the 7 least significant bits an identification of the time slot which is assigned to

35、the circuit. The codes in Table 1 Q.773+ are used. The remaining bits are used. where necessary. to identify one among several svstems interconnecting an originating and destination point. (c) Frequency division multiplex (FDM) systems in networks using the 7.048-kbit s pulse code modulation standar

36、d For frequency division multiplex systems existing in networks that also use the 7.048-kbit s pulse code modulation standard. the circuit identification code contains in the 6 least significant bits the identifica- tion of a circuit within a group of 60 circuits carried by 5 basic Frequency divisio

37、n multiplex groups which may or may not be part of the same supergroup. (b) 8,448 kbitjs digital path The codes in Table 2.4.723 + are used. o o o o o o o circuit 1 000000 1 circuit 7 O01 11 1 1 circuit 37 o 100000 circuit 33 11111 10 circuit 127 1111111 circuit 118 i Table 1 Q.733+ Edition of Janua

38、ry 15. 1989 CEPT T/S*Y3-02*E 89 Z326414 001111706 744 m TIS 43-02 E Part III (Q.723+), Page 4 000000 000001 ooiioo 001101 O01 110 001111 o 10080 010001 o1 1001 o1 1010 o11111 100000 180001 1001 10 1801 11 101111 1 10000 110001 unallocated circuit 1 circuit 12 circuit 1 circuit 2 circuit 3 unaiiorate

39、d circuit 4 circuit 12 circuit 1 circuit 6 unaiiocated circuit 7 circuit 12 circuit 1 circuit 9 unallocated circuit 10 10018 circuit 11 10011 circuit 12 10100 circuit 1 11111 circuit 12 1st basic (FDM) group -1 3rd basic (FDM) group 5th basic (FDM) group 1 Table 2,!Q.723+. 3. MESSAGE FORMATS AND COD

40、ES 3.1. General Ail signal messages contain a heading consisting of two parts. httading code II0 and heading code 11. Code HO identifies a specific message group (see Part II. Recommendation Q.722-t paragraph 3.2.1.) while H1 either contains a signal code or, in case of more complex messages. identi

41、fies the format of these messages. The allocation of the HO and Il code is summarized in Table 3/Q.723 + at the end of this Recommendation. Edition of January 15. 1989 _- - CEPT T/S*43-02*E 89 m 2326434 0031707 680 m ! T/S 43-02 E Part III Q.723-). Page 5 Addit. routing ident. I inform. j 3.2. Headi

42、ng code HO Addit. j Closed I calling 1 user part! group inform. inform. The heading code HO occupies the 4-bit field following the label and is coded as follows: O000 spare, F O001 forward address messages O010 fonvard Set-up request messages O01 1 O100 O101 O1 10 call supervision messages O1 11 cir

43、cuit supervision messages 1000 circuit group supervision messages 1001 Reserved. F :O Spare. F backward Set-up request messages successfLil backward Set-up information messages unsuccessful backward Set-up information messages 1111 3.3. Forward address messages The following types of forward address

44、 messages are specified and are each identified by a different heading code H1: - Initial address message with additional information - Subsequent address message (ivith one or more address signals) - Subsequent address message with one (address) signal 3.3.1. Deleted 3.3.2. Initial address message

45、with additional irfoimation The basic format of the initial address message with additional information is shown in Figure 4 4.723 f. A FEDCBA 1 O010 0001 1 , Calling Calling party Heading Heading access category code code signalling I capability H1 HO Label + First bit transmitted 2 6 4 4 40 HGFEDC

46、BA I I I LKJIHGFEDCBA I kirst inaicator tu octet 1 Sig 8 nx8 4 12 nx8 nx8 nx8 40 Figure 4 4.723 + . Initial address message with additional information. Edition of January 15. 1939 CEPT T/S*UIi-i!*E 89 232bULlt OOL1708 5L7 M TIS 43-02 E Part III (.723+), Page 6 The following codes are used in the in

47、itial address message with additional information: (a) Label: see paragraph 2. (b) Heading code HO is coded OM1 (c) Heading code H1 is coded 0010 (d) Calling party category bits F E D C B A 000000 unknown source 000001 operator, language French 000010 operator. language English 008011 operator, lang

48、uage German O00100 operator. language Russian 800101 operator. language Spanish 000111 O01000 agreement O01001 reserved. F O01016 001011 reserved. F O01100 reserved. F O01101 test call O01110 spare. F o01111 pay phone 010000 111111 (e) Culling Access Signalling Capability available to Administratiom

49、 for selecting a particular language provided by mutual ordinary calling subscriher oOO1lOl spare. F I to bit A: access signalling capabilities indicator O unknown 1 calling access 4.931 bit B: spare & set to O. other coding F bits B A: nature of address indicator (f) Message indicators: 0 0 reserved, F 0 1 spare, F 1 0 national (significant) number 1 1 international number bits D C: nature-of-circuit indicator O O no satellite circuit in the conncction O 1 one satellitc circuit in the connection 1 O spare, F 1 1 spare. F O O contin

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