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CGSB 12 4-M91-CAN CGSB-1991 Heat Absorbing Glass《隔热玻璃》.pdf

1、CGSB CAN/CGSB- *32-4-M93 * NATI O N AL STANDARD ( OFCANADA 1 Heat 3874b54 O022320 263 NORME NATIONALE DU CANADA Verre Absorbing at hermane Glass - 2 - Canadian General Standards Board GSB-12.14 - Tempered or Laminated Safdy CMGSB-1214 -Verre de scurit tremp ou feuillet CAN/CGSB-12.2-M - Fiat, Clear

2、Sheet Ghss CANICGSB-12.2-M - Verre vitres plat et clair CANICGSB-12.3-M - Flat, Char Float GI= CAN/CGSB-12.3-M - Verre fbtt, plat et clair CAN/CGSB-l2. this sudace is not illuminated by irec sunligh so its brightness is wry kW. Thus very little radiation enters the rsdiometor by refkction compared w

3、ith the solar radiation that comos ttirough the glass. The long-wave radiation emitted by the gh is exduded from the radiometer by a quartz window at the entrance to the radiometer tube. rflchis proviennent de la face intrieure peinte en noir de cet abat-jour; cette face prsente une luminosit trs fa

4、ible du fait quelle nest pas directement Wre par la lumire du soleil. Ainsi, une trs faible quantit de rayons r6fkhe p6ntrent dans le radiomtre comparativement aux rayons solaires qui traversent b verre. Les rayons grandes ondes mis par le verre soni Ocartes du radiomtre au moyen dune fentre de quar

5、tz pl- lentre du tube du radiomtre. Radiometer in position for transmission test Radiomtre install pour I8sSai de transmission Radiometer in position for WWin test Radiomtre install FIGURE Al Arrangement for Tranrmbskn rnd Refkctbn Tesi on Glaring Unit Montage pour lessai de uirmkrkn et de r6flrxion

6、 dun panneau de verre A2.4 The procedure for determining the reflection factor is ia mthode de calcul du facteur de r6fiexion est semblable: 6hk As.4.1. The radiometer is aimed at the sun and the voitage, el, Pointer le radiomtre vers le soled et mesurer ia tension, el, produite par ia thermopile. g

7、enerated by the thermopile is measured. A2.4.2 The glazing unit is placed behind the radiometer and Phcer le panneau demre le radiomtre en ionentant de faon positioned so that the direct rays from the sun have the que bs rayons mis directement par le soleil aient langle desired angle of incidence at

8、 the glass suiface. The dincidence MUIU sur la surface du verre. Pointer ensuite le radiometer is then aimed at the image of the sun radiom8tre vers le reflet du soleil mis par le panneau de verre. produced by the glazing unit. The thermopile ouiput Mesurer la tension de sortie, ea, de la thermopile

9、. voltage, ea, is measured. A2.4.3 The solar reflection factor for the glaring unit is simply p = edel. Le fadeur de r6flexion de la lumire du soleil pour ce panneau est simplement le suivant: p = edel. A2.4.4 In this case it is important that the brightness of the Dans ce casci, il est important qu

10、e la iuminosit du fond, background seen through the window by the radiometer perue travers la fentre par le radiomtre, soit trs faible par CAWCQS512.4-MQl A2 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

11、t license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- *32=4-M73 * M 3874654 0022332 T83 = be very low compared with the brightness of the suns rapport celle du reflet du soleil. VoiP quassure labat-jour image. The black-painted shade behind the unit shown in peint en noir Ulustr la figure Al. Figure Al ensures that

12、 th Le. h = 5.945 WI(n+K) for a mean temperature of 23.8%. The ratio of h, to h,* is independent o the temperature and hence can be used in conjunction with figure A2 to determine h for any mean temperature. In this case, hf 0.902 - - I 0.1 52 w 5.945 The radiant oonductanco of a similar airspace at

13、 a mean temperature of 35% is where: h* 9 6.644 is taken from figure A2. The vakre of bfor an airspaes of 12.5 mm width at a mean temperature of 35% is he= h, - 0.152 x 6.644 - 1.010 W/(t+-K) 0.02423 (1 + 0.00324 x 35) I 2.124 W/(,pK) 0.0127 Thus the total conductance of this type of airspace with a

14、 width of 125 mm and a mean temperature of 35C wouid be h = 1.010 + 2.124 = 3.134 W/(nil*K) Ainsi, 19 conductivit totale dtermine exprimentalement peut tre spare en ses deux composantes en calculant h, et en le soustrayant du total, pout obtenir h, comme Illustre Iexemple Suivant: ) Un essai a rvl q

15、ue la rsistance thermique dun panneau double vitrage oompos de deux vitres de verre transparent de 6 mm dpaisseur c-d. h* 5.945 W/(m2-K) pour une temprature moyenne de 23.9%. Le rapport de h, W nest pas fonction de la temprature et peut donc tre utilis de concert avec la figure A2 pour dterminer h,

16、pow toute temprature moyenne. Dans cas, hr 0.902 -I - = 0.152 iiI 5.945 La conductivit nergbtique dune lame dair semblable une temprature moyonne de 35OC so the total absorption by the outer pane is 0.146 + 0.086 = 0.232. The absorptkn by the inside pane can now be found from the fed that the total

17、absorption by the unit is 1.OOO - 0.535 - 0.105 = 0.360; so the absorption by the inner pane is 0360 - 0.232 - 0.128. Pour mieux illustrer ia mthode de calcul, wki deux exemples: Exempk 1 - Vitre extrieure rev labsorption totale de la vitre extrieure gale dom 0.146 + 0.086 I 0232. Labsorption de ia

18、vitre intrieure peut maintenant tre dtermin6 tant donn que labsorption totale du panneau labsorption de ia vitre intrieure gale donc 0.360 - 01232 = 0.128. . Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

19、t license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- +32.4-flqL * m 3874654 0022338 4T3 D FIGURE A3 A4.3 The fraction of the absorbed solar energy that is transferred to the inside depends on the resistance to heat Raw to the inside and to the outside from the region where the energy is absorbed. The inward flowin

20、g fraction being RanlRw. It is necessary, therefore to establish standard values for the inside and outside surface resistances. A value of 0.0881 mWW for each of the surface resistances is appropriate for no-wind summer conditions. Using these values as the thermal resistance of the double unit wit

21、h 12.5 mm airspace at a mean temperature of 35% considered m the previous examples gives a total resistance of 0.5132 mWW (the resistance of the 125 mm airspace being 1 - = 0.319 3.134 La fntdion de lnergie daire absorbe qui est transmise lintrieur esi fonction de la rsistance au flux de chaleur Iir

22、ieur et lextrieur de lendroit o lnergie est absorbe. Le rapport de Ibulement vers lintrieur gale -&,I. II est donc ncessaire dtablir des valeurs normalises de rsistance pour ks audaces intrieure et extrieure. Une rsistance dune valeur de 0.0881 rril.K/W pour chaque surface convient dans des conditio

23、ns dt sans vent. Si on utilise ts valeurs et la rsistance thermique du panneau double vitrage lame dair de 12.5 mm une temprature moyenne de 35%, dtermine dans les exemples prcdents, on obtient une rhance totale de 0.5132 mWlW (la rsistance de ia lame dair de 12.5 mm correspondant 2 I 0.319 3.1 34 a

24、nd the resistance of each pane d glass being O.Oa9). Thus the inward fbwing fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the outer pane is o celle de chaque vitre galant 0.009). Ainsi, ia fraction des rayons solaires pntrant vers lintrieur et absorbs par la vitre extrieure gale 0.088 + 0.5 x 0.009 I

25、o.18o 0.513 and for the inner pane the fraction is et, pour la vitre intrieure, la fraction gaie 0.088 + 0.009 + 0.319 + 0.5 x 0.009 o.82o 0.088 + 0.009 + 0.319 + 0.5 x 0.009 o.82o 0.513 0.513 A4.4 For case 1 above, where the coated pane is on the outer Dans lexemple 1 cidessus o la vitre revtue se

26、trouve du side of the airspace the total heat gain is ct extrieur de ia lame dair, le gain total de chaleur gale Transmission 0.105 Transmision 0.105 Inward fbwing portion of absorption at outer Proportion de labsorption qui pntre vers lintrieur la vitre extrieure I 0.180 x 0.455 . 0.082 pane = 0.18

27、0 x 0.4!55. 0.082 CANICGSB-12.4-Wl . A9 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Inward flowing portion of absorption ai inner = 0.820 x 0.0196 . 0.016 xmkuDui* - “ 0.203 Thus

28、the shading coefficient for this unit with the reflective coating on the outer pane is - 0203 S.C. I - t 0.227 0.894 The thermal insulating value of airspace, Housing Research Papet No. 32, 1954, Diviein of Housing Research, Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washingon, D.C., U.S.A. Proportion de labs

29、orption qui pntre vers Iext6rieur la We intrieure = 0.820 x 0.0196 0.016 - &- t 0.203 Ainsi, brsqu k revement rflchissant te trouve sur la vitre ext6rieure, k coefficient dombrage gale 0.203 S.C. I - I 0227 0.894 RQfQrerrcR The themiai insulating value of airspace, Housing Research Paper, No. 32, 1954, Dision of Housing Research, Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington D.C., U.S.A c Al o 3 CAWCGSB-i 24Wl Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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