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CGSB 32 166M-1989 Milk Condensed or Evaporated《炼乳 代替32-GP-166M 32-GP-167M 和32-GP-174M》.pdf

1、CGSB 32.LbbM 89 m 1874bS0 0015081 93b CGSB SPCIFICATION SPECIFICATION de IONGC Mnk, condensed . Lai condense ou or Evaporated lait vapor 32.1-M Mayaai 1989 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

2、license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.LbbM 89.m 1874650 OOLC082 872 TL CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), under whose auspicm this specification has been developad, produces voluntary standards and specifications in many subject areas, at the request of sou in both the private and publie sators. The CG

3、SB has been accreditad by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writin organization The shndards that it develqw and offers as NationafS)cuidards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures establzshed for this purp. by the Standards Council of Canada In addition to standards

4、it publishes as national standards, the CCSB produces siandards and specifications to mest particular needs, in. responso to requsstr from a variety of 8ourcas in both the pubh and. pnvate sectors. CCSB standards and specifications, e national sards developed by the CCSB, are developed in conformanc

5、e with the lick described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Fd aintenance of Standards by CGSB. CGSB spseilications am developed to state the particular requirements of a government or an industry for a material, a mduct, 0r.a service. A specification also states the procedures to etermin

6、e if the requirements have been met. Unlike a CGSB standard, a CGSB specification may lack any, one or any combination of the followin factors: broad application, committee baianos, representation of a4 vital interests or consensus approval CCSB specifications are su t to review and revision at any

7、time, so as to ensure that theykp abreast of technological progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which an always welcome, should be brou ht to th notice of the committee concerned. Changcs to spec&ations are issued either as separate amendment shssts or in new editions of specifications. An u

8、ptodate listing of CCSB specifications, including details on latest issues and amendmenu, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogue of Standards and ualied Products Lists request. Although the intended primary application of this specification is stated in its Scope, it is important

9、to note that it remains the respo+bility of the users of the specincation to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Many tests required by CGSB specifications are inherently hazardous. The CGSB neither assumes nor ame ts any responsibility for any idury or damage that may occur luring o

10、r as the result of tests, wherever performed. which is published annually and is availab B e without charge upon The CGSB takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights assertad with any item connected with this specification. Users of this specification are expressly advised that de

11、termination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on the CGSB and its services may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 La rsente spcifkation 61aboh sous les aus crm de IO&CE DES NORMES

12、Cb%L4LES DU CANADA (O&Q qui rdii des normes facultatives et des spcifications samliauant pluskurs domaines, la demande drganismes tant-du kteur priv que du secteur public. b Conseil canadien das norm a confia IONCC le titra dorganisme r6dacteur de normes nationabtt. En consquence, les normes ue Ifce

13、 labore et soumet titre e Normer nationales du Cda se co$orment aux critres et proc8dures &tab. cette fin par ie Coed canadien des normes. Outre la publication de normes nationales, IONGC riige galement des normes et des spfications ?sant des besoins particuliers, la demande 6 usieurs organismes tan

14、t du secteur rid w du secteur pubiic. &s normes et les sp.fications de lQ&C et%, nor.- nationales tablies par cet orgaiilsrne sont conformes aux pohb ues 6nonC6sr dans le Manuel des pur des normes de VON3 bs spcifications de 10” sont tablies afn de preher les exigences particulires dun gouvernement

15、ou dune industrie ui sappliquent A un matuiau, un produit ou un bervu*). 8ne spcification prcise. galement les r les observer pour dterminer si les ex1 rices ont t satisfaites. Contrairement une norme de 1ONSune spcibtion de IOP&Z peut N pas tenir compte dun ou de plusieurs des facteurs suivants: ap

16、plication genrale, comite huilibr reprsentant tous les groupes dintert importants ou approbation par voie de consensus. tant donn lvolution technique, les s iflcations de IONCC font lobjet de rvisions priodiques. eutos les suggestions susceptibles den am6lirer la tew sont accueillies avec grand int6

17、dt et portk lattention &s comits concern6s. bs changements apport& aux spkifications font lobjet de modificatifs distincts ou sont incorpor6t dans les nouvelles Une lite jour des spbcifications de IONGC com renant des renseignements sur les spcifications rcentes et Ls derniers modificatifs parus, et

18、 sur la faon de se les procurer figure au Catalogue des normes et des listes des duits homologus publi chaque anna. Cette publication peut tealement 6tre obtenue sur demande, sans frais. 3 litiques pour llaboration et ?a mise , BditiOnS des Sp6CmCatioM. MBme si lobjet de la prsente s ification rcise

19、 lapplication premire que lon peut en faire, iKut cependant remarquer quil incombs lutilisateur, au tout premier chef, de dcider si la spcification peut servir aux fins quil envisage. Plusieurs des tests raquis aux termes des spk3ications de IONCC sont dan reux. LONGC nassume ni naccepte aucune resp

20、onsabirt pour les blessures ou les dommaps qui pourraient survenir pendant les essais, peu importe lendroit o ceux-ci sont effectu6s. - LONGC ne se pronom pas quant la validit de la propri6t6 industrielle de chaque article assuetti la prsente spbcification. Les utilisateurs de la spcification sont i

21、nforms de f personnelle quil leur revient entirement de dterminer la valxz de la proprit industrielle. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur IONCC et ses services, prire de communiquer avec: Le secrtaire Onice des normes gnrales du Canada Ottawa. Canada K1A 1C6 Copyright Canadian General Standards

22、Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Canadian General Standards Board -5 o= Office des normes generales du Canada This CGSB specification supersedes 32-GP-167M and 32-GP-l74M, which are now withdrawn. former s

23、tandards 32-GP-l66M, Milk, Condensed or Evaporated La prsente specification de IONGC remplace les anciennes normes 32-GP-l66M, 32-GP-167M et 32-GP-l74M, qui sont maintenant retires. 32 166M MayiMai 1989 Published by the Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Lai condens ou lait vapo

24、r Supersedes 32-GP-166M. October 1978 32-GP-l67M, October 1978 32-OP-1 74M, October 1978 Remplace 32-GP-166M. octobre 1978 32-GP-167M. octobre 1978 32-GP-174M. octobre 1978 Publie par lOffice des normes generales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by

25、 IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Department of Supply and Services CGSB 32.1bbM 89 m J874b50 0015084 b45 m CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALES DU CANADA COMMIllEE ON DAIRY PRODUCTS COMIT DES PRODUITS

26、 LAITIERS (Membership at date of approval) (Composition la date dapprobation) Department of Agriculture Canadian Dairy Commission Department of National Health and Department of Consumer and Corporate Department of National Defence National Dairy Council of Canada Welfare Affairs Beatrice Foods Inc.

27、 Canadian General Standards Board Doust, W.H. Lefaivre, J. Marcellus, L.J. Mercer, J. Thibodeau, P.L. Trpanier, Lt J. Tulloch. D. Van Dyk, H. Siikanen, E. Ms JMme SecretaryISecrtaire Ministre des Approvisionnements et Ministre de lAgriculture Commission canadienne du lait Ministre de la Sant nationa

28、le et du Ministre de la Consommation et des Ministre de la Dfense nationale Conseil national de lindustrie laitire du Beatrice Foods Inc. office des normes gnrales du Canada services Bien-Qtre social Corporations Canada Acknowledgment is made fw the French translation of this Candian General Standar

29、ds Board specification by lhe Transiaon Bureau of the Depament of the Secretary o Stam. . Nous remerciwis le Bureau des traductions du Sec- dtat de la traduction fmtaw de la presente sp8aficatiUn de loffice des nmes gnraies du canada Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under l

30、icense with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1. 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 CGSB 32.3bbM CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD MILK, CONDENSED OR EVAPORATED This specification applies to milk, from which various amounts of water have b

31、een evaporated. In case of condensed milk, sweetening agents shall be added. The specification is intended to be used by food services in the procurement of food. The test methods referred to in this specification may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous. This docume

32、nt does not purport to address all the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this specification has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements pr

33、ior to its use. APPLICABLE PUBUCATIONS The following publications are applicable to specification: Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) 32.175M - Code of Practice for Sampling Department of Agriculture Canada Agricultural Products Standards Act Dairy Products Regulations Products. this Inspection

34、 and Laboratory Manuals for Dairy Products. Department of National Health and Welfare Food and Drugs Act and Regulations Recommended Canadian Code of Practice for Low-Acid and Acidified Low-Acid Canned Foods Health Protection Branch Methods of Analysis (MFO Provincial and Municipal Regulations that

35、apply in the area where the plant of the supplier is located. American Public Health Association (APHA) Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy and MF HPB). Products. 89 rn 1874650 0035085 581 rn 32.1 66M MayiMai 1989 SupersededRemplace 32-GP-166M. 32-GP-l67M, 32-GP-174M OFFICE DES NORMES GNRA

36、LESDUCANADA LAIT CONDENS OU LAIT VAPOR OBJET La prsente spcification sapplique au lait obtenu par Ivaporation de diverses quantits deau. Dans le cas du lait condens, des agents dulcorants doivent tre ajouts. La prsente spcification est destine tre utilise par les services procdant lachat de denres a

37、limentaires. Les mthodes dessai mentionnes dans la prsente gpecification peuvent ncessiter Ie.mploi de matriaux ou dquipement dangereux. Le prsent document nentend pas traiter de tous les aspects lis la scurit de son utilisation. II appartient lusager de la spcification de se renseigner auprs des au

38、torits comptentes et dadopter des pratiques dhygine et de scurit conformes aux rglements en vigueur avant de lutiliser. PUBUCATIONS APPLICABLES Les publications suivantes sappliquent la prsente spcification: Office des normes gnrales du Canada (ONGC) 32.1 75M - Code dchantillonnage des produits lait

39、iers. Ministre de lAgriculture Loi sur les normes des produits agricoles du Canada Rglement sur les produits laitiers Manuels dinspection et de laboratoire des produits laitiers. Ministre de la Sant nationale et du Bien-tre social Loi et Rglement des aliments et drogues Code dusages canadien recomma

40、nd en matire dhygine pour les aliments peu acides et les aliments peu acides acidifis en conserve Mthodes danalyse de la Direction gnrale de la protection de la sant (MFO et MF HPB). Rdglements provinciaux et municipaux en vigueur dans la rgion OU est situ Itablissement du fournisseur. American Publ

41、ic Heaith Association (APHA) Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32-LbbM 89 m 1874650 O035086 418 m 2.1.6 2.2

42、3 3.1 4. 4. 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1 2 5.2 52.1 Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Reference to the above publications is to the latest issues. The sources for these publications are shown in the Notes section. CLASSIFICATION Evaporated milk p

43、roducts to this specification shall be supplied in the following types, as specified (par. 8.1): a. Evaporated Milk b. Condensed Milk or Sweetened Condensed Milk (evaporated and sweetened). ENERAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to meeting the requirements of this speciiication, the products shall comply w

44、ith the relevant portions of the Acts and Regulations detailed in par.2.12, 2.1.3 and 2.1.4. Condensed and evaporated milk shall be produced in an establishment registered under the Canada Agricultural Products Standards Act and Dairy Products Regulations. They shall be produced, handled, processed,

45、 packaged and delivered under sanitary conditions in accordance with the code of practice for low-acid canned foods as given in par. 2.1.3. Condensed and evaporated milk shall be sweet, clean and free from objectionable flavours or odours. They may contain permitted food additives (par. 2.1.3). DeTA

46、IL REQUIREMENTS Evaporated Milk Evaporated milk shall be milk from which water has been evaporated so that it contains not less than 25% milk solids and not less than 7.5% milk fat by mass. li shall contain added vitamins C and D as required pursuant to section 8.08.010 of the Food and Drug Regulati

47、ons. Evaporated milk shall be ot uniform consistency and appearance. It shall be smooth and free from fat separafion, lumps, clots, gel formation, cmilk-solids-precipitate, sedimentation and extraneous material. The colour shall be naturai white or light cream. Condensed Mllk Condensed milk shall be

48、 milk from which water has been evaporated and to which have been added permitted sweetening agents (sugar, dextrose, glucose, glucose solids, lactose or any combination Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) ficial Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Les publications susmentionnes sentendent de ldition la plus rcente. La source de diffusion est indique dans la section intitule Remarques. CLASSIRCATION Les produits laitiers vapors fournis sur rfrence la prsente spcification doivent appartenir aux types

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