1、CGSB 32-26211 89 387Yb50 0035236 754 = CGSB SPCIFICATION SPECIFICATION de IONGC Dried Beans Haricots et and Peas pois secs 32262M March/Mars 1989 I) Canada Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without
2、license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.26211 89 W The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB, under whose auspices this specification has been developed, produces voluntary standards and specifications in many subject areas, at the request of sources in both the private and public sectors. The CGSB has been a
3、ccredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writin organization. The standards that it develops and offers as Nation8 Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publi
4、shes as national standards, the CGSB produces standards and specifications to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. CGCB standards and specifications, and national standards developed by the CGCB, are developed in conformance
5、 with the policies described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CCSB. CGSB specifications are developed to state the particular requirements of a government or an industry for a material, a product, or a service. A specification also states the procedures to det
6、ermine if the requirements have been met. Unlike a CGSB standard, a CGSB specification may lack any one or any combination of the followin factors: broad application, committee balance, representation of ai vital interests or consensus approval. CCSB specifications are subject to review and revision
7、 at any time, SO as to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the committee concerned. Changes to specifications are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in new editions of spec
8、ifications. An up-to-date listing of CGSB specifications, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogue of Standards and Qualified Products Lists which is published annually and is available without charge upon request. Although the inte
9、nded primary application of this specification is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the specification to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Many tests required by CGSB specifications are inherently hazardous. The CGSB nei
10、ther assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. The CGSB takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted with any item connected with this specification. Users of this specification are
11、expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on the CGSB and its services may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 I1874650 0035237 690 La prsente spcificat
12、ion 4 * labore SOUS les auspices de l?OFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA (ONGC) qui rdige des normes facultatives et des spcifications s?ap liquant a plusieurs domaines, la demande d?organismes tant 8? secteur priv que du secteur public. Le Conseil canadien des normes a confr I?ONGC le titre d?or
13、ganisme rdacteur de normes nationales. En consquence, les normes ue l?Office labore et soumet titre de Normes nationales du Cana% se conforment aux critres et procdures tablis cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre la publication de normes nationales, I?ONGC rdige galement des normes et
14、 des spcifications visant des besoins particuliers, la demande de plusieurs organismes tant du secteur priv ue du secteur public. Les normes et les spcifications de 1?ONGC etpes normes nationales tablies par cet organisme sont conformes aux politiques nonces dans le Manuel des litiques pour l?labora
15、tion et la mise jour des normes de YONGe? Les spcifications de I?ONGC sont tablies afin de prciser les exigences particulires d?un gouvernement ou d?une industrie qui s?appliquent un matriau, un produit ou un service. Une spcification prcise galement les rgles observer pour dterminer si les exigence
16、s ont t satisfaites. Contrairement une norme de I?ONGC. une spcification de I?ONGC peut ne pas tenir compte d?un ou de plusieurs des facteurs suivants: application ginrale, comit quilibr reprsentant tous les groupes d?intrt importants ou approbation par voie de consensus. tant donn l?volution techni
17、que les s ifications de l?ONGC font l?objet de rvisions priodiiues. Etes les suggestions susceptibles d?en amliorer la teneur sont accueillies avec grand intrt et portes l?attention des comitks concerns. Les changements apports aux spcifications font l?objet de modificatifs distincts ou sont incorpo
18、rs dans les nouvelles ditions des spcifications. Une liste jour des spcifications de I?ONGC com renant des renseignements sur les spcifications rcentes et ks derniers modificatifs parus, et sur ia faon de se les procurer figure au Catalogue des normes et des listes des produits homologus publi chaqu
19、e anne. Cette publication peut galement tre obtenue sur demande, sans frais. Mme si l?objet de ia prsente specification prcise l?application premiere que l?on peut en faire, i faut cependant remarquer qu?il incombe 1 l?utilisateur, au tout premier chef, de dcider si la spcification peut servir aux f
20、ins qu?il envisage. Plusieurs des tests requis aux termes des spl?ifications de I?ONGC sont dangereux. L?ONGC n?assume ni n?accepte aucune responsabilit pour les blessures ou les dommages qui pourraient survenir pendant les essais, peu importe l?endroit o ceux-ci sont effectus. L?ONGC ne se prononce
21、 pas quant ia validit de la proprit industrielle de chaque article assujetti la prsente spcification. Les utilisateurs de la spcification sont informs de fa on personnelle qu?il leur revient entirement de dterminer la valiiit de la proprit industrielle. Pour de plus ampies renseignements sur I?ONGC
22、et ses services, prire de communiquer avec: Le Secrtaire Office des normes gnrales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.2b2M 89 187
23、4650 0035238 527 Canadian General Standards Board Office des normes generales du Canada a This CGSB specification supersedes former standard 32-GP-261 a and 32-GP-262a, which are now withdrawn. Supersedes 3 La prsente specification de IONGC remplace ,S anciennes normes (F)32-GP-261 a et (F)32-GP-262
24、a, qui sont maintenant retires. Dried Beans Haricots et and Peas pois secs 322621111 MarchiMars 1989 ,GP-261 a, January 968 Remplace (F)32-GP-261 a, janvier 968 (F)32-GP-262a, janvier 1968 32-GP-262a9 January 1968 Published by the Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1 A 1 G6 Publie par
25、loffice des normes generales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1 A 1 G6 No part ofthis pubiicatian maybe repioduced in any .m without the priw pennissiun of the publisher. Aucune partie decate piblication ne peut tre reproduitedaucune manidm sans ia permissiai preelable de Idiir. B Copyright Canadian Genera
26、l Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALES DU CANADA COMMIHEE ON PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES COMIT DES FRUITS ET LGUMES TRANSFORMS (Membersh
27、ip at date of approval) (Composition la date dapprobation) Canadian Food Processors Association Department of Supply and Services Department of Agriculture Kraft Ltd. Canadian Frozen Food Association Farmers Co-operative Dairy Ud. Department of National Health and E.D. Smith 8 Sons LM. AS. May 81 Co
28、mpany Lfd. Department of Consumer and Corporate Department of National Defence Canadian General Standards Board Welfare Affairs Bryanton, D. MsJMme Doust. W.H. Emdge, P. Green, R. Kyte, c. MacKinnon, D.I. Mercer, J. Pauis. J. Sayers, S.F. Thibodeau. P.L. Trpanier, Lt J.D. Siikanen, E. MsJMme Cecreta
29、ryiSecrtaire Association canadienne des manufacturiers Ministre des Approvisionnements et Ministre de lAgriculture KraftuBe LAssociation de lindustrie des aliments surgels du Canada Farmers &operative Dairy Ltd. Ministre de la Sant nationale et du Bien-tre social ED. Smith & Sons Ltd. A.S. May & Com
30、pany Ltd. Ministre de la Consommation et Ministre de la Wfense nationale Office des normes gnrales du Canada de produits alimentaires Services des Corporations Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with
31、out license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.26211 89 = L874b50 OOL5240 185 1. 1. 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 3 3. 3.1 .l 3.1.2 4. 4.1 CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD DRIED BEANS AND PEAS SCOPE This specification applies to dry threshed field peas and to dry threshed beans of various kinds (white beans, lima beans,
32、red kidney beans and other coloured beans). It is mainly intended to be used by food Services in the proairement of food. APPLICABLE PuBucmoNs The following publications are applicable to this speCificatiOn: Department of Agriculture Canada Grain Ac! and Regulations. Department of National Health an
33、d Weifare Food and Drugs Act and Regulations General Principles of Food Hygiene for Use by the Reference to the above publications is to the latest issues. The sources for these publications are shown in the Notes section. Food Industry in Canada. CLASSIFICATION Products to this specification shall
34、be supplied in the following grades, as specified (par. 8.1). Dried beans shall be supplied in grades No. 1 or No. 2 Canada Eastern. Dried whole peas shall be supplied in grades No. 1 or No. 2 Canada Eastern or Canada Western. ENEAl REQUIFEMENTS In addition to the requirements in this specification,
35、 dried beans and peas shall meet the requirements of the Canada Grain Act and the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations. OBJET 32.2S2M March/Mars 1989 SupersededRemplace 32-GP-261 a andlet 32-GP-262a January/Janvier 1968 OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALES DU CANADA HARICOTS ET POIS SECS La prsente spcification
36、sapplique aux pois secs de grande culture ltat battu et aux haricots secs de diverses espces ltat battu (haricots blancs, haricots de lima, haricots rouges et autres haricots de couleur). Elle est principalement destine tre utilise par les services procdant lachat de denres alimentaires. PUBuCArnNs
37、APPUCABCES Les publiions suivantes sappliquent la prsente spcification: Ministre de lAgriculture Loi et Rglement sur les grains du Canada. Ministre de la Sant nationale et du Bien-tre social Loi et Rglement des aliments et drogues Principes gnraux dhygine alimentaire devant servir Les publications s
38、usmentionnes sentendent de ldition la plus rcente. La source de diffusion est indique dans la section intitule Remarques. CLASSIFICATION Les produits fournis sur reference la presente spcification doivent appartenir aux categories suivantes, selon les prescriptions (par. 8.1). Les haricots secs doiv
39、ent tre foumis dans les catgories na 1 ou 2 de lEst canadien. Les pois secs entiers doivent tre fournis dans les catgories n-1 ou 2 de lEst canadien ou de louest canadien. MlaENCES GNRALES , lindustrie alimentaire canadienne. Outre les exigences de la prsente spcification, les haricots et les pois s
40、ecs doivent Satisfaire aux prescriptions de la Loi sur les grains du Canada et de la Loi et du Rglement des aliments et drogues. 1 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB
41、 32-2b2M 89 m 1874b50 0015241 Oll m 42 4.3 5. 5.1 5.2 6. 6.1 The peas and beans to this specification shall be of aie lates seasons growth and have a goxi naairal colour. They shall be clean, dry, firm, smooth and free from dust and dirt. The peas and beans shail be pramred, processed and packaged u
42、nder sanitary conditions and be equal in quality to the majority of products being offered on the reail and institutional market, DETAIL REQUIREMEMS The moisture content of peas shall not exceed 15.0% and of beans 15.5% by mass. Split Pam - In aciiion to aie requirements in par.4.2. 4.3 and 5.1, the
43、 split peas shall meet the following requirements expressed in YO by mass: a. There shall not be more than 1.0% of the peas whose dour is distinctly ifferent from aie dour predominating in the shipment. b. There shall not be more than 2.0% of peas that are badly bleached, .e having more than oneeigh
44、th of the surface Meactied. c. There shall not be more than 2.0% of white caps. ia. peas from which the seed coat has not been removed in the piocess of splitting. d. There shall not be more than 1.0% of unsplit peas. e. There shall not be more than 0.5% of peas that have been damaged by weevils or
45、other insects. f. Them shall not be more than 02% of foreign material. g. The totai content of damaged split peas, which shall include those damaged by insects (e.) and foreign material (f.) and all split and whole peas, that are so badly injured or discoloured by weather, frost, heat or other cause
46、s, as to seriously affect their appearance or quality, shall not exceed 2.00/0. h. Not more than 15.0% of a sample shall pass readily through a sieve having perforations 4.00mm in diameter. Not more than 2.0% shall pass readily through a sieve with perforations 3.15mm in diameter, and none through a
47、 sieve with perforations 2.24mm in diameter. Fractional percentages of less than 1.0% shall be ignored. PREPARATION FOR DEUVERY Unless otherwise specified (par.8.1). normal commercial packaging, labelling, packing and marking shall be acceptable. Les pois et les haricots fournis sur rfrence h la pre
48、sente spcification doivent provenir de la rcolte de lanne la plus rcente et prsenter une belle couleur naturelle. Ils doivent tre propres, secs, fermes, lisses et exempts de poussire et de terre. Les pois et les haricots doivent tre prpars, transforms et conditionns dans des conditions hyginiques et doivent tre dune qualit gale celle de la plupart des produits offerts sur le march du dtail et le march spcialis. EXQENCES PARTICULIRES La teneur en eau des pois ne doit pas dpasser 15.0% et celle des haricots 15.5% en masse. Pois fendus - O
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