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CGSB 32 283M-1987 Poudres Pour Boissons Aux Fruits《水果味饮料粉 代替32-GP-283M》.pdf

1、CGSB 32.283M 87 3874650 O035260 T73 m CGSB SPCIFICATION SPECIFICATION de IONGC Beverage Powders, Poudres pour Fruit-Flavoured boissons aux fruits 32.2831111 DecemberlDecembre 1987 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo

2、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.2831 87 L874b50 OOL526L 90T = The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CCSB), under whose auspices this specification has been developed, produces voluntary standards and specifications in many subject areas, at the request of sources in both the pri

3、vate and public sectors. The CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writin organization. The standards that it develops anci offers as Nation3 Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this purpose by the Standards Council

4、 of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes national standards, the CCSB produces standards and specifications to met particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. CCSB standards and specifications, and national standards developed

5、by the CCSB, are developed in conformance with the policies described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CCSB. CGSB specifications are developed to state the particular requirements of a government or an industry for a material, a product, or a service. A specif

6、ication also states the procedures to determine if the requirements have been met. Unlike a CCSB standard, a CGSB specification may lack any one or any combination of the followin factors: broad application, committee balance, representation of a! vital interests or consensus approval. CGSB specific

7、ations are subect to review and revision at any time, so as to ensure that they ieep abreast of tschnological progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome. should be brought to the notice of the committee concerned. Changes to specifications are issued either as separate ame

8、ndment sheets or in new editions of specifications. An up-to-date listing of CCSB specifications, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogue of Standards and Qualified Products Lists which is published annually and is available withou

9、t charge upon request. Although the intended primary application of this specification is stated in its Scope., it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the specification to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Many tests required by CGSB spscications

10、 are inherently hazardous. The CCSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. The CCSB takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted with any item connected with this specific

11、ation. Users of this specification are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on the CGSB and its services may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1A 1C6 La

12、 rsente spcification q g labore SOUS les aus ices de rdiee des normes facultatives et des sDcifications samliauant IDFCE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA OJGC, qui pluzeurs domaines, la demande dirganismes tantdu kecteur priv que du secteur public. Le Conseil canadien des normes a confr IONGC le titre

13、 dorganisme rdacteur de normes nationales. En consquence, les normes ue lOffice labore et soumet titre de Normes nationales du Cana bulk: 500 and 750mL and 1, 1.5 and 4.5L plus Each container shall be labelled to show the flavour of the beverage powder and the manufacturers name or recognized tradem

14、ark and shall conform to the requirements of the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations. Directions for mixing shall be printed conspicuously on each pouch. Each shipping container and each unit package shall be marked with the date (year and month) of packing. The quantities of the reconstituted bevera

15、ge obtained them the package shall be marked on each individual pouch and on each shipping container. INSPECTION multiples of 1 L. Sampling - Sampling for inspection and testing shall be at the discretion of the inspection authority, unless a specific sampling plan is specified (7.1). Testing - The

16、testing for detail requirements shall be performed according to the methods given in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3. MIOENCES PARTICULIRES Les poudres pour boissons aux fruits doivent tre faites partir de saveurs de fruits ou dextraits de saveurs naturelles ou de saveurs de fruits artificielles ou dun mlang

17、e de ce ingrdients, dacides alimentaires et de sucre. Les additifs alimentaires dcrits dans la Loi et le Rglement des aliments et drogues peuvent tre utiliss. Les poudres pour boissons aux fruits doivent contenir de la vitamine C raison dau moins 24mg et dau plus 48mg par 1 O0 mL lorsque la boisson

18、est prpare suivant les directives et prouve suivant la mthode 43.064 de IAOAC ou la mthode de IUSP. 8 . La teneur en eau de la poudre pour boisson ne doit pas dpasser 3.5% lorsquelle est dtermine suivant la mthode 31 .O05 ou 31 .O06 de IAOAC. . La poudre pour boisson conditionne doit avoir une dure

19、de vie de douze mois compter de la date de livraison lorsquelle est stocke une temprature de 21 “C. Elle doit demeurer sche et tre facilement soluble dans leau froide. PRPARATION POUR LA LIVRAISON La poudre pour boisson aux fruits doit tre emballe dans des sacs en feuille de mtal stratifi, tanches e

20、t thermoscells. Lexcs dair doit tre enlev des sacs avant le scellage. Le produit conditionn doit tre fourni dans les formats prescrits (par. 7.1 ). Normalement, les formats sont ceux contenant suffisamment de poudre pour donner: en paquet: 125, 150, 175, 200,225 et 250 mL; en vrac: 500 et 750 mL et

21、1, 1.5 et 4.5 L plus les multiples Ltiquette de chaque contenant doit indiquer la saveur de la poudre pour boisson et le nom du fabricant ou sa marque de commerce reconnue, et elle doit se conformer aux exigences de la Loi et du Rglement des aliments et drogues. Le mode demploi doit tre clairement i

22、nscrit sur chaque sac. Chaque contenant dexpdition et chaque emballage individuel doivent porter la date (mois et anne) demballage. Les quantits de boissons reconstitues doivent tre indiques sur chaque emballage individuel et sur chaque contenant dexpdition. INSPECTION chantillonnage - Lchantillonna

23、ge dinspection et dessai est laiss lapprciation des services dinspection, moins quun plan dchantillonnage particulier ne soit prescrit (par. 7.1 .). Essais - Les essais visant dterminer la conformit aux de 1 L. exigences particulires doivent tre effectus suivant les mthodes indiques aux par. 4.2 et

24、4.3. e 32.283M Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB 32.283H 87 = L874b.50 00152bb 491 7. 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 NOTES Options - The following options must be

25、specified in the application of this specification: a. The fruit flavour required (par. 3.2) b. The package size required indicating in mL or L the c. If a specific sampling plan is to be applied Sources of Referenced Publications total amount of prepared beverage (par. 5.2). (par. 6.1). The regulat

26、ions referred to in par. 2.1.1 may be obtained from Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A OS9. Telephone (819) 997-2560. The general principles of food hygiene referred to in par. 2.1.1 may be obtained from the Department of National Health and Welfare

27、, Health Protection Branch, Food Directorate, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OU. The publication referred to in par. 2.1.2 may be obtained from Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1111 N. 19th St., Suite210, Arlington VA 22209, U.S.A. The publication referred to in par. 2.1.3 may be obtained from Mack

28、 Printing Co., Easton, PA 18042, U.S.A. REMARQUES Options - Les options suivantes doivent tre prcises lors de lapplication de la prsente norme: a. La saveur de fruit requise (par. 3.2) b. Le format de contenant indiquant en mL ou en L la c. Si un plan dchantillonnage particulier est prvu Sources de

29、diffusion des publications de rfrence Les rglements mentionns lal. 2.1.1 sont diffuss par le Centre ddition du gouvernement du Canada, Approvisionnements et Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1 A OS9. Tlphone (81 9) 997-2560. Les principes gnraux dhygine alimentaire mentionns a lal. 2.1.1 sont diffuss

30、 par le ministre de la Sant nationale et du Bien-tre social, Direction gnrale de la protection de la sant, Direction des aliments, Ottawa, Ontario K1 A OU. quantit totale de boisson prpare (par. 5.2) (par. 6.1). La publication mentionne lal. 2.1.2 est diffuse par lAssociation of Official Analytical

31、Chemists, 11 11 N. 19th St., Suite 21 O, Arlington VA 22209, U.S.A. La publication mentionne lal. 2.1.3 est diffuse par Mack Printing Co., Easton, PA 18042, U.S.A. 32.2831111 3 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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