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本文(CGSB 4 175-M91 PT 4-CAN CGSB-1991 Textiles - Morphology of Fibres and Yarns - Vocabulary Part 4 ISO 8159 1987《纺织纤维和纱线的形态词汇 第4部分 ISO 8159 1987》.pdf)为本站会员(syndromehi216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CGSB 4 175-M91 PT 4-CAN CGSB-1991 Textiles - Morphology of Fibres and Yarns - Vocabulary Part 4 ISO 8159 1987《纺织纤维和纱线的形态词汇 第4部分 ISO 8159 1987》.pdf

1、N AT1 O NA L STANDARD NATIONALE NORME 1 OF CANADA DU CANADA r Textiles - Textiles - of Fibres and des fibres Yarns - et fils - Vocabulary Vocabulaire b Morphology Morphologie ? L Prepared bylprpare par International Organization for Standardization lOrganisation internationale de normalisation Canad

2、ian General Standards Board c6- Office des normes gnrales du Canada Oc Reviewed by/Rvice par CAN/CGSB=4.175-M91 Part/Partie 4 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/

3、CGSB-4= 375-M9L*PT4 * m 3874650 0030579 236 m The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), under whose auspices this standard has been developed is a government agency within the Federal Department of Supply and SeMces. The CGSB is engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of

4、subject areas through the media of standards committees and the consensus process. The standards committees are composed of representatives of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, retailers, governments, educational institutions, technical, professional and trade societ

5、ies, and research and testing organizations. Any given standard is developed on the consensus of views expressed by such representatives. The Ministers Advisory Council on CGSB reviews the results of the consensus process. The CGSB has been accredtted by the Standards Council of Canada as a national

6、 standards-writing organization. The standards that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada In addition to standards it publishes as national standards, the CGSB produces standards t

7、o meet particular needs, in response to requests from a vanety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Both CGSB standards and national standards developed by the CGSB are developed in conformance with the policies described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Stan

8、dards by CGSB. CGSB standards are subject to review and revision at any time, so as to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Suggeseons for their improvement. which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are

9、issued either as separate amendment sheets or in new editions of standards. An up-to-date listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogue of Standards and Qualification and Certification Listings which is publish

10、ed annually and is available without charge upon request Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the standard to judge nS suitability for their particular purpose. Many tests require

11、d by CGSB standards are inherently hazardous. The CGSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibiltty for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the resuit of tests, wherever performed. The CGSB Wes no positton respecting the validity of any patent nghts asserted with any item connected wt

12、th this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their Own responsibility. Further information on the CGSB and its SBMCBS and standards may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa,

13、 Canada K1A 1G6 1 pdsente norme, a et labore sous les auspices de lOFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA (ONGC), qui est un organisme Wral relevant du minisb2re des Approvisionnements et SeMces. LONGC participe a ia production de normes facultatives dans une gamme this remains the continuing respons

14、ibility of the accredited standards-writing organization. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organizatio

15、n preparing the standard. The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with the: Standards Council of Canada 350 Sparks Street Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N7 Le CONSEIL CANADIEN DES NORMES est iorganisme de coordination du Systme de normes nationales, une fdration dorganismes indpend

16、ants et autonomes qui travaillent au dveloppement et Iamlioration de la normalisation volontaire dans lintrt national. Les principaux buts du Conseil sont dencourager et de promouvoir la normalisation volontaire comme moyen damliorer lconomie nationale, damliorer la sant, la SeCurit et le bien-tre d

17、u public, daider et de proteger le consommateur, de faciliterle commerce national et international et de favoriser la coopration internationale dans le domaine de la normalisation. Une Norme nationale du Canada est une norme, approuve par le Conseil canadien des normes, qui reflte une entente raison

18、nable parmi les points de vue dun certain nombre de personnes comptentes dont les intrts runis forment, au degr le plus lev possible, une reprsentation quilibre des producteurs, utilisateurs, consommateurs et dautres personnes intresses, selon le domaine envisag. II sagit gnralement dune norme qui p

19、eut apporter une contribution apprciable, en temps opportun, lintrt national. Lapprobation dune norme en tant que Norme nationale du Canada indique quelle est conforme aux critres et mthodes tablis par le Conseil canadien des nomes. Lapprobation ne porte pas sur laspect technique de la norme: cet as

20、pect demeure la responsabilite de lorganisme rdacteur de normes accrdit. II est recommand aux personnes qui ont besoin de nomes de se servir des Normes nationales du Canada lorsque ia chose est possible. Ces normes font lobjet dexamens priodiques; cest pourquoi il est recommand aux utilisateurs de s

21、e procurer ldition ia plus rcente de la norme auprs de lorganisme qui la prpare. La responsabilit dapprouver les Normes nationales du Canada incombe au: Conseil canadien des normes 350, rue Sparks Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N7 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with C

22、GSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-4- 375-M93*PT4 * m 3874650 0030583 994 m CANICGSB-4.175491 ParPartle 4 IS0 81 591 987 NATIONAL STAN DARD OF CANADA TEXTILES - MORPHOLOGY OF FIBRES AND YARNS - VOCABULARY NORME NATIONALE DU CANADA Prep

23、ared by/Preparee par International Organization for Standardization lOrganisation internationale de normalisation TEXTILES - MORPHOLOGIE DES FIBRES ET FILS - VOCABULAIRE Reviewed by/Rvise par Approved by/Approuvee par le Canadian General Standards Board ea Standards Council of Canada lOffice des nor

24、mes generales du Canada Conseil canadien des normes Published February 1991 by the Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Publie, fvrier 1991, par lOffice des normes genrales du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 Minister of Supply and Services Canada - 1991 Ministre des Approvisionnemen

25、ts et Services Canada - 1991 No pari of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite daucune maniere sans la permission pralable de Iditeur. B Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provide

26、d by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-4. 175-M91*PT4 * W 1874650 0010582 820 m CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OFFICE DES NORMES GNRALES DU CANADA COMMITTEE ON TEXTILE TEST METHODS COMIT DES MTHODES POUR PREU

27、VES TEXTILES (Membership at date of approval) (Composition la date dapprobation) University of Alberta Celanese Canada Inc. Du Pont Canada Inc. Department of Consumer and Corporate Professional Association of Cleaners and Department of National Defence Affairs Launderers of Quebec Canadian Carpet In

28、stitute The Wool Bureau of Canada Ltd. Dominion Textile Inc. Department of National Revenue, Department of Consumer and Corporate University of Manitoba Centre des technologies textiles Consultant Customs and Excise Affairs Consultant ORTECH International The T. Eaton Company Canada Ltd. Sears Canad

29、a Inc. Department of Public Works, Alberta Department of Supply and Services Consoltex Inc. The Retail Research Foundation of Canada Technitrol Canada Ltd. Canadian General Standards Board Crown, Dr E.M. Biron, C. Clarke, N. Mrs./Mme Cosman, V. Ms./Mme Derners, A. Chairperson/Prsidente Dolhan, P. Mr

30、s./Mme Edwards, D.S. Graham, M. Grgoire, M. Miss/Mlle Hurley, M. Ms./Mme Kasem. Dr M.A. King, Dr M. Lombard, G. Mitton, M.T. MissiMlle Monk, W.B. Mortimer, R. Muniak, E. Ms./Mme Patel, A. Rashid, M.A. Ronsyn, Dr C. Routhier, D. Scrafton, K. Ms./Mme Wishart, P. Ms./Mme Randall, J. Mrs./Mme Universit

31、dAlberta Celanese Canada Inc. Du Pont Canada Inc. Ministre des Consommateurs et des Association professionnelle des nettoyeurs Ministre de la Dfense nationale socits et buandiers du Qubec Institut canadien du tapis The Wool Bureau of Canada Ltd. Dominion Textile Inc. Ministre du Revenu national, Min

32、istre des Consommateurs et des Universit du Manitoba Centre des technologies textiles Expert-conseil Douanes et Accise socits Expert-conseil ORTECH International La Compagnie T. Eaton Canada Lte Sears Canada Inc. Ministre des Travaux publics, Alberta Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Conso

33、ltex Inc. La Fondation canadienne de recherche pour Technitrol Canada Lte le commerce de dtail Office des normes gnrales du Canada Acknowledgment Is made for the French translation of this National Standard of Canada by the Translation Bureau of the Department of the Secretary of State. Nous remerci

34、ons le Bureau des traductions du Secrtariat dtal de ia traduction franase de la prsente Norme nationale du Canada. CAN/CGSB-4.176-M91 PartPartie 4 IS0 8159:1987 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

35、hout license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-q. 175-M91*PT4 * m 1874650 0010563 7b7 m CANlCGSB4.175-M91 Pamartie 4 IS0 81591987 Preface to the National Standard of Canada This National Standard of Canada has been prepared by the CGSB Committee on Textile Test Methods. It is identical in content and layou

36、t with the International Standard IS0 8159, Textiles - Morphology of fibres and yarns - Vocabulary, published in 1987-04-01 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The International Standard was reviewed by the CGSB committee to determine its suitability for Canadian use. It was

37、 agreed to use it in total, without editorial changes. Throughout this standard, the words “National Standard of Canada“ are to be understood as redacina the words “International Standard“ wherever Y they appear. Prface de la Norme nationale du Canada La prsente Norme nationale du Canada a t prpare

38、par le comit des mthodes pour preuves textiles de IONGC. Son contenu et sa prsentation sont identiques la norme internationale IS0 81 59, Textiles - Morphologie des fibres et fils - Vocabulaire, publie le 1987-04-01 par lOrganisation internationale de normalisation (SO). Cette norme internationale a

39、 t rvise par le comit de IONGC afin de dterminer si elle peut tre utilise comme telle au Canada. II fut convenu de lutiliser intgralement sans apporter de changement dordre rdactionnel. II est entendu que lexpression tenorme internationale- apparaissant dans la prsente norme doit tre remplace par le

40、xpression *(Norme nationale du Canada. partout O elle se prsente. Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB-4-. 175-M9L*PT4 * = 1874650 001058I bT3 INTERNATIONAL S

41、TANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 8159: 1987 (/FI Textiles - Morphology of fibres and yarns - Vocabulary Vocabulaire Textiles - Morphologie des fibres et fils - 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard defines the principal terms used to describe the various forms into which texti

42、le fibres can be assembled, up to and including cabled yarns. It contains only terms of general application; terms and/or definitions which are specific to particular fibres (such as hemp, silk, textile glass, metal fibre, carbon fibre, etc.) are excluded. A diagram is included which illustrates the

43、 relationship between various terms from a production point of view. This International Standard does not include terms which describe the manufacturing or processing methods, or terms used to quantify fibre and yarn properties. 2 Reference IS0 8160, Textiles - Textured filament yarns - Vocabul8. 3

44、Terms and definitions These definitions are listed in an order which follows, in general, the textile processing sequence. 3.1 textile fibre : A substance characterized by its flexibility, fineness and high ratio of length to cross-section, suitable for textile applications. 3.2 staple fibre: A text

45、ile fibre of limited length. 3.3 filament : A textile fibre of very great length considered as continuous. 3.4 textile film : A textile substance in film form in which the molecular orientation is essentially in the longitudinal direction. a 1 Objet et domaine dapplication La prsente Norme internati

46、onale dfinit les principaux termes utiliss pour la description des diffrentes formes sous lesquel- les les fibres textiles peuvent tre prsentes (les fils cbls y compris). Elle ne comprend que les termes caractre gnral. Les ter- mes et/ou dfinitions spcifiques de fibres particulires (telles que celle

47、s de chanvre, soie, verre textile, mtal, carbone, etc. I sont exclus. II est donn un schma illustrant les relations entre les divers termes du point de vue de la production. La prsente Norme internationale ninclut pas les termes qui dcrivent les mthodes de fabrication ou les procds ainsi que les ter

48、mes utiliss pour quantifier les proprits des fibres et des fils. 2 Rfrence IS0 8160, Textiles - Fils continus texturds - Vocabulaire. 3 Termes et dfinitions Ces dfinitions sont donnes dans un ordre suivant, en gnral, les principales tapes de la mise en uvre. 3.1 fibre textile: Element caractris par sa flexibilit, sa finesse et le rapport lev de sa longueur sa section, apte des applications textiles. 3.2 fibre discontinue : Fibre textile de longueur limite. 3.3 filament : Fibre textile de trs grande longueur, consid- re comme ucontinue). 3.4 film

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