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本文(CGSB 4-GP-85MA-1990 Nylon Thread (Continuous Multifilament)《尼龙线(连续复丝) 勘误表 1990年10月》.pdf)为本站会员(王申宇)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CGSB 4-GP-85MA-1990 Nylon Thread (Continuous Multifilament)《尼龙线(连续复丝) 勘误表 1990年10月》.pdf

1、. . CGSB 4-GP-85MA 90 1874650 OOLLBO 765 = 4-GP-8SMa i Nylon Thread (Continuous Mu it if i lament) Fil de nylon (Multifilaments continus) c This standard applies to continuous multifilament La prsente norme sapplique au fil coudre de nylon sewing thread for use in sewing machines and nylon multifila

2、ments continus pour couture la hand sewing. machine et la main. 4-GP-85Ma July/JuiIlet 1990 i c Supersedes 4-GP-85M Remplace 4-GP-85M August 1979 Aot 1979 Canada CGSB 4-GP-85MA 90 m 1874650 0017181 bTL m The CANADIAN QENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), under whose auspices this standard has been develop

3、ed is a government agency within the Federai DeparbTient of Suppiy and ceivices. The CGSB is engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the mediad standadscommittees and the cocisensueproce Thestandards ammittees are aimposed of representatives of relev

4、ant interests including producers, consumers and other us8E5 retam governments, educatbd inatihitiona technical. pmfmmd and bgde societies. and research and testing organizations. Any given on the consensus of views expressed by aichrepreaematnies. inisters Advisory Council on CGSB reviewsthe resub

5、of theconsmws pmcess. - is M The CGSB has been thread having a linear density of 250 tex and coarser shall have an average of not more than one finished thread-knot per 200 g. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY Packaging, Labelling, Packing and Marking - Unless otherwise specified (par. 8.1 ), normal commerci

6、al practice shall be acceptable (Note 3). Soiidlte de ia couleur - Le fil teint doit au moins satisfaire aux exigences de solidit de la couleur prescrites (par. 8.1) pour le tissu quil doit assembler (remarque 2). Noeuds - Le fil de masse linique infrieure a 250 tex ne doit pas prsenter, en moyenne,

7、 plus dun noeud par 1OOg; le fil de masse lineique gale ou suprieure a 250tex ne doit pas presenter, en moyenne, plus dun noeud par 200 g. PRPARATION POUR LA LIVRAISON Conditionnement, tiquetage, emballage et marquage - Sauf indication contraire (par. 8.1), les usages commerciaux habituels sont admi

8、s (remarque 3). Note2 In the case of thread purchased for use with Remarque2 Lorsque le fil est achet pour coudre des specific garments, the puchaser shall supply the thread vtements particuliers, lacheteur doit mettre a la disposition du supplier with a colour swatch and colourfastness fournisseur

9、de fil un chantillon de la couleur et lui prciser les requirements of the material wii% which it is to be used, exigences de solidit de couleur imposes au tissu que le fil doit when tested in accordance with CANtCGSB4.2-M. assembler, lorsque ce dernier est soumis a lessai conformement Note 3: Commer

10、cial packaging may be on a mass or length Remarque 3: Le conditionnement commercial peut tre fonction basis. de la masse ou de la longueur. CANICGSE4.2-M. 4-GP-85Ma 5 CGSB q-GP-85MA 90 W L874b50 OOL7L89 992 W 7. INSPECTION INSPECTION 7.1 Sampling - Samples for test shall be taken from chantillonnage

11、 - Les chantillons dessai doivent tre thread that has not been stitched into any fabric or prlevs dans du fil qui na pas servi coudre du tissu ou article. The number of units (spools, cones, tubes, etc.) des articles. Le tableau suivant prcise le nombre dunits selected from the inspection lot for th

12、e assessment of (bobines, cnes, tubes, etc.) qui doit tre prlev sur le lot compliance with the requirements of this standard dinspection pour tablir la conformit aux exigences de la shall be: presente norme: Number of Units in Inspection Lot Number of Units to be Sampled (or all, if less than 5) 1-9

13、9 5 100-299 6 500-999 io 1000 or more 15 300-499 a Nombre dunits Nombre dunits du lot dinspection chantillonner 1-99 5 (ou la totalit, sil y en a moins de 5) 100-299 6 300-499 8 500-999 10 lo00 ou plus 15 Each unit in the test sample shall be selected at Chaque unit de lchantillon dessai doit tre pr

14、ise au random from a different package in the inspection unit. hasard dans un emballage diffrent de lunit dinspection. 7.2 Inspection - Inspection shall be at the discretion of Inspection - Linspection doit tre laisse lapprciation the inspection authority. des services dinspection. 7.3 Testing Essai

15、 7.3.1 Melting Point of Nylon Point de fusion du nylon Apparatus - The apparatus shall consist essentially of an electrically heated stage having a circular depression large enough to insert a 19 mm microcover glass, a powerstat controlling the rate of heat input into the stage, and an armor

16、ed thermometer inserted in the stage. The thermometer shall be a solid stem type graduated from 20 to 300C in 1 “C divisions. A low-powered magnifying glass, microcover glasses (round, 19 mm) and a spatula or pick needle shall be provided (Note 4). Appareillage - Lappareillage comprend essentielleme

17、nt les instruments suivants; banc chauffant lectrique avec concavit pouvant contenir un couvresbjet de 19 mm, autotransformateur permettant de rgler le dbit calorifique du banc, thermomtre gain introduit dans le banc. Le thermomtre doit tre tige pleine gradue de 20 300C par chelon de 1 “C. Lappareil

18、lage comporte galement une loupe faible grossissement, des couvresbjets (ronds, 19 mm), une spatule ou une aiguille (remarque 4). Test Specimen - The specimen shall be 1 mg of nylon fibre cut into lengths of 1.6 mm or less. Spcimen dessai - Le spcimen doit tre constitu de 1 mg de fibre de ny

19、lon coupe en longueurs de 1.6 mm ou moins. Procedure - Preheat the stage to or above the expected melting point of the specimen and then cool it to approximately 50C below this point. If the approximate melting point of the specimen is not known before testing, it shall be determined by a tr

20、ial run. Place the specimen in a small mound between two cover glasses. Press the cover glasses together gently but firmly and place them in the circular depression stage. Raise the temperature of the stage with some rapidity to within 15C of the expected melting point and thereafter at a rate of 3

21、to 4“C/min. At this rate of temperature rise, apply a slight pressure on the upper microglass cover by pressing with a spatula or pick needle. Observe the specimen with the Mode opratOire - Prchauffer le banc au moins au point de fusion prvu du spcimen et le refroidir environ 50C sous ce point. Si l

22、e point de fusion approximatif du spcimen nest pas connu, procder un essai pralable. Placer le spcimen en petit tas entre deux couvresbjets. Presser doucement mais fermement ces derniers et les dposer dans la concavit du banc. Porter assez rapidement la temprature environ 15OC du point prvu de fusio

23、n puis llever raison de 3 4OCimin. Appuyer alors lgrement sur le couvre-objet suprieur laide de la spatule ou de laiguille. Examiner le spcimen avec une loupe. Le point de fusion est atteint quand il se produit un coulement du spcimen. Relever alors la temprature arrondie au degr pres. Lors des dter

24、minations ultrieures, abaisser la No the melting point is the temperature at which flow of the specimen is observed. At the observed melting point, read the thermometer to the nearest degree. In subsequent determinations, the stage in each case shall be cooled to approximately 50C below the expected

25、 melting point before the specimen is placed for testing. Report - Unless otherwise specified (par. 8.1), test five specimens per sample unit and report the average of the results to the nearest degree. NOTES Options - The following options must be specified in the application of this standard: a. T

26、ype and Class (par. 3.1) b. Colour (par. 4.3) c. Direction of twist if other than “Z” (par. 5.2) d. Identification as to Tex (Ticket No.) (par. 5.4) e. Colourfastness properties required (par. 5.5) f. Packaging, labelling, packing and marking details, if normal commercial practice is not suitable (p

27、ar. 6.1) g. Number of test specimens, if other than five Source of Referenced Publications - The publications referred to in par. 2.1.1 may be obtained from the Canadian General Standards Board, Sales Unit, Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6. Telephone (819) 956-0425 or 956-0426. Telefax (81 9) 956-5644. (par.

28、7.3.1 -4). temprature du banc environ 50C sous le point de fusion avant dy placer le spcimen pour lessai. Rapport - Sauf indication contraire (par. 8.1), soumettre lessai cinq spcimens par unite dchantillon et indiquer la moyenne des rsultats obtenus arrondis au degr pres. REMARQUES Options - Les op

29、tions suivantes doivent tre prcises lors de lapplication de la prsente norme: a. Type et catgorie (par. 3.1) b. Couleur (par. 4.3) c. Sens de torsion, sil diffre du sens q*Zm (par. 5.2) d. Dsignation tex - no dtiquette (par. 5.4) e. Solidit de la couleur requise (par. 5.5) f. Modalits de conditionne

30、ment, dtiquetage, demballage et de marquage, si les usages commerciaux habituels ne conviennent pas (par. 6.1) g. Nombre de spcimens dessai, sil ne correspond pas cinq (al. Source de diffusion des publications de reference - Les publications mentionnes lal. 2.1.1 sont diffuses par loffice des normes gnrales du Canada, Section des ventes, Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6. Tlphone (819) 956-0425 ou 956-0426. Tlcopieur (81 9) 956-5644. 4-OP-85Ma 7

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