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本文(CGSB 4-GP-97MA-1990 Fil De Polyester (Multifilaments Continus)《涤纶线(连续复丝) 勘误表 1990年10月》.pdf)为本站会员(刘芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CGSB 4-GP-97MA-1990 Fil De Polyester (Multifilaments Continus)《涤纶线(连续复丝) 勘误表 1990年10月》.pdf

1、CGSB 4-GP-97MA 90 1874654 0018535 961 m 4-GP-97Ma Polyester Thread (Continuous M u It if i lament) Fil de polyester (Multif ilaments continus) This standard applies to continuous multifilament La prsente norme sapplique au fil coudre de polyester sewing thread for use in sewing machines. polyester m

2、ultifiiaments continus pour couture la machine. 4-GP-97Ma July/Juillet 1990 c Supersedes 4-GP-97M Remplace 4-GP-97M August 1979 Aot 1979 . . CGSB Y-GP-97MA 90 = 1874654 0018536 8T8 The CANADIAN QENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB). under whose auspices this sttyidard has been developed is a government age

3、ncy within the Federai Department of Suppiy and Sems. The CGSB is engaged in the producbon of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject amas through the media of standards committees and the consensus procsss. The standards committees are composed of represeniatnres of relevant interests includ

4、ing producers, corisumers and other wrera retailers governments, educational instihrhons, technical, professional and vade sucieties, and research and testng ocganuabons Any given standard is developed on the consensus of VIWS expressed by such representahes. The Ministers Adwsory Counai on CGSB rev

5、iews me results of theconsensw Dnicess. The CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a nabanal standards-wnng organizam. The standarda that n dewbps and offers as NaWnal Standards of canada conform to the cnma and procedures established for mis purpose by the Stendards Council

6、of Canada. In addibon to standards it publishes as narional standads, the CGSB produces Windanjs to meet particular needs, HI response to requests fmm a vanety of sources in both the puMc and pate SectoiS. Both CGSB standards and MW standads evebpd by the CGSB are daveloped u1 conformance mth the po

7、licies described in the Policy Manual tor the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CGSB. CGSB standards are subpct to r8view and revision at any time, so as to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress Suggeaons for their wnpravement which are aiways welcome. should be brought t

8、o the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued ecther as separate amendment sheets or in new editwns of standards An up-to-d thread having a linear density of 250 tex and coarser shall have an average of not more than one finished thread-knot per 200 g. PREPARATI

9、ON FOR DEUVERY Packaging, Labelling, Packing and Marlring - Unless otherwise specified (par. 8.1). normal commercial packaging, labelling, packing and marking shall be acceptable (Note 2). INSPECTION Sampling - Samples for test shall be taken from thread that has not been stitched into any fabric or

10、 article. The number of units (spools. cones, tubes, etc.) selected from the inspection lot for the assessment of compliance with the requirements of this standard shall be: Number of Units in Inspection Lot Number of Units to be Sampled (or all, if less than 5) 1 -99 5 100-299 6 300499 8 500-999 10

11、 1000 or more 15 Each unit in the test sample shall be selected at random from a different package in the inspection unit. Inspection - Inspection shall be at the discretion of the inspection authority. Testing H8t-St8bi/w Shrlnkegs Test Test Specimens - Place five 400 mm test specimens, conditioned

12、 for 4 h in accordance with CANICGSB-4.2 No.2-M. under tension by attaching one end to a stationary object and the other end to the applicable Notel: In me case of mread purchased for use with specific garments, me purchaser shall supply the thread supplier wiih a cdour swatch and cdouffastness requ

13、irements of lite material with which ir is to be used, when tested in accordance wia, CANICGSB4.2-M. Note2 Commercial packegrng may be on a mass or a length basis. Retrait, types 3 et 4 - Le retrait des fils de types 3 et 4 ne doit pas tre suprieur 3.0%, lorsquils sont soumis a lessai dcrit lal. 7.3

14、.1. Soliditb de la couleur - Le fil teint doit au moins satisfaire aux exigences de solidit de la couleur indiques au par. 8.1 pour le tissu quil doit assembler (remarque 1). O Noeuds - Le fil de masse linique infrieur a 250 tex ne doit pas prsenter, en moyenne, plus dun noeud par 100g; le fil de ma

15、sse lineique gale ou suprieure a 250 tex ne doit pas prsenter, en moyenne, plus dun noeud par 200 g. PRPARATION POUR LA LIVRAISON Conditionnement, tiquetage, emballage et marquage - Sauf indication contraire (par. 8.1), le conditionnement. ltiquetage, lemballage et le marquage commerciaux habituels

16、sont admis (remarque 2). INSPECTION chantillonnage - Les chantillons dessai doivent tre prlevs dans du fil qui na pas servi coudre du tissu ou des articles. Le tableau suivant prcise le nombre dunits (bobines, cnes, tubes, etc.) qui doit tre prlev sur le lot dinspection pour tablir la conformit aux

17、exigences de la prsente norme: Nombre dunits Nombre dunits du lot dinspection chantillonner 1-99 5 (ou la totalit, sil y en a moins de 5) 100-299 6 300-499 8 500-999 10 1000 ou plus 15 Chaque unite de lchantillon dessai doit tre prise au hasard dans un emballage diffrent de lunit dinspection. Inspec

18、tion - Linspection doit tre laisse lapprciation des services dinspection. Essais Essai de rsistance a la chatleur et au retrait Spcimens dessai - Soumettre la traction cinq spcimens dessai de 400 mm, conditionnes pendant 4 h conformment CANiCGSB-4.2 No2-M, en fixant une de leurs extrmits un objet im

19、mobile et lautre au poids Remarquei: Lorsque le fil es? achere pour coudre des vtements parbculiers, lacheteur doit meme i ia disposition du fournisseur de fil un remeasure the gauge length under the specified tension. Determine the shrinkage as a percent change from the original 250 mm marked, and

20、report the average test results of the five specimens to the nearest 0.10%. a. NOTES 8.1 Options - The following options must be specified in the application of this standard: a. Type (par. 3.1) b. Colour (par. 4.3) c. Direction of twist if other than “2” (par. 5.2) d. Identification (as to Tex Tick

21、et No.) (par. 5.4) e. Colourfastness properties required (par. 5.6) f. Packaging, labelling, packing and marking details, if normal commercial practice is not suitable (par. 6.1). 8.2 Source of Referenced Publications - The publications referred to in par. 2.1.1 may be obtained from the Canadian Gen

22、eral Standards Board, Sales Unit, Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6. Telephone (819) 956-0425 or 956-0426. Telefax (819) 956-5644. . applicable et prescrit ci-dessous. Marquer sur les spcimens ainsi tendus des longueurs de 250 mm. Poids pour lessai de rsistance la chaleur No dtiquette tex Poids (g) 50 60 80 60

23、 105 60 150 120 Mode opratoire - Attacher les spcimens marqus un point fixe dans un four et les laisser pendre pendant 1 h 175 f 2C. Les retirer du four et les conditionner pendant 4 h conformment CANCGSB-4.2 No 2-M; mesurer de nouveau la longueur la marque indique en appliquant la traction prescrit

24、e. Le retrait correspond la diffrence, en pourcentage, par rapport la longueur initiale de 250 mm. Noter la moyenne des rsultats obtenus sur les cinq specimens et arrondis 0.10% prs. REMARQUES Options - Les options suivantes doivent tre prcises lors de lapplication de la prsente norme: a. Type (par.

25、 3.1) b. Couleur (par. 4.3) c. Sens de torsion, sil diffre du sens d.1 (par. 5.2) d. Dsignation (no dtiquette tex) (par. 5.4) e. Solidit de la couleur requise (par. 5.6) f. Modalits de conditionnement, dtiquetage, demballage et de marquage, si les usages commerciaux habituels ne conviennent pas (par. 6.1). Source de diffusion des publications de rfrence - Les publications mentionnes lal. 2.1.1 sont diffuses par lOffice des normes generales du Canada, Section des ventes, Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6. Tlphone (819) 956-0425 ou 956-0426. Tlcopieur (81 9) 956-5644. 4GP-97Ma 5

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