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本文(CGSB 49 16-M78-CAN CGSB-1978 Drawers Knitted Ankle Length Little Boys- and Boys- Regular Range - Dimensions Amendment 1 November 1983《男童与男生至踝针织裤正常范围-尺寸 1983年11月第1次修正》.pdf)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CGSB 49 16-M78-CAN CGSB-1978 Drawers Knitted Ankle Length Little Boys- and Boys- Regular Range - Dimensions Amendment 1 November 1983《男童与男生至踝针织裤正常范围-尺寸 1983年11月第1次修正》.pdf


2、S EN TRICOT, GARONNETS ET GARONS, TAILLES COURANTES - DIMENSIONNELLE APPLICABLE PUBLICATION PUBLICATION APPLICABLE 2. 2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 3. 3.1 La prsente section doit se lire comme suit: Change this Section to read: APPLICABLE PUBLICATiONS PUBLICATIONS APPLICABLES The following publications are

3、 applic- able to this standard: Les publications suivantes sappliquent ia prsente norme: Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Office des normes gnrales du Canada- (ONGC) CAN2-49.64 - Application of the Canada Standard System for the Sizing of Girls and Boys Apparel CAN2-49.6-M - Application du sy

4、stme de Tailles Canada Standard des vtements pour filles et garsons American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 2594 - Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having Low Power. D 2594 - Stretch for Properties of Knitted Fabrics Having Low Power

5、 Reference to the above publications is to the latest issue unless otherwise specified by the authority applying this standard. The sources of these publications are shown in the Notes section. Sauf indication contraire de lautorit appliquant ia prsente norme, ces publications sentendent de ldition

6、la plus rcente. La source de diffusion est indique dans la section intitule Remarques. CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION Change this paragraph to read: Modifier le prsent paragraphe com me suit: For the purpose of this standard fabrics are classified by their stretch capability. Aux fins de ia prsente n

7、orme, les tissus sont classs selon lei- extensibilit. Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CANICGSB- 49-1b-fl78 * . Fabric Type Stretch in Horizontal Direction of - Ga

8、rment Type A less than 30% Type c greater than 80% Type B 30% - 80% Fabric stretch shall be tested accord- ing to the Apparatus and Procedure in ASTM D 2594. However, the Prepa- ration of Specimens shall be modified as follows. From the garment to be tested cut five specimens 127 2 3 mm by 393 2 8 m

9、m so that the long dimen- sion is parallel to the horizontal direc- tion of the intended wear position. After cutting, prepare the specimens according to the ASTM D 2594 procedure and then determine the stretch percent- ages under a load of 10 g/mm width of fabric specimen. If insufficient material

10、is available for specimens fro-n a single garment, specimens may be cut froin fabric of the same type and with the same characteristics and properties as the garinent(s1 to be tested. When using such supplementary materiai, first determine whether the fabric of the garment(s) has the courses or the

11、wales parallel to the horizontal direc- tion of the intended wear position, and then cut the test specimens with their long dimension parallel to that direction. 8. NOTES 8.2 Change this paragraph to read: The publication referred to in par. 2. I. I is obtainable from the Canadian Government Publish

12、ing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada KIA OS9. Telephone (819) 997-2560. 1874650 000bLBb 398 Type de tissu Extensibilit dans le sens horizontal du vi? t emen t Type A moins de 30% Type B 30% 80% Type c plus de 80% Lextensibilit du tissu doit therefore, users are cautioned to obtain

13、normes font lobjet dexamens priodiques; cest pourquoi il est recom- lhe latest edition from the organization preparing the standard. mand ax utilisateurs de se procurer ldition ia plus rcente de la norme aupres de lorganisme qui la prpare. National Standards of Canada are approved Standards Council

14、of Canada 350 Sparks Street Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7S8 the Les Normes nationales du Canada sont approuvees par le Conseil canadien des normes 350. rue Soarks Ottawa i On tario) KIA 7sa Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

15、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NATI O NAL STANDARD OF CANADA CGSB CANICGSB- 49-1b-M8 * D L874b50 0006190 819 m DRAWERS, KNITTED, ANKLE LENGTH, LITTLE BOYS AND BOYS, REGULAR RANGE - DIMENSIONS This standard is expressed in SI (Metric) units in response to the requirements of Canadas m

16、etric conversion program. By agreement with the Com- mittee on Standardization of Garment Sizes it super- sedes CAN2-49.16-76 which expressed the require. ments in yardlpound units. Prepared by Specif ications Board Approved by Ef Canada tandards Council Published July 1978 by the Canadian Governmen

17、t Specifications Board CAN2-49.16-M78 Supersedes/Rernplace CAN2-49.16-76 NORME NATIONALE OU CANADA CALECONS LONGS EN TRICOT, GARCONNETS ET GARCONS, TAILLES COURANTES - DIMENSIONNELLE Les valeurs de la prsente norme sont exprimes en units SI (mtriques) conformment aux exigences du Programme canadien

18、de conversion au systme mtrique. Le comit de normalisation des tailles de vtements est daccord que la prsente remplace la norme CAN2-49.16-76 dont les valeurs taient expri- mes en units verge-livre. Prpare par lOff ice I4 des normes Approuve par le d es normes Conseil canadien Publie, juillet 1978,

19、par loffice des normes du gouvernement canadien n C Minister of Supply and Services Canada - 1978 c Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada 1978 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without


21、e) (Composition la date d?approbation) Ontario Research Foundation The Knitters Association of Canada Apparel Manufacturers? Association of Rainwear and Sportswear Association Toronto Dress Tissu du vtement Type A Less than 45f e.g. Jersey and Interlock knit, regular Type A e.g. Jersey et interlock

22、ordinaires Type B 45% to 85; e.g. 1 x 1 Rib and Thermal regular or Jersey and Interlock knit, stretch Type B e.g. Tricot ctes de 1 x 1 et tricot thermique ordinaires ou jersey et interlock, ex tens i ble s De 45; 05. 1 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGS

23、BNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CANICGSB- 49.1b-M78 * m 1874650 0006193 528 m 4. 4.1 5. 5.1 6. 6.1 Stretch in Courses (Double Thickness) mailles du tissu Extensibilit dans le Garment Fabric Direction of Fabric Tissu du vtement sens des ranges

24、de (double paisseu r ) TY Pe c Type C e.g. 1 x 1 Rib and Thermal, Greater than 857 e.g. Tricot ctes de 1 x 1 et Plus de 857 stretch tricot thermique extensibles REQUIREMENTS EXIGENCES When measured in accordance with the measurement definitions applicable to Table 2, which unless other- wise specifi

25、ed shall be with the fabric smooth and fully extended without tension, the garment shall conform to the dimensional requirements of Table 2 according to the fabric classification. Lorsque les mesures du vtement sont prises daprs les dfinitions du tableau 2, lesquelles, sauf indication contraire, exi

26、gent que le tissu soit pos plat et sans tension, le vtement doit tre conforme aux exigences dimensionnelles du tableau 2 correspondant au type de tissu. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR USERS OF THIS DIMENSIONAL STANDARD RENSEIGNEMENTS GNRAUX LINTENTION DES UTILISATEURS DE LA PRSENTE NORME Application of Gar

27、ment Measurements - Before this dimensional standard is used as a basis for a manufac- turers pattern, it should first be decided if any of the minimum measurements should be exceeded, or any of the recommended measurements changed from those given in Table 2 to provide for the style of garment requ

28、ired, Such changes may be made within the requirements of this dimensional standard. Application des mesures de vtement - Avant de prendre comme bases dun patron les barme de la prsente norme, les fabricants devraient dabord d- terminer sil y a lieu daugmenter des mesures mini- males ou de scarter d

29、es mesures recommandes au tableau 2, en raison de la coupe particulire du vte- ment. De telles modifications sont admises par la prsente norme, condition quelles satisfassent aux exigences prescrites. DEFINITIONS DFINITIONS There are two separate groups of measurement provided as follows: II existe

30、deux diffrents groupes de mesures: Size Indicator Body Measurements (Table 1) and Garment Measurements (Table 2). Mensurations dterminant la taille (tableau 1) et Mesures du vtement (tableau 2). 6.1.1 Size Indicator Body Measurements (Table I/ - Body measurements taken over skin or lightweight under

31、- wear that relate directly to each individual garment size. These measurements, when used in a garment label, are used to determine the correct garment size for each child. que enfant. Mensurations dterminant la taille (tableau I) - Mesu- res prises sur la peau ou sur un sous-vtement leger et corre

32、spondant a chaque taille de vtement. Ces mesu- res, lorsquelles figurent sur une tiquette de vtement, dterminent la taille de vtement qui convient cha- 6.1.2 Garment Measurements (Table 2) - Consists of three types which are defined as follows: Mesures du vtement (tableau 2) - Ces mesures com- prenn

33、ent les trois types suivants: Critical Measurements - Those garment measurements that are essential to a good fit. These measurements must be within the tolerances specified in Table 2. Mesures critiques - Mesures indispensables au bon ajustement du vtement. Elles doivent respecter les tolra

34、nces prescrites au tableau 2. Minimum Measurements - Those garment m*:ifwr. ments that must not be less than the figures sliaih%.ii in Table 2. Measurements may exceed the miii -I: specified and still comply with the requirements 1 this dimensional standard. Mesures minimales - Mesures qui n

35、e doivent pas etre infrieures celles qui sont indiques au tableau 2. Elles peuvent dpasser les valeurs minimales iricliqii6es. tout en satisfaisant aux exigences de la prserite norme 2 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

36、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Recommended Measurements - Those garment measurements that are not critical for fit. Deviations in either direction from the figures in Table 2 are permissible and may even be desirable to allow for variations in styling. 7. 7.1 7.2 8. 8.1 8.

37、2 SIZE MARKING AND LABELLING Examples of size marking and labelling are contained in CAN2-49.6-M. It is desirable that the designation of size include the Size Indicator Body Measurements. NOTES Option - The following option provided in this standard should be specified in application of the standar

38、d. a. Whether garment fabric should be type A, 6 or C (par. 3.1). The publication referenced in par. 2.1.1 is available from the Canadian Government Specifications Board, Mesures recommandes - Mesures qui ne sont pas indispensables au bon ajustement du vtement. Cer- tains carts par rapport aux valeu

39、rs du tableau 2, en plus ou en moins sont admis et peuvent mme tre souhaitables pour permettre des variations de style. MARQUAGE ET TIQUETAGE POUR DSIGNATION DE LA TAILLE Des exemples de marquage et dtiquetage pour dsi- gnation de la taille sont compris dans CAN2-49.6-M. II est prfrable que les mens

40、urations dterminant la taille soient comprises dans la dsignation de la taille. REMARQUES Option - Loption suivante qui est prvue dans la prsente norme devrait tre prcise lors de son appl ication. a. Si le tissu du vtement doit tre de type A, B ou C (par. 3.1). La publication mentionne lal. 2.1.1 es

41、t diffuse par lOffice des normes du gouvernement canadien. 3 Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-and Boys, Regular Range - Dimensions MEASUREMENT DEFINITIONS APPLICABLE TO

42、 TABLE 2 Waist Circumference Relaxed (Critical) - Twice the distance between the outer edges of the waist (or waistband) with the elastic relaxed (twice A to B, Figure 1). Total Side Length (Critical) - The distance from the top outside edge of the waist (or waistband) to the bottom outside edge of

43、the leg (A to L, Figure 1). Total Length of Front and Back Rise (Critical) - The sum of the distance from the fold at the bottom of the crotch to the top edge of the garment at the center front and the distance from the fold at the bottom of the crotch to the top edge of the garment at the center ba

44、ck. ! = (G to H and G to K Figure 1). Seat Width (Minimum) - The distance across the back of the garment at a point half-way between the bottom of the crotch and the top edge i! of the waist (or waistband) at the center back (C to D, Figure 1). Waist circumference Stretched (Minimum) - Twice the dis

45、tance between the outer edges of the waist (or waistband) with the elastic stretched fully (twice A to B. Figure 1). 4 ! Thigh Circumference (Recommended) - Twice the distance measured _, across the leg of the garment at the highest point of the leg at the crotch level (twice E to F, figure 1). -, L

46、ength of Front Opening (Recommended) - The distance between the i seams or stitching that limit the opening at each end (M to N, Figure 1). L FIGURE 1 CSS SIZE CODES SIZES - 2 3 4 5 6 6X 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Combination Sizes+ S(2-3) M(4-5) L(-6X) S(7-8) M(10-12) L(14-16) XL(18) SIZE INDICATOR BOOY M

47、EASUREMENTS Waist Girtti -+ 2.5 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 60.5 63 65.5 68 70.5 73 Hip Girth * 2.5 50 52.5 55 57.5 60 62 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Waist Height 53 48.5 53.5 58.5 63.5 68.5 71 78 - a7 95 99 102 105 108 TABLE 1 SIZE INDICATOR BODY MEASUREMENTS These dimensions represent body measurements taken ov

48、er skin or lightweight underwear that relate to each individual garment size. Size indicator body measurements areused to assign the appropriate garment size to the wearer. *NOTE: For garments knitted from Type A fabrics, and the size codes shall be as shown in above For garments knitted from Tvpe 3 and Typf be grouped together to produce a combinati Copyright Canadian General Standards Board Provided by IHS under license with CGSBNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CGSB CAN/CGSB- 49.1b-M78 $t m 1874650 0006176 237

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