1、CGSB 5L-GP-52MA 89 m 1874650 0020579 134 m 51-GP-52Ma Vapour Barrier, Jacket and Facing Material for Pipe, Duct and Equipment Thermal Insulation This standard applies to two types of vapour barrier jacket and facing material comprised of aluminum foil, glass fibre scrim and paper laminated with adhe
2、sive, for use in a temperature range of -20 to 65C over thermal insulation for pipes, ducts and equipment. Enveloppe imper- meable a la vapeur et matriau de rev- tement pour l?isolant thermique des tuyaux, des conduits et du matriel La presente norme s?applique deux types d?enveloppes impermeables a
3、 la vapeur et de matriaux de revtement composs d?une feuille d?aluminium, de toile de fibre de verre et de papier stratifies avec un adhsif, destines a tre appliques par-dessus l?isolant thermique des tuyaux, des conduits et du materiel pour un intervalle de temperature allant de -20 a 65C. 51-GP-52
4、Ma February/Fvrier 1989 Supersedes 51 -GP-52M Remplace 51 -GP-52M August 1977 Aot 1977 Canada CGSB 51-GP-52MA 89 1874650 0020580 95b The CANADIAN ENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CSB). under whose auspices this standard has been developed is a government agency min the Federal Dwent of Supply and Services. T
5、he CSB is engaged in the producbon o voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the media of standards committees and the consensus plocess. The standards committees are composed of repregentatrves of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, retailers, gov
6、ernments, educabond instubons, technd, professional ancl trade societies, and research and tesbng organizabons. Any gmn standard is deveiowd on the consensus of v#ws expressed by Such repreaentabves. The Ministers Advisory Council on CGSB mews the results of the consensus process. The CGSB has been
7、accredited by the standards Council of Canada as a national standards-wnbng organization. The standards mat it develops and offers as Nabonal Standards of Canada conform to the crttena and prmedures estabIlshed for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada In addition to standards it publishes
8、 as nationai standards. the CGSB produces standards to meet panicuiar needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Both CGSB standards and national standards developed by the CGSB are developed in conformance with the policies described in the Poli
9、cy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CGSB. CGSB standards are subject to mew and revision at any bme, so as to ensure that they keep abreas of technoiogicai progress. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the standard
10、s committees concerned Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in new edibons of standards. An up-to-date listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions. will be found in the Catalogue of Standards and ualified P
11、roducts Lists which is published annually and is available without charge upon request. Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in its Scope, it is impomnt to note mat it remains the responsibility of me users of the standard to judge its suitability for their parbcular
12、purpose. Many tests required by CGSB standards are inherently hazardous. The CGSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. The CGSB takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asser
13、ted with any item connected with this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on me CGSB and its services and standards may be obtained from: The Secretay Canadian G
14、eneral Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 La prsente norme- a t ATIoN Les enveloppes impermables la vapeur et le materiau de revtement conforme la prsente norme doivent tre livrs dans les types suivants, selon les prescriptions (par. 8.1): Types Type 1 - Grande rsistance la perforation Type 2 -
15、Rsistance modre la perforation. EXIGENCES GNRALES Matriau - Le materiau doit tre un stratifie forme dune combinaison dune ou de plusieurs feuilles daluminium, de toile de fibre de verre et de papier. Le materiau doit tre renforce de faon augmenter la resistance au dechirement dans les deux direction
16、s principales. Qualit dmkution - Le matriau ne doit pas prbnter de dfauts visibles et il doit tre daspect uniforme. II ne doit pas adhrer lui-mme au point que son droulement saccompagne de dchirements ou de tout autre dommage. EXIGENCES PARTICULIRES Dimensions - Les enveloppes impermables la vapeur
17、et le materiau de revtement doivent tre livrs en rouleaux, dans les dimensions suivantes, selon les prescriptions (par. 8.1). Lsgeur- La largeur doit tre comprise entre 8 et 132cm, sous reserve dune tolerance de I 6.5 mm. Longueur - La longueur doit tre comprise entre 60 et 245 m, sous rserve dune t
18、olrance de -0 mm. Tolles de tentofcement - II doit y avoir au moins deux toiles de renforcement tous les 25mm dans le sens machine et dans le sens perpendiculaire au sens machine. Proprits phyrlques - Les propriets physiques du materiau doivent rpondre aux exigences du tableau 1. PRPARATION POUR LA
19、LIVRAISON Conditlonnement, emballage et maquage - Sauf indication contraire (par. 8.1), les usages commerciaux habituels sont admis. tiquetage - Lorsque prescrit (par. 8.1), chacun des contenants de materiau doit porter une etiquette indiquant le numro de la norme de IONGC et le numero dhomolo- gati
20、on, soit ONGC 51-GP-52Ma, no de LPH (par. 8.3). 51-GP-52Ma L CGSB 51-GP-52MA 89 W L874b50 0020585 438 W TABLE 1 Properties uncture resistance, min. hrinkage, max. (in either irection) later vapour permeance rnax., unaged max., aged ensile strength (in either irection) min., unaged min., aged ;utface
21、 burning characteristics - Kraft exposed Flame spread classification, max. Smoke developed classification, max. Rame spread classification, max. Smoke developed classification, max. - Foil Exposed ire resistance permanence Increase in char-length, max. hold and mildew resistance iumidity resistance
22、iimensional stability Change in length, max. .ow temperature resistance iigh temperature resistance Unit Unit Beach % g/Pa-s-m2* Physical Properties Proprits physiques Requirement Exigence Type 1 Type 2 50 15 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.7 260 175 1 75 130 25 25 50 50 10 10 5 5 20 20 No growth of test organisms Au
23、cune croissance des organis- mes de contrle No corrosion or delamination Pas de corrosion, ni dcaillage 0.25 0.25 No corrosion or delamination, shall remain flexible. Pas de corrosion, ni dcaillage, doit demeurer souple. No cracking or delamination, shall remain flexible. Pas de craquelage ni dcaill
24、age, doit demeurer souple. Method of Test Athade dessai TAPPI T 803 Par./hl. 7.1.1 m ma Par./Al. 7.1.7 ParJAl. 7.1.2 TAPPI T 487 Par./Al. 7.1.3 Par./Al. 7.1.4 Par./Al. 7.1.5 ParlAl. 7.1.6 TABLEAU 1 Proprits Rsistance la serforation, min. Rtrcissement, max. (dans les deux sens) Permabilit la vapeur d
25、eau max., non vieilli max., vieilli Rsistance la traction dans les deux sens) min., non vieilli min., vieilli Caractristiques de combustion superficielle - Ct papier kraft expos Indice de propagation de la flamme, max. Indice de dgagement de la fume, max. - Ct aluminium expos Indice de propagation d
26、e la flamme, max. Indice de dgagement de la fume, max. Permanence de la rsistance au feu Augmentation de la longueur de la partie carbonise, max. Rsistance aux moisissures Rsistance lhumidit Stabilit dimensionnelle Variation de la longueur, rnax. Rsistance aux basses tempratures Rsistance aux tempra
27、tures leves * To convert metric perms to ngPa.smm2, multiply by 87.2. ASTM E 96, procedure A, and aging per par. 7.1.1. Pour convertir des units de permance mtriques en ngiPa.sm2, multiplier par 87.2. ASTM E 96, mode opratoire A, et vieillissement selon lal. 7.1.1. i - ASTM D 828, using 50 mm wide s
28、pecimens and aging per ASTM D 828, avec spcimens de 50 mm de large et vieillissement selon lal. 7.1. I. par. 7.1.1. 61 -GP-52Ma 3 CGSB 5L-GP-52MA 89 L874b50 002058b 374 7. 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 INSPECTION Testing Shrinkage - Cut four specimens 3Ox300mm in size. Before aging, conditio
29、n the specimens to constant mass at 23 f 2C and 50 i 5% RH. Draw fine reference lines on the specimens 250 mm apart to an accuracy of f0.25 mm in both the machine and cross-machine directions. Age the specimens by immersing them in water ai room temperature for 3 h, dry at room temperature for 18h,
30、ttien oven dry at 50C for 3 h. Following the aging treatment, condition the specimens to constant mass at 23 f2C and 50 f 5% RH. Measure the dimensional change on the kraftside of the specimens as follows: place a flat, smooth-surfaced, evenly distributed mass of 4.5kg abaui 240mm square on the spec
31、imen inside the reference lines and measure the distance between the reference lines to an accuracy of i0.2 mm. Calculate the shrinkage in each direction as a percentage of the reference dimensions before aging. Average the results of the four specimens. Fire Resistance Permanence Specimen Preparati
32、on - Cut ten specimens i0 x 210 mm in pairs, a pair being two specimens cui from adjacent positions of the sample. Immerse five of the specimens, one from each pair, separately and fully in 700 mL of distilled water at 23 f 2C contained in 1 L beakers for 15 min. Remove the specimens from the water
33、and blot up excess water with paper towel. Dry the specimens for 15 min at 93 i 2C. Condition these leached specimens together with the corresponding unleached specimens for 24h at 23 f 2OC and 50 f 5% RH. Test Procedure and calculation - Conduct the flammability test on all ten specimens in accorda
34、nce with TAPPI T 461 and determine the percent increase in char length of each pair of specimens as follows: Li - L2 % increase in char length = 7 x 100 where: Li = char length of unleached specimen L2 = char length of leached specimen Average of the five calculated values shall be used to determine
35、 conformance to the fire resistance permanence requirements. Humidity Resistance (Corrosion or Delamination) - Expose three 300 mm square specimens for 20 d to 50 i 2OC and 95 i 2% RH and then examine for corrosion or delamination. INSPECTION ESSaIS Retrclssement - Dcouper quatre specimens de 300 x
36、300 mm. Avant le vikllissement, conditionner les spcimens une temprature de 23 f 2C et une humidit relative de 50 i 5% jusqu masse constante. Tracer sur les spcimens des traits rep6res fins espacs de 250 mm, avec une prcision de f0.25 mm, dans le sens machine et dans le sans perpendiculaire au sens
37、machine. Pour le vieillissement des spcimens, les immerger dans leau pendant 3 h la temprature ambiante, skher la temprature ambiante pendant 18 h, puis ltuve 50% pendant 3h. Aprs le vieillissement, conditionner les . spcimens une temprature de 23 i 2C et une humidit relative de 50 i 5% jusqu masse
38、constante. Mesurer la variation dimensionnelle du ct du papier kraft des spcimens de la faon suivante: placer sur les spcimens un poids plat, surface lisse denviron 240mm de ct et dune masSe de 4.5 kg rparti uniformment entre les traits repres et mesurer 1car-I entre les traits avec une prcision de
39、f0.2 mm. Exprimer le rtrcissement dans chacune des directions comme pourcentage des dimensions avant le vieillissement. Calculer la moyenne des rsultats des quatre spcimens. Permanence de Ia resistance au feu Prparation des specimens - Dcouper dix spcimens dessai de 7x210mm par paires, une paire tan
40、t constitue par des spcimens prlevs de positions adjacentes sur lchantillon. Immerger compltement et sparment, pendant 15min, cinq des spcimens, un de chaque paire, dans 700mL deau distille 23 f 2C contenue dans des bchers de 1 L. Retirer les spcimens de leau et ponger leau en excs avec des serviett
41、es de papier. Scher les spcimens pendant 15min une temprature de 93 f 2C. Conditionner ces spcimens tremps avec les specimens correspondants non tremps pendant 24h une temprature de 23 2 2C et une humidit relative de 50 i 5%. Mode opratoire et calculs - Effectuer lessai dinflammabilit sur chacun des
42、 dix spcimens conformment la norme TAPPIT461 et dterminer le pourcentage daccroissement de la longueur de la partie carbonise de la faon suivante: % daccroissement de la longueur = de la partie carbonise o: i *- x 100 LI = longueur carbonise du spcimen non tremp Lz = longueur carbonise du spcimen tr
43、emp Faire la moyenne des cinq valeurs calcules pour dterminer la conformit aux exigences de la permanence de la rsistance au feu. Rsistance /humidit (corrosion ou caillage) - Exposer trois spcimens de 300 mm de ct pendant 20 d une temprature de 50 f 2C et une humidit relative de 95 f 2% et voir sil
44、y a corrosion ou caillage. 4 51-GP-=Ma CGSB 5L-GP-52MA 89 H 1874650 0020587 200 H 7.1.4 Dimensional Stabiliy - Condition three 300mm square specimens at 23 i 2C and 50 f 5% RH for 24 h and measure lengths in both directions to 0.5 mm. Expose specimens in an oven for 15min at 93 f 2% and 50 f 5% RH a
45、nd calculate the average percent change in length. 7.1.5 Low Temperature Resistance - Expose three 150 mm square specimens for 4 h at -20 f 2C. While at this temperature, bend the specimens 180“ in either direction around a 13 mm mandrel in approximately 1 s, once on each side (the second bend being
46、 a reversal of the first). Examine for cracking, delamination and other defects and check general flexibility. 7.1.6 High Temperature Resistance - Expose three 150 mm square specimens for 4 h at 65 i 2C. While at this temperature, bend the specimens 180“ around a 13mm mandrel in approximately 1 s, o
47、nce on each side. Examine for cracking, delamination and other defects and check general flexibility. Surfece Burning Charecteristics - Determine the surface burning characteristics as detailed in CAN441 02-M (Note 1 ) (par. 8.5). Test results shall be supplied indicating compliance with this requir
48、ement. 7.1.7 8. NOTES 8.1 Options - The following options must be specified in the application of this standard: a. Type (par. 3.1) b. Dimensions (par. 5.1) c. Packaging, packing and marking details, if normal commercial practice is not acceptable (par. 6.1) d. Labelling requirements (par. 6.2) e. If qualified product is required (par. 8.3). Intended Uses - Vapour barrier jacket and facing materials to this standard are intended primarily for indoor service. For outdoor service, additional mechanical and weather protection should be considered. 8.2 Stabilit dimensionnelle - Condition
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