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本文(CGSB 62-GP-11M-1978 Standard for Marking Material Retroreflective Enclosed Lens Adhesive Backing《标准 标记材料、封闭式反光镜、粘合底布 1号修订 1987年7月》.pdf)为本站会员(appealoxygen216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CGSB 62-GP-11M-1978 Standard for Marking Material Retroreflective Enclosed Lens Adhesive Backing《标准 标记材料、封闭式反光镜、粘合底布 1号修订 1987年7月》.pdf

1、CGSB b2-GP-LIN 78 1874650 0020788 TO9 Standard for: Marking Material, Retroreflec- tive Enclosed Lens, Ad hesive Backing This standard applies to colored, flexible, retroreflective marking material in both sheeting and tape form, coated on the nonreflective side with an adhesive and protected by a r

2、emovable liner. Norme: R f lecteu rs a microbilles de verre incorpores, dos adh6sif La prsente norme sapplique aux r- flecteurs colors, souples, se prsen- tant sous forme de feuilles ou de rubans, revtement adhsif sur lect non rflchissant et feuille de protection amovible. 62-GP-I I M May/Mai 1978 S

3、upersedes 62-GP- 1 1 May 1975 Remplace (F)62-GP-11 Mai 1975 Canada CGSB 62-GP-111 78 1874650 0020789 945 The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD, under whose auspices this standard has been deve- loped is a federal government agency engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of su

4、bject areas through the medium of standards committees and the consensus process. The standards committees are representative of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, re tailers, governments, educational institutions, technical, professional and trade societies, and rese

5、arch and testing organizations. The CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards- writing organization. The standards that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this pur- pose by the Standa

6、rds Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as National Standards, CGSB produces standards to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Although the intended primary application of each standard is stated in its

7、Definition or Scope clause, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the user of the standard to judge its suitability for his particular purpose. CGSB standards are subject to periodic review to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Sug- gestions for their im

8、provement, which are always welcome, are brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned, Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in revised edi- tions of the standards. An up-todate listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendmen

9、ts, and ordering instructions, will be found in the Catalogue of Standards which is published annually, with a supplement, and is available without charge upon request. Further information on the CGSB and its services and standards may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards Board

10、 Ottawa, Canada K1A 1G6 La prsente norme a t labore sous les auspices de CANADA dont les comits des normes, qui se pro- noncent par concensus, rdigent des normes facultatives intressant les domaines les plus divers. Les comits des normes sont composs de groupes intresss aux normes ltude, notamment l

11、es fabricants, les consom- mateurs et autres usagers, les dtaillants, les gouverne- ments, les institutions denseignement, les associations techniques, professionnelles et commerciales, ainsi que les organismes de recherche et dessai. Le Conseil cana- dien des normes a confr i IONGC le titre dorgani

12、sme rdacteur de normes nationales. En consquence, les normes que lOffice labore et soumet titre de normes canadiennes se conforment aux critres et procdures tablis a cette fin par le Conseil canadien des normes. Outre la publication de normes nationales, IONGC rdige galement des normes visant des be

13、soins particu- liers la demande de plusieurs organismes tant du sec- teur priv que du secteur public. LOFFICE DES NORMES GNERALES DU Mme si la dfinition ou lobjet de chaque norme dter- mine de faon prcise lapplication premire que lon peut en faire, il faut remarquer cependant quil incombe lusager, a

14、u tout premier chef, de dcider si la norme peut servir aux fins quil envisage. tant donn lvolution technique, les normes de IONGC font lobjet de revisions priodiques. Toutes les suggestions susceptibles den amliorer la teneur sont accueillies avec grand intrt et portes lattention des comits des norm

15、es concerns. Les changements apports aux normes sont publis sous la forme de modificatifs distincts, ou incorpors dans les ditions rvises des normes. Une liste jour des normes de IONGC comprenant des renseignements sur les normes rcentes et les derniers modificatifs parus et sur la faon de se les pr

16、ocurer figure au Catalogue des normes publi chaque anne avec un supplment. Cette publication est gratuite et tout intresse peut en faire la demande. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur IONGC, ses services et ses normes, sadresser : Le Secrtaire Off ice des normes gnrales du Canada Ottawa, Canada

17、KIA 1G6 i CGSB 62-GP-LLM 78 D 1874650 0020790 667 D All CGSB standards are available from : Toutes les normes de 1ONGC sont diffuses par le : Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A OS9 Telephone (819) 997-2560 Telex 053-4296 Tlex 053-4296 Centre ddition d

18、u gouvernement du Canada Approvisionnements et Services Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A OS9 Tlphone (819) 997-2560 IMPORTANT NOTICE AVIS IMPORTANT CGSB Standards are subject to periodic review. New Editions and Amendments may be published from time to tirne. Les normes de IONGC font lobjet de rvision prio

19、dique. Des rditions ainsi que des modificatifs peuvent tre publis de temps 3 autre. If you wish to receive Amendments and to be notified of the next New Edition of this standard please complete and return the form below. Si vous dsirez recevoir les modificatifs ou tre mis au courant de la prochaine

20、rdition de la prsente norme, veuillez remplir ltiquette ci-dessous et la retourner. To Canadian General Standards Board c/o Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A OS9 A lOffice des normes gnrales du Canada a.c. du Centre ddition du gouvernement du Canad

21、a, Approvisionnements et Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A OS9 a Postal CodeKode postal Country/Pays CGSB 62-GP-LLM 78 m 1874650 0020791 5T3 m Canadian General Standards Board Office des normes gnrales du Canada STANDARD FOR: MARK I NG MAT ER IA L, RETROREFLECTIVE ENCLOSED LENS, ADHESIVE BACKING N

22、ORME: RFLECTEURS MICROBILLES DE VERRE INCORPORES, DOS ADH si F This standard is expressed in SI (Metric) units in Les valeurs de la prsente norme sont exprimes en response to the requirements of Canadas metric units SI (mtriques) conformment aux exigences conversion program. By agreement with the Co

23、m- du Programme canadien de conversion au systme mittee on Decalcomanias and Other Prefabricated mtrique. Le comit des dcalcomanies et autres Markings it supersedes 62-GP-11, May 1975 which repres didentification est daccord que la prsente expressed the requirements in yard/pound units. remplace la

24、norme (F)62-GP-11 de mai 1975 dont les valeurs taient exprimes en units verge-I ivre. Supersedes 62-GP-11 May 1975 62-GP-I I M May/Mai 1978 Remplace (F)62-GP-11 Mai 1975 PUBLISHED BY CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS BOARD, HULL, QUEBEC. KIA Os5 PUBLIEE PAR LOFFICE DES NORMES DU GOUVERNEMENT CANADI

25、EN, HULL (QUEBEC) K1A OS5 O MINISTER OF SUPPLY AND SERVICES CANADA - 1978 O MINISTRE DES APPROVISIONNEMENTS ET SERVICES CANADA - 1978 Metric Commission Canada has granted use of the La Commission du systme mtrique Canada a autoris National Symbol for Metric Conversion. lutilisation du symbole nation

26、al de conversion au systme mtrique. D CGSB b2-GP-LLM 78 m L874b50 0020792 43T m COMMITTEE ON DECALCOMANIAS AND OTHER PREFABRICATED MARKINGS COMITE DES DCALCOMANIES ET AUTRES REPRES DIDENTIFICATION (Membership at date of approval by the Committee) (Composition la date dapprobation) Department of Nati

27、onal Defence Canada Decalcomania Co. Ltd. Department of National Defence Department of Communications Post Office Department Department of National Defence Acme Decalcomania Ltd. 3M Canada Ltd. Department of National Defence Department of National Defence Department of Agriculture Flex-O-Lite of Can

28、ada Ltd. Canadian National Railways Beaver Decalcomania Co. Ltd. Spectralite 70 Ltd. Department of Public Works American Decalcomania Co. of Canada Ltd. Morgan Adhesives of Canada Ltd. CGSB/DSS Bendell, N.R. Broad, R.C. Cheesman, H. Colbert, J. Freeman, R. Laperriere, P. Lawton, P. Margison, R.G. No

29、lan, Lt V.P. Northcott, J. E. Paquette, J.S. Parker, R.N. Potts, R.B. Prevost, C.M. Rich, M.H. Rubec, P. Varey, D.R. Wong, Dr T.K.M. Beaudot, J.E. Secretary/Secrtaire Ministre de la Dfense nationale Canada Decalcomania Co. Ltd. Ministre de la Dfense nationale Ministre des Communications Ministre des

30、 Postes Ministre de la Dfense nationale Acme Decalcomania Ltd. 3M Canada Lte Ministre de la Dfense nationale Ministre de la Dfense nationale Ministre de lAgriculture Flex-O-Lite of Canada Ltd. Chemins de fer nationaux du Canada Beaver Decalcomania Co. Ltd. Spectralite 70 Ltd. Ministre des Travaux pu

31、blics American Decalcomania Co. of Canada Ltd. Morgan Adhesives of Canada Ltd. ONGC/MAS 62-GP-11M 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 CGSB 62-GP-IiIIM 78 II874650 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS BOARD Standard for MAR K I NG MAT E R I AL, RETROREFLECTIVE ENCLOSED LENS, ADHESIVE BACKING SCOPE

32、This standard applies to colored, flexible, retroreflective marking material in both sheeting and tape form, coated on the nonreflective side with an adhesive and protected by a removable liner. For detailed information on uses, see par. 9.2. APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS The following publications are ap

33、plicable to this standard : Canadian Government Specifications Board (CGSB) 1-GP-4M - Thinner, Petroleum Spirits 1-GP-50 - Thinner, Ester Type, for Lacquer Finishes 1-GP-71 - Methods of Testing Paints and Pigments American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 235 - Petroleum Spirits (Mineral S

34、pirits) D 523 - Specular Gloss D 846 - Ten-Degree Xylene E 97 - Standard Method of Test for 45-Deg, O-Deg, Directional Reflectance of Opaque Specimens by Filter Photometry Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products D 1733 - Preparation of Aluminum Alloy Panels for The Munsell Book of Color

35、 U.S. Federal Specifications Federal Test Methods Standard No. 141 Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Materials; Methods of Inspection, Sampling and Testing. Reference to the above publications is to the latest issues, unless otherwise specified by the authority applying this standard. O020793 376

36、 D 62-GP-11 M MayIMai 1978 SupersededRernplace 62-GP-11 MaylMai 1975 OFFICE DES NORMES DU GOUVERNEMENT CANADIEN Norme REFLECTEURS MICROBILLES DE VERRE INCORPOREES, DOS ADHESI F OBJET La prsente norme sapplique aux rflecteurs colors, souples, se prsentant sous forme de feuilles ou de rubans, revtemen

37、t adhsif sur le ct non rflchis- sant et feuille de protection amovible. Voir au par. 9.2 des prcisions sur lemploi du produit. PUBLICAT IONS APPLICABLES Les publications suivantes sappliquent la prsente norme: Office des normes du gouvernement canadien (ONGC) I-GP-4M - Diluant, essence minrale 1-GP-

38、50 - Diluant, type ester, pour peintures-laque 1-GP-71 - Mthodes dessai des peintures et pigments de finition American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 235 - Petroleum Spirits (Mineral Spirits) D 523 - Specular Gloss D 846 - Ten-Degree Xylene E 97 - Standard Method of Test for 45-Deg, O-De

39、g, Directional Reflectance of Opaque Specimens by Filter Photometry Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Products D 1733 - Preparation of Aluminum Alloy Panels for The Munsell Book of Color U.S. Federal Specifications Federal Test Methods Standard No. 141 Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related M

40、aterials; Methods of Inspection, Sampling and Testing. Sauf indication contraire de lautorit appliquant la prsente norme, ces publications sentendent de 18- dition la plus rcente. 1 CGSB b2-GP-LLM 78 m L874b50 0020794 202 m 3. TERM I NO LOGY 3.1 The following definitions of terms shall apply through

41、out this standard where applicable. 3.1.1 Entrance Angle - The angle having as its sides the line normal to the center of the sample and the line joining the center of the sample to the center of the projec- tion lens. If the line normal to the sample is on the same side of the projector as the rece

42、iver, the entrance angle is positive. If the line normal to the sample is on the opposite side of the projector from the receiver, the entrance angle is negative. The entrance angle is also known as incidence angle. 3.1.2 Observation Angle - The angle having as its sides the line joining the center

43、of the sample with the center of the projection lens, and the line joining the center of the sample with the center of the receiver. The observation angle is also known as divergence angle. 3.1.3 Retroreflective - The reflectivity of light in directions close to the direction of incident light, over

44、 a wide range of variations in the entrance angle. 4. 4.1 CLASSI FICATION The reflective marking material shall be supplied in the following types, classes and reflectivity levels as may be specified (par. 9.1): Type 7 - Sheeting Type 2 - Tape 4.1.2 Classes Class 1 - Pressure sensitive adhesive back

45、ing Class 2 - Heat activated adhesive backing Class 3 - Positionable pressure activated adhesive backing Class 4 - Low temperature (-25C) pressure sensitive adhesive backing Class 5 - LOW temperature (-5) pressure sensitive adhesive backing 4.1.3 Reflectivity Level Level 1 - Highest reflectivity; wi

46、de angle, long durability, supplied in Classes 1, 2, and 4. Level 2 - High reflectivity; wide angle, long durability, supplied in Classes 1,2,3 and 4. Level 3 - High reflectivity; long durability, supplied in Classes 1, 2 and 5. Level 4 - Medium reflectivity; long durability, supplied in Classes 1,

47、2 and 5. TERMI NO LOG1 E Les dfinitions suivantes doivent servir aux fins de la prsente norme. Angle dentre - Langle dont les cts sont forms par la ligne perpendiculaire au centre de lchantillon et la ligne joignant le centre de lchantillon au centre du projecteur. Si la ligne perpendiculaire lchant

48、illon est du mme ct que le rcepteur, langle dentre est positif. Si la ligne perpendiculaire lchantillon est du ct oppos au rcepteur, langle dentre est ngatif. Langle dentre porte galement le nom dangle din- cidence. Angle dobservation - Langle dont les cts sont for- ms par la ligne rejoignant le cen

49、tre de lchantillon au centre du projecteur, et par la ligne rejoignant le centre de lchantillon au centre du rcepteur. Langle dobser- vation porte galement le nom dangle de divergence. Rflecteur - Produit rflchissant la lumire dans des directions voisines de la lumire incidente, en prsence de multiples variatio

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