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本文(CIE 38-1977 Radiometric and Photometric Characteristics of Materials and Their Measurement (E) (F) (G)《材料及其测量的辐射测量和光度特性(E)(F)(G)》.pdf)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CIE 38-1977 Radiometric and Photometric Characteristics of Materials and Their Measurement (E) (F) (G)《材料及其测量的辐射测量和光度特性(E)(F)(G)》.pdf


2、censed by Information Handling Services CI 38 77 E 9006145 0001483 3it D -2- Dieser Bericht wurde vom Technischen Komitee TC-2,3 *Lichttechnische Stoffkennzahlen#* der CIE ausgearbeitet, Er entspricht der Mehrheit der Meinungen des Komitees, in dem die meisten Mitgliedslander der CIE vertreten sind

3、und wird zum zuknftigen Studium empfohlen- Er ist keine offiziell an- erkannte CIE-Empfehlung, die von den Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedslnder anerkannt wurde. Es mu darauf hingewiesen wer- den, da alle Empfehlungen dieses Berichts nur als Anleitung dienen und nicht verbindlich sind. This report

4、has been prepared by the CIE Technical Committee TC-2.3 “Photometric characteristics of materialsvv. It represents the opinion of the majority of the Committee members who represent most member countries of the CIE, This report is recommended for future study and it is not an officially agreed CIE r

5、ecommendation, approved by the National Committee of the Chamber countries, It should be noted that recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. Ce rapport a t prepar par le Comit Technique CIE TC-2.3 “Caractristiques photomtriques des matriaux“ Il a t approuv par la majorit du com

6、it, dans lequel sont reprsents la plupart des Pays membres de la CIE, et il est recoinmand pour une future tude. Ce nest pas une Recommendation officielle de la CIE approuve par les Comits Nationaux des Pays membres. 11 faut noter que toutes les recommandations de ce rapport sont conseilles et non o

7、bligatoires- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 38 77 900b145 0001484 220-1 -3- Die folgenden Mitarbeiter des Komitees TC-2.3 haben sich an der Ausarbeitung des Technischen Berichtes beteiligt: The following members of Committee TC-2.3 too

8、k part at the preparation of the technical report: Les membres suivant ont particips a la prparation du rapport technique: Mitglieder Members Membres Berater Consultants Consultants V.A. Muntz Australia H. Reiter Austria Dr. P. Massart Belgium Dr. D. Dobrev Bulgar i a W, Budde Canada J. Zetek Czecho

9、slovak ia J. Gudum Denmark J.A. Keitch United Kingdom (U.K.) T. Timonen Finland E. Barthes France Prof.Dr.J.Krochmann (Vorsitzender) Germany Prof.Dr.H.Terstiege (Sekretr) Germany Dr. J. Schanda Hungary HOL. Cahn Israel U, Pollice Italie G. Baba Japan Dr. F. Burghout Netherlands S, Ebeltoft Norway M,

10、 Lipowski Poland J,C, Mateus Portugal A. Pascale Rumania D. Hugo South Africa Dr. A. Cruz Spain A, Stenius Sweden Dr. D. Eitle Switzerland F, Grum USA Dupropolna USSR Prof.Dr. F,W. Billrneyer Dr. T. Bridgeman Dr. F.J.J. Clarke W. Czepluch Dr. E. Ganz R.D. Lozano Prof .Dr.D. Hahn Pr0f.T. Oleszynski M

11、rs. M. Rohly W, Prahl L. W, Richards Dr. H.J.A. Saris Dr. Seve Dr. P. Stensby Dr. Veiel Dr. Vlz A.C. Weber USA U.K. U.K. Germany Switzerland Argen tina Germany Poland Hungary Germany USA Netherlands France USA Germany Germany USA Germany Dr. 2. Zorll COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illuminatio

12、nLicensed by Information Handling Services- CIE 38 77 m 9006145 O003485 Lb7 m -4- SUMMARY Radiometric and Photometric Characteristics of Materials and their Measurement If a material is irradiated, some portion of the incident optical radiation is reflected, another portion absorbed, and a third por

13、tion transmitted. This action of a material can be described by the physical, radiant, luminous or spectral characteristics of the material. Fluorescent materials can be described in the same manner but behave as sources for the portion of the radiation which is re- emitted as fluorescence. The term

14、s reflected, transmitted, fluorescent, and total radiance or luminance can be used to describe fluorescent materials. The adjective spectral is used to distinguish spectral properties from radiant or luminous properties. The report is a survey of the processes which occur if a material is irradiated

15、, and of the characteristics of the material which are important in determining its behavior in general and in a few special cases. The report also clarifies the definitions of characteristics and processes. RESUME Caractristiques radiomtriques et photomtriques des matriaux et leur mesure Quand un r

16、ayonnement tombe sur un matriau, une fraction en est rflchie, une autre absorbe et une dernire transmise. Cette proprit des matriaux est dcrite par des caractristiques physiques, radiomtriques, photomtriques et spectrales des matriaux. Les proprits des matriaux luminescents sont dcrites comme celles

17、 des matriaux non luminescents, quoique lesdits matriaux soient des sources primaires de lumire pour ce qui concerne la fraction luminescente de leur rayonnement. Pour les caract6ristiques des matriaux luminescents, les fractions dtermines par la rflexion (transmission) ou la luminescence peuvent tr

18、e qualifies “de rflexion“ ( de transmission“ ) ou “de luminescence“ - Le prsent rapport donne un aperu des processus qui se droulent quand un rayonnement ou de la lumire tombe sur des matriaux, un aperu des caractristiques gnralement utilises, ainsi que de quelques caractristiques particulires; de p

19、lus, il uniformise les dfinitions. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Strahlungsphysikalische und lichttechnische Stoffkennzahlen und deren Messung Fllt Strahlung auf einen Werkstoff, so wird ein Teil reflektiert, ein Teil absorbiert und ein Teil transmittiert. Diese Wirkung der Werkstoffe kann durch physikalische, st

20、rahlungsphysikalische, lichttechnische und spektrale Stoffkennzahlen gekennzeichnet werden. Die Eigenschaften von lumineszierenden Werkstoffen werden im allgemeinen ebenso beschrieben, obwohl diese Stoffe fr den von der COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handli

21、ng Services_ CIE 38 77 I 700bL45 0001i48b OT3 W -5- Lumineszenz herrhrenden Teil ihrer Strahlung Selbststrahler ( Se lbs t leucht er 1 sind. Bei den lumineszierende Werkstoffe kennzeichnenden Stoffkennzahlen knnen die durch Reflexion (Transmission) bzw. Lumineszenz bestimmten Anteile durch Vorsilben

22、 “Ref 1exions“- (“Transmissions-“ 1 bzw. “Lumineszenz“- gekennzeichnet werden. Das Wort spektral“ weist auf den spektralen Charakter der entsprechenden Stoffkennzahlen hin. Dieser Bericht gibt einen berblick ber die Vorgange beim Auftreffen von Strahlung oder Licht auf Werkstoffe, ber die allgemein

23、verwendeten und einige spezielle Stoffkennzahlen und vereinheitlicht die Begriffsbestimmungen. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services-6- Contents Page 1. Scope of the Report 2. Spectral, General, Radiometric, and Photo- 3. Parameters Affecting the

24、 Characteristics 4. Refraction 5. Diffusion (Scattering) 6. Reflection 7. Transmission metric Characteristics 8. Absorption 9. Emission 10. Interrelations Among the Characteristics 11. Characteristics of Specific Materials 12. Methods of Measurement 13. Classification of Materials 14. Appendices 15.

25、 Index 16. Literature References 17. Figures 7 8 11 13 14 17 26 29 33 34 37 46 60 62 65 77 83 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services - CIE 38 77 9006145 00014BB 976 W -7 - i. Scope of the Report If a material is irradiated by optical radiation, so

26、me portion of the incident: radiation is reflected, another portion absorbed, and often a third portion transmitted. This action of a material can be described by various char- acteristics of properties (spectral, general, physical, or photometric) of that material. The properties of fluorescent mat

27、erials are generally described in the same manner as those of nonfluorescent materials, although the former behave as primary sources for that portion of the radiation which is generated by fluorescence. In the case of radiance (luminance) for fluor- escent materials, the adjectives reflected, (tran

28、smitted), fluorescent and total can be used (see 6.2.7). This report, in conjunction with the International Lighting Vocabulary , is a survey of the processes which occur if a material is irradiated, and of the characteristics of the . material which are important in determining its behavior in gene

29、ral and in a few special cases. The report also clarifies the definitions of the characteristics and processes. As this report cannot alter the CIE vocabulary, an asterisk%tt at the corresponding definitions indicates deviation from the vocabulary. 2 As some quantities are valid only for spectral an

30、d some for both spectral and integral values, the word spectral will be used when the quantities are valid only for spectral values. In the report, the following abbreviations are used for 1 og ar i thms : lg = logarithm to the base ten In = natural logarithm COPYRIGHT International Commission on Il

31、luminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 38 77 E 900b345 0003489 802 -8- Certain correlations among various characteristics are des- cribed. For the most important characteristics, practical methods of measurement are given to insure that measurements in different laboratories yield si

32、milar values. A classification based on photometric principles is devised such that materials may be classified by ranges of values of their photometric properties, 2, Spectral, General, Radiometric, and Photometric Characteristics The processes and characteristics described in this report apply to

33、optical radiation, particularly light. For the distinction among various kinds of characteristics the nature of the weighting function, that is, the relative spectral sensitivity distribution s(hIrel of the receiver, is decisive 397) Optical quantities are often functions of wavelength h (or frequen

34、cy v, wave number u, etc.), When considered for monochromatic radiation, they are designated by writing the name of the quantity preceded by the adjective “spectral1*, and by writing its symbol followed by h (or v, or U, etc.) in parantheses, e.g., spectral emissivity, s(hIrel = 1. For t9generalt9 c

35、haracteristics, the weighting function must be specified. Examples of such weighting functions are the CIE spectral tristimulus values s(h), T(h), ;(A), the erythemal effectiveness distribution , and the spectral efficiency of CO* assimilation in 5 If SA is the relative spectral.-power distribution

36、of the radiant quantity describing the radiation incident on a material, s(hIrel is the weighting function, and a(h is the corresponding spectral Characteristic, then the general characteristic a is calculated by (2) U a COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handl

37、ing Services CIE 38 77 I 9006345 OOOL493 Yb0 - 10 - Photometric characteristics are a special case of general characteristics, for which the weighting function s(hIrel- V(h): 530 nm 360 nm 830 nm 360 nm i SA o:(h) V(h) dh J SA V(h dh (3) c- = -I_- Radiant characteristics are a special case of genera

38、l characteristics for which the weighting function s(hlrel = 1: If there is a risk of ambiguity, then a photometric characteristic should be preceded by the adjective “luminoustt and its symbol should have the subscript tlvlt (e.g. luminous reflectance pv), whereas a radiant characteristic may be pr

39、eceded by the adjective “radiant“, and its symbol given the subscript “etr (e-g., radiant reflectance pe) . For radiant characteristics which are to be dekermined within a certain wavelength range, this range should be specified by a prefix to the term and a subscript to the symbol, e.g., the radian

40、t reflectance within the ultraviolet range: UV-A-radiant reflectance peUV-A. For each spectral characteristic there exists a corresponding luminous or radiant characteristic as well as several general characteristics. Definitions which are given for one type of characteristic are similarly valid for

41、 the other types of characteristics. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 38 77 9006345 0003492 3T7 - 11 - 3. Parameters Affectinq the Characteristics The charact.eristics are not specific properties of a material since they also depend on o

42、ther parameters. They are, in fact, vfcharacteristics of nonprirnary sources“. In general the characteristics depend on the followirig facts: a) The spectral composition of the radiation The spectra? distribution of the radiationshall be specified, for example, by naming the illuminant such as Stand

43、ard Illuminant A or D65, by its distribution temperature“) or, for monochromatic radiation, by specifying the wavelength and bandwidth (half-width). For the measurement of fluorescent materials, the sample must be irradiated with the illuminant for which the characteristic is to be determined. b) Th

44、e state of polarization of the radiation If a characteristic is not determined with unpolarized radiation, the state of polarization and the azimuth of the plane of polarization must be specified. The reflected or transmitted radiation is usually partly polarized even if the incident radiation is un

45、polarized. 2: “1 The distribution temperature should characterize the spectral distribution of the radiation for the total wavelength ranqe involved; if necessary one must state wavelenqths h, and h2 which limit the range for which the distribution temperature characterizes the spectral distribution

46、. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 38 77 m 9006345 0001Y93 233 = - 12 - c) The angle of incidence If the characteristic is to be determined for any geometry other than normal incidence by a collimated beam, the geometrical distribution of

47、 the incident radiation must be specified; e.g., for a collimated, non-normal beam the angle of incidence Ei, measured from the normal to the surface (Figure 1) must be given; or for hemispherical irradiation the subscript “dif” should be given, e.g., for reflectance for hemispherical irradiation, P

48、dif d) The angle of viewing If a Characteristic is determined for a particular angle of viewing, this angle must be given (Figure 1) by the angle tz2 (or 4) between the optical axis of the viewing beam and the normal to the azimuth surface, and the azimuth p, that is, the angle between the plane of

49、incidence and the plane of viewing. If and may be given as a subscript; for example, the luminance factor is defined for 1 and refraction (E2) when a ray crosses the surface separating vacuum and medium. 1 n(h) = sin Gi/sin (6) 4.3. Complex refractive index For absorbing, isotropic materials the law of refraction is valid only in its complex form. The spectral complex refractive index M(h) is given by: mv(h) = n(h) - in(h) (7) where (h) is the spectral absorption index

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