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本文(CIE 39 2-1983 Recommendations for Surface Colours for Visual Signalling (CIE 39 3-1996 Revision 1) (E)《视觉通信表面色彩用建议(CIE 39 3-1996 修改件1)(E)》.pdf)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CIE 39 2-1983 Recommendations for Surface Colours for Visual Signalling (CIE 39 3-1996 Revision 1) (E)《视觉通信表面色彩用建议(CIE 39 3-1996 修改件1)(E)》.pdf


2、l content, English version with three-language summary UDC: 535.625 Descriptor: Coloured signal lights 656.054 Traffic signals COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 39-2 83 II 9006345 0001573 326 D These Recommendations have been prepared by

3、CIE Technical Committee I .6 Visual Signalling. They have been approved by at least 80 percent of the National Committees of the Member Countries of the CIE as a suitable basis for International or National Specifications and Codes of Practice. It should be noted, how- ever, that these Recommendatio

4、ns are advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE Proceedings or CIE Journal should be consulted regarding the current status of these Recommendations and any possible subse- quent amendments. Ces recommandations ont t prpares par le Comit Technique 1.6 Signalisation Visuelle. Elles ont t approuves

5、par au moins 80 Vo des Comits Nationaux des Pays Membres de la CIE comme base valable pour les Spcifications et Codes de Bonne Pratique nationaux et internationaux. Il faut toutefois noter que ces recommendations sont donnes titre de conseil et non dobligation. En ce qui concerne la situation pr- se

6、nte de ces recommandations et dventuelles modifications ultrieures, il y a lieu de consulter le plus rcent compte rendu de Session ou le Journal de la CIE. Diese Empfehlungen sind vom Technischen Komitee 1.6 Verkehrssignale der CIE ausgearbeitet worden. Sie wurden von wenigstens 80 der Nationalen Ko

7、mitees der Mitgliedslnder der CIE ais eine geeignete Grundlage fr internationale oder nationale Vorschriften und Richtlinien fr die Praxis ange- nommen. Es sei jedoch darauf hingewiesen, da diese Empfehlungen nur als Anleitung dienen und nicht verbindlich sind. Was den gegenwrtigen Status dieser Emp

8、fehlungen und irgendwelcher mglicher Nachfolge-Ausgaben angeht, ziehe man die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE Journal zu Rate. - II - COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 39-2 83 900bL45 0003574 2b2 Members of Technical Committee 1.

9、6 Membres du Comit Technique 1.6 Mitglieder des Technischen Komitee I. 6 B.L. COLE R. GEETS A. TRENDAFILOV (from 1979) B. TANSLEY (from 1979) J. JUSEK (JOZRK) E. FREDERIKSEN T. TIMONEN P. BLAISE A.M. SERRES H. TERSTIEGE L.G. REYNOLDS 1. HAUSER M. ARTOM S. KAWA1 (from 1979) D.A. SCHREUDER (from 1979)

10、 B. BREKKE (from 1979) W. FELHORSKI L. STOENESCU W.H.J. SATOR L. PLAZA (from 1979) K. RUMAR (from 1978) M. DUTRUIT D.A. NAUS V.G. BARYSHNIKOV Australia Belgium Bulgaria Canada Czechoslovakia Denmark Finland France, Chairman France, Secretary Germany Federal Republic Great Britain Hungary Italy Japan

11、 Netherlands Norway Poland Rumania South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland USA USSR Members of Su-Committee Surface Colours for Visual Signalling Membres du Sous-Comit Couleurs de Surface pour Signalisation Visuelle Mitglieder des Unterausschusses A yfsichtfarben fr Visuelle Signalgebung P. JAINSKI H.

12、 TERSTIEGE C. W. MORTIMER L.G. REYNOLDS P.L. WALRAVEN Germany, Federal Republic Germany, Federal Republic Great Britain Great Britain Netherlands, Chairman - III - COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 39-2 83 I 9006345 0003575 3T9 SUMMARY The

13、 object of the present recommendations is to provide a system of surface colours for the purpose of visual signalling. The colours are defined in terms of chromaticity limits and limits of luminance factor, and these limits have been chosen as a compromise between reliable colour recognition, existi

14、ng practice that has proved to be satisfactory, and the limita- tions imposed both by manufacturing technology and by the uncertainties of colour measurements. The limits are recommended for international adoption; more restricted limits may be selected by national authorities to suit national pract

15、ices or by international authorities to suit particular applications. The recommendations apply to all surface colours, whether produced by reflection, fluorescence or transillumination, which are intended for the visual signalling of any form of transport, and also for warning signs and colour code

16、s in general. RESUME Lobjet des prsentes recommandations est dtablir un systme de couleurs de surface pour application en signalisation visuelle. Les couleurs sont dfinies en termes de limites de chromaticit et limites de facteur de luminance, et ces limites ont t choisies par compromis entre une re

17、connaissance sre de la couleur, les pratiques tablies qui ne sont rvles satisfaisantes et les limitations imposes par la technologie industrielle et par les incertitudes des mesures de couleur. Les limites sont recommandks pour ladoption internationale; des limites plus restreintes peuvent tre chois

18、ies par les autorits nationales pour sadapter aux pratiques nationales ou par les autorits internationales en fonction dapplica- tions particulires. Les recommandations sappliquent toutes les couleurs de surface, quelles soient produites par rflexion, par fluores- cence ou par transparence, qui sont

19、 destines la signalisation visuelle pour tous moyens de transports et aussi pour les signaux davertissement et pour les codes de couleur en gnral. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die vorliegenden Empfehlungen geben ein System von Aufsichtfarben zur visuellen Signalgebung an. Die Farben werden durch Farbgrenzen und

20、Grenzwerte der Leuchtdichtefaktoren definiert. Diese Grenzen stellen einen Kompromi dar zwischen zuverl dabei knnen engere Grenzen gewhlt werden, von den nationalen Signaldiensten, um nationalen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, oder von internationalen Signaldiensten, um besondere Anwendungsflle zu

21、verwirklichen. Die Empfehlungen gelten fr alle Aufsichtfarben, die durch Refiexion, Fluoreszenz, Retroreflexion oder Innenbeleuch- tung entstehen und der visuellen Signalgebung fr alle Verkehrsarten, fr Warnschilder und allgemeine Farbcodes die- nen. - IV - COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illu

22、minationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 39.2 83 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD . 1 . INTRODUCTION 2 . GENERAL . 2.1. Types of surface colours. . 2.1.1. Ordinary colours 2.1.2. Fluorescent colours 2.1.3. Retro-reflecting materials . 2.1.4. Transilluminated signs . 2.2. The specification of s

23、urface colours 2.3. The use of surface colours 2.4. The effects of change of illuminant . 2.5. Defective colour vision . 2.6. Angular subtense 3 . ORDINARY COLOURS . 3.1. Specification . 3.2. Luminance factor . 3.3. Surfaces . 3.4. Green . 3.5. White . 3.6. Grey 3.7. Brown . Figure 1 : Chromaticity

24、regions for ordinary colours Table 1 : Specification of ordinary colours Table 2 : Corners of the chromaticity regions of ordinary colours . 4 . FLUORESCENTCOLOURS . 4.1. Specification . 4.2. Luminance factor . 4.3. Fluorescent yellow . 4.4. Deterioration . Figure 2 : Chromaticity regions for fluore

25、scent colours Table 3 : Specification of fluorescent colours Table 4 : Corners of the chromaticity regions of fluorescent colours . 5 . RETRO-REFLECTING MATERIALS . 5.1. Specification . 5.2. Minimum luminance factor . 5.3. Night-time appearance . 5.4. Retro-reflecting yellow . 5.5. Retro-reflecting

26、green 5.6. Retro-reflecting blue . 5.7. Retro-reflecting white 5.8. Retro-reflecting materials for temporary use . Figure 3 : Chromaticity regions for the colours of retro-reflecting materials . Table 5 : Specification of colours of retro-reflecting materiais Table 6 : Corners of the chromaticity re

27、gions of the colours of retro-reflecting materials Table 7 : Definitions of Class I and Class II retro-reflecting materials . . 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 13 16 17 17 -v- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicense

28、d by Information Handling Services CIE 37.2 83 7006345 0003577 T7L . 6 . TRANSILLUMINATED SIGNS 18 6.1. Specification 18 6.2. Relativeluminance 19 18 Figure 4 Table SA 20 Table 8B 21 Table 9 . : Chromaticity regions for the colours of transilluminated signs . : Specification of colours of transilhmi

29、nated signs (daytime) : Specification of coiours of transilluminated signs (night-time) : Corners of the chromaticity regions of the colours of transilluminated signs (day- time and night-time) . 22 REFERENCES 23 . VI . COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handli

30、ng Services - CIE 39-2 83 9006345 0003578 908 SURFACE COLOURS FOR VISUAL SIGNALLING FOREWORD Transport by land, sea and air is international, and the colours of the signs used for its guidance or control are a matter of international importance. The present recommendations describe a system on which

31、 uniform practice can be based to ensure reliable recognition of the surface colours used on signs, but within which local variations are possible in order to suit the type of transport service or to provide conformity with esta- blished national practice. The first proposals for a system of surface

32、 colours were presented to the CIE Session in Vienna in 1963 by Committee E.l.3.3. : Signa1 Colours. Consideration of the subject continued in the subsequent years, until in 1971, the committee, now redesignated as Committee TC-1.6 : Visual Signalling, appointed a sub- committee to prepare recommend

33、ations. A Technical Report, which provided a basis for the present Official Recommendations, was accepted at the CIE Session in London in 1975 and published in 1978 as CIE Publi- cation No. 39. In the present document, developments since 1975 are taken into account and therefore the text and recomme

34、ndations differ in many parts from what was in the Technical Report. Furthermore, high- conspicuity colours are no longer included but comprehensive recommendations are now given for the colours of transilluminated signs. 1. INTRODUCTION Transport by land, sea and air is international. Coloured sign

35、al lights and coloured signs are used to ensure the proper guidance and control of the various forms of transpor but they may also be illuminated artificially by transmitted light, so as to make them visi- ble by night or to enhance their visibility under poor daylight conditions. -L- COPYRIGHT Inte

36、rnational Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 39.2 83 900bL45 0001580 5bb The colour perceived is dependent on the colour of the illuminant under the conditions of observation. In addition, particularly in the case of internally coloured materials, there may be di

37、fferences in colour depen- ding on whether the light is transmitted or reflected. 2.2. THE SPECIFICATION OF SURFACE COLOURS In these recommendations, the colour of a surface is specified by chromaticity coordinates in the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric System, together with the luminance factor (but

38、 there is an exception for the trans- mitted light of transilluminated signs, for which the relative luminance with respect to white, in percentage, is used). For further information on this method of specification see CIE Publication No 15 (1971) CoIori- metry. The specification of a surface colour

39、 differs from that of the colour of a light, which can generally be ade- quately described by chromaticity coordinates alone. Since surface colours are not in general perceived in isolation, but in relation to other colours on a sign or in the natural surroundings, the luminance factor is as much a

40、part of the specification of the colour as is the chromaticity. In this document, the term colour limits is used to mean the limits of a recommended region on the chroma- ticity diagram, within which the specified colour may fall, together with the limit (or limits) of an associated luminance factor

41、. The recommended limits for the chromaticity coordinates of each surface colour are shown by straight lines in the CIE chromaticity diagrams in Figures 1,2,3 and 4. The equations of these lines, or boundaries, which define the limits, are shown in Tables 1, 3, 5, 8A and 8B. For convenience in repro

42、ducing the limits in gra- phical form, the coordinates of the points of intersection of the lines with one another, and with the spec- trum locus or the purple boundary, are given to three places of decimals in Tables 2, 4, 6 and 9. The recommended limits for the luminance factor of each surface col

43、our are also given in Tables 1, 3,5 and 8A. There are minimum values for the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white; there is a maximum value for black; and there are both maximum and minimum values for grey and brown. In order to ensure uniformity of application of the recommend

44、ations, it is necessary to specify the condi- tions of illumination and viewing for which the colour limits are defined. These conditions cannot represent all practical conditions, but they have been chosen to ensure relative simplicity of measurement while remai- ning as representative as possible

45、of most practical conditions. In the recommendations, all colour limits have been specified for illumination by CIE Standard Illuminant DG5 and for CIE recommended geometry 4S0/normal (abbreviation, 4510) (namely, illumination at 45“ and measurement of the reflected light nor- mally), and are thus d

46、efined for an approximation to the conditions of daytime observation, see CIE Publi- cation No 15 (1971) Colorimetry. The recommended colour limits are intended to apply throughout the useful service life of a sign, and it is clearly desirable that the sign should be renewed when its colours cease t

47、o conform with the recommenda- tions. For the night-time chromaticity of retro-reflecting materials, no precise specification can be given at present. In night-time use, the surfaces are illuminated and viewed at nearly the same direction. It has been found that significant variations in chromaticit

48、y may occur for small changes in viewing geometry, and, even for a specified geometry, significant differences of measured chromaticity have been found in the comparison of results obtained by different laboratories internationally. Mainly because of these problems of measure- ment, there are at the

49、 moment practical difficulties in realizing a precise night-time colour specification. This subject is currently under investigation. The colours of a transilluminated sign must be specified for two different conditions of illumination, namely, while being illuminated by transmitted light and while not being illuminated by transmitted light. Under the latter condition, the colours can be considered as ordinary colours. Under the former condition, chromaticity coordinates can be used to specify the colours

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