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CIE 43-1979 Photometry of Floodlights (E)《泛光灯的光度学(E)》.pdf


2、HT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services-3- C.I.E. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPORT PRELIMINARY REMARK. “This report has been prepared by C.I.E. Technical Committee No. TC-2.4. It represents the majority approved opinion of the Committee on which is repre- sente

3、d most Member Countries of C.I.E. and is recommended for future study. It is not an Officially Agreed C.I.E. Recommandation approved by National Committees of the Member Countries. It should be noted that any recomenda- tions in this report are advisory and not mandatory“. VORBEMERKUNG. “Dieser Beri

4、cht wurde vom Technischen Komitee Nr. TC-2.4 der C.I.E. ausgear- beitet. Er entspricht der Mehrheit der Meinungen des Komitees, in dem die meisten Mitgliedslnder der C.I.E. vertreten sind und wird zum zuknftigen Studium empfohlen. Er ist keine offiziell anerkannte C.1.E.-Empfehlung, die von den Nati

5、onalen Komitees der Mitgliedslhder anerkannt wurde. Es muss darauf hingewiesen werden, dass alle Empfehlungen dieses Berichts nur als Anleitung dienen und nicht verbindlich sind“. NOTE PRELIMINAIRE. “Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique C.I.E. No TC-2.4. I1 a t approuv par ia majorit du Comit

6、, dans lequel sont reprsents la plupart des Pays membres de la C.I.E., et il est recommand pour une future tude. Ce nest pas une Recommandation officielle de la C.I.E. approuve par les Comits Nationaux des Pays membres. 11 faut noter que toutes les recommanda- tions de ce rapport sont conseilles et

7、non obligatoires“. Previous page is blank - COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesAus t ral ia Austria Belgium Bulgar i a Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Great Britain Hungary Israel Italy Japan Netherlands No may Po land Portugal Rumania So

8、uth Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Tchecoslovaquie U.S.A. U.S.S.R. Yugoslavia Consultants : Gr eat Br i tain Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain -b- MEMBERS OF C.I.E. COMMITTEE TC-2.4 (formerly E-2.3) 1971 - 1975 V. A. Munt z E. Wiesner P .Mas sar t V.Stefanova M.G.Bassett E.Frederiksen (Chai

9、rman) B.O.Mdller (Secretary) V. Ahponen R.Pags W. Keb s chu 1 1 H.F.Stephenson V. Vincze H.L.Cahn U. Dagnino M. Nonaka J. J, B. Moerman J. Jahreie W.Staskiewicz L.M.Anacleto N.Margan J. W. Smi t R.Baron A.Ottosson P. Hornak A.R.Jaeger J.B.Aisenberg V .Planinsek J.G.Holmec W.A.PriCe J.C.Procter R.H.

10、Simons 1975 - 1977 V. A Munt z E. Wiesner P. Mas s ar t (Chairman) G . Vand ermeer s ch (Secret ar y) P. Dobrev Z.S.Subotich H.Lund Jessen T. Timonen J. Dana thi eu Dr.Willing B.D.Collier V.Vincze H. L. Cahn U. Dagnino T. Furuya J. J.B. Moerman A.Augda1 J.Kossakowski R.Pereira Cardoso N . Mar gan J

11、.W. Smit R. Baron R.Walthert P. Hornak A.C.Mc Namara J.B.Aisenberg V.Planinsek COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 43 77 H 7006345 OOOLLi 369 W SUMMARY This report has been prepared by members of committee TC-2.4 during 1972-1977. It is inte

12、nded to serve as a guide for industrial and national laboratories in the practical photometry of floodlights. The report contains specifications for the standard conditions under which the tests should be carried out and the measuring accuracy to be desired. It provides guidance for the selection of

13、 test apparatus and test procedures and specifications for the measu- rement of correction factors applicable to floodlights operated under practical conditions different from the standard test conditions. The increasing use of computers in lighting calculations has made it desirable to include spec

14、ifications for a standard system for the presentation of the light distribution of a floodlight. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Diesen Bericht haben die Mitarbeiter des Komitees TC-2.4 in den Jahren 1972-1977 vorbereitet. Er is als Leitfaden fur die praktische Photometrie von Flutlichtscheinwerfer in industriellen

15、 und staatlichen Laborato- rien gedacht. Der Bericht enthalt eine eingehende Beschreibung der Standardbedingungen, unter denen die Messungen er- folgen sollten, und Angaben ber die anzustrebende Messgenauigket. Er bildet ein Handbuch zur Auswahl geeigneter Messapparaturen und Messmethoden, und liefe

16、rt Hinweise zur Darstellung der Korrekturfaktoren, die fur die unter praktischen vom Standardfall abweichenden Bedingungen arbeitende Flutlichtscheinwerfer verwendbar sind. Die zunehmende Verwendung von Datenverarbeitungsanlagen bei Lchtberechnungen liess es wnschenswert erscheinen, ein Standardsyst

17、em fr die Darstellung der Lichtverteilung eines Flutlchtscheinwerfers einzufahren. SOMMAIRE Le rapport a t prpar par les membres du comit TC-2.4 de 1972-1977. Il est destin A servir de guide aux laboratoires nationaux et industriels pour la photomtrie pratique des projecteurs. Le rapport contient le

18、s spcifications des conditions normales pour procder aux essais et dfinir la prcision souhaitable pour les mesures. 11 constitue un guide pour le choix des appareils de mesure et des procdures dessais. I1 donne des indica- tions pour la dtermination des facteurs de correction applicables aux project

19、eurs qui fonctionnent dans des conditions pratiques diffrentes des conditions normales dessai. Lutilisation croissante des ordinateurs pour les calculs declairage a rendu souhaitable ladjonction de la d- finition dun systme normalis pour la reprsentation de la distribution lumineuse dun projecteur.

20、COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 43 79 I 900bL45 0001714 2T5 -6- LIST OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - FOREWORD SECTION 2 - SCOPE SECTION 3 - DEFINITIONS 3.1 One-half-peak divergence (in a specified PLANE through the 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Light output r

21、atio 3.6 Reference axis 3.7 Photometric light centre 3.8 Auxiliary axis 3.9 Distribution of luminous intensity 3.10 Service correction factors 3.11 Types of floodlights 3.12 3.13 Ballast lumen factor maximum intensity) Half peak side angle (in a specified HALF PLANE through the maximum intensity) In

22、ner beam of a floodlight Outer beam of a floodlight Recommended coordinate system for presenting luminous inten- sity distribution data SECTION 4 - ACCEPTABLE ORDER OF ACCURACY FOR FLOODLIGHT PHOTOMETRY SECTION 5 - LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 5.1 5.2 Test lamps 5.2.1 Selection of lamps for test 5.2.2 Diffu

23、sing quality of lamp bulb 5.2.3 Ageing of lamps 5.2.4 Stability of lamps 5.2.5 Tests for lamp stability 5.2.6 Handling of aged lamps 5.3 Photocells and readout equipment 5.3.1 Performance of photocells 5.3.2 Measurement of photocell output 5.4 Test distance 5.4.1 General 5.4.2 Electrical power suppl

24、ies and indicating instruments Check on the test distance by means of the inverse square law 5.4.3 Check on the test distance by means of the half peak side angle SECTION 6 - CONDITIONS FOR MEASUREMENT 6. i Standard test conditions 6.1.1 Mounting attitude 6.1.2 Air movement and ambient temperature 6

25、.1.3 Lamp orientation 6.1.4 Test ballast 6. I .5 Operating voltage 6.2 Practical test conditions 6.2.1 Photometric correction factors 6.2.2 Conditions for the use of correction factors Page 8 - 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 22

26、 22 22 22 22 23 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE Li3 79 W 90063Li5 OOOZjiS 131 I- 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.13.1 7.13.2 7.13.3 7.13.4 7.13.5 7.14 7.14.1 7.14.2 7:14.3 7.14.4 -7- SECTION 7 - PROCEDURE Gener

27、al Choice of goniometer Selection of floodlight for test Mounting of floodlight in goniometer Lamp orientation in the floodlight Focusing Position of photocell receptor Screening of stray light Mounting of bare lamp for calibration of the readings in the relative method Measuring conditions Stabilis

28、ation of the lamp, floodlight and photometer Measurement of floodlight Calibration of photometer General Direct method Relative method Calibration technique when measuring floodlight with a col- oured light source Measurement of floodlights having tubular fluorescent lamps Determination of correctio

29、n factors Measurement correction factors Service correction factors Monitored photocell method Ballast lumen factor SECTION 8 8.1 Tabular data 8.2 Light distribution curves 8.3 Icocandela diagram - PRESENTATION OF RESULTS APPENDIX A - METHOD OF MEASURING LINEARITY OF RESPONSE OF PHOTOCELL APPENDIX B


31、 Page 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 - 27 28 28 28 30 30 30 32 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 39 39 40 41 42 48 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services_ CIE 43 79 I 9006345 0001720 953 -8- 1. FOREWORD. The primary objective of this Technical Report is to r

32、ecommend the adop- tion of test procedures which will provide acceptable results in measur- ing and reporting the photometric characteristics of floodlights. The recommendations are intended to provide a basis for uniform national standards, and to give guidance to industrial photometric laboratorie

33、s in the selection of test apparatus, in the conduct of tests and in the presentation of floodlight performance data. This Technical Report is not an officially agreed C.I.E. Recommendation and any recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. 2. SCOPE. 2.1 These recommendations are

34、 intended to cover the photometry of floodlights used for interior and exterior lighting purposes and equipped with in- candescent or discharge (including tubular fluorescent) electric lamps, or with reflector lamps. Similar techniques may be used for gas or oil operated floodlights. The recommendat

35、ions relate to visually steady light and not to a flashing light, 2.2 The photometric techniques recommended do not include the photometry of projectors for signalling purposes, road lighting lanterns, vehicle head- lights (some of which are covered by other documents) nor “image-forming“ optical de

36、vices, although similar techniques may well be used fur the photometry of such devices. In some cases recommendations may be prepa- red by other committees. 2.3 Light beams, in which the angle between the peak and the one-half peak intensity direction is less than 2“ (i.e. 2 x 2“, or 4“ to one-half

37、peak divergence for a symmetrical beam), require special methods of photometry which are not included. Information on such measurements is available in the literature, see for example : (a) “Photometry of Projected Light“ by J.M. Waldram, (b) “Symposium on Searchlights“ published by The Illuminating

38、 Engineering (c) “IES Guide for Photometric Testing of Searchlights“, (d) “Photometry of Projectors at the National Bureau of Standards“, Trans. Illum. Eng. Soc. (London), 16, 187, 1951. Society (London) , i 948. Illuminating Engineering, 53, 155, 1958. NBS Technical Note 198, issued December 17, 19

39、63. 2.4 The photometric measurements described in this document relate to deter- mining the luminous intensities in the projected beam which may be pre- sented as a luminous intensity distribution diagram, iso-candela diagram or in tabulated form suitable for use in computer calculation. These inten

40、sities are deduced from illuminance measurements, the inverse square COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 43 79 9006145 0001721 89T -9- law of distances being supposed verified. See Clause 5.4.2. stances the measurement of other photometric q

41、uantities may be more appro- priate, as for example the distribution of illuminance over a plane which may be relatively close to the luminaire, such as with a “wall washer type luminaire. will be covered in a separate document. In some in- Such measurements are not dealt with in the report and 3. D

42、EFINITIONS The definitions 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 may only be used for distributions with a continuous reduction in luminous intensity at increasing angles of divergence from a single maximum. Particular beam shapes with more than one maximum are still under consideration. 3.1 One half peak divergenc

43、e (in a specified FLANE through the maximum inten- The angular extent of a beam which contains all the radius vectors of the polar curve of luminous intensity in the specified plane having lengths greater than 50 % of the maximum. Half-peak side angle (in a specified HALF PLANE through the maximum i

44、nten- The angle between the direction of maximum luminous intensity and the di- rection in which the floodlight has a luminous intensity of 50 X of the maximum measured in the specified half-plane. sity) c_ 3.2 s i ty) - - Note : The half peak side angle is of special interest for luminous inten- si

45、ty distributions which have only one plane of symmetry or are asymetri- cal. The luminous intensity distribution through a single plane ab illustrated in rectangular cartesian co-ordinates in fig 1 has a half peak side angle of Bi in half plane a and 62 in half plane b. The one half peak divergence

46、is in this case (61 + 62). Both the measuring distance, Clause 5.4.3 and the number of test angles, Clause 7.12, are determined by BI which is the smaller half peak side angle. For practical be stated as follows : “The half peak side angles of the floodlight in plane ah are +l and-2“. purposes the h

47、alf peak side angle for this floodlight could COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 43 77 E 700b345 0003722 726 E - 10 - 3.3 Inner beam of a floodlight The solid angle containing all directions of luminous intensities greater than or equal to

48、50 X of the maximum intensity. 3.4 Outer beam of a floodlight The solid angle containing all directions of luminous intensities greater than or equal to 10 % of the maximum intensity. 3.5 Light output ratio Ratio of the light output of a floodlight, measured under specified prac- tical conditions, t

49、o the sum of the individual light outputs of the lamps operating outside the floodlight under specified conditions (see Interna- tional Lighting Vocabulary, CIE publication No. 17 (1970) (45-50-145). The “specified conditions“ should be the standard test conditions spec- ified in clause 6.1. NOTE : The light output ratio measured according to the specification in clause 6.1 is sometimes referred to as “Light output ratio luminaire“. 3.6 Reference Axis An axis used in the photometric measurements as a refer

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