2、FRANCE CIE b3 84 9006345 0002622 732 This report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 1.2, Photometry and Radiometry. It has been approved by the majority of the Technical Committee and is recommended for study and application. This report is not an Officially Agreed CIE Recommendation appro
3、ved by the National Committees of the Member Countries of the CIE. It should be noted that any recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE Proceedings or CIE Journal should be consulted regarding the current status of this report and possible subsequent amendments.
4、Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique 1.2, Photomtrie et Radiomtrie de la CIE. I1 a t approuv par la majorit du Comit Technique et il est recommande pour tude et application. Ce rapport nest pas une Recommandation officielle de la CIE, approuve par les Comits Nationaux des Pays Membres de la C
5、IE. I1 doit tre not6 que toute recommandation y figurant est donne titre de conseil et non dobligation. En ce qui concerne la situation prsente de ce Rapport et d ventuelles modifications, il faut consulter le plus rcent Compte Rendu de Session ou Journal de la CIE. Dieser Bericht wurde vom Technisc
6、hen-Komitee 1.2, Photometrie und Strahlungsmessung der CIE. Er wurde durch die Mehrheit des Technischen Komitees gebilligt und wird zum Studium and zur Anwendung empfohlen. Dieser Bericht ist keine offiziell anerkannte CIE-Empfehlung, der die Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedslander der CIE zugestimm
7、t haben. Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass jede Empfehlung in diesen Bericht als Anleitung dient und nicht verbindlich ist. Was den gegenwrtigen Status dieses Berichtes und mgliche Nachfolge-Ausgaben angeht, ziehe man die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE-Journal zu Rate. 0 CIE 1984 II CIE b3
8、4 I 7006345 O002623 679 I FOREWORD This technical report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 1.2 Photometry and Radiometry as part of its working programme. The Members of the Committee and Consultants during the period of preparation (1973-1983) are listed below. Members W R BLEVIN F ROTTE
10、 M MATVEEV N PETROVIC 6 c J KOK 1, F HENGSTBERGER) 6 Consultants W BUDDE J BONHOURE J KROCHMANN E J GILLHAM, M B HALSTEAD J SCHANDA J J de GROOT F WATSON, E F ZALEWSKI 1 up to 1979 * from 1980 :) up to 1980 ) from 1981 Australia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Canada Czechoslovakia Denmark Finland France G
11、erman Democratic Republic Germany, Federal Republic Great Britain Hungary Israel Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Poland Rumania South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland USA USSR Yugoslavia Canada France Ge many Great Britain Hungary Netherlands USA 2) up to 1981 ) from 1982 III CIE 63 84 9006345 0002b24
12、 SUMMARY 505 I The CIE, and other organisations, have in the past organised international comparisons of measurements of the spectral power distribution of various light sources, including fluorescent tubes. In these investigations some unexpectedly large differences were found between the results r
13、eported by different laboratories. It was the consensus of the members of the CIE TC-1.2 Committee that before further large scale international comparisons of measurements were organised, a method (or a few basic methods) should be agreed upon that could result in better accuracy and hence closer a
14、greement between the measurements of the participating laboratories and that could also serve as a guide for anyone wishing to set up new spectroradiometric laboratories. The present report summarizes the opinions on this subject of the members of a Subcommittee who answered a questionnaire sent out
15、 by the Chairman of TC-1.2. It is designed primarily to assist workers in industrial standards laboratories, although it is not intended for use as a textbook. Its contents should not be interpreted so as in any way to inhibit research into new and improved methods of spectroradiometry. This Technic
16、al Report is divided into two parts, the first of which covers in a general way the use of a spectroradiometer in measuring the spectral power distribution of any type of source, with particular reference to the determination of photometric and colorimetric properties. The second part relates to the
17、 measurement of various lamp types, particularly tubular fluorescent lamps. It is envisaged that further parts could be added, if required, to extend the coverage of the document to other types of source. CIE 63 84 9006345 O002625 443 RSUM La CIE, ainsi que dautres organisations, ont organis au cour
18、s des annes passes des comparaisons internationales portant sur la rpartition nergtique spectrale de diverses sources lumineuses, dont des tubes fluorescents. Lors de ces tudes, des carts importants et inattendus sont apparus entre les rsultats des diffrents laboratoires. I1 y eut alors unanimit au
19、sein des membres du Comit TC-1.2 de la CIE pour que, avant lorganisation de nouvelles comparaisons internationales sur une plus large chelle, il soit convenu dune mthode de mesure (ou quelques principes de base) conduisant a une plus grande exactitude, donc un meilleur accord entre les rsultats des
20、laboratoires participants ; cette mthode de mesure pourrait aussi servir de guide pour quiconque souhaiterait installer de nouveaux laboratoires de mesures spectroradiomtriques . Le prsent rapport rsume les points de vue sur ce sujet des membres du Sous-Comit qui ont rpondu au questionnaire tabli pa
21、r le Prsident du TC-1.2. Ce rapport est essentiellement destin6 aider les chercheurs des laboratoires dtalonnage industriels, sans quil puisse tre utilise comme un manuel. En aucun cas, la fason dinterprter son contenu ne devrait avoir pour consquence dinterdire la recherche de mthodes nouvelles et
22、amliores de spectroradiomtrie. Ce Rapport technique est divis en deux parties. La premiere concerne, de fafon gnrale, lemploi dun spectroradiomtre pour la mesure de la rpartition nergtique spectrale dun type quelconque de source lumineuse, avec une considration particulire pour la dtermination des p
23、roprits photomtriques et colorimtriques. La deuxihme partie concerne la mesure de divers types de lampes, en particulier les tubes fluorescents. On envisage dajouter plus tard en cas de besoin dautres chapitres pour tendre le document a dautres types de sources. V CIE 63 84 70061145 O002626 388 = Z
24、US AMM EN FAS S UNG Die CIE und andere Organisationen haben in der Vergangenheit in terna t ionale Ve rg 1 eiche der Messungen der spektralen Ctrahlungsverteilung von verschiedenen Lichtquellen, einschliesslich von Fluoreszenzlampen durchgefhrt. In diesen Untersuchungen wurden unerwartet grosse Diff
25、erenzen zwischen den Werten gefunden, die die verschiedenen Laboratorien berichtet haben. Die Mitglieder des CIE-Komitees TC-1.2 waren bereinstimmend der Meinung, dass keine weiteren internationalen Verglechsmessungen grossen Umfanges organisiert werden sollten, solange nicht ber eine oder mehrere g
26、rundlegende Methoden bereinstimmung erzielt ware, die eine bessere Genauigkeit ergeben und somit auch eine engere bereinstimmung zwischen den Messungen der teilnehmenden Laboratorien. Diese Methoden knnten auch als Leitfaden fr jeden dienen, der beabsichtigt, neue spektroradiometrische Laboratorien
27、zu errichten. Der vorliegende Bericht fasst die Meinungen derjenigen Subkomiteemitglieder zu diesem Gegenstand zusammen, die einen Fragebogen beantwortet haben, den der Vorsitzende von TC-1.2 ausgesendet hatte. Der Bericht ist in erster Linie dazu bestimmt, den in industriellen Messlaboratorien Ttig
28、en zu ntzen, obwohl er nicht als Lehrbuch gedacht ist. Sein Inhalt sollte nicht so verstanden werden, dass er in irgendeiner Weise Forschungen ber neue und verbesserte Methoden der Spektroradiometrie behindern knnte. Dieser technische Bericht besteht aus zwei Teilen, von denen der erste die Verwendu
29、ng eines Spektroradiometers zur Messung der spektralen Strahlung sver t eilung bel iebig er Licht quel len in allgemeiner We ise behandelt, mit besonderer Bercksichtigung der Bestimmung von photometrischen und farbmetrischen Eigenschaften. Der zweite Teil behandelt die Messung von Verschiedenen Lamp
30、entypen, besonders von rhrenfrmigen Leuchtstofflampen. Es ist vorgesehen, weitere Kapitel bei Bedarf spter hinzuzufgen, um den Anwendungsbereich des Dokumentes auf andere Arten von Lichtquellen auszudehnen. VI CIE 63 84 7006345 0002627 234 m TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purpose of the report Termi
31、nology PART 1 THE SPECTRORADIOMETER AND ITS METHOD OF USE 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. Basic elements of a spectroradiometric system Measurement of spectral irradiance Measurement of spectral radiance and total flux Input optical arrangement Characteristics of monochromators De
32、tector and measuring system Standard sources Methods of measurement Error analysis Accuracy requirements APPENDIX 1A BASIC PRINCIPLES OF SPECTRORADIOMETRY IA. 1. Introduction 1A.2. Measurement of continuum radiation 1A. 3. Measurement of line radiation 1A. 4. Measurement of bandwidth IA. 5. Measurem
33、ent of spectrum 1A. 6. Experimental determination of f (As) PART 2 PROCEDURE FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF VARIOUS TYPES OF LAMP 2.1. Tungsten lamps 2.2. Tubular fluorescent lamps 9 10 10 12 12 12 14 16 20 23 29 29 42 44 46 46 47 48 49 50 52 55 55 58 REFERENCES 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY 64 VI I INTRODUCTION There ar
34、e basically two approaches to the measurement of the photometric and colorimetric properties of sources: (i) Broad-band measurement, either with a detector, the spectral responsivity function of which is in accord with the CIE Standard Photometric Observer for photopic or scotopic vision, or with a
35、tristimulus colorimeter whose spectral responsivity functions correspond to those of the CIE 1931 Colorimetric Observer or are a linear transformation of them. These methods will be referred to in this reportas broad-band. (ii) Spectroradiometric measurement of the spectral power distribution of the
36、 light source. It is difficult to adjust the relative spectral responsivity of detectors to match the CIE photometric and colorimetric observers, and in any case, for some other characteristics of light sources a knowledge of the spectral power distribution itself is needed at least in a relative fo
37、rm (e.g. for colour rendering index determination). When spectral measurements are directed towards the calculation of photometric quantities, the spectral power distribution has to be measured in such a way that an absolute value can be assigned to the integrated spectral characteristic. In dealing
38、 with measurements of this type, it must be realized that if a spectroradiometric measurement is to give meaningful photometric and colorimetric results the measuring Set-up, the individual components of the measuring system and the technique employed have to satisfy some quite stringent criteria. T
39、he present report emphasises those elements of the spectroradiometric system and measurement technique that are important for the achievement of a result of acceptable accuracy. A paper on the measurement of spectral irradiance (Nonaka et al., 1972) was used as starting point in this work and the su
40、ggestions received from members of the Subcommittee on the Spectroradiometric Measurement of Light Sources were then added to the report - as far as the individual responses were not too contradictory to the consensus of the majority. -1- CIE 63 84 900bL45 0002629 097 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT (i) To sp
41、ecify a simple but satisfactory procedure for the spectroradiometry of continuous, line and mixed sources of energy. The method applies to measurements of spectral irradiance, radiance and radiant flux in the near ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum, (ii) To state procedur
42、es which should be used and also some which should not be used, and to provide in the latter case the reasons why they should not be used. (iii) To indicate the spectroradiometric accuracies required for specific different applications, including photometry, colour appearance and colour rendering. T
43、he procedures given in this report cover the measurement of the spectral irradiance, radiance or radiant flux from a fluorescent lamp or part of a lamp, or from a fluorescent lamp plus a specified moderator, such as a luminaire. Other sources with a spectrum consisting of spectral lines or a combina
44、tion of lines and a continuum are also considered. TERMINOLOGY The radiant quantities discussed in the present report are defined according to the 4th edition of the International Lighting Vocabulary (CIE 19831, but it may be helpful to repeat here the definitions of some of the more important conce
45、pts involved. Irradiance (at a point of a surface) is defined as the quotient of the radiant flux incident on an element of the surface containing the point by the area of that element, The symbol for irradiance is E = dOe/dA and the unit in the SI is -2 Radiance, at a point on the surface of a sour
46、ce, in a given direction, is the quotient of the radiant flux per unit solid angle in the given direction of an element of the surface at this point, by the area of the orthogonal projection of this element on a plane perpendicular to this direction. e W.m . 2 The symbol for radiance is L = e/(dJkdA
47、.cosO) and the unit in e -7 -2 the SI is W.sr .m . -2- CIE 63 84 I 900bL45 O002630 809 The prefix “spectralq1 is an abbreviation for the complete expression “spectral concentration of“, which is defined as the quotient of the radiometric quantity taken over an infinitesimal range on either side of a
48、 given wavelength, by the range. the SI is W.DI- or W.m .nm . the SI is W.sr.n or W.sr .m .nm . For spectral irradiance, the symbol is E = dEe/dX and the unit in = dLe/dX and the unit in In practice, the quantity measured will be the convolution of E or L with the spectral response function of the s
49、pectroradiometer system. Photometric quantities are derived from the spectral measurements by integrating a weighted function, such as f Ee,A V0,)dX. This integration is usually effected by summation over bands of width OX, ie CE e,X V(X) Ax. To obtain absolute values the sum must be multiplied by Km, the luminous efficacy at the maximum of the V(X) function, defined as 683 lm.W-. For a more detailed discussion of photometric quantities see CIE e,X e,X -2 -1 For sp
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