2、IE CIE 70 87 I 9006145 0003019 64T This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 2.2 Detectoorc (now within CIE Division 2) and has been approved by the Council of the Commission Internationale de 1Eclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge an
3、d experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. it should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or Journal should be consulte
4、d regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 2.2, Dtecteurs (maintenant partie de la Division 2 de la CIE), et a t approuv, par le Consei 1 de 1 a Commi ssi on International e de 1 Ecl ai rage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des
5、connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. Il faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connai tre d ventuel s amendements,
6、 consul ter les plus rcents comptesrendus ou le Journal de la CIE. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 2.2 Detektoren (z.Z. in der CIE Division 2) ausgearbeitet und vom Rat der Commission Internationale de 1Eclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen
7、Stand von Wissen und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE- Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da6 das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neue- sten CIE-Tagungsberichte ode
8、r das neueste CIE-Journal sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comp
9、rehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport 4 la compilation de tous ?es documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE
10、. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bi s zum Zeitpunkt der Druck1 egung angewendet wurde, i st es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1987 II CIE 70 87 9006145 0003020 3bL The following members of Committee TC-2.2 took part in the prepartion of the technical repo
11、rt: Les membres suivant du comit TC-2.2 ont particips a la preparation du rapport technique: Die folgenden Mitarbeiter des Komitees TC-2.2 haben sich an der Ausarbeitung des Technischen Berichtes beteiligt: Chairman: Hengstberger, F* Cogno, J A Farmer, A J D Reiter, H* Pactiels, R Andreytchine, R Bu
12、dde, W Krt il, J Nielsen, O* Janest, A Timonen, T Riemann, M Geutler, G Betts, D B Schanda, J* Artom, M Nanjo, M Balder, J J Hisdal, B Lipowski, M Musa, G Corrons, A* Ottoson, A Blaser, P* Zalewcki, E F Ignatiev, V G South Africa Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Canada Czechoslovakia Den
13、mark France Finland Germany, Dem. Rep. Germany, Fed. Rep. Great Britain Hungary Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Spain Sweden Switzerland USA USSR Subcommittee on “Measurement of luminous intensity distributions“: Chairman: Krochmann, J Rotter, F Vandermeersch, M G Bastie, J Germany, Fe
14、d. Rep. Austria Belgium France III _ CIE 70 87 9006345 0003021 2TB Moore, 3 R Rattunde, R Frste, D Dezsi, G Gentile, C de Groot, J J De Veer, S M and members of TC-2.2 marked * Eoitorial Committee: Chairman : Krochmann, J Vandermeersch M G Moore, J R Vermeulen, J Hengstberger, F Final editing: Billm
15、eyer, F Great Britain Germany, Fed. Rep. Germany, Fed. Rep. Hungary Italy Netherlands Nether lands Germany, Fed. Rep. Belgium Great Britain Netherlands South Africa USA IV CONTENTS Page 1 . TERMINOLOGY 1 1.1 Quantities . 1 1.1.1 Luminous intensity . 1 1.1.2 Illuminance 1 1.1.3 Luminance 7 1.2 Lumino
16、us intensity distribution body . 2 1.3 Luminous intensity distribution curve 2 1.4 Isocandela diagram . 2 1.5 Measuring field and measuring-field angle in luminance mea- surements 2 1.6 Terms for measuring instruments 3 1.6.1 Photometer . 3 1.6.2 Goniophotometer 3 1.6.3 Photometer head 3 1.6.4 Accep
17、tance area 3 1.7 Photometric centre (of a lamp or luminaire) 4 1.8 Stray light 4 1.9 Limiting photometric distance . 4 2 . PRINCIPLES OF LUMINOUS INTENSITY MEASUREMENTS 4 2.1 Photometric distance law . 4 2.2 Luminance integration 6 3 . TYPES OF PHOTOMETER HEADS 6 3.1 Photometer head for measuring il
18、luminance . 6 3.2 Photometer head for luminance integration 7 3.2.1 Construction . 7 Photometer head with lens 7 V CIE 70 87 9006345 0003023 070 Photometer head with parallel oriented optics 8 Photometer head with tubes . 8 3.2.2 Influence of inhomogeneous illumination 11 3.2
19、.3 Influence of the measuring-field angle . 12 4 . MEASURINC PLANES . 13 4.1 A-Planes 13 4.2 B-Planes 14 4.3 C-Planes 14 4.4 Conical surfaces 16 4.5 Symbols for plane angles 16 4.6 Relationships . 17 GONIOPHOTOMETER WITH FACILITY FOR TURNING THE LIGHT SOURCE . 18 5.1 Principle . 18 5.2 Application .
20、 18 5 . 5.3 Construction principles . 18 5.4 Auxiliary detectors . 19 6 . GONIOPHOTOMETER WITH MOVING PHOTOMETER HEAD 21 6.1 Principle . 21 6.2 Application . 21 6.3 Construction Principles . 21 7 . GONIOPHOTOMETER WITH ROTATING MIRROR . 24 7.1 Principle . 24 7.2 Application . 25 7.3 Construction pri
21、nciples . 25 ANGLE MEASUREMENT 26 8 . 8.1 Possibilities . 26 8.2 Requirements 27 9 . PHOTOELECTRONICS AND DATA PROCESSING . 27 VI CIE 70 87 M 7006345 0003024 TO7 M 10 . GENERAL MEASURING CONDITIONS . 28 10.1 Operating conditions . 28 10.2 Ageing . 29 10.3 Burning position . 29 10.4 Ambient temperatu
22、re 29 10.5 Vibration and shock 30 10.6 Stabilization period . 30 10.7 Electrical measurements 30 10.7.1 Measurement uncertainty . 30 10.7.2 Power type and operating mode . 31 10.7.3 Wiring 31 10.7.4 Execution of the electrical measurements 31 10.7.5 Measuring circuit . 31 10.8 Ballasts . 32 10.9 Sup
23、ply voltage . 32 10.10 Execution of the measurements 32 11 . CORRECTION OF MEASUREMENT RESULTS 33 12 . PRESENTATION OF RESULTS 33 13 . MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT 34 13.1 Goniophotorneter with facility for training the light source . 34 13.2 Goniophotorneter with moving photometer head . 35 13.3 Goniophot
24、ometer with rotating mirror 35 14 . CALIBRATION 35 14.1 Luminous intensity standard . 36 14.2 Calibrated illuminance meter 36 14.3 Relative measurements . 36 15 . ERROR SOURCES AND MEASUREMENT ACCURACY . 36 15.1 Mechanical arrangement 36 VI I CIE 70 87 I 9006345 0003025 943 15.2 Angle measurements a
25、nd angular step size 37 15.3 Influence of rotating mirror or photometer head for luminance integration . 37 15.4 Stray light . 38 15.5 Relative spectral responsivity 39 15.6 Illuminance and luminance meter . 39 15.7 Data processing . 39 15.8 Limiting photometric distance . 39 15.9 Operating conditio
26、ns 39 15.10 Photometric standard . 40 16 . CHARACTERIZATION OF GONIOPHOTOMETERS . 40 16.1 Mechanical arrangements . 40 16.2 Angle encoding 41 16.3 Photometer head . 41 16.4 Photoelectronics and data processing 41 17 . LITERATURE . 42 VI11 CIE 70 87 II 9006345 0003026 BAT SUIMARY This technical repor
27、t contains the terminology required for measurements of luminous intensity distributions. It also summarizes the principles of lu- minous intensity measurements and the requirements for the photometer heads employed for such measurements. The coordinate systems used for the mea- surement and represe
28、ntation of luminous intensity distributions are des- cribed. The types of goniophotometers, possibilities for angle encoding, characteristics of the photo-electronic system and the acquisition and pro- cessing of the data in measurements of luminous intensity distributions are discussed in detail. O
29、ther subjects covered are the power supply, the mea- suring conditions and the execution, correction and representation of lumi- nous intensity distribution measurements. The various sections contain sufficient data on the required characterization of goniophotometers. The report is based mainly on
30、the Technical Report of CIE Technical Commit- tee TC-2.2 on “Methods of characterizing the performance of radiometers and photometers l as well as on CIE publications 24 2, 27 3 and 43 4. The terminology is largely based on the International Lighting Vocabulary PI LA MESURE DES DISTRIBUTIONS DINTENS
31、ITE LUMINEUSE ABSOLUE Ce rapport technique contient la terminologie ncessaire pour la mesure des distributions dintensit lumineuse. 11 rsume aussi les principes de me- sure de lintensit lumineuse et les qualits requises pour la tete photo- mtrique utilise pour de telles mesures. Les systmes de coord
32、onnes utiliss pour la mesure et la reprgsentation des distributions dintensit lumineuse sont dcrits. Les types de goniophotomtre, les possibilits de reprage angulaire, les caractristiques ch system lectronique et celles de lacquisition et du traitement des donnes dans les measures de distri bution d
33、e lintensit lumineuse sont dcrites en dtail. Les autres sujets traits sont lalimentation lectrique, les conditions de mesures et leur excution, la correction et la reprsentation des mesures de distribution d intensit lumineuse. Les diffrentes sections contienent des donnes suffisantes sur les caract
34、ristiques requises pour les goniophotomtres. Ce rapport sappuye principalement sur le rapport technique du comit tech- nique 2.2 de la CIE “Methods of characterizing the performance of radio- meters and photometers“ i ainsi que sur les publications CIE no 24 Z, 27 31, et 43 4. La terminologie est la
35、rgement emprunte au Vocabulaire International de 1 Eclairage 51. IX 9006245 0003027 716 I ZUCANENFASSUNG DIE MESSUNG DER ABSOL UT EN L I CH T s T RK E VE R TE IL U NG Dieser Technische Bericht enthalt zunchst die fr Lichtstarkemessungen wichtigen egriffsbectimmungen. Danach werden die Prinzipien der
36、 Licht- strkemessung und 4ngaben ber die dementsprechend zu verwendenden Photo- meterkpfe zusammengestellt. Die fr die Messung und Darstellung der LichtstrkeverteiliJng verwendeten Ebenensysteme werden angegeben. eson- ders werden die Arten von Goniophotometern, die Mglichkeiten der Winkelerfassung,
37、 Aussagen ber die Photoelektronik und die Registrierung und Datenverarbeitung bei der Messung der Lichtstrkeverteilung behandelt. Auch Aussagen zur Spannungcversorgung, ZU den tk bedingungsn und zur Durchfhrung, Korrektur und Darstellung der Lichts tgrkemessungen werden gemacht. Rei den einzelnen Ka
38、piteln werden ausreichende Angaben ber die notwendige Kennzeichnung von Goniophotometern aufgefhrt. Dieser ericht sttzt sich vor allem auf den Technischen Bericht des CIE Technischen Komi tees TC-2.2 “Me thocis of charact er izing the perf ormance of radiometers and photometers“ 11 sowie auf die CIE
39、-Publicationen No. 24 21, Wo. 27 3, und No. 43 141. Rei den Begriffsbestimmungen sind die ilngaben des Internationalen Wrterbuchs der Lichttechnik 51 weitgehend zugrunde gelegt. X CIE 70 87 900bL45 0003028 652 I. TERMINOLOGY 1.1 QUANTITIES r5l 1.1.1 LUMINOUS INTENSITY The luminous intensity I (of a
40、source in a given direction) is the quotient of the luminous flux d leaving the source, propagated in an ele- ment of solid angle containing the given direction, by the element of solid angle Cn. Symbol: I,Iv Unit : Candela (symbol: cd) 1.1.2 ILLUMINANCE The illuminance E at a point of a surface is
41、the quotient of the luminous flux d$ incident on an element of the surface dA cantaining the point, by the area of that element. Symbol: E, Unit : Lux (symbol: 1x1 1.1.3 LUMINANCE The luminance L (in a given direction, at a point on the surface of a source or a receptor, or at a point in the path of
42、 a beam) is the quo- tient of the luminous flux, d*; leaving, arriving at, or passing through an element of surface dA at this point and propagated in directions defined by an elementary cone d;l containing the given direction, by the product of the solid angle of the cone and the area of the orthog
43、onal projection of the element of surface on a plane perpendicular to the given direction. d2 Q L= $2 dA COSE E Angle between the normal to the area and the direction Symbol: L,L, Unit : Candela per square meter (symbol: cd*rn-2) considered 1 1.2 SURFACE OF LUMINOUS INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION The surfac
44、e of luminous intensity distribution is the surface formed by the extremities of all the radius vectors drawn from a common origin, the length of each radius vector being proportional to the luminous inten- sity of the source in the corresponding direction. 1.3 LUMINOUS INTENSITY DISTRIBUTION CURVE
45、The IiJminous intensity distribution curve (for a lamp or light fit- ting) is the curve, generally polar, which represents the luminous intensi- ty in a plane passing through the source, as a function of the angle mea- sured from soine given direction. Note : a) When the source has a symmetrical lum
46、inous intensity distribution, the b) When the reference direction is vertical, angles are measured from the plane is generally a meridian plane. downward vertical. 1.4 ISOCANDELA DIAGRAM The isocandela diagram is the array of isocandela curves. These are curves traced on an imaginary sphere with the
47、 source at its centre and joining all the points corresponding to those directions in which the lumi- nous intensity is the same, or a plane projection of this curve. 1.5 MEASURING FIELD AND MEASURING-FIELD ANGLE IN LUMINANCE MEASUREMENTS 61 The measuring field of a luminance meter is the totality o
48、f all points in the external space that radiate into the acceptance area and are sensed by the detector and evaluated by it with a direction-dependent responsivity of at least 10% of the maximum responsivity. Note: The measuring field is usually circular. are also possihle, however (e.g., trapezoida
49、l, rectangular, quadratic) Other fixed or variable shapes The meesuring-field engle tr is the angle under which the measuring field appears when viewed from the measuring plane. 2 1.6 TERMS FOR MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 1.6.1 PHOTOMETER A photometer is an instrument quantities. for the measurement of photometric Note: Photometric quantities are quantities that can be derived from radiometric quantities by means of certain con
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