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本文(CIE 79-1988 A Guide for the Design of Road Traffic Lights (1st Edition) (Reprint 1992) (E)《道路交通照明的设计指南(第1版)》.pdf)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CIE 79-1988 A Guide for the Design of Road Traffic Lights (1st Edition) (Reprint 1992) (E)《道路交通照明的设计指南(第1版)》.pdf

1、CIE 79 88 I 9006345 0003763 250 )a PJ f ISBN 3 900 734 15 1 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LCLAIRAGE I NTER NATI ON AL CO M M I SS I O N O N I LLU M I NAT I ON INTER NATI O NALE BELEU C HTU N GSKO M M ISS I ON A Guide for the Design of Road Traffic Lights Pub. No. CIE 79 1 st Edition 1988/Reprint 1992

2、 UDC: 535.24 Descriptor: Photometry 535.66 Colorimetry, Colours of Objects . 628.975 Signai Lighting CIE 79 88 .I 900hit45 0003762 i197 II This Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 4-01 of Division 4 Lighting and Signalling for Transport and has been approved by the Council

3、of the Commission Internationale de 1Eclairage for study and appli- cation. The document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however,

4、that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or Journal should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 4-01 de la Division 4 Eclairage et signalisation pour les transports et a 6th

5、approuv par le Conseil de la Commission Internationale de lEclairage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intre

6、sss. I1 faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus ou le Journal de la CIE. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 4.01 der Division 4 Beleuchtung und Signale fur den Verkehr

7、 ausgearbeitet und vom Rat der Commission Internationale de 1Eclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument be- richtet ber den derzeitigen Stand von Wissen und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt

8、. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE- Tagungsberichte oder das neueste CIE-Journal sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by

9、 the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence-de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport 3 la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous pre

10、sse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. CIE 1988

11、 CIE 79 88 H 900bL45 00037b3 023 W III FOREWORD In 1980, the CIE published the CIE Technical Report “Light Signals for Road Traffic Control“, Publication CIE No. 48 (TC-1.6). This report contained a comprehensive review of the subject matter. TC-1.6 undertook the preparation of new recommendations f

12、or road traffic lights, a matter continued by TC-4.01 of the Division 4 of CIE. The document has been drafted in collaboration with the Permanent Interna- tional Association of Road Congresses (PIARC). Drafts have been discussed within PIARC; suggestions for alterations and additions have been made

13、and agreement was reached regarding the final text. The following members of TC-4-01 (Road Traffic Lights) took part in the preparation of this Guide. The Committee comes under CIE Division 4 Lighting and Signalling for Transport. M. Bernhard (from 1984) B. Cobbe B. Cole M. Dutruit (until 1984) I. H

14、auser M. Haywood (until 1983) C.W. Mortimer K. Narisada L. Plaza K. Rumar W.H.J. Sator H. J. Schmid t-Clausen G. Schreiber D.A. Schreuder (Chairman) R.N. Schwab (from 1983) Melle A.M. Serres Consultants A. Coquand G. Stephenson P.L. Walraven - Switzerland - United Kingdom - Australia - Switzerland -

15、 Hungary - United States - United Kingdom - Japan - Spain - Sweden - South Africa - Federal Republic of Germany - Federal Republic of Germany - Netherlands - United States - France - France (PIARC) - United Kingdom - Netherlands (TC-4.05) CIE 79 88 W 9006245 0003764 TbT IV CONTENTS 1 SCOPE 2 INTRODU

16、CTION 3 GENERAL 3.1 Colours of lights 3.2 Luminances and luminous intensities 3.2.1 Luminous intensities for roundel traffic lights 3.2.2 Luminous intensity distribution of lights 3.2.3 Luminances for lights with symbols 3.2.4 Uniformity of luminance 3.3 Sun phantom 3.4 Measurement of optical charac

17、teristics 3.5 Background screens 3.6 Miscellaneous matters 4 PARTICULAR ROAD TRAFFIC LIGHTS 4.1 4.2 4.3 Traffic lights with symbols other than just arrows Traffic lights on high speed roads Traffic lights with only arrow symbols 4.4 Low-mounted small traffic lights 4.5 Lane indicators 4.6 Warning li

18、ghts 4.7 Optically programmed traffic lights 1 3 3 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 14 14 15 15 I 5 APPENDIX 16 CIE 79 88 m 9006145 0003765 9Tb V The Guide specifies the colours, intensities, intensity distributions and other visual properties of road traffic lights, and it can be used as a basis for

19、 national standards. It should be read in conjunction with the CIE Publication No. 48 “Light Signals for Road Traffic Control“. Whilst the Guide is based on data in that publication, a number of additions and amendments have been made here that are listed in the Appendix. The information given in th

20、e Guide is classified at four levels of confi- dence, which depend upon supporting research or practical experience. These levels are called: . Recommendations . Proposals . Advice . Suggest ions The Guide contains detailed information regarding the colour for traffic lights. Current CIE practice is

21、 followed, although in some cases restricted chromaticity regions are recommended. Details are given in the luminous intensities and the luminous intensity distributions. In most cases, day and night regimes will be required. Additionally, data regarding luminance and uniformity of luminance are giv

22、en. Remarks are made regarding sun phantom, measurement of lights, screening of lights, the influence of disturbing factors and the standardisation of appearance. The Guide contains information on a number of particular lights; lights on high speed roads, the size and shape of arrows and other symbo

23、ls, notably for lights for cyclists and pedestrians; low mounted lights; lane indicators; general warning lights; lights for special purposes; and optically programmed lights. CIE 79 88 E 900bL45 0003766 832 VI Guide pour ltablissement des projets de feux de circulation routire. RESUME : Ce guide sp

24、cifie les couleurs, les intensits, les rpartitions dintensit et les autres caractristiques visuelles des feux de trafic routier. I1 peut tre pris comme base pour les normes nationales. I1 devrait tre utilis en liaison avec la Publication CIE No. 48: “Signaux lumineux pour la rgulation de la circulat

25、ion routire“. Quoique le guide soit tabli sur les donnes de base de cette publication, il comporte des complments et des amliorations qui sont indiqu dans lAnnexe. Ce guide contient des informations concernant la couleur des feux de trafic. La pratique courante de la CIE a t conserve, mais pour quel

26、ques cas, des surfaces restreintes de chromaticit sont recommandes. On y fournit des indications dtailles pour les intensits lumineuses et les rpartition de celles-ci. Dans la plupart des cas, il est ncessaire de disposer de donnes pour le jour et pour la nuit. Des prcisions, au sujet de la luminanc

27、e et de son uniformit sont ajoutes. Des remarques sont faites concernant: lleffet fantme du soleil, la mesure des feux, la filtration du rayonnement, linflucence des facteurs de perturbation et la normalisation de lapparence des feux. Le Guide renferme des informations sur certains feux particuliers

28、: feux pour les routes a grande vitesse, taille et forme des flches et autres symboles et, tout particulirement, feux: pour cyclistes et pitons, de rappel, daffectation des voies, davertissement gnral pour applications spciales et programmation optique. CIE 79 88 I 9006145 0003767 779 = VI I Richtli

29、nien fr die Planung der Signallichter fur den Straenverkehr ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der Leitfaden beschreibt praktische Gesichtspunkte der Signallichter fr den Straenverkehr. Er ist die Grundlage fr nationale Normungen. Er basiert auf der CIE-Publikation No. 48 und ist eine Ergnzung zu dieser Publikation. D

30、ie Ergnzungen sind in einem Anhang aufgefhrt. Der Leitfaden teilt die Informationen in Bezug auf ihre Anwendung in vier Arten ein, die sich durch den Grad unterscheiden, je nachdem sie entweder fr die Forschung oder fr die Praxis oder fr beide magebend sind. Folgende Begriffe werden dafr eingefhrt:

31、- Empfehlungen - Vorschlge - Bericht - Rat Der Leitfaden enthlt detaillierte Informationen ber die Farben der Signallichter. Der blichen Praxis der CIE folgend, werden in einigen Fllen weitere Einengungen der Farbbereiche empfohlen. ber die Lichtstrke und ihre Verteilung werden Angaben gemacht. In v

32、ielen Fllen wird eine Tag-Nacht- Schaltung erforderlich sein. Auch werden Angaben fr die Leuchtdichte und ihre Gleichmigkeit gemacht. Bemerkungen betreffen das Phantornlicht, die Lichtmessung, Sonnenblenden (Schuten), den Einflu von Strlichtquellen und die einheitliche Ausfhrung der Lichtsignalanlag

33、en. Der Leitfaden behandelt weiter verschiedene Signallichter, wie z.B. Signal- lichter fr Schnellstraen, die Form der Pfeile und anderer Symbole, wie Fahrradfahrer und Fugnger. Die Ausfhrungen behandeln weiter niedrig montierte Signalleuchten, Fahrstreifensignale, allgemeine Warnleuchten, Signalleu

34、chten fr spezielle Anwendungen und Signalleuchten nach dem Projek- torprinzip. CIE 79 88 9006145 O003768 605 -1- 1 SCOPE The Guide is concerned with photometric and colorimetric matters that are related to the design of road traffic lights. Its main purpose is to provide a basis for relevant nationa

35、l standards and codes of practice, but it should also be of direct use to road traffic authorities and manufacturers of the lights. It is derived from the CIE Technical Report “Light Signals for Road Traffic Control“, Publication CIE No. 48 (TC-1.6) of 1980, which contains the experimental evidence

36、on which the Guide is based. The Guide has taken ac- count of more recent findings, but essentially it is a supplement to Publi- cation No. 48. The visibility of a signal light depends on many factors, the most important of which are the colour, luminous intensity and luminous intensity distribu- ti

37、on of the light. The Guide deals with these factors as well as with various symbols and tcut-outf figures that are used with traffic lights, but the serious problem of sun phantom, which can affect the correct recognition of a light, is discussed only briefly. Also, mention is made of some of the de

38、sign considerations for traffic engineering. The term “road traffic light“ is used throughout the Guide in accordance with the CIE International Vocabulary, and it supersedes the earlier term “light signal for road traffic control“. The main points of the Guide are summarized in Table 1. 2 INTRODUCT

39、ION This Guide, like the technical report Publication No. 48 before it, is mostly concerned with the particular visual and engineering properties of traffic lights that can directly influence a road user in his perception of the lights. It does not touch on such important subjects as the location of

40、 the lights and the ways in which they may be linked at, and between, road inter- sections; the regulatory status of the lights, which includes the sequence in which the different colours are shown; the legal obligations of local traffic authorities and road users; and general engineering considerat

41、ions associated with the lights such as standardisation of dimensions. It does, though, con- tain some matters that were not taken in detail in the earlier technical CIE 79 BB 9006245 0003769 541 -2- In tens i ty 50% of I 10“ L,R; 5 D R 7.5% of I 30“ L,R; 20“ D P distribution 12.5% of I 20“ L,R; 10“

42、 D P 3.2.2 Luminance L 2 3000 cd/m2 A 3.2.3 for symbols Table 1. Summary of the Guide. Subject Guide Level Section Red Yellow See Table 2 Green White R 3.1 uminous Day I 2 200 cd intensity Night 25 5 I 1. 200 cd for a roundel 50 I 5 100 cd I R R A 3.2.1 ni formi ty max: min 5 1O:l f luminance max: m

43、in 5 5:l P S 3.2.4 Roundel, I:Iph 2 15:1 Symbol, 1:Iph 2 18:l ackground L:L, 2 1O:l 3.3 Presence of screen a c kg r oun d Luminance factor of dark area (matt) 0.16 R S 3.5 R : Recommendation L : Left of reference axis P : Proposal R : Right of reference axis A : Advice D : Below of reference axis S

44、: Suggestion CIE 77 88 700hLY5 0003770 263 M -3- report, either because they were not of a technical nature or because they relate to work that has been done since the publication of the report. This Guide should therefore be considered in part as an amendment to the earlier report (Publication No.

45、48), and the various amendments are listed in the Appendix. The propositions and ideas that are set forth in the Guide do not have the same weight of evidence in support of each one of them. Some may be based on practice, others may be founded on experimental evidence, and yet others are well justif

46、ied by a combination of research and practice. Consequently, it has been found desirable, in this Guide, to divide them into four categories or levels, and so the following terminology has been adopted. A recommendation is based on both research and current practice. It may be expressed in a form su

47、ch as “It is recommended that.“. A proposal is based on research, but its practicability has not yet been widely established. It may be expressed in a form such as “It is proposed that . . It. Advice includes considerations that are based on practical experience, but that are not yet fully confirmed

48、 either by theory or experimental research. It may be expressed in a form such as “It is advised that .I. A suggestion is not based on established research or practical experience, but follows from other considerations, and it may be regarded as good prac- tice. It may be expressed in a form such as

49、 “It is suggested that .I. The Guide deals first with some general matters that relate to road traffic lights (Chapter 3), and then with some particular applications and design problems for the lights (Chapter 4). All the design data considered in this Guide are summarised in Table 1. 3 GENERAL 3.1 Colours of the lights The recommended colours are red, yellow, green and white, and their specifi- cations are in accordance with Publication CIE No. 2.2 tColo

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