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CIE 85-1989 Solar Spectral Irradiance (1st Edition) (E)《日光光谱辐照(第1版)(E)》.pdf


2、IGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesII This Technical ReporI has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 2-1 7 of Division 2 Physical measurement of li ht and radiation and has been approved by the Council of the Commission and experience within the

3、 specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE Proceedings or CIE NEWS, or publication listings should be consu

4、lted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Internationale de I ! clairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 2-17 de la Division 2 Mesures physiques de la lumiere et des radiations et a t approuv par le C

5、onseil de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cep

6、endant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus, CIE NEWS ou liste des publications de la CIE. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CE-Technischen Komitee 2-1 7 der Division 2 Physikalische Messungen von Licht

7、 und Strahlung ausgearbeitet und vom Rat der Commission Internationale de lfhlairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessi

8、erte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte, das CIE NEWS oder die Publikationsliste sollten im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does

9、not Imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents

10、 jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vo

11、llstndig sind. O CIE 1990 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services- 900bL45 0003444 564 III The Report. following members of TC2-17 took part in the preparation of this Technical The Committee comes under CIE Division 2: Physical Measurement of Ligh

12、t and Radiation. Editorial Committee: Kok, C J (Chairman) Kasten, F Justus, C G Other Members: Aydinli, S Kaase, H Kockot, D Richmond, J C Zerlant, G A South Africa Germany, Fed. Rep USA Germany, Fed. Rep. Germany, Fed. Rep. Germany, Fed. Rep. USA USA COPYRIGHT International Commission on Illuminati

13、onLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 85 89 .I 9006145 0003995 4T5 m IV Page 1. Introduction 2. Extra-terrestrial Solar Radiation 2.1 Extra-terrestrial Solar Irradiance 2.2 The Solar Constant 2.3 The Spectral Distribution 3. Solar Radiation at the Earths Surface 3.1 Direct, Diffuse and Glob

14、al Solar Radiation 6 3.2 Spectral Irradiances based on Rigorous Radiative Transfer Models 7 3.3 Spectral Irradiances based on pararneterizations 8 4. Appendices 4.1 Tables 1 to 8 4.2 Figures 1 to 11 10 36 5. References 44 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Hand

15、ling Services CIE 85 89 I 900bL45 000399b 331 = SOLAR SPECTRAL IRRADIANCE SUMMARY CIE TC2-17 was formed with the purpose of updating CIE Publication No.20 (TC-2.2) “Recommendations for the integrated Irradiance and the spectral distribution of simulated solar radiation for testing purposes“. The pre

16、sent document is the first of two, of which the second will deal with solar simulators. It gives a brief overview of parameterization methods and contains a number of tables and figures for solar spectral irradiances for typical atmosphere conditions defined by a set of meteorological parameters. Th

17、e calculated data show satisfactory agreement with results obtained by direct measurement. DISTRIBUTION SPECTRALE DE LCLAIREMENT SOLAIRE RESUME Le but de Comit Technique CIE TC2-17 tait de mettre jour la publication CIE nO.20 (TC2.2): “Recommendations concernant lclairement nergtique et la rpartitio

18、n spectrale du rayonnement solaire en vue de sa reproduction artificielle pour des essais“. Le prsent document est la premire de 2 parties (la deuxime partie traitera des simulateurs solaires). Ce premier document dcrit brivement les mthodes de paramtrisation et prsente des tables de donnes relative

19、s Iclalrement nergtique spectral du rayonnement solaire pour certains types de conditions atmosphriques dfinies par un ensemble de paramtres mtorologiques. Laccord entre les valeurs calcules et les valeurs mesures est satisfaisant. SOLARE SPEKTRALE BESTRAHLUNGSSTARKE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Dle CIE TC2-17 h

20、at die Aufgabe die Publikation CIE No.20 CIE2.2 “Empfehlung ber die Gesamtbestrahtungsstrke und die spektrale Verteilung knstlicher Sonnenstrahlung fr Prfzwecke“ auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. Die vorliegende Publlkation ist der erste Teil von zwei Teilen, von denen der zweite Solarsimulatoren b

21、ehandeln wird. Der erste Teil, der hier vorliegt, gibt einen kurzen berblick der Methoden der Perametrislerung und enthlt Tabellen und Abbildungen fr solare spektrale Bestrahlungsstrkeverteiiungen fr typische Zustnde der Atmosphre, die durch eine Gruppe meteorologischer Parameter definiert sind. Die

22、 berechneten Werte stimmen zufriedensteilend mit den Ergebnissen direkter Messugen berein. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services_ CIE 85 89 9006145 0003997 278 W 1. 1 INTRODUCTION It was decided to revise and update CIE Publication No.20 (TC-2.2)

23、 1972. The main reasons for this decision could be summarized as follows. It has become obvious that the solar spectral irradiance data on which the recommendations in the original document were based were no longer the most reliable. During the past decade a vast amount of new data has become avail

24、able both through modernized measurement techniques as well as improved modelling and parameterization methods. Contrary to the situation some years ago, the stage has now been reached where results for solar spectral irradiances at ground level as measured and those obtained by reliable modeling, u

25、sing extraterrestrial data as basis, show agreement to accuracies well within predictable or estimable uncerta become possible to calcul ate sol ar spectral irradiance teristics for any site on earth provided appropriate atmospheric parameters are appl ied in re1 iable model enables close simulation

26、 of solar irradiance charac nties. It has thus levels and charac- meteoro1 ogi cal and ng formulas. This eristics for any geographical site, without the need of having to make in situ measurements. It is also desirable that the number of spectral bands for which integrated solar irradiance levels ar

27、e given, should be increased, especially in the ultraviolet region where the degradation coefficient for organic material increases nearly exponentially with a decrease in wavelength. The aim of the report is to present data and recommend methods for calculating the integrated and spectral irradianc

28、e of the extraterrestrial and ground level solar radiation as a basis for simulation for testing purposes. These data are required in * aerospace technique for testing satellites and space vehicles in * space biology for testing. biological objects under extra-terres- sun simul ators, trial conditio

29、ns in laboratory, COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 5 7 I 9006345 0003978 LO4 2 * technology objects to irradiance in laboratories, solaria under the condition found in nature. for the purpose of testing the resistance of technical * biolo

30、gy and medical science for irradiation of organisms in * photovoltaic conversion for precise calculation of efficiencies and testing in solar simulators. The determination of the integrated irradiance of the extraterrestrial solar radiation, which was called “Solar Constant“ after Pouillet as early

31、as 1838, was originally based upon extrapolation of measured results at ground level. These were later followed by measurements from high mountain sites, balloons, aircraft and spacecraft. For obtaining ground level spectral irradiance data, use has been made of modelling, using extraterrestrial dat

32、a as a basis and taking into account atmospheric attenuation parameters. This has been supplemented by direct spectral measurements. The following recommendations are based upon extraterrestrial data of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which was mainly derived from the data of Labs and N

33、eckel, and of modeled data for atmospheric conditions based on the parameterization method according to Justus and Paris. 2. EXTRATERRESTRIAL SOLAR RADIATION 2.1 Extraterrestri al sol ar irradiance From the sun, the planet Earth receives electromagnetic as well as corpuscular radiation. The electrom

34、agnetic radiation of the sun is called solar radiation. The solar radiation incident on the upper boundary of the terrestrial atmosphere is called extraterrestrial sol ar radi at i on. Since the earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, the ecliptic, one year, the distance from the sun to t

35、he earth and hence the irradiance of extraterrestrial solar radiation varies with time of the year. The actual value EJ of extraterrestrial solar irradiance on Julian day 3, (J = 1, ., 365) is given by during COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services

36、 CIE 85 89 E 9006145 0003999 040 W 3 where RJ = actual earth-sun distance on day J = 1 astronomical unit (AU) = 150.106 km, R = mean earth-sun distance Eo = extraterrestrial sol ar irradiance at mean earth-sun distance = solar constant (see below). The “squared distance reduction“ (R/RJ) is found in

37、 astronomical tables or may be calculated with sufficient accuracy with the help of where 2e = 0,0334 = twice the numerical eccentricity of the ecliptic, w = 360/365,25 per day = 0,9856 per day = mean angular velocity of the revolution of the earth J = number of Julian day, counted from 1 = 1 Jan, 1

38、200 true $ = 1,735“ = difference of the geocentric longitudes of the around the sun, solar time (TST), sun at perigee and at 1 Jan, 1200 TST, respectively. Numerically, Eq. (2) reads (R/RJ)2 = 1 t 0,0334.c0s (0,9856O.J - 2,7206“). (3) The “squared distance reduction varies from 1,0334 at perigee (on

39、 3 January) to 0,9666 at apogee (on 3 July) that is by about t 3.3% during the year. 2.2 The solar constant As mentioned, the extraterrestrial solar irradiance at mean earth-sun distance is called the solar constant. Direct measurements of the solar constant were taken by instruments aboard high-alt

40、itude air- COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services- - CIE 85 89 9006145 0004000 460 4 craft, balloons, rockets and satellites in 1967-1969 and, with appreciably improved accuracy, since 1976. For critical summaries, see Frhlich and Brusa i and Frhl

41、ich Z, for instance. As a result of these re-determinations of the solar constant, the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO-CIMO) 3 agreed to adopt for meteorological purposes a value of the solar constant of Eo = (1,367 5 0,007) kW.m-*.

42、 (4) Any short term fluctuations of the solar constant are confined to the uncertainty limits given, i.e. to +. 0,5%. On the other hand, short or even longer term variations of the solar constant cannot be excluded on the basis of the present state of knowledge. 2.3 Spectral distribution When the sp

43、ectral distribution of extraterrestrial solar radiation is considered, the spectral irradiance reduced to mean earth-sun distance is usually meant. Thus, the integral over wavelength of the spectral extraterrestrial solar irradiance, EoA, yields the solar constant: The 1967-1969 measurements already

44、 mentioned were processed by Thekaekara 4, 5, 6, 71 to a recommendation for the extraterrestrial solar spectrum which yielded the value 1,353 kW.m-* for the solar constant. However, calibration and operational behaviour of the measuring instruments used were not completely above criticism so that be

45、sides Thekaekaras values, the results obtained by Labs and Neckel 8, from careful measurements at an 3600 m altitude observatory of the radiance of the suns center were also used. Since the dif- ferences in the ultraviolet and infrared spectral ranges of the two spectral distributions approximately

46、compensate each other, the value 1,358 kW.m-2 derived from Labs and Neckel for the solar constant came out very close to Thekaekaras value. 91 COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE 85 8 7006145 000400L 3T7 5 In order to obtain the mean radian

47、ce of the total solar disk from the radiance of the suns center, the so-called limb-darkening which stems from the radial stratification of the sun, is to be considered. After new improved observations of the limb-darkening had become available, Neckel and Labs lo have revised their measurements men

48、tioned above and presented an improved solar spectrum, the mean errors of which were estimated as smaller than 1% in the visible and infrared spectral regions, and smaller than 1,5% in the ultraviolet spectral region. For the resulting solar constant the authors stated the range of uncertainty from

49、1,368 to 1,377 kW-m“. On the basis of the values of Neckel and Labs lo, WMO-CIMO 3, for meteorological purposes adopted an extraterrestri al sol ar spectrum which has been adapted in the ultraviolet region to data of Arvesen il and of Heath and Thekaekara 12, and in the infrared region to data of Smith and Gottlieb 13. Furthermore, the whole spectrum had been raised by 0,14% to make its integral equal to the recommended valu

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