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CIE X018-1999 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium -99 75 Years of CIE Photometry 30 September - 02 October 1999 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest Hungary (Table of Content.pdf

1、ISBN 3 900 734 96 8 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMMISSION PROCEEDINGS of the CIE Symposium 99 75 Years of CIE Photometry 30 September - 02 October 1999 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest HUNGARY CIE xO18-1999

2、 THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) is an organisation devoted to international co-operation and exchange of information among its member countries on all matters relating to the art and science of lighting. Its membership consists of the

3、National Committees in 37 countries and one geographical area and of 10 individual members. The objectives of the CIE are : 1. To provide an international forum for the discussion of all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light and lighting and for the interchange o

4、f information in these fields between countries. 2. To develop basic standards and procedures of metrology in the iieids of Tight and lighting 3. To provide guidance in the application of principles and procedures in the development of international and national standards in the fields of light and

5、lighting. 4. To prepare and publish standards, reports and other publications concerned with all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light and lighting. 5. To maintain liaison and technical Interaction with other international Organisations concerned with matters rel

6、ated to the science, technology, standardisation and art in the fields of light and lighting. The work of the CIE is carried on by seven Divisions each with about 20 Technical Committees. This work covers subjects ranging from fundamental matters to all types of lighting applications. The standards

7、and technical reports developed by these international Divisions of the CIE are accepted throughout the world. A plenary session is held every four years at which the work of the Divisions and Technical Cornmittees is reviewed, reported end plans are made for the future. The CIE is recognlsed as the

8、 authority on all aspects of light and lighting. As such it occupies an important podtion among international organisations. LA COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGE La Commission Internationale de IEclairage (CIE) est une organisation qui se donne pour but la coopration internationale et lchange

9、dinformations entre les Pays membres sur toutes les questions relailves h lart et la science de lclairage. Elle est compose de Comits Nationaux reprsentant 37 pays plus un territoire gographique, et de t O membres individuels. Les objectifs de la CIE sont : 1. De constituer un centre dtude internati

10、onal pour toute matire relevant de la science, de la technologie et de lart de la lumlbre et de rclairage et pour lBchange entre pays dinformations dans ces domaines. 2. Dlaborer des normes et des mthodes de base pour la mdtrologie dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage. 3. De donner des dir

11、ectives pour lapplication des principes et des mthodes dlaboration de normes internationales et nationales dans les domalnes de la lumire et de lclairage. 4. De prdparer et publier des normes, rapports et autres textes, concernant toutes matires relatives la science, la technologie et lart dans les

12、domalnes de la lumire et de lclairage. 5. De maintenir une liaison et une collaboration technique avec les autres organisations internationales concernes par des sujets relatifs la science, la technologie, la normalisation et Part dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage. Les travaux de la CIE

13、 sont effectus par 7 DMsions. ayant chacune environ 20 Comits Techniques. Les sujets dtudes stendent des questions fondamentales, tous les types dapplicetions de lclairage. Les normes et les rapports techniques Blabors par ces Divisions internationales de la CIE sont reconnus dans le monde entier. T

14、ous les quatre ans, une Session plnire passe en rewe le travail des Divisions et des Comits Techniques, en fait rapport et tabllt les projets de travaux pour Pavenir. La CIE est reconnue mme la plus hauie autorit en ce qui concerne tous les aspects de le lumi8re et de FBclairage. Elle occupe comme t

15、eUe une positlon imporante parmi les organisations internationales. DIE INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMMISSION Die Internationale Beleuchtungskommission (CIE) Ist eine Organisation, die sich der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und dem Austausch von Informationen mischan ihren Mitgliedslndem bezglich d

16、er Kunst und Wissenschaft der Lichttechnik widmet. Die Mitgliedschaft besteht aus den Nationalen Komitees in 37 Lndern und einem geographischen Gebiet und aus 10 perdnlichen Mitgliedern. Die Ziele der CIE sind : 1. Ein internationaler Mittelpunkl fr Diskussionen aller Fragen auf dem Gebiet der Wisse

17、nschaft, Technik und Kunst der Lichttechnik und fr den Informationsaustausch auf diesen Gebieten zwischen den einzelnen Lndern zu sein. 2. Grundnormen und Verfahren der Metechnik auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik zu entwickeln. 3. Richtlinien fr die Anwendung von Prinzipien und Vorgngen in der Entwick

18、lung internationaler und nationaler Normen auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik zu erstellen. 4. Normen, Berichte und andere Publikationen zu erstellen und zu verffentlichen, die alle Fragen auf dem Geblet der Wissenschaft, Technik und Kunst der Lichttechnik betreffen. 5. Liaisan und technische Zusammena

19、rbeit mit anderen internalonalen Organlsationen zu unterhalten, die mit Fragen der Wissenschaft. Technik, Normung und Kunst auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik AI tun haben. Die Arbelt der CIE wird in 7 Divisionen, jede mit etwa 20 Technischen Komitees, geleistet. Diese Arbeit betrifft Gebiete mil grund

20、legendem Inhalt bis zu alien Arten der Cichtamendung. Die Normen und Technischen Berichte, die von diesen international zusammengesetzten Divisionen ausgearbeitet werden, sind von der ganzen Welt anerkannt. Tagungen werden alle vier Jahre abgehalten, In der de Arbeiten der Divisionen berprft und ber

21、ichtet und neue Plne fiIr die Zukunft ausgeaibeitet werden. Die CIE wird als hchste Autoritt fr alle Aspekte des Lichtes und der Beleuchtung angesehen. Auf diese Weise unterh6lt sie eine bedeutende Stellung unter den internationalen Organisationen. Published by the COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLA

22、IRAGE CIE Centrai Bureau Kegelgasse 27, A-1030 Vienna, AUSTRIA Tel: +43(01)714 31 87 O, Far +43(01)713 O8 38 18 WW: srnail: 8 CIE 1999 ISBN 3 900 734 96 8 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION INTERNATIONALE BELEUCH

23、TUNGSKOMMISSION PROCEEDINGS of the CIE Symposium 99 75 Years of CIE Photometry 30 September - 02 October 1999 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest HUNGARY CIE 018-1999 CIE Symposium 99 “75 years of CIE photometry” The CIE Central Bureau and CIE-Hungary wishes to thank the following organiza

24、tions for their generous sponsorship of the CIE Symposium 99 “75 years of CIE photometry” Coloryte Hungary Rt. GE-Tungsram Co. 0 Hungarian Academy of Sciences 0 TENZIKft. Tungsram-Schreder Co. National Committee for Technological Development International Advisory Board Dr. J Horvth (Hungary) Dr. R

25、Khler (BIPM) Mr. H-A Lfberg (Sweden) Mr. J Moore (United Kingdom) Dr. J Schanda (Hungary) Prof. Dr. H Tetstiege (Germany) Dr. F Vinot (France) Dr. P Walraven (the Netherlands) Local Organising Committee Czegldy Gyula, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Csapody Mikls, GE-Tungsram Debreczeni Gbor, CIE-Hung

26、ary, Secretary Hermann Christine, CIE Central Bureau Jni Valria, Hungarian Lighting Society Pollich Jnos, Hungarian Lighting Society Poppe Magdolna, Hungarian Lighting Society Schanda Jnos, C!E-Hungary, Chair Wenzel Klta, Coloryte-Hungary Zana Jnos, CIE-Hungary STD-CIE XOLB-ENGL 1777 W 700b145 000bi

27、llb 773 W Hengstberger F Bastie J CIE Symposium 99 “75 years of CIE photometry Introductory paper 1 Light measurements before V(A) 6 4 P a 5 Symposium 99 “75 years of CIE photometry” Bodrogi P Schanda J, Bub B Contents On the use of the Ware and Cowan 36 conversion factor formula in visual ergonomic

28、s 39 function describe task performance correctly? Readability of colourd signals - Does the V(h) The following table provides an overview of the Symposium Programme. Invited papers are in bold. The papers are published in the Proceedings in consecutive order of presentation. Visual fundamentals Cha

29、ir: Lfberg H-A, Schanda J (1999-09-30, Thursday p.m., part 1) Walraven PL Round-Table Discussion on vision and 44 photometry, Reporter Berman S I VatimrgA I CIE photometry and vision research I 11 1 McGowan T, presented by Bergman R Rea MS I Walraven PL 1 Extension of Vu(1L) beyond 830 nm I 26 I Lam

30、p photometry - Quest for solutions 46 Photometry for lighting applications: 51 Should it be more than VIM? Eloholma M , Halonen L, Ketomki J Fotios SA, Levermore GJ Berman SM, Jewett DL The effects of light spectrum on visual performance at mesopic light levels The effect of lamp colour properties u

31、pon perception: A summary of research and the implications for lighting design Full vision photometry for the VDT 72 environment based on physiological and behavioural orincides 67 Chair: Bastie J, Wenzel K (199949-30, Thursday p.m., part 2) What can photometry do to better describe the appearance o

32、f the lit scene I 58 I New methods of lighting design and their impact on luminaire photometry I Schmidt HJ 77 I Khler 1 Round-Table Discussion on applied I photometry, Reporter Bergman R 85 CIE 018-1999 111 CIE Symposium 99 “75 years of CIE photometry“ Author Blevin B Metrology Chair: Khler R, brah

33、m Gy, (1999-10-01, Friday Pam., part 1) Title page number The base unit of photometry and the Metre Convention 86 Ohno Y Dzsi Gy, Andor GY Wallard A - Recent developments in detector-based 1 o9 photometry and future needs in photometry Detector-based photometric scale at the 115 National Office of M

34、easures (OMH), (Hungary) Radiometry and Photometry into the 21“ Century - a brief look at industrial needs and the response of the CCPR Khler R Moore JR Moore JR 96 - _ - International comparisons in photometry and 120 radiometry Light measurement at mesopic levels using the 124 concept of Equivalen

35、t Luminance Discussion of further developments of 129 photometry, Reporter Jones C Realizations of the basic unity of photometry I I based on absolute radiometers Walraven PL Abraham Gy, Kucsera I, Kovcs G, Wenzel K lo3 I Fundamental chromaticity diagram with 132 physiological axes by CIE TC 1-36 Ch

36、ecking aie diagnosis of colour deficiency by 138 colour mixing Ladunga K, Kucsera I, Wenzel K, Chair: Ohno Y, Dzsi Gy, (1999-10-01 , Friday p.m., part 2) If I were colour blind 148 i Kucsera I, Abrahm Gy, Wenzel K, Kovcs G. Colorimetric aspects Chair: Wallard A, Bodrogi P, (1999-10-02, Saturday a.m.

37、, part 1) Approximation of human cone responsivity curves with low parametric mathematical functions Terstiege H Sagawa K Wenzel K. Abrahm Gy, Kucsera I, Kovcs G General-discussion, Reporter Goodman T 157 CIE photometry for the next 75 years, 1 59 Closina DaDer Measurements of colour adaptation unde

38、r different coloured light 143 152 IV CIE xOI 8-1 999 - CIE Symposium 99 “75 years of CIE photometry“ Author Houser KW Title page number function for brightness perception Toward a non-additive spectral weighting 164 I I Centroid wavelength of visible LED spectra I determined by broad-band measureme

39、nt I JonesCF Jones CF and Ohno Y Richter K Colorimetric accuracies and concerns in spectroradiometry of LEDs Analogue and digital ISO- and DIN-test charts for colour devices as basis for studying visual tasks in offices 1 73 178 Introduction It is my pleasure to introduce this volume containing pape

40、rs presented and discussion contributions submitted at the Symposium celebrating the 75th anniversary of CIE Photometry. I hope that those who were present will enjoy the possibility of being able to check their memory and look up papers they found particularly interesting. But also those who could

41、not attend should read these Proceedings with interest as it provides an overview of what we know about photometry and where further research is needed. I would like to hand over this volume with a quotation (kindly submitted by Jean Bastie) by Dr. Jean Terrien who introduced me to precision photome

42、tric metrology more than forty years ago: “Sans loeil qui voit, le mot lumire na pas de sens : seul loeil peut mesurer la lumire. La lumire est une ncessit pratique, non scientifique. Or loeil est un organe de fonctionnement si complexe et de propri8ts si variables que son emploi comme appareil de m

43、esure introduit dimmenses diffkutts. On saperoit que la lumire nous est utile de si diverses faons que ron ne peut espdrer trouver une mesure qui traduise trs conecternent son utilfi dans tous les cas. “ These sentences can be translated as follows : Without an eye to see it, the word light has no m

44、eaning: only the eye is able to measure light. Light is a practical necessity not a scientific one. Now the eye is an organ so complex and its properties so changeable that it is immensely difficult to use it as a measuring apparatus . . One can see that light is useful to us in so many ditferent wa

45、ys that there is no hope of ever finding a single measurement which translates correct& how useful it is in every case. Translation by Mark Plimmer. These words are valid also today. At the meeting we saw that for different applications we will need different measures of “light“. It is the challenge for the future to find appropriate descriptors and quantities to “measure light“ related to its different uses. Budapest, 1999-1 0-22 Chairman of the Organizing Committee

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