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本文(CIE X033-2008 PROCEEDINGS of the CIE Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry 7-8 July 2008 Hotel Concorde Turin Italy (CD-ROM INCLUDED)《CIE专家讨论会“光度学和色度学的改进”的会议记录.pdf)为本站会员(confusegate185)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

CIE X033-2008 PROCEEDINGS of the CIE Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry 7-8 July 2008 Hotel Concorde Turin Italy (CD-ROM INCLUDED)《CIE专家讨论会“光度学和色度学的改进”的会议记录.pdf

1、 PROCEEDINGS of the CIE Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry 7-8 July 2008 Hotel Concorde Turin, Italy CIE x033:2008 CD-ROM INCLUDED ISBN 978 3 901906 73 2 THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATION The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) is an organisation devoted

2、 to international co-operation and exchange of information among its member countries on all matters relating to the art and science of lighting. Its membership consists of the National Committees in about 40 countries. The objectives of the CIE are: 1. To provide an international forum for the disc

3、ussion of all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light and lighting and for the interchange of information in these fields between countries. 2. To develop basic standards and procedures of metrology in the fields of light and lighting. 3. To provide guidance in the

4、 application of principles and procedures in the development of international and national standards in the fields of light and lighting. 4. To prepare and publish standards, reports and other publications concerned with all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light

5、and lighting. 5. To maintain liaison and technical interaction with other international organisations concerned with matters related to the science, technology, standardisation and art in the fields of light and lighting. The work of the CIE is carried on by seven Divisions each with about 20 Techni

6、cal Committees. This work covers subjects ranging from fundamental matters to all types of lighting applications. The standards and technical reports developed by these international Divisions of the CIE are accepted throughout the world. A plenary session is held every four years, at which the work

7、 of the Divisions and Technical Committees is reviewed, reported and plans are made for the future. The CIE is recognised as the authority on all aspects of light and lighting. As such it occupies an important position among international organisations. LA COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGE La

8、Commission Internationale de lEclairage (CIE) est une organisation qui se donne pour but la coopration internationale et lchange dinformations entre les Pays membres sur toutes les questions relatives lart et la science de lclairage. Elle est compose de Comits Nationaux reprsentant environ 40 pays.

9、Les objectifs de la CIE sont : 1. De constituer un centre dtude international pour toute matire relevant de la science, de la technologie et de lart de la lumire et de lclairage et pour lchange entre pays dinformations dans ces domaines. 2. Dlaborer des normes et des mthodes de base pour la mtrologi

10、e dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage. 3. De donner des directives pour lapplication des principes et des mthodes dlaboration de normes internationales et nationales dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage. 4. De prparer et publier des normes, rapports et autres textes, concernant

11、toutes matires relatives la science, la technologie et lart dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage. 5. De maintenir une liaison et une collaboration technique avec les autres organisations internationales concernes par des sujets relatifs la science, la technologie, la normalisation et lart

12、dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage. Les travaux de la CIE sont effectus par 7 Divisions, ayant chacune environ 20 Comits Techniques. Les sujets dtudes stendent des questions fondamentales, tous les types dapplications de lclairage. Les normes et les rapports techniques labors par ces Div

13、isions Internationales de la CIE sont reconnus dans le monde entier. Tous les quatre ans, une Session plnire passe en revue le travail des Divisions et des Comits Techniques, en fait rapport et tablit les projets de travaux pour lavenir. La CIE est reconnue comme la plus haute autorit en ce qui conc

14、erne tous les aspects de la lumire et de lclairage. Elle occupe comme telle une position importante parmi les organisations internationales. DIE INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNGSKOMMISSION Die Internationale Beleuchtungskommission (CIE) ist eine Organisation, die sich der internationalen Zusammenarbeit un

15、d dem Austausch von Informationen zwischen ihren Mitgliedslndern bezglich der Kunst und Wissenschaft der Lichttechnik widmet. Die Mitgliedschaft besteht aus den Nationalen Komitees in rund 40 Lndern. Die Ziele der CIE sind: 1. Ein internationaler Mittelpunkt fr Diskussionen aller Fragen auf dem Gebi

16、et der Wissenschaft, Technik und Kunst der Lichttechnik und fr den Informationsaustausch auf diesen Gebieten zwischen den einzelnen Lndern zu sein. 2. Grundnormen und Verfahren der Metechnik auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik zu entwickeln. 3. Richtlinien fr die Anwendung von Prinzipien und Vorgngen in

17、 der Entwicklung internationaler und nationaler Normen auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik zu erstellen. 4. Normen, Berichte und andere Publikationen zu erstellen und zu verffentlichen, die alle Fragen auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaft, Technik und Kunst der Lichttechnik betreffen. 5. Liaison und technisc

18、he Zusammenarbeit mit anderen internationalen Organisationen zu unterhalten, die mit Fragen der Wissenschaft, Technik, Normung und Kunst auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik zu tun haben. Die Arbeit der CIE wird in 7 Divisionen, jede mit etwa 20 Technischen Komitees, geleistet. Diese Arbeit betrifft Gebi

19、ete mit grundlegendem Inhalt bis zu allen Arten der Lichtanwendung. Die Normen und Technischen Berichte, die von diesen international zusammengesetzten Divisionen ausgearbeitet werden, sind von der ganzen Welt anerkannt. Tagungen werden alle vier Jahre abgehalten, in der die Arbeiten der Divisionen

20、berprft und berichtet und neue Plne fr die Zukunft ausgearbeitet werden. Die CIE wird als hchste Autoritt fr alle Aspekte des Lichtes und der Beleuchtung angesehen. Auf diese Weise unterhlt sie eine bedeutende Stellung unter den internationalen Organisationen. Published by the COMMISSION INTERNATION

21、ALE DE LECLAIRAGE CIE Central Bureau Kegelgasse 27, A-1030 Vienna, AUSTRIA Tel: +43 1 714 31 87 0, Fax: +43 1 714 31 87 18 e-mail: ciecbcie.coat WWW: http:/ CIE 2008 PROCEEDINGS of the CIE Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry 7-8 July 2008 Hotel Concord Turin, Ita

22、ly CIE x033:2008 CD-ROM INCLUDED ISBN 978 3 901906 73 2 CIE Expert Symposium 2008 on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry II CIE x033:2008 CIE EXPERT SYMPOSIUM on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry co-hosted by the Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica and Commission Internationale de lEc

23、lairage CIE thanks Everfine, LMT, Radiant Imaging and TechnoTeam Bildverarbeitung GmbH for their generous sponsorship of this CIE Symposium Symposium Co-Chairs Yoshi Ohno National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA e-mail: Tel. +1 301 975 2321 Maria Luisa Raste

24、llo National Research Institute of Metrology (INRIM), Torino, Italy e-mail: Tel. + 39 011 39 19 219 Organizing Committee Martina Paul, Maria Luisa Rastello, Yoshi Ohno, Armin Sperling, Georg Sauter, Norbert Johnson, Guy Vandermeersch, Jim Gardner, Peter Blattner Symposium Secretar

25、iat Elisabetta Melli Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (I.N.RI.M.) Settore Biblioteca, Pubblicazioni e Stampa Strada delle Cacce, 91, 10135 Torino, Italy e-mail: Tel. +39 011 3919 524 Fax +39 011 34 63 84 CIE Expert Symposium 2008 on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry CIE

26、 x033:2008 III Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any list, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprenhensive. CIE 2008 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this

27、 publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without the permission in writing from the CIE Central Bureau at the address below. Commission Internationale de lEclairage CIE Central Bureau Kegelgasse 27 A-1030

28、Vienna AUSTRIA Tel.: +43 1 714 31 87 0 Fax: +43 1 714 31 87 18 e-mail: WWW: http:/ CIE Expert Symposium 2008 on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry IV CIE x033:2008 Contents The following table provides an overview of the Symposium Programme. Invited papers are listed

29、 in bold. The papers are published in the Proceedings in consecutive order of presentation. Authors Title Page Key Note Paper Georg Sauter Goniophotometry: New challenges and novel solutions VIII Session I Imaging Phometers and Colorimeters Session Chair: M.L. Rastello F. Schmidt, U. Krger Image Lum

30、inance and Colour Measuring Devices 1 R. Rykowski, D. Kreysar Comparison of Various Methods to Measure Luminous Intensity with an Imaging Colorimeter 9 A. Zschenker, A. Sperling, F. Schmidt, U. Krger Determination of the Quality Index “Nonlinearity“ of Imaging Luminance Measurement Devices (ILMD) 15

31、 Zs. Kosztyn, S. Sturm, D. Mller, J. Schanda Decreasing Colour Measuring Systematic Error in Image Taking Tristimulus Colorimeters 21 C.C. Miller Retroreflection Measurements using an Imaging Photometer 26 N. Bo P. Iacomussi, G. Rossi CCD Detectors for Diffusing Material and Retroreflector Character

32、ization 32 Session II Spectral Responsivity Measurement and 1f of Photometers Session Chair: P. Blattner J. Pan, H. Sheng, Y. Zong, Y. Ohno 1f Evaluation and Measurement Comparison 38 S. Nevas, A. Sperling, S. Winter, A.E. Abd El Mageed, P. Blattner Measurements of the Spectral Responsivity and 1f V

33、alues of Photometers 44 U. Krger, P. Blattner The Influence of the Uncertainty of the Spectral Responsitivity Measurement on the Method of Determination of 1f 49 E. Ikonen, T. Poikonen, P. Krh, P. Manninen, F. Manoocheri Determination of 1f and its Uncertainty with Biased and Random Error Models 55

34、Expert Symposium 2008 Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry CIE Expert Symposium 2008 on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry CIE x033:2008 V Authors Title Page D.-H. Lee, S. Park, S.N. Park Spatially Resolved Measurement of Spectral Responsitivity of a Photometer with a Mosaic-Type V()-Filter 61

35、 K. Muray Blue LED Measurements 64 M.D. Lysko Quality Matching of the V()-Function and Associated Uncertainties for High Precision Photometers at the NMISA 66 A.A. Gaertner, C. Bamber, L.P. Boivin, M. Chrysler NRC Photometer Design for the Realization of a Luminous Intensity Scale 70 Session III LED

36、 Measurement and Characterization Session Chair: A. Sperling W. Halbritter W. Horak, W. Jordan Measurement Requirements for the Characterization of Photobiological Hazards posed by the Optical Radiation of Lamps or LEDs 76 M. Tongsheng, Y. Jiandong, L. Li A Retinal Radiance Meter 86 G. Brida, M.L. R

37、astello F. Saccomandi, F. Viarengo Development of LED Calibration Facility at INRIM 92 P. Csuti, B. Krnicz, U. Krger, J. Schanda, F. Schmidt Photometric and Colorimetric Stability of LEDs 96 Y. Zong, Y. Ohno New Practical Method for Measurement of High-Power LEDs 102 G. Brida, M.L. Rastello, F. Sacc

38、omandi, F. Viarengo A Combined Method for Measuring Total Flux and Luminous Intensity of LEDs 107 S. Park, D.H. Lee, Y.W. Kim, H.P. Kim, S.N. Park Study on the Total Luminous Flux Measurement of Surface-Emitting Light Sources Using an Integrating Sphere 111 F.W. Leuschner Photometry and Colorimetry

39、of White LED Cap Lamps for Mining 114 Session IV Goniophotometers and other developments Session Chair: G. Sauter M. Shaw, T. Goodman Goniospectroradiometric Characterisation of Light Sources 118 L. Junkai, W. Jianping, M. Tongsheng A Novel Goniophotometer with Pursuit Mirror 124 K. Oshima. K. Ohkub

40、o, S. Mishima The New Idea for Total Luminous Flux Measurement 128 M.E. Nadal, G. Obein NIST Goniospectrometer for Surface Color Measurements 134 CIE Expert Symposium 2008 on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry VI CIE x033:2008 Authors Title Page E. Chorro, F. Martnez-Verd, J. Campos, A. Pons On

41、the Importance of Rotating Metallic and Pearlescent Samples around the Normal in Multi-Gonio-Spectrophotometric Measurements 139 G.P. Eppeldauer, C.C. Miller, Y. Ohno Detector-Based Calibration Procedures for Tristimulus Colorimeter Standards 141 J. Hartmann, K. Anhalt, R.D. Taubert Towards a More A

42、ccurate and Reliable Source Based Radiometry and Photometry 147 Poster Session D.Barrios, R. Vergaz, J.M.S. Pena, C. Pozo J.A. Pomposo Coloration, Voltage and Charge Density Relation of Viologens based Electrochromic Devices 152 D. Barrios, A.F.P. Romn, R. Vergaz, J.I. Santos, J.M.S Pena, Chromatic

43、Characterization of a RGB-LED Backlight System for an Antiferroelectric LCD * 157 U. Binder, W. Halbritter, W. Jordan, G. Sauter, W. Steudtner, N. Wagner The New Hemispherical Robot Goniophotometer of the Central Laboratory for Light Measurements of OSRAM GmbH Munich 159 G. Bizjak, M.B. Kobav B. Lui

44、n Measurement of Luminance of Symbols on Automotive Switches with Digital Camera 164 G. Bizjak, M. Prelovek Measurement of Variations of Correlated Color Temperature at White LEDs 170 K. Bredemeier, F. Schmidt Ray Data Measurements of Modern Light Sources 176 G. Brida, M.L. Rastello The Candela: Tow

45、ards Quantum Photon-Based Standards 181 P.-T. Chou, S.-B. Huang, S.-P. Ying Measurements for Near Field Source Models of LED Die using Source Imaging Goniometer 185 L. Hui, L. Yandong, Y. Chenzhu, X. Wenbin Using Incandescent Lamps as Transfer Standards for Luminous Flux of Compact Fluorescent Lamps

46、 189 O.P. Melamed *Research of the Spectrocolorimetric Method Uncertainties for Chromaticity Coordinates Measurements * 193 J. Mountford, G. Porrovecchio, M. Smid Use of Switched Integrator Amplifier for High Accuracy Optical Measurements of Steady and Low Level Photocurrent Signals 195 C. Schwaneng

47、el Fast Headlamp Measurement with Image Luminance Measurement Technique 197 *Extended Abstract (Full paper was not submitted) CIE Expert Symposium 2008 on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry CIE x033:2008 VII Authors Title Page M. Smid, G. Porrovecchio, R. Smid Super Lineality: a Method to Improv

48、e the Linearity of a Switched Integrator Amplifier 202 K. Richter Colour Management Reference Circle: Scan File Print Scan using a CIELAB Camera and Standard Offset Printing 204 E.W.M. van der Ham, E. van Veldhoven, D.H.C.D Bos *Accurate 1f Determination for Total Luminous Flux Measurements of High-Power LEDs beyond the 0,3% Level 210 E. Chorro, F. Martinez-Verd J. Campos, A. Pons * On the importance of rotating metallic and pearlescent samples around the normal in multi-gonio-spectrophotometric measurements *A-1 LIST OF PARTIPANTS 213 *Addendum (Full paper was submitted after deadline)

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