1、DEUTSCHE NORMEN UDC 669.717423.5 8 621.315-55 : 621.316.5 Ieinverkauf der Normbltter durd Bouh Verlag GmbH, Berlin 30 und Kln 1 DIB 464s en. heisgr.4 Augur t 1973 Switchgear Extruded Charnel Section6 of Aluminium for Busbars 1 DIN 46424 z O a * 60 80 100 120 140 160 .- - - E 5 30 4 2 67,l 16,8 448 1
2、,22 EN F6.5 37,5 6 2 88.4 i4,8 858 2,32 37.5 8 2 106.8 13.4 1270 3.47 F6,5 EAIMgSi0,S F22 45 10 3 128.2 12,8 1900 52,5 11 3 149.5 13.6 2450 6,66 60 12 3 170.9 14.2 3070 8.34 5t17 EAI F8 .- i 5 a 3 8 180 200 67,5 13 3 192.2 14.8 3760 10,2 EAIMgSi0,S F17 75 14 3 213.6 15.3 4510 12,2 I Schaltanlagen; g
3、epre6te U-Profile aus Aluminium fr 8txvischienen Dimensions in am Designation of a channel section of height h - 160 ma, width b - 60 P end thickness s - 12 u) of E-Al F6.5: U 160 DIB 46424 - %Al 16.5 I 1 I I I I I I Peraiseible variations for dimensions without tolerance indication: according to Dm
4、 1748 Part 4 PLghagi bright as extruded nooe-oL!%?loo- Sections as in this Standard are ep lied in manufacturing, appr0XiMte and fixed lengths according to DIN 1748 Part 4. Approxfmats and fixed lengths are to be specially agreed when ordering. For identification of the lengths, (ap roximate) is to
5、be ineerted after the leqth case of approximate lengths and (fixed7 in the case of fixed lengths. n the ElaOEk!OOEOEi 200 m channel section of height h = 160 mm, width b - 60 u and thicknee8 s = 12 .II, SA1 F6.5 in manufacturing lengths: 200 E U 160 DIA 46424 - SA1 F6.4 of 1 The disioter of the circ
6、9ucrib.d circle (&) and/or its ratio to the emdlloet rob thicknose (du : emin) of the eection in queetion aro to be taken a the reference dimeMioM. Continued on page 2 Explanations on page 2 Page 2 Dl? 46424 For aluminium extruded esctiona (highest grado alruinius, high grade aluiiniui end wrought d
7、uminius allays). Penisaible variations, see DIA 1748 Pa* 2 to Part 4. For aliilinius for electdcal engineering, sections, b8rS9 tecnnical conditions of delire=, see DIH 40501 Part 3. Por aluminiui and magnesium channelr, extruded, dimensions, etatic valuce., see DIa 9713. Exulanatiem RoriiOii of tho
8、 Tobruiry 1955 Ioauo of tho Standud becarno necooauy becauso, for many you0 psit. busbu cbsnnole have boon mpplod only u oxtsioo. rad not u dram aoctio. Tho etrab hardening which could bo achiorod by drawing ia thue .la0 oliibatod, with tho rooult that ortrudod chamo1 OOCtiOM of SA1 now haro minimu
9、raluos for tho tomilo strongth of only 65 or 80 N/d. moro groator otrongth i. roquirod, th0 utoral %AlMgSi 0.5, with minimum tOMi0 DtrOngth8 Of 275 or 170 n/iiz M in DIB 40501 Put 39 i8 doo iuppllod for chaaaol rctiolu. in particular, tho rorioion rffocta tho poriiaiblo diionsional variatioao, which
10、 haro boon brought into lino with tho otato of tho toohnology doecribod in DIN 1748 Part 4, Ioeuo of Decoibor 1968. Tho poriissiblo diiOMiOnd VariatiOiu WO in conaoquonco now mch imallor throughout thM tho80 for dram ch-01 8eCtiOM apocifiod in tho provioui iwuo of DIN 16424 datod Tobnia 1955. In oon
11、fority with DIN 1748 Put 4, tho rounding of tho outmido odgoa wu frod at 1 u radlua, and y T- from thio figuro by t3.5 n. If wu nocooay to rotain tho fillot radium on tho lanide at tho oxiit- ing figuro, u othorwiie ditticultios could haro ariaon with tho width of tho her atrap whoro boltod conaocti
12、ow nro involrod. in additioa (mm in DIN WlJ), tho dimotor of tho a1rcui.crb.d clrclo (du) nnd its ratio to tho sullost wob thicknoam (d, : %inn) hiro boon incorporatod in tho Standud am rofonnco dimonoioiu. Tho60 roforonco diwmiow 0r0 Important not only in tho anufacturo of tho ehuaol ooctiom. tut t
13、hoy also facilitato the application of DIN 1748 Put 4, 0.6. for dotoraining tho ponissiblo torsion. Ao tho principal diionsioiu nuin imchangod and tho pmiiblo dimasional Tmi&tOW haro boon only olietly altorod. no prOb1.M ahould uioo in using up oximting tooling with o radiwing and dinmionrl ruiatom corre5ponding to tho Tobruary 1955 Ioauo. Poforonco ia mado to tho fact that tho doaigaation has boon uondod as cornparod with tho prorious ioauo of tho Staadud.
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