1、March 1 : 621.914 DEUTSCHE NORMEN Metal-cutting Tools Milling Cutters Rotation Flute Direction End Thrust 857 Yaschinenwerkzeuge fr Metall; Prser, Schneidrichtung, Spannutenrichtung, Langsruck lot ation aft-hand cutting: Cutter rotates in a counter-clockwise direction when viewed from the driven e.
2、light-hand cutting: Cutter rotates Fn a clockwise direction when viewed from the driven end ?lute direction I. Straight flutes ?. Right-hand or left-hand helical flutes (designation as for right-hand or left-hand tbreads) Inder 2 the following types exist Type of cutter :ylindrical cutter Shank type
3、 cutter .Hand of flute helix Right-hand Left-hand Left -hand Right -hand Right-hand Left-hand Left-hand Right-hand Right-hand Left-hand End thrust End thrust directed towards driven end End thrust self-cancelling End thrust directed away from driven end, rake on end face beneficial End thrust irecte
4、d towards driven end, rake on end ace unfavourable eft-hand cutting .left-hand Zight-hand cuttin1 :right-hand) .eft-hand cutting left-hand) tight-hand cuttin) :right-hand .e ft-hand cutting left-hand) Light-hand cutting right-hand) eft-hand cutting left-hand) ight-hand cutting right-hand) Rot a ti on a PI d, .A h n a PI 3 B Sar as cylindrical cutters are concerned the rotation is generally opposite to the hand of lh. nverkauf der Normbltter durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin 30 und Kln 1 DIN a57 engl. Preisgr. Vertr.-Nr. O104