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2、ESS REPORT ON THE EUS INTEGRATED MARITIME POLICY COM(2009) 540 EN 2 EN This document contains details of the various actions and activities pursued with regard to the implementation of the Blue Paper Action Plan1(AP) under the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP). Items are given under the general headi

3、ngs of the Action Plan. A heading on sea basin related activities has been added, reflecting the developments since the AP has been adopted by the Commission. In addition related activities undertaken by the Commission and by Member States in response to the issues raised in the Blue Paper are repor

4、ted under the same general thematic headings. A number of issues relevant to the IMP have been addressed in the broader context of other policies (e.g. on climate change or energy). Where this is the case, the relevant documents are identified and the precise reference is given. A summary table of t

5、he specific actions under the Action Plan with document references (with all web links) can be found at the end. The implementation of the Action plan has progressed well: Of the 65 actions in the plan, 56 have been launched or completed (mostly in the form of Commission or Council acts), some with

6、minor delays. On 9 actions no documents are adopted yet. Following the first conceptual phase, the Commission and Member States are now focusing efforts on the concretisation and implementation on the ground, with additional activities in all relevant policy areas pursued where needed. 1An Integrate

7、d Maritime Policy for the European Union, COM(2007) 575 final of 10.10.2007 and SEC(2007) 1278 of 10.10.2007 EN 3 EN Table of contents page I. Maritime governance 5I-1 Communication “Guidelines on an Integrated Approach to Maritime Policy: Towards Best Practices in Integrated Maritime Governance and

8、 Stakeholder Consultation“ 5I-2 Functioning of Commission structures ensuring an integrated governance approach to maritime policy 5I-3 Activities of other EU Institutions with regard to integrated maritime governance 6I-4 Member States activities on integrated maritime governance 7I-5 Stakeholder d

9、ialogue 10I-6 Horizontal cooperation on governance 11I-7 Report on regulatory concerns 13II. Activities in relation to the sea basins 13II-1 Communication on the European Union and the Arctic Region 14II-2 EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region 15II-3 Communication “Towards an Integrated Maritime Pol

10、icy for better governance in the Mediterranean“ 15II-4 Communication on the Outermost Regions 16II-5 Implementation of Black Sea Synergy 16II-6 Cooperation between the Commission and the regions 17II-7 Cooperation within sea-basins 18II-8 Report on the application of the Environmental Impact Assessm

11、ent Directive 19III. Tools for integrated policy making 19III-1 Roadmap for Maritime Spatial Planning 19III-2 European maritime surveillance 20III-3 Marine knowledge 22IV. Maximising the sustainable use of the oceans and seas 23IV-1 Marine Strategy Framework Directive 23IV-2 European Economic Recove

12、ry Plan 23IV-3 Climate and energy package 24IV-4 Off-Shore Wind Energy Communication and off-shore energy supply connections 24IV-5 Second Strategic Energy Review 25IV-6 Green Paper “Towards a Secure, Sustainable and Competitive European Energy Network“ 25IV-7 Strategic goals and recommendations for

13、 the EUs maritime transport policy until 2018 25IV-8 Communication and action plan with a view to establishing a European maritime transport space without barriers 26IV-9 Implementation of the third maritime safety package 26IV-10 Commission proposal on amending Directive 2005/35/EC on ship source p

14、ollution introducing penalties for infringements 27IV-11 Ports Policy 27IV-12 Proposal for a Council Directive on the Maritime Labour Convention 28EN 4 EN IV-13 Proposal for a Council Decision authorising Member States to ratify the ILO “Work in Fishing Convention“ 29IV-14 Reassessment of the exclus

15、ion of maritime workers from parts of the European labour and social legislation 29IV-15 Maritime employment, training and certification of seafarers 29IV-16 The impact of the economic crisis on shipbuilding and the future of the programme LeaderSHIP 2015 30IV-17 Study on the role of Maritime Cluste

16、rs to enhance the strength and development in maritime sectors 31IV-18 Workshop on Maritime Clusters in landlocked countries 32IV-19 Prolongation of the existing state aid rules for shipbuilding 32IV-20 Competition and state aid rules for maritime transport 33IV-21 Antitrust investigations in the sh

17、ip classification sector 34IV-22 Study on tourist facilities in ports 34IV-23 Air pollution and GHG emissions from ships 35IV-24 Communication on “An EU Strategy for Better Ship Dismantling“ 36IV-25 Green paper on the Common Fisheries Policy and reform of the fisheries control regulation 36IV-26 Reg

18、ulation against Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing 37IV-27 Actions against destructive fishing practices 37IV-28 Guardians of the Sea 37IV-29 Community initiatives for the protection of marine biodiversity 38V. Building a knowledge and innovation base for the maritime policy 38V-1 Eur

19、opean marine and maritime research 38V-2 Communication on a Marine and Maritime Research Strategy 39VI. Delivering the highest quality of life in coastal regions 41VI-1 Adapting to Climate Change 41VI-2 Study on “The Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in EU Coastal Areas“ 41VI-3 Community approa

20、ch on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters 42VI-4 Annual bathing water reports 42VI-5 Database on projects in maritime regions 43VII. Promoting Europes leadership in international maritime affairs 43VII-1 Assessment of the EUs profile in international maritime fora 43VII-2 Communication

21、“Developing the international dimension of the Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union“ 43VII-3 Commission initiatives for the prevention and suppression of maritime piracy 43VIII. Raising the visibility of maritime Europe 45VIII-1 European Maritime Day 2008 and 2009 45VIII-2 European Atlas

22、 of the Seas 46VIII-3 Workshop on Europes maritime cultural heritage 46VIII-4 Maritime statistics - Key figures for coastal regions and sea areas 47EN 5 EN I. Maritime governance (AP chapter 2) I-1 Communication “Guidelines on an Integrated Approach to Maritime Policy:Towards Best Practices in Integ

23、rated Maritime Governance and StakeholderConsultation“ - COM(2008) 395 final of 26.06.2008 In June 2008, the Commission adopted the above Communication following the announcement in the Action Plan on an Integrated Maritime Policy that the Commission would issue guidelines to assist Member States in

24、 drawing up national integrated maritime policies based on common principles and stakeholder involvement. This Communication provides guidance on how to introduce integrated maritime governance and stakeholder consultation, based on common elements observed in integrated approaches to maritime affai

25、rs in the EU and elsewhere. It also presents an approach for sharing website and contact information on initiatives for maritime governance and stakeholder consultation as a tool for collective learning. It invites Member States to provide information on their approach to maritime governance on the

26、internet. To this end, information sheets have been prepared to support the exchange of best practices in maritime governance. European affairs ministers discussed the Guidelines at the Ministerial Conference in Brest on 13 July 2008, when they agreed to proceed with the exchange of information and

27、good practice. To this end, they agreed to provide the requested information on national approaches to integrated maritime governance by April 2009. In a number of Member States and regions integrated approaches and strategies exist or are being developed. More information is given below and on-line

28、2. I-2 Functioning of Commission structures ensuring an integrated governance approachto maritime policy Steering Group of Commissioners: Within the Commission, a Steering Group of Commissioners provides the upstream co-ordination and maximises the impact of the IMP. It was set up in 2005 to develop

29、 joint and coherent decision-making in relation to the oceans and seas. This work is led by a coordinating group. Currently 10 Commissioners participate in the Steering Group meeting at least once per year. In 2009, the meeting took place on 28 January. Previous meetings had been held on 10 October

30、2007 (upon the adoption of the Blue Paper) and on 23 July 2008. Maritime Policy Interservice Group: The Interservice Group (ISG), involving 28 Directorates-General of the Commission, supports the Steering Group of Commissioners and monitors day-to-day progress on EU Integrated Maritime Policy. The I

31、SG meets at 6-week intervals and provides the core of the integrative nature of the IMP within the Commission. Member States Expert Group: The Member States Expert Group brings together national public servants to exchange information about the organisation of maritime governance nationally and at E

32、U level and to 2http:/ EN 6 EN provide a basis for the exchange of best practices. At the first meeting after the presentation of the Blue Paper on 11 March 2008 the new structure and work in progress on the Action Plan was presented, which led to fru

33、itful exchanges on the main projects under way. The MS Experts Group meets regularly every two to three months to discuss progress in implementation of Integrated Maritime Policy at national and EU level. I-3 Activities of other EU Institutions with regard to integrated maritime governance The Europ

34、ean Council: The European Council welcomed the Integrated Maritime Policy at its meeting of 14 December 20073, and invited the Commission to present a progress report by the end of 2009 and to present a Baltic Sea Regional Strategy by June 2009. The Council: A Friends of the Presidency Group met at

35、the initiative of the French Presidency on 26 November 2008 in order to discuss the draft conclusions of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, focusing on the issues of governance, innovation and surveillance, while encompassing a large number of maritime policy actions. In its conclus

36、ions of 8 December 20084the Council recognised the IMPs cross-cutting nature. The Council furthermore welcomed specific initiatives announced under this policy, e.g. in its conclusions on a European Strategy for Maritime and Marine Research and on an Arctic Strategy. Presidency High-Level Focal Poin

37、ts Group on IMP: Regular political contacts among Member States and with the Commission are ensured through the High-Level Focal Points Group which provides the strategic orientation of the IMP. The High-Level Focal Points Group was set up at the initiative of a number of Member States under the Por

38、tuguese Presidency at the end of 2007. Since the first semester of 2008, it aims to meet at least twice a year, under the chairmanship of the Presidency to discuss the main priorities and overall progress on Integrated Maritime Policy. A first meeting, organised by Slovenia, took place on 22 April 2

39、008. The second meeting was held on 14 October 2008 under the French Presidency. Both meetings took place in Brussels. In 2009, a meeting was held in conjunction with the European Maritime Day on 18 May in Rome, chaired by the Swedish Presidency upon request of the Czech Presidency, with another mee

40、ting that took place under the Swedish Presidency on 1 October 2009 in Stockholm. The European Parliament: The European Parliament adopted a positive, supportive report5on the Blue Paper and Action Plan on 20 May 2008 (rapporteur: Willi PIECYK (), DE/PSE), welcoming the Commission plans and calling

41、for specific actions in a number of maritime policy areas. The EP resolution on “The regional development aspects of the impact of tourism on coastal regions“ was adopted in plenary on 18 December 20086(rapporteur: Jamila MADEIRA, PT/PSE). As part of the development of the report, a study on tourism

42、 analysing the potential 3Council document 16616/1/07 REV 1 4Council document 16503/1/08 REV 1 5A6-0163/2008 (Committee on Transport and Tourism) 6Motion for a European Parliament resolution on the regional development aspects of the impact of tourism on coastal regions (2008/2132(INI) EN 7 EN devel

43、opment of coastal tourism and the consequences for regional policy was presented in the EPs Regional Development Committee on 26 June 2008. Coastal and maritime tourism already provide a high number of jobs and guarantee a high standard of living in the coastal regions. The potential for more and be

44、tter jobs must be realised by dealing with the particular problems coastal tourism is facing and which are comprehensively described in the study report. In its resolution on the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion adopted on 24 March 2009 (rapporteur: Lambert VAN NISTELROOIJ, NL/PPE-DE)7, the Europ

45、ean Parliament emphasises “that territorial cohesion has both a land and a maritime dimension“. The report also “stresses the importance of the integrated development of sea basins“. Committee of the Regions: A positive report on Integrated Maritime Policy was adopted on 9 April 20088(rapporteur: Sa

46、ima Kalev, EE/UEN-EA). On 17 June 2009, the CoR adopted an opinion on a “Coastal and Maritime package“9(rapporteur: Michel Delebarre, FR/PES), which brings together key IMP developments such as Maritime Governance, the roadmap for maritime spatial planning, a common transport space without barriers,

47、 guidelines on state aid to ports, and the maritime transport strategy up to 2018. This cross-sector opinion demonstrates the willingness of regions as key stakeholders of the Integrated Maritime Policy to see Europe working in a more integrated fashion, overcoming policy fragmentation. With regard

48、to territorial cohesion, in its opinion adopted on 11 February 200910(rapporteur: Yves Le Drian, President of the Brittany Regional Council), the CoR considers that “territorial cohesion is not an exclusively “land-based” notion: also the territories of the European seas - numerously interlinked wit

49、h land-based activities and since 2005 addressed by the European Maritime Policy - should be included in the policy approach of territorial cohesion; many land-based policies and policy tools are also relevant for the European seas“. Economic and Social Committee: A supportive report on Integrated Maritime Policy was adopted on 14 April 200811. I-4 Member States activities on integrated maritime governance A number of countries have taken steps towards more integrated governance. At the time of the Green Paper, only a few initiatives for integrated approaches in Member State

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