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本文(DIN EN 16772-2016 Water quality - Guidance on methods for sampling invertebrates in the hyporheic zone of rivers German version EN 16772 2016《水质 在河流潜流带采样无脊椎动物的方法指南 德文版本EN 16772-201.pdf)为本站会员(livefirmly316)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

DIN EN 16772-2016 Water quality - Guidance on methods for sampling invertebrates in the hyporheic zone of rivers German version EN 16772 2016《水质 在河流潜流带采样无脊椎动物的方法指南 德文版本EN 16772-201.pdf

1、November 2016 English price group 14No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 13.060.70!%uq“

2、DIN EN 16772Water quality Guidance on methods for sampling invertebrates in the hyporheic zone of rivers;English version EN 16772:2016,English translation of DIN EN 16772:2016-11Wasserbeschaffenheit Anleitung fr Verfahren zur Probenahme von Invertebraten in der hyporheischen Zone von Flssen;Englisch

3、e Fassung EN 16772:2016,Englische bersetzung von DIN EN 16772:2016-11Qualit de leau Lignes directrices relatives aux mthodes dchantillonnage des invertbrs dans la zone hyporhique de rivires;Version anglaise EN 16772:2016,Traduction anglaise de DIN EN 16772:2016-11www.beuth.deDocument comprises 28 pa

4、gesDTranslation by DIN-Sprachendienst.In case of doubt, the German-language original shall be considered authoritative.11.16 DIN EN 16772:2016-11 2 A comma is used as the decimal marker. National foreword This document (EN 16772:2016) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 230 “Water analys

5、is” (Secretariat: DIN, Germany). The responsible German body involved in its preparation was DIN-Normenausschuss Wasserwesen (DIN Standards Committee Water Practice), Working Group NA 119-01-03-05-06 AK Biologisch-kologische Gewsseruntersuchung of NA 119-01-03 AA Wasseruntersuchung. Designation of t

6、he method: Guidance on methods for sampling invertebrates in the hyporheic zone of rivers: Method DIN EN 16772 M 72 This standard has been published to implement the Water Framework Directive (WFD), Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a

7、framework for Community action in the field of water policy*). *)Registered in the DITR database of DIN Software GmbH, obtainable from: Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin. DIN EN 16772:2016-11 3 Expert assistance and specialized laboratories will be required to perform the analyses described in this st

8、andard. Existing safety requirements are to be observed. Depending on the objective of the analysis, a check shall be made on a case-by-case basis as to whether and to what extent additional conditions will have to be specified. This standard has been prepared by DIN-Normenausschuss Wasserwesen (DIN

9、 Standards Committee Water Practice) in collaboration with the Wasserchemische Gesellschaft - Fachgruppe in der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (Water Chemistry Society - Division of the German Chemical Society). It is part of the series Deutsche Einheitsverfahren zur Wasser-, Abwasser- und Schlammu

10、ntersuchung (German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge): Guidance on methods for sampling invertebrates in the hyporheic zone of rivers (M 72). Standard methods published as DIN Standards are obtainable from Beuth Verlag GmbH, either individually or grouped in volu

11、mes. The standard methods included in the loose-leaf publication entitled Deutsche Einheitsverfahren zur Wasser-, Abwasser- und Schlammuntersuchung will continue to be published by Beuth Verlag GmbH and Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH the nature and rate of biogeochemical processes resulting from upwelling of

12、 interstitial water or downwelling of surface water; the ecotonal nature of the hyporheic zone which provides important habitat for benthic taxa, specialist hyporheic organisms and groundwater fauna, including macroinvertebrates, meiofauna and microorganisms. Meiofauna includes microcrustaceans, rot

13、ifers and nematodes as well early instars of many aquatic insects. In this standard the hyporheic zone is defined as the spatio-temporally dynamic ecotone between the surficial benthic substrate and the underlying aquifer. Within the hyporheic zone, water, solutes and biota are exchanged with the st

14、ream above, the groundwater below and the saturated sediments lateral to the channel. The term “hyporheic zone” is applied to the physical habitat while the term “hyporheos” coined by Williams and Hynes in 1974 3 is used to describe the faunal community inhabiting it. Over the past few decades, the

15、importance of the hyporheic zone has been increasingly recognized, with the vertical dimension added to spatial concepts of lateral and longitudinal connectivity. Together with the temporal dimension this has created a four-dimensional understanding of river ecosystems 4, 5, 6. As the hyporheic zone

16、 is an ecotone between surface water and groundwater, abiotic conditions may reflect a transition between the two. Table 1 provides a general comparison of the physical characteristics of each environment. Table 1 Physical characteristics of typical groundwater and hyporheic environments compared wi

17、th surface waters Physical characteristic Groundwater Hyporheic Light Constant darkness Constant darkness Current velocity Much lower Lower Annual and daily temperature range Much smaller Smaller Substrate stability Much higher Higher Approaches to river conservation and management recognize the nee

18、d for a better understanding of the interactions between surface water and groundwater when undertaking investigations in the field. As the ecotone between the two, the hyporheic zone plays a vital part in ecosystem functioning in many rivers, including a critical role in the flow of energy, cycling

19、 of nutrients and organic compounds, as well as pollution attenuation. The hyporheic zone contributes to overall river biodiversity. It also provides a nursery for young life-stages of some fish and invertebrates and a potential refuge for benthos during adverse environmental conditions, such as flo

20、oding, low flows, chemical pollution, stream-bed drying or freezing. The hyporheic zone may therefore enhance the recovery of the benthic community following disturbance. EN 16772:2016 (E) DIN EN 16772:2016-11 5 An increased interest in the hyporheic zone has resulted, in part, from international le

21、gislation, such as EC directives: the Habitats Directive 7, the Water Framework Directive 8, the Groundwater Directive 9 and the Nitrates Directive 10. Although investigations into the hyporheic zone are not explicit within these directives, they do require national regulatory authorities to adopt a

22、 more integrated approach to the management of river catchments as a whole. Consequently, an understanding of the hyporheic zone, including its functions and the potential threats to these, is vital in order to comply fully with the requirements of these directives. Investigations of the hyporheic z

23、one may also be needed more generally for catchment management, river restoration, site-based investigations or for research. Consequently, the purpose of any study should be carefully considered when selecting the most appropriate method for sampling the hyporheos, especially if the collection of w

24、ater quality and associated sediment data is also required. In addition, the methods described in this standard may require modification to reflect local conditions. EN 16772:2016 (E) DIN EN 16772:2016-11 6 1 Scope This European Standard provides guidance on methods for sampling invertebrates in the

25、 hyporheic zone of wadable rivers. It describes each method, including details of the equipment involved and its use in the field. Guidance is given on developing a sampling strategy and selecting an appropriate survey technique for the purpose of investigation. NOTE Benthic macroinvertebrate sampli

26、ng is covered by other published standards (see Bibliography). Selected literature with references in support of this document is given in the Bibliography. 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 2.1 aquifer underground zone of water-bea

27、ring permeable rock or unconsolidated material from which groundwater can be extracted 2.2 benthic relating to the surface substrate 2.3 benthos community inhabiting the surface substrate of rivers 2.4 biofilm coating on a substrate composed of microorganisms, extra-cellular polysaccharides, other m

28、aterials that organisms produce, and particles trapped or precipitated within the matrix 2.5 biomass total mass of living organisms per unit surface area or volume 2.6 catchment basin area from which precipitation or groundwater will collect and contribute to the flow of a specific river 2.7 diversi

29、ty taxonomic richness of a community and the distribution of individuals across taxa 2.8 downwelling movement of water in a downward direction, typically from the surface stream to the hyporheic zone or groundwater 2.9 ecotone transition area between two adjacent ecosystems EN 16772:2016 (E) DIN EN

30、16772:2016-11 7 2.10 exposed river sediments particles, typically comprising cobbles, gravel, sand and silt, deposited by flowing water but exposed as water levels fall 2.11 groundwater water that is within the saturated zone below the water table 2.12 hyporheic flow flow of water through the hyporh

31、eic zone 2.13 hyporheic zone spatio-temporally dynamic ecotone between the surficial benthic substrate and the underlying aquifer 2.14 hyporheos faunal community inhabiting the hyporheic zone 2.15 interstitial referring to the spaces between substrate particles 2.16 macroinvertebrate invertebrate th

32、at is easily visible without magnification (0,5 mm) SOURCE: EN ISO 10870:2012, 2.8 2.17 meiofauna invertebrates that pass through a 500-m or 1-mm sieve but are retained on a 45-m- or 63-m sieve 2.18 permeability capacity of a porous medium, either rock or unconsolidated material, to transmit water 2

33、.19 pool habitat feature characterized by distinctly deeper parts of the channel that are usually no longer than one to three times the channels bankfull width, and where the hollowed river bed profiles are sustained by scouring SOURCE: EN 14614:2004, 2.24 2.20 porosity proportion of a given volume

34、of rock or unconsolidated material that is occupied by pores EN 16772:2016 (E) DIN EN 16772:2016-11 8 2.21 reach major sub-division of a river, defined by physical, hydrological, and chemical character that distinguishes it from other parts of the river system upstream and downstream SOURCE: EN 1461

35、4:2004, 2.25 2.22 riffle fast-flowing shallow water with distinctly broken or disturbed surface over gravel/pebble or cobble substrate SOURCE: EN 14614:2004, 2.28 2.23 riparian zone area of land adjoining a river channel (including the river bank) capable of directly influencing the condition of the

36、 aquatic ecosystem (e.g. by shading and leaf litter input) SOURCE: EN 14614:2004, 2.29, modified the NOTE was not adopted 2.24 stream ordering methods for classifying rivers and streams related to the complexity of the drainage basin, generally with progressively higher order numbers usually assigne

37、d to streams with greater discharge lower down the catchment SOURCE: EN 14614:2004, 2.37 2.25 substrate material making up the bed of a river SOURCE: EN 14614:2004, 2.40 2.26 upwelling movement of water in an upward direction, typically from the groundwater or hyporheic zone to the surface stream 3

38、Survey objectives The objectives of the survey should be clearly defined before selecting which method to use for sampling the hyporheic zone, because the suitability of each method varies according to the purpose of study. Table 2 summarizes each sampling method according to its suitability for par

39、ticular objectives. This includes consideration of: attributes and variations in hyporheic fauna, substrate and the interstitial environment; whether the method can be applied instream and/or in the riparian zone; whether data collected are fully quantitative or semi-quantitative. All methods can be

40、 used to describe diversity, taxon richness, abundance and biomass, recognizing their known limitations. EN 16772:2016 (E) DIN EN 16772:2016-11 9 Table 2 Overview of sampling methods described in this standard and their suitability for particular surveys Karaman-Chappuis pit Bou-Rouch pump Vacuum pu

41、mp Standpipe trap Williams corer Colonization devices Freeze coring Migration/dispersal No No No Yes No Yes No Spatial heterogeneity No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Temporal variability Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interstitial sediment transport No No No Yes No Yes No Substrate characteristics No No No N

42、o No No Yes Used on submerged substrate No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Used in riparian zone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Quantitative No No No No Yes Yes Yes Semi-quantitative No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 4 Sampling strategy The design of a sampling strategy will vary according to the purpose of the investi

43、gation. Sampling site location may be influenced by pre-existing monitoring networks or previous investigations. The following should be considered: sampling method; number and location of sampling sites; number of replicates per site required to characterize site heterogeneity (e.g. upwelling and d

44、ownwelling, substrate characteristics); sampling frequency; sampling depth; seasonal variability; abiotic data requirements; spatial and temporal scale of investigation. Scale is important when examining the hyporheic zone, as various processes occur at different spatial scales. For example, at a st

45、ream-bed (patch) scale the size, shape, sorting and stability of unconsolidated material are the primary determinants of porosity and permeability. These factors have a major influence on community composition over relatively short distances and methods have been developed to address this 11. At a b

46、roader scale, lateral connectivity (e.g. between the riparian zone and out to the wider floodplain) is a key consideration. Hyporheic flow paths occur at multiple scales, from the stream bed to the catchment. EN 16772:2016 (E) DIN EN 16772:2016-11 10 Case studies are presented in Annex A, giving exa

47、mples of suitable sampling strategies for three different types of investigation. 5 Sampling methods 5.1 General This standard describes only those techniques that are suitable for use in wadable rivers; other approaches are available for sampling in deeper waters. Some techniques (e.g. freeze corin

48、g) require a recovery time after the equipment has been installed, allowing organisms to recolonize the sample area. Some techniques work better in fine-grained substrates while others can be used in coarser substrates. Surveyors should carry out a preliminary investigation of the substrates before

49、selecting an appropriate technique. Each method is described in the following sections while Table 3 compares their ease of use, costs, recovery time and the possibility of obtaining repeat samples. Further details on all of these methods can be found in the PASCALIS sampling manual 12 and the Hyporheic Handbook 13. Table 3 Practical considerations when selecting sampling methods Karaman-Chappuis pit Bou-Rouch pump Vacuum pu

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