1、DIN1 DIN ETS 300063 72 W 2774442 0170447 7T3 W DK 654.1 : 621.395 DEUTSCHE NORM September 1992 DIN ISDN Dienstmerkmal Durchwahl Funktionelle Fhigkeiten und Informationsflsse Englische Fassung ETS 300 063 : 1991 ETS 300 063 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Direct Dialling In (DDI) suppleme
2、ntary service; Functional capabilities and information flows; English version ETS 300 063 : 1991 Die Europische Telekommunikationsnorm ETS 300 063 : 199l hat den Status einer Deutschen Norm. Nationales Vorwort Die vorliegende Norm ist auf der Grundlage der vom Europischen Institut fr Telekommunikati
3、- onsstandards (ETSI) herausgegebenen Europischen Telekommunikationsnorm ETS 300 063, Ausgabe Oktober 1991, “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Direct Dialling In (DDI) supplementary service; Functional capabilities and information flows“, verffentlicht worden. Diese Norm enthalt unter Berc
4、ksichtigung des DIN-Prasidialbeschlusses 13/1983 den englischen Origi- naltext des vom Technischen Unterkomitee SPS 1 des ETSI erarbeiteten ETS 300 063. Fachlich zustndig in Deutschland ist ein Ad-hoc-Arbeitskreis des Technischen Beirates ETSI (TBETSI) der DKE. Diese Norm enthlt die Stufe-BBeschreib
5、ung fr das Dienstmerkmal Durchwahl im europischen ISDN. Fortsetzung 15 Seiten ETC Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE (DKE) Akinrerkauf der Nomien durch Beuh Verlag GmbH. Burggrafenstrab 6,1000 Berlin 30 DIN ETS 300 063 Sep 1992 Preisgr. 6 09.92 VerIr.-Nr. 1706 DIN1 DIN ETS 3000b3 7
6、2 I 2794442 0170448 83T m ETS 300 063 October 1991 UDC: 621.395 Key words: ISDN, supplementary service. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Direct Dialling In (DDI) supplementary service Functional capabilities and information flows ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI S
7、ecretariat: B.P.152 . F - 06561 Valbonne Cedex . France TP. + 33 92 94 42 O0 TF. + 33 93 65 47 16 Tx. 47 O0 40 F European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1 991 . All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission. The copyright
8、and the foregoing restriction on reproduction and use extend to all media in which the information may be embodied. DIN1 DIN ETS 3000b3 92 M 2794442 0390449 b Page 2 ETS 300 063:1991 Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content, typographica
9、l or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Standards Management Dept.“ at the address shown on the titie page. DINI, DIN ETS 300063 92 W 2794442 0190450 498 Page 3 ETS 300 063:1991 Contents Foreword 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Scope . 7 Normative reference
10、s 7 Definitions 8 Symbols and abbreviations . 8 Description 8 Derivation of the functional model . 8 Functional model description . 8 Description of the functional entities . 9 Relationship with a basic service . 9 Information flows . 9 Information flow diagrams 9 Incoming call to private ISDN using
11、 en-bloc sending 9 Incoming call to private ISDN using overlap sending . 10 Definition of individual information flows 10 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.2 SDL diagrams for functional entities 11 DDI functions in FE1 . reception of DDI digits 11 DDI functions in FE2 . transmission of DDI Digits 13 8.1
12、 8.2 Functional entity actions (FEAS) 14 FEAS of FE1 . 14 FEAS of FE2 . 14 9.1 9.2 10 Allocation of functional entities to physical locations . 14 DIN1 DIN ETS 3000b3 92 = 2794442 OLO45L 324 F Page 4 ETS 300 063:1991 Blank page DIN1 DIN ETS 3000b3 72 2774442 01i70452 260 9 Page 5 ETS 300 063:1991 Fo
13、reword This European Telecommunication Standard (ITS) has been produced by the Signalling Protocols - Stage 2: identifies the functional capabilities and information flows needed to support the service described in stage 1; and - Stage 3: defines the signalling system protocols and switching functio
14、ns. needed to implement the service described in stage 1. This ETS details the stage 2 aspects (functional capabilities and information flows) needed to support the Direct Dialling In (DDI) supplementary service. The stage 1 and stage 3 aspects are detailed in ETS 300 062 (1991) and ETS 300 064 (199
15、1), respectively. DTNL DIN ETS 3000b3 92 = 2794442 DI190453 LT7 Page 6 ETS 300 063:1991 Blank page DINL DIN ETS 300063 92 D 27YYY2 OLOY5V 033 M Page 7 ETS 300 -1991 1 Scope This standard defines the stage two of the Direct Dialling In (DDI) supplementary senrice for the pan-European Integrated Servi
16、ces Digital Network (ISDN) as provided by European public telecommunications operators. Stage two identifies the functional capabilities and the information flows needed to support the stage 1 service description. The stage two description also identifies user operations not directly associated with
17、 a call (see CCill Recommendation 1.130 l). This standard is specified according to the methodology specified in CCKi Recommendation Q.65 2. This standard does not formally describe the relationship between this supplementary service and the basic call, but where possible this information is include
18、d for guidance. In addition this standard does not specify the requirements where the service is provided to the user via a private ISDN. This standard does not specify the requirements for the allocation of defined functional entities within a private ISDN; it does however define which functional e
19、ntities may be allocated to a private ISDN. This standard does not specify the additional requirements where the service is provided to the user via a telecommunications network that is not an ISDN. The DDI supplementary service enables a user to call directly via a public ISDN a user on a private I
20、SDN by using the public ISDN numbering plan. The DDI supplementary service is applicable to all telecommunication services. This standard is applicable to the stage three standards for the ISDN DDI supplementary service. The term Wage three“ is also defined in CC17T Recommendation 1.130 i. Where the
21、 text indicates the status of a requirement (.e. as a strict command or prohibition, as authorisation leaving freedom, as a capability or possibility) this shall be reflected in the text of the relevant stage three standards. Furthermore, conformance to this standard is met by conforming to the stag
22、e three standards with the field of application appropriate to the equipment being implemented. Therefore no method of testing is provided for this standard. 2 Normative references This ETS incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are
23、 cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the pu
24、blication referred to applies. CCKi Recommendation 1.130 (1988): “Method for the characterisation of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN“. CCiT Recommendation Q.65 (1988): “Stage 2 of the method for the characterisation of services supported by an ISDN
25、.“ 131 CCKi Recommendation 1.1 12 (1988): Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs“. t41 CCKi Recommendation E.164 (1988): “Numbering plan for the ISDN era“. DIN1 DIN ETS 300063 92 2794442 OLOq55 T7T Page 8 ETS 300 063:1991 51 i61 VI 3 Definitions CClT Recommendation Q.71 (1988): “ISDN 4 kbit/s circuit mode sw
26、itched bearer services“. CCm Recommendation 1.210 (1988): “Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the means used to describe them“. CCm Recommendation 2.100 (1988): “Functional Specification and Description Language (SDL)“. For the purposes of .,dis standard, the following
27、 definitions apply: Integrated Servlceo Dlgltal Network (ISDN): see CClT Recommendation 1.112 (31, Q 2.3, definition 308. Servlce; telecommunlcatlons service: see CCRT Recommendation 1.1 12 3, Q 2.2, definition 201, Supplementary service: see CCITT Recommendation 1.210 6, Q 2.4. ISDN number: a numbe
28、r conforming to the numbering plan and structure specified in CClll Recommendation E.164 4. DDI digits: at least a part of the ISDN number, which is significant to the private ISDN. 4 Symbols and abbreviations DDI Direct Dialling In FEA Functional Entity Action ISDN Integrated Services Digital Netwo
29、rk LE Local Exchange PTNX Private Telecommunications Network Exchange SDL Specification and Description Language 5 Description Not applicable. 6 Derivation of the functional model 6.1 Functional model description The functional model for the DDI supplementary service is shown in figure 1. Figure 1 D
30、IN1 DIN ETS 300063 92 I 2794442 0390456 90b I FE2 Page 9 ETS 300 063:1991 FE1 6.2 Description of the functional entities cc cc cc CCA The functional entities required by the DDI supplementary service above those of the basic call are as follows: FE1: DDI user agent FE2: DDI network agent 6.3 Relatio
31、nship with a basic service The relationship with a basic service is shown in figure 2. NOTE: The basic call model is defined in CCITT Recommendation 4.71 (51, subclause 2.1, with the exception that rl represents an outgoing call relationship from a CCA and r3 represents an incoming call relationship
32、 to a CCA. Figure 2 7 Information flows 7.1 Information flow diagrams In the information flow sequence diagrams shown in figures 3 and 4, all information flows shown are those of the basic call. 7.1.1 Incomlng call to private ISDN using en-bloc sending 231 231 fl31 921 k - req. - SETUP - - ind - I F
33、igure 3 911 T31 DIN1 DIN ETS 3000b3 92 2774442 0190457 842 921 921 921 921 Page 10 ETS 300 063:1991 233 SETUP 233 req. ind 233 ADDR INFO 233 req. ind 233 ADDR INFO 233 req. ind 233 ADDR END 233 req. ind k - - - - - I k - - - - - I k - - - - - I + - - - - - I 911 911 911 911 7.1.2 incoming call to pr
34、ivate ISDN uslng overlap sending L 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 NOTE: The ADDR INFO req.ind information flow of basic call may be repeated i further digits become available after it has been sent. Figure 4 Definition of individual Information flows 7.2 There are no information flows specific to this
35、service. NOTE 1: The contents for SENP reqhd, ADDR INFO req.ind and ADDR END req.ind in basic call are as specified in basic call (see CCiT Recommendation (3.71 151). NOTE 2: To cater for open numbering plans, the SElUP req.ind or ADDR INFO req.ind may be sent without the public ISDN knowing whether
36、 the DDI digits are complete. If further digits arrive, these shall be sent to the private ISDN using the ADDR INFO req.ind information flow. NOTE 3: Sending complete may be included if the last digit of the ISDN number is known to be included in DDI digits, by using the ADDR END req.ind information
37、 flow. DIN1 DIN ETS 3000b3 92 W 2794442 0190458 789 W Page 11 ETS 300 063:1991 8 SOLS are provided according to CCIll Recommendation 2.100 (71. 8.1 DDI functions in FE1 - reception of DDI digits The SDL for FE1 is shown in figure 5. SDL diagrams for functional entities I Formula te from DDI ca 1 1 e
38、d number _ digits. I -191 1 Figure 5 DIN1 DIN ETS 300063 92 m 2794442 0190459 bL5 9 Page 12 ETS 300 063:1991 Note to figure 5. NOTE: DDI and DD12 break the basic call transition during FEA 231 (see figure 2-9 (Sheet 7 of 19) of CClll Recommendation (2.71 5) following the “Y“ branch of the decision “
39、Successful“ in the “Process Attempt“ path. DIN1 DIN ETS 300063 92 2794442 0390460 337 8.2 The SDL for FE2 is shown in figure 6. DDI functions In FE2 - transmission of DDI Digits ETS 300 0631991 Figure 6 DIN1 DIN ETS 300063 92 2794442 0190461 273 Scenario 1 Page 14 ETS 300 063:1991 LE PTNX Notes to f
40、igure 6. NOTE 1: DD13 and DD14 break the basic call transition during FEA 241 (see figure 2-9 (Sheet 7 of 19) of CCIlT Recommendation Q.71 5) following the “Y“ branch of the decision llSuccessfuIl in the “Term. Screen Process Attempt“ path. 9 9.1 91 1: 9.2 921 : 10 NOTE 2: DD15 and DD16 break the ba
41、sic call transition during FEA 221 (see figure 2-9 (sheet 2 of 19) of CCllT Recommendation Q.71 5) between the input and SEll,.JP req.ind signal definitions. Functional entity actions (FEAs) FEAs of FE1 The functional entity shall recognise DDI digits received by FEA 231 or FEA 233 in basic call (CC
42、llT Recommendation (2.71 5) and formulate called paw number information for use by FEA 231 or FEA 233 in basic call. FEAs of FE2 The functional entity shall recognise called party number information received by FEA 221, 226, 231 or 233 in basic call (CClll Recommendation (2.71 5) and derive DDI digi
43、ts from the called party number information for use by FEA 231 or FEA 233 in basic call. NOTE: FEA 226 or 233 receives DDI digits in basic call overlap procedures (added to CCIlT Recommendation (2.71 5 in October 1990). Allocation of functional entities to physical locations The possible locations of functional entities FE1 and FE2 are shown in table 1. Table 1 . NOTE: FE2 and FE1 are always allocated at opposiie ends of the same access. DIN1 DIN ETS 3000b3 92 m 2794442 0190462 LOT m October 199 1 Page 15 ETS 300 063:1991 First Edition
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