1、 DIN3 DIN ETS 300432 75 = 2794442 0528238 b7b bertragungs- und Multiplextechnik Informationsmodell aus Netzelementsicht fr die Konfiguration der Nutzlast Englische Fassung ETS 300412 : 1995 DEUTSCHE NORM November 1995 DIN - ETS 300412 ICs 33.040.20; 33.040.40 Deskriptoren: bertragungstechnik, Multip
2、lex, Modell, Nutzlast, Konfiguration Transmission and Multiplexing (TM) - Payload configuration information model for the Network Element (NE) view; English version ETS 300412 : 1995 Die Europische Telekommunikationsnorm ETS 300412 : 1995 hat den Status einer Deutschen Norm. Nationales Vorwort Die v
3、oriiegende Norm ist auf der Grundlage der vom Europischen Institut Mr Telekom- munikationsnormen (ETSI) herausgegebenen Europischen Telekommunikationsnorm ETS 30041 2, Ausgabe Mai 1995, “Transmission and Multiplexing (TM) - Payload configuration information model for the Network Element (NE) view“,
4、verffentlicht worden. Diese Nom enthlt unter Be- rcksichgung des DIN-Prsidialbeschlues 1311 983 den engiien Originaltext der vom Technischen Unterkomitee TM 2 des ETSI erarbeiteten ETS 300412. Fachch nistandig in Deutschland ist das Unterkomitee 721.4 “Netmanagement“ der Deutschen Elekotechnischen K
5、ommission im DIN und VDE (DE). Fortsetzung 12 Seiten ETS-Original Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE (DKE) DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung e V. . Jede Art der Vervielfaltigung. auch auszugsweise, Ref. N,: DIN ETS 300412 : 1995-11 Preisgr. 06 Verfr.-Nc 1706 nur mit Genehmigung de
6、s DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung e V., Berlin, gestattet. Alleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin DIN1 DIN ETS 300432 95 = 2794442 0528239 502 ETS 300 412 May 1995 Source: ETSI TC-TM Reference: DETTM-022 1 7 UDC: 621.395 Key words: Information model, NE Transmission and Mu
7、ltiplexing (TM); Payload configuration information model for the Network Element (NE) view ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Secretariat Postal address: 06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Office address: Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE Tel.: + 33
8、92 94 42 O0 - Fax: + 33 93 65 47 16 European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1 995. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced except as authorised by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction on reproduction extend to all media in which the information may be embodi
9、ed. DIN1 DIN ETS 300412 95 D 2774442 0528240 224 D Page 2 ETS 300 412: May 1995 - Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Editin
10、g and Standards Approval Dept.“ at the address shown on the title page. DIN1 DIN ETS 300432 95 m 2794442 0528243 3bO m Page 3 ETS 300 412: May 1995 Con tents Foreword . 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Scope . 7 Normative references 7 Abbreviations . 8 Payload configuration management model 8 Managed ob
11、ject class definitions . 8 Packages . 8 Attributes 9 Actions . 9 Notifications . 9 Parameters 9 Name bindings . 9 Subordination. connectivity pointer constraints rules 10 Annex A (informative): Bibliography 11 History 12 Page 4 ETS 300 412: May 1995 Blank page _ DIN1 DIN ETS 300412 95 2794442 052824
12、3 T33 Page 5 ETS 300 412: May 1995 Foreword This European Telecommunication Standard (ETSI has been produced by the Transmission and Multiplexing (TM) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). This ETS describes the information model for Network Elements (NEs
13、) for the payload configuration. Proposed transposition dates Date of latest announcement of this ETS (doa): Date of latest publication of new National Standard or endorsement of this ETS (dop/e): 31 August 1995 31 August 1995 I Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dowl: 29 Febru
14、ary 1996 I DIN1 DIN ETS 300412 75 = 2794442 0528244 7T D Page 6 ETS 300 412: May 1995 Blank page DINL DIN ETS 30042 75 2774442 os2wtc 806 m Page 7 ETS 300 412: May 1995 1 Scope This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) provides an information model for the payload configuration management of Sy
15、nchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) networks. This model describes the managed object classes and their properties for the payload configuration function as related to SDH Network Elements (NEs). These objects are useful to describe information exchanged across interfaces defined in CCITT Recommendati
16、on M .301 O 11 Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) architecture for the management of the payload configuration function. This ETS defines: - an information model, as related to the payload configuration for the SDH. This ETS does not define: - the protocol stack to be used for message commu
17、nication; - the network level management processes; - the application contexts; - the conformance requirements to be met by an implementation of this information model; - information models for other systems or equipment. The information model defined here (and the corresponding message set1 is conc
18、erned with the management of NEs, the equipment by which they are implemented and the functions contained within them. More precisely, it applies to an equipment domain visible at the element manager to element interface and is only concerned with information available within that domain. Informatio
19、n proper to the domain of a network level management process is not included within this model. 2 Normative references This ETS incorporates by dated and undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publicat
20、ions are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. 1 I 121 CCITT Recommendation
21、M.301 O (1 994): “Principles for a telecom- munications management network“. ITU-T Recommendation G.774.2 (1 994): “Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) configuration of the payload structure for the network element view“. DIN1 DIN ETS 300432 95 W 2794442 0528246 742 W Page 8 ETS 300 412: May 1995 3
22、Abbreviations For the purposes of this ETS, the following abbreviations apply: au aug CTP ms NE rs SDH SPI TMN lTP tu tug VCn administrative unit administrative unit group Connection Termination Point multiplexer section Network Element regenerator section Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Synchronous P
23、hysical interface Telecommunication Management Network Trail Termination Point tributary unit tributary unit group Virtual Container n 4 Payload configuration management model The SDH payload configuration management requirements are described in ITU-T Recommendation G.774.2 21, 0 5. 5 Managed objec
24、t class definitions In the context of this ETS, the IMPORTS clause specifies the object classes which can be instantiated in the scope of this ETS. The IMPORTS clause does not include uninstantiated superclasses. BEGIN IMPORTS madif iableTug3Bidirectiona1, modifiableTug3Sink, modifiableTug3Source, m
25、odi f i ab1 eTugZB i di rect i ona 1, modif iableTugZSink, modifiableTugZSource, modifiableVC4TTPBidirectiona1, modifiableVC4TTPSink, modi f iableVC4TTPSource, modifiableVC2TTPBidirectiona1, modifiableVCZTTPSink, modifiableVCZTTPSource, modifiableVCl2TTPBidirectiona1, modifiableVClZTTPSink, modi f i
26、ableVCltTTPSource, modi f iebleVCllTTPBidirectional, modifiableVCllTTPSink, modi fi ableVC1lTTPSource FROM (itu(0) recomnendation(0) g(7) 9774(774) hyphen(l27) conf(0Z) informationModel(0) maneged0bjectClass(3) 6 Packages None. DIN1 DIN ETS 300432 95 2794442 0528247 b89 Page 9 ETS 300 41 2: May 1995
27、 7 Attributes None. 8 Actions BEGIN IMPORTS defineVClrStructure, defineTug3Structure, defineTug2Structure, def ineC1 ientlype FROM (itu(0) recomnendation(0) g(7) g4(4) hyphen(127) conf(2) informationModet(0) action(9) 1 END v 9 Notifications None. 1 O Parameters BEGIN IMPORTS defineSDHStructureError
28、 FROM (itu(0) recomnendation(0) g(7) g774(774) hyphen(l27) conf(02) informationModel(0) parameter(5) END , 11 Name bindings BEGIN IMPORTS augSink-msTTPSink, augsource-msTTPSource, electrical SPI TTPSi nk- sdhNE, electricalSPITTPSource-sdhNE, msCTPS i nk- rsTTPSi nk, msCTPSource-rsTTPSource, msDataco
29、mCTPSink-msTTPSink, msDatacomCTPSource-msTTPSource, ms0rderwireCTPSink-msTTPSink, msOrderwireCTPSource-msTTPSource, msTTPSink-sdhNE, msTTPSource-sdhNE, opticalSPITTPSink-sdhNE, opt i cal SPITTPSource- sdhNE, rsCTPSi nk- el ect r i ca 1 SPI TTPSink, rsCTPSink-opticalSPITTPSink, rsCTPSource-electrical
30、SPlTTPSource, rsCTPSource-opt icalSPITTPSource, rsDatacomCTPSink-rsTTPSink, rsDatacomCTPSource-rsTTPSource, rsOrderwireCTPSink-rsTTPSink, rsOrderwireCTPSource-rsTTPSource, rsTTPSink-sdhNE, rsTTPSource-sdhNE, rsUserChannelCTPSink-rsTTPSink, rsUserChannelCTPSource-rsTTPSource, Page 10 ETS 300 412: May
31、 1995 tul2CTPSink- tugtsink, tul 2CTPSource- tug2SourceI tu2CTPSi nk- tug2Si nk, tu2CTPSource- tug2SourceI tdCTPSi nk- tug3Si nk, tu3CTPSource- tug3Source , tug2Si nk- tug3S i nk, tug2Si nk-vc3TTPS ink, tug2Source-tug3Source, tug2Source-vc3TTPSourcc, tug3Sink-vc4TTPSinkI tug3Source-vc4TTPSourcel vcl
32、lTTPSink-sdhNE, vcl1TTPSource-sdhNE, vcl2TTPSi nk-sdhNE , vcl2TTPSource-sdhNE, vc2TTPSi nk-sdhNE , vc2TTPSource-sdhNE , vc4TTPSink-sdhNE , vc4TTPSource-sdhNEI vcnserChennelClPSi nk-vc3TTPSinkI vcnserChannelCTPSink-c4TTPSink, vcnllserChennelCTPSource-vc3TTPSource, vcnllserChaeiCTPSource-vc4TTPSource
33、FROM Citu(0) recomnendation(0) g(7) 9774774) hyphen(l27) con END I DIN1 DIN ETS 300432 95 27944Y2 0528248 515 ioodei(0) nameBinding(6) 1 (02) informa 12 Subordination, connectivity pointer constraints rules The connectivity pointer constraints rules are described in ITU-T Recommendation G ,774.2 121
34、, 13. The subordination rules are described in ITU-T Recommendation G.774.2 i21, 14. DIN1 DIN ETS 300412 75 W 2774442 0528247 451 W Page 11 ETS 300 412: May 1995 Annex A (informative): Bibliography The following references are supplied for informative purposes. 1) 2) 31 4) 51 6) 7) 8) 9) 1 O) 11) 12
35、1 131 141 ITU-T Recommendation G.707 (1 993): “Synchronous digital hierarchy bit rates“. ITU-T Recommendation G.708 (1 993): “Network node interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy“. ITU-T Recommendation G.709 (1 993): “Synchronous structure“. multiplexing CCITT Recommendation G.783 (1 990): “
36、Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) multiplexing equipment functional blocks“. CCITT Recommendation G.784 (1 990): “Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management“. ITU-T Recommendations G.803 (1 993): “Architectures of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy
37、“. ITU-T Recommendations G.831 (1 993): “Management capabilities of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy“. CCITT Recommendation M.31 O0 (1 992): “Generic network information model“. CCITT Recommendation X.208 (1 9901: “Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1 1“
38、. CCITT Recommendation X.701 (1 992): “Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems management overview“. CCITT Recommendation X.720 (1 992): “Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection Structure of management information: Management information model“. CCITT Recommenda
39、tion X.721 (1 992): “Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management information: Definition of management information“. CCITT Recommendation X.722 (1 9921: “Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Structure of management information: Guidelines for the definition of managed objects“. CCITT Recommendation X.730 (1 992): “Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems management: Object management function“. DIN3 DIN ETS 300432 95 2794442 0528250 L73 9 Page 12 ETS 300 412: May 1995 May 1995 History First Edition
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