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1、FEDERAL SPECIFICATION SCREWS, TAPPING AND DRIVE FF-S-I07C May 27. 1969 SUPERSEDING Fed. Snec. FF-5-107B August )0, 1963 (See 6.5) is specification was approved by the Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Adm1nistraton, for the use of trim X * Oval X X * Undercut oval X X * Oval tr1

2、m X Pan X X F1111ster X X Truss X X * Rexagon X X * Hexagon Washer X X Drive Screw -X ound X 990 - 1010 Bear1ng surface *. 800 - 820 Bearing surface *. Regular or indented, as spec1fied (see 6.2) 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 s*eClflcations and standards. The following docu- ments, of t e Issue In eff

3、ect on date of invitations for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Federal Specifications: Q-P-35 - Passivation Treatments for AustenitiC, Ferritic and Martensitic Corrosion - Res1st1ng Steel (Fastening Dev1ces). QQ-P-416 - Plating, Cadmium

4、 (Electrodeposited). Federal Standards: 2 Fed. Std. No. 66 -Fed. Std. No. 123 -Steel: Chemical Composition and Hardenabillt, Marking tor Domestic Shipment (ClTilian Agencies). (Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal Speciticatlons, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined

5、 under General Informatlon in the Irdex ot Federal Specifications and Standards and at the pric indicated the Index. The !dexJ wnich includes cumulative monthly supplements as issued, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- ) ) ) FF-S-107C i

6、s for sale on a subscr1ption bas1s by the Super1ntendent of Documental U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. ) (Single copies of this specification and other Federal Specifications required b.r activities outside the Federal Government for bidding purposes are available without ch

7、arge from Business Service Centers at the General SeMices Administration Regional artices in Boston, Nev York, Washington, D.C., AUanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Mo., Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle, Washington.) (Federal Goveent activities may obtain copies of Federal Speci

8、fications Standards, and Handbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications and Standards from established dlstribution pOints in their agencies.) 11tary Specif1cat1ons: MIL-H-3982 - Hardware (Fasteners and Related Items), Packaging an!i Packing for Shipment and Storage. Militarv Standards: MIL-STD-1

9、05 - Samp11ng Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. MIL-STD-10g - Qua11ty Assurance Terms and Def1nltlons. MIL-STD-129 - Mark1ng for Shlpment and Storage. (Coples of Militarr Specifications and StlUldards required by c.cmtractors in connection vi tb specitic procurement fUnctions shoul

10、d be obtained tram the procurina acUT1.ty or as directed by the contracting otticer.) 2.2 Other publlcat1ons. The following documents form a part of this specIrIcatIon to the extent speclfled hereln. Unless otherwise lndlcated the lssue in effect on date of invi tatlon for b1ds or request for propos

11、al shall apply. United ot America Stand,rn, Inst1tute (UmI) Standard: B1B.6.4 - 1966 - Slotted and Recessed Head Tapplng Screws and Metalllc Drlve Screws. (Applications for caples should be addressed to the United States of America Standards Inst1tute6 10 East 40th Street6 New Yorkl New York6 10016.

12、) 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I 1 t t I FF-5-107C 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Material. - 3.1.1 Carbon steel. Unless otherNise specified in the contract or order, screws shall be manufactured from carbon steel (i.e. AISII016, 1018, 1019

13、, 1021, 1022 or 1024). Car bon steel screws shall be heat reated or case hardened to meet all of the requirements specified herein. 3.1.2 Corrosion - resistins steel. When specified, corrosion-resIsting steel shal1e AISI 410 (hardened) in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 66. Cres screws shall meet all

14、of the requ1rements specified herein, except for the per formance requ1rements of 3.5.1 (see 3.5.2). 3.1.3 Other material. When other material is used for the Manufacture of screws, such material shall conform to the material specification referenced in the contract or order. These screws shall meet

15、 all of the requirements specified herein, except for the performance requ1rements of 3.5.1 (see 3.5.2). 3.2 Dimension and tolerances. Dimens10ns andolerances shall be 1n accordance with OsAS B1B.6.4 - 1966. 3.3 Protecting coating 3.3.1 Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), screws shall have a cadmi

16、um plat1ng on carbon and alloy steel and a passi vation treatment for corrosion-resist1ng steel. Cadmium Platin. Cadm1um plat1ng shall be Type II, Class 3 1n accordance wI h QQ16. Passivation. Passivation treatment shall be 1n accordance witn QQ-p-35. 3.3.2 Hydroaen embrittlement. Ca

17、dm1um plated screws shall be subjecte to an em6r1ttlement relief treatment 1n accordance with QQ-P-4l6, as soon as poss1ble after plating, to minimize the result1ng embrittlement. 3.4 Recessed drive. Cross-recessed drives shall be either Type I, !A or II in accordance with USAS BlB.6.4-l966 J as spe

18、cified (see 6.2). Military use shall be limited to Type 1. 3.5 Performance requ1rements. 3.5.1 Carbon steel tappin5 screws.,- Carbon steel tapplnp“ screws shall be capable of meetng the drive requirements 4 -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

19、S-,-,-) FF-S-10/t (all types except BF and BT) and the torsional strength require ments (all types) specified below. Drive. a. Thread forming scre.,s shall, without deforma - tron of thelr-own-hreads, form a mating thread in the test plate until the tapered threads of the pOint are completel

20、y through the test plate. b. Thread cutting screws shall, without deforma tion of their own threads, cut or form a mating thread in the test plate until the tapered threads of the pOint are completely through the test plate. Torsional strength. to cause a fallure of carbon steel or exceed th

21、e minimum values given of USAS B18.64 - 1966. The torslonal strength required tapping screws shall equal n the app11cable xables 3.5.2 Non-carbon steel tapping screws. The performance requirements of tapping screws made of a material other than carbon steel shall be subject to agreement between the

22、manu facturer and user. 3.5.3 Drive screws. Drive screws shall, without shear ing of the threads on the screw or breaklng the screwl-produce mating threads in the test plate. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Resonsibi11ty for 1nspect1on. Unless otherwise specif1ed In be contract or purchise order

23、, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specifled herein. Except as otherwlse speclfied in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilIties suItable for the performance of the 1nspection requlrements spec1fled herein, unless d1sa

24、pproved by the Government. The Government reserves the r1ght to perform any of the inspec tions set forth in the spec1f1cation where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that aupplie8 and services conform to prescr1bed requirements. 4.l.r Quality assurance terms and definitions. Quality a

25、ssurance terms and derInItIons used hereIn are In accordance with MIL-STD-I09. -4.2 Inspection provisions. ? 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I r i I , , t f I FF-S-107C 4.2.1 Lot. Unless otherwise specified, a lot shall consist of s

26、crews of the same type, material, f1nish, size an head style produced under essentially like conditions and offered for acceptance at anyone time. 4.2.2 Sampling. samplin for examination. A random sample of screws shall be selec ad from eah lot in acordance with Inspection Level S-4 of MIL-S

27、TD-105, using the Acceptable Quality Levels (AQLs) specified 1n Table I. samplin for performance tests. A random sample of screws shall be se ected from each lot in accordance with Inspection Level S-2 of MIL-STD-I05, us1ng an AQL of 2.5. Sampling for kassivat10n test. A random sampl

28、e of three screws shall be ta en from each lot. 4.2.2a4 Sampling for packaging and packing. Sampl1ng for examination and test of preservation, packaging, packing and marking shall be in accordance with MIL-H-3982. 4.2.3 Cert1f1cat10n.- Material. When speclfied ln the contract or order (see 6.

29、2), the contracor shall iurnlsn a cer1flcate of the chemical composition and physical properties of the materia belng used (see 3.1.3). Protectlve coating. when spec1fied 1n the con tract or order (see 6.2), the contractor shall furnish a cer tif1cate that the protective coatings (see 3.3) a

30、re in accordance with thelicable specification. 4.3 Examination. 4.3.1 Visual and dimenSional. Each screw taken as speci fled in shil! be examined to determine conformance with this specification. Examination shall be conducted in accordance with Table I. Any screw in the sample containing o

31、ne or more defects shall be rejected, and if the number of defective screws in any sample exceeds the acceptance number for that sample, the lot represented by the sample shall be rejected. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-) FF-S-107

32、C Categor1es Major 101 102 103 Minor 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 TABLE I. Classification defects Defects None def1ned AQL 2.5 Protrusion ssglng of flat head screws (6.4) Recess penetration gaging (6.4) Type not as specified AQL - 6.5 Thread length not as specified Screw length not

33、as specified Body dleter not as specified Eccentricity not as specif1ed Bearing surface not as spec1fied Underhead fillet not as specified Other dimensions not as specified -Protective coating missing or incom-plete Evidence of rust, pitting or spot ting after passivation test (4.4.2) *51E Standard

34、Inspection Equipment Inspection Method Gage Gage Visual SIE* SIE SIE SIE SIE SIE SIE Visual Visual 4.3.2 PackainI and packing. Examination and test of preservationl pac ag ng, packing and marking shall be in accor dance with MIL-H-3982. 4.3.3 Inspect10n gaes. The contractors 1nspect1on gages shall b

35、e an approve preelsion typeJ ca11brated to stan dards traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Current records of calibration shall be reta1ned. 4.4 Tests. 4.4.1 Performance. Drive and tors1onal Each tapping screw a en as spec en. ,- I ,. SUbjected to a drive and torsional strength tes

36、t to determine conformance to 3.5.1. The tests shall- be conducted 1n accor dance with USAS B1B.6.4 - 1966. - Drive screw test. Each drive screw taken as spec1fied in snail be subjected to a drive to - - - -1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

37、 license from IHS-,-,-I r r , . l I t t r l fI r i f FF-S-107C determine conformance to 3.5.3. The test shall be conducted in accordance with USAS ElS.6.4 - 1966. 4.4.2 Passivation. Each screw taken as specified in shall be subjected to a passivation test conducted in accordance with QQ-P-35

38、, and examined as specified in Table I. 4.4.3 Hydrogen embrittlement. Cadmium plated screws shall be tested for embrIttlement relIef in accordance /i th Q-P-4l6, except that the screws shall be held under load for 23 hours, and then examined for cracks or fracture. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Pr

39、eservation, ackagini and packing. The screws shall be preserved and package level or C and packed level A, B, or C in accordance with MIL-H-3982. The levels of protection shall be as specified In the contract or order (see 6.2). 5.2 Marking. 5.2.1 Clvil agencies. In addition to markings required by-

40、 the contract or order, interior packages and shipping con tainers shall be marked 1n accordance wi th Fed. Std. No. 12.3. 5.2.2 M1litary act1vit1es. In addit10n to markings required by the contract or order, Interior packages and shipping con tainers shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129.

41、6. NarES 6.1 Intended use. 6.1.1 Thread forming screws. Thread forming tapping screws are intended for use In mater1al where large internal stresses are permissible or desirable to increase resistance to loosening. 6.1.2 Thread cutting screws. Thread cutt1ng tapping screws are intended for use in ma

42、terial where destructive internal stresses are not Qesirable or where excessive driving torques are encountered. 6.1.3 Drive screws. Drive screws are forced into work by pressure and are Intended for mak1ng permanent fastenings. 6.2 Odering data. Purchasers should select the preferred opton permitte

43、d herein and include the tollong information in procurement documsnts. 8 -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-) FF-S-1rnc (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ( f) (g) (h) ( i) (j) Title, number and date of this specification. Type, head style, drive, siz

44、e and length of screw. Type of hexagon head (regular or indented) (1.2.2). Material, if required (3.1). Material certificate, if required ( Protective coating (3.3). Protective coating certificate, if required ( Cross-recess type, if required (3.4). Levels of preservation, packagin

45、g and packing required (5.1). Marking, it required (5.2). 6.3 Method of inspection. When the inspection procedures specified in Section 4 of the specification are not applicable, maximum use of certi fication or a minimum degree of inspection viII be employed as specifipd in Section XIV of the Armed

46、 Services Procurement Regulation in which the pro curement document should specify the amount and location of inspection and the method for contractors assurance that the requirements of this speci fication have been met. 6.4 Gagin and formulas. For information about gaging (protrusion and penetrati

47、on , approximate hole sizes for various materials and formulas refer to USAS B18.6.4 - 1966. 6.; Supersession data. This epecification includs the reqUirements of MIL-S-6033, dated 24 March 1950. CUSTODIANS: Arary - WC Navy - None Air Force - 82 Reyiey aet1.x1ti os: Artq - AV, ME, MI MU, GL Navr - N

48、one Air Force - 85 DSA - IS KSA User actiVities: Arrlr3 - AT, CE Navy - AS, Me, SA, SH, In Air Force - None Preparing activity: Army - WC CIVIL AGENCIES INTEREST: ACi, DC, GSA, JU, V A *0. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1969 0 - 395-522 (LaL?) Orders for this publication are to be placed with General Services Administration, acting .s an agent for the Superintendent of Documents. See section 2 of this specification to obtain extra copies and other doc uments referenced herein. P 15 cents each. 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

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