1、MIL-PRF-1 II 758B 27 Auaust 1997 SUPERSEDING 31 October 1979 MIL-E-I/I 758A (AR) Parameter: tp tk VSWR Unit: psec minutes Maximum I - 3:l Minimum - -.- 2 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION SHEET Ambient field Temperature operating Altitude operating (See note 4) H “C fl (See note 5) 5 225 10,000 -_- -40 - EL
2、ECTRON TUBE, KLYSTRON, AMPLIFIER, PULSED TYPE DOM334 This specification is approved for use by all Depart- ments and Agenciesof the Department of Defense. The requirementsfor acquiring the electron tube described herein shall consist of this specification sheet and the latest issue of MIL-PRF-1. DES
3、CRIPTION: Klystron, pulsed, amplifier, 1.6 kW, 9.155-9.245 GHz, 5 integral cavities,waveguide input and output, individual tuners, permanent magnet focused, conduction cooled. PHYSICAL CHARACTE RISTES: Mounting position: Dimensions: Focusing: Base: Weight: Tuning: RF flanges: Cooling: ABSOLUTE RATIN
4、GS: (See note 1) Any. See figure 1. Permanent magnet. Molded,color coded leads. Conduction. 9 pounds. Maximum. See Part Nos. 105491 69 and 10548235 or equivalent. Mates with UG - MAN, or equivalent. (See table I, note 7) Parameter: Ef Unit: I“ 1 Maximum Minimum If(surge) Eb Eb ib A I kVdc I kVdc I m
5、a (See note 2) Pi W 125 -.- ABSOLUTE RATINGS: AMSC N/A 1 of9 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. FSC 5960 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- flIL-PRF-L/L758B lb 20b3764 TL Parameter: Unit: M
6、IL-PRF-I/I 7588 Test condition: Ef Eb Ec F Load Du (Video) TP (RF) PRF V kVdc kVdc GHz VSWR Mod pulse p sec (Rectangular) WidtWRT KHZ 5.25 9.0 -4.25 9.205 1.051 (M) .o2 (max) .3 f .o1 20 f .o2 GENERAL: Qualification - Not required. Holding period - t - 48 hours (minimum). Storage - (See note 4) 2 Pr
7、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Inspection Qualiv conformance inwection. part 1 Visual - mechanical examination Heater current Control grid, cathode leakage Power output (1) (saturated) Power output variation Linearity Gain (saturated)
8、Gain (linear) Beam current Cathode, grid-cathode voltage stand-off Qualitv conformance inspection. part 3 Altitude spurious output Noise figure Warm-up time Tunable frequencies Humidity Bandwidth Life test Life-test end point Power output See footnotesat end of tab Method MIL-PRF-l/1758B TABLE I. Te
9、stin0 and inspection. Notes Conditions In accordance with outline drawing EC = -4.75 kV dc; Ef = 5.25 V; Eb = 9.0 kV dc F = 9.245 GHz F = 9.200 i 0.045 GHz F = 9.205 and 9.245 GHz F = 9.205 and 9.245 GHz F = 9.205 and 9.245 GHz; Po= 1 kW Pd=O EC = -7.0 kV dc Eb = 13 kV dc Symbd Limits Max Unit 3 Pro
10、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Inspection I Qualitv conformance insDection, part 3 - Continued Periodic-check test Temperature operating Vibration sweep frequency Shock, operating Shock, non-operating Capacitance Direct Interelectrode (
11、grid to cathode) fatigue Mechanical tuning Heater aging 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Method MIL-PRF-lA7588 TABLE I. Testino and inspection - Continued. NOtS 14 15 16 17 18 19 _ Conditions Po (2); Peak Acceleration = 15 G; t = 11 i 1 milliseconds No voltages; Peak acceleration = 75 G; t = 11 t 1 milliseconds
12、 Lead bundled 5 min on; 5 min off; 10 cycles Symbol Limits Min Max The absolute ratings are values which are not to be exceeded under any service conditions. These ratings are limiting values beyond which the serviceabilityof any individualtube may be impaired. In order not to exceed absolute rating
13、s, the designer has the responsibiliyof determining an average design value for each rating relative to the absolutevalue of that rating by a safety factor CO that the absolutevalues will never be exceeded under any usual conditions of supply-voltage variation, load variation, or manufacturingvariat
14、ions in the equipment itself. It does not necessarily follow that combinationsof absolute maximum ratings can be attained simultaneously. Nonconducting value. The pulse voltage applied to the control electrode should be equal to, but should not exceed, the control electrode bias voltage for optimum
15、tube performance. The tube shall not be degraded, however, with the application of a peak positive pulse overshoot of 150 V with recovery to a 50.0 V overshoot point occurring at less than 20 percent of the pulse duration. An ambient field of 5 H or less shall not result in degraded performance. Fer
16、romagneticmaterialsshall be kept at least 6 inches (1 50 mm) away from the tube and other magnets shall be kept at least 12 inches(300 mm) distant. The temperature shall be measured on the collector core. First Article tests shall be in accordancewith the contract or purchase order with no failures
17、accepted. Each tube shall be tested in accordance with this specification on a 1 O0 percent basis with no failures accepted. As a control sample, one tube shall be selected at random by a Government representative from each 50 tubes produced and shall meet all the requirementsof First Article except
18、 life test with no failures accepted. TABLE I. Testinu and inspection - Continued. Coarse tuning shall result in being able to tune-in any of the frequencies listed (t 1 MHz) below in less than one minute, 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH
19、S-,-,-8. 9. 1 o. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 O-10Hz using tuning tools noted below, and obtaining at least 1 O0 W. Low frequency limit: Channel 1 : Channel 2: Channel 3: Channel 4: Channel 5: Channel 6: Amplitude Acceleration Time 1/2 total excursion (each axis) 0.060 inch _ 1 hour Fine tuning shall
20、result in obtaining a nominal power-out of 1 .O kw. NOTE: Tuning tools per frequency range 9.20 to 9.25 GHz - 9.15 to 9.25 GHz - 11 -20Hz 21 - 400 HZ 9.155GHz 0.030 inch - 2 hours - 9G 2 hours 9.205 GHz 9.21 3 GHz 9.221 GHz 9.229 GHz 9.237 GHz 9.245 GHz Part Number 105491 69 Part Number 10548235 The
21、 output power shall not vary more than i 112 db over the frequency range 9.200 10.045 GHz for variations in any of the following independent variables. a) b) Eb = Eb i 1 percent, Po (2), Po = 1 kw F = 9.200 * .O45 GHz, Po (2), Po = 700 W The tube shall operate satisfactoriiyfrom sea level to 10,000f
22、eet. The tube shall not oscillate or be damaged when operated into a load VSWR of 3:l at any phase angle. The second harmonicoutput shall be at least 30 dB below the output power level Po (i). Ali spuriousoutputs excluding hannonicc shall be at least 120 dB below the output power level from 5 GHz to
23、 18 GHz. Two minutes after the application of the heater voltage to a tube stabilized at room temperature, the full Power Output test condition shall be applied. The tube shall pass the Power Output test in 3 seconds after the application of the full test condition voltages and rf drive power. The t
24、ube shall be considered to have failed this test by inability to comply with the specified life test end points. The tube shall operate satisfactorily during and after being subjected to the extreme temperaturesof -40“ C (-40“ F) to +79.4“ C (+175“ F). The tube shall be vibrated sinusoidally along t
25、hree mutually perpendicularaxes, one of which shall be normal to the mounting surface of the tube. The tube shall operate during this test and meet the requirementsof QCI after this test. Vibration shall be in accordance with the following schedule: The tube shall be shocked (6 impact shocks) in eac
26、h of 3 mutually perpendicularaxes, one of which shall be parallel to the beam axis. A total of 18 impact shocks, 3 in each direction, shall be administered. The tube shall operate during this test and meet the requirementsof QCI afterthis test. TABLE I. Testinu and inspection - Continued. The tube s
27、hall be shocked (3 total) in each of three mutually perpendicularaxes. Upon completion of this test, the tube shall meet the requirementsof this specification (XI). 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. This me
28、asurement shall be made in air between the ends of the tube electrode leads. Tuner life - The tube shall be capable of being set to any randomlyselected channel referenced in Note 7, without impairing the operationof the tube for any one of the following parameters: a) b) c) Overthe 100 MHzfrequency
29、range (P/N 10548235) 100 settings. Over the 50 MHz frequency range (PM 105491 69) 250 settings. Over the 25 MHz frequency range (PM 105491 69) 1 O00 settings. The 3 dB instantaneous bandwidth shall be 5 MHz minimum (Linear Mode of Operation) for any frequency in the band when Po = 500 W. The tube sh
30、all exhibit a linear mode of operation if it complies with the following: As Pd is decreased by 9 dB below that Pd established at Po = 1 kW, the differential gain shall be less than 0.6 dB. Differentialgain is defined as the difference in gain, obtained by comparing the decrease in the power output
31、to the 9 dB decrease in drive power. Coarse and fine tuning requirements referencedin Note 7shall not apply during saturated drive conditions. SaturatedPo (1) and Gain Po (1) For purposes of this specification, the value of saturated peak power and gain referred to as Po (i), shall be determined in
32、the following manner: Step 1. Step 2. Adjust the test frequency to the specified value. Adjust Pd and sync tune cavities #1, #2, #3, and #5 for Po (2), Po = 700 W. Step 3. Step 4. Increase Pd to peak Po ma. Retune #5 cavity for Po rnax. (Do not readjust Pd after this step) Step 5. Step 6. Record Po
33、average and pulse width. Determine duty ratio and compute peak power and tube gain. Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the changes. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or
34、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-I/I 7588 .76 7.92 14.27 25.40 57.1 5 73.96 84.93 90.47 I 01.60 152.40 1 T.80 7 MACNETIC FIELD PERTURBERISI INSTALLED WHEN REOUIREO AND MAY BE LOCATED ON EITHER SIDEYALL OF TUBE BODY. 0.030 0.312 0.562 1 .o00 2.250 2.91 2 3.344 3.562 4.000 6.
35、000 7.000 Millimeterc I Inches .51 I 0.020 .64 I 0.025 FIGURE 1. Klvstron power amplifier. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-PRF-L/275B m Ob 20b3770 LT5 m Millimeterc 0.08 0.13 0.38 0.51 3.81 4.29 6.35 9.52 15.88 19.05 25.40 31.75
36、 38.1 O 50.80 120.65 MIL-PRF-lA758B Inches 0.003 0.005 0.01 5 0.020 0.1 50 0.169 0.250 0.375 0.625 0.750 1 .o00 1.250 1.500 2.000 4.750 PARALLELISM OF DUTPUT PORT TO INPUT PORT SHALL BE WITHIN 2.020 -169 DIA t.003 B HOLES BOSSES ct- EGUIDE OINENSION OF TUNER CLEARANCE CUTOUT IN ADJACENT HEAT-SINK X.
37、375 DEEP HIN 4C“ HOLES Wire No. I Wire length 1 All lead lengths 18“ Nominal 17“ minimum Color code Yellow = Heater White = Heater - Cathode I Red = Mod Electrode Applied voltages 0.0 V dc ! +5.0Vdc I FIGURE 1. Klvstron power amplifier - Continued. 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Custodians: Army - AR MIL-PRF-L/1758B m 9999906 2063771 031 m Preparing activity: DLA - CC (Project 59604235) 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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