1、MIL-S-6050A21 JuLY 1%71IIISupersedingMIL-S-605031 Karch 1950NILXTARYSPECIFICATIONSTEEL, CHROKE-NICKELMXYBDRWM (8630) BARS ANDREFORGIW STCCK (AIRCRAFTQUALITY)This specificationis mandatory for use by all Depart-ments and Agenciesof the Departmentof Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 z. - This specificationcover.?st
2、eel bars and reforghg stock ofaircraftquality.1.2 Claosificatlon.-1.2.1 Physicalconditions.- Material shall be in one of the follewingphysicalconditions,as epecified(see 6.z):(A) Ae fergad(B) Ae rolled(C) Annealed(D) Nornudizad(E) Rtudensdand tampered1.2.2 Surface conditions.- Material shall be In o
3、ne of the followingeurface condition, ae specified(eee 6.2):(1) Black as forged or rolled(2) pickled or blast cleaned(3) Rough turned(L) Cold drawn(5) Tuxm?d,ground, and polished.2. APPLICABLE CHXLJME?TS2.1 The fol.1.owingdocuments,for bids or requestfor proposal,specifiedherein:SPECIFICATIONmilitar
4、yof the issue in affect on date of invitationform a part of thie specificationto the extentMIL-I-686B InspectionProcess,MagneticParticlemIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MILS-6050ASTANDARDSFederalFed. Test Method Metals; Test MethodsS
5、td.No. 151Fed.Std. No. 183 ContinuousIdentificationIron and Steel ProductsMarkingofNI however, stress relieving may be accomplishedafterdrawing.L. QUALITY ASSURAWCEPROVISIONS4.1 Rescensibilityfor inspection.- Unlessothmwise specifiadin thecontractor chace ordar,the suppl-ieris respmsible for the rfo
6、rmance ofall impaction requirement ae specifiedherein. Exceptas othewiae specified,the supplier utilizehie own facilitiesor any commerciallaboratoryacceptableto theGovernment. TheGove-nt reservesthe rightto performany of the inspec-tion eetforthin the epecificatianwhere suchinspection aredeemednecee
7、aargtoassuresuppliesand servicesconformto prescribedrequirements.L.2 llty conformance insmction. - All the axmrdnatlans and testeof steelare claaeifiedaa qualityconformanceinspection,forwhichnece$saryeampl.ingtechniquesand methodsof testingare specifiedin thiesection.1+.2.1I.nemctionlot.- An inspect
8、ionlot ohal.1conaiatof millfonrsof oneheat,condition,and eizepresentadfor acceptanceat one time,andwhamheattraated,fromthe cameprocessand the samebatch./+.3Examinationof urcduct.- Samplesselectedin accordancewithtableIIIeha.11be axamlnedfor comtiance with surfacecondition.identification.dimensional.
9、and preation fordeliv l-1/2 Inch and over, the a.xla shall be locatedmidway between the center ad eurface of the bar. The ads of tensile testspecimna shallbe parallelto thedirectionof rolllngor drawing.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
10、MIL-S-6050A4.11.3 Test methcd.- Teneiletests shallbe performedin accordancewithMethed21.I.of Fed. Test MethodStd. No. 151. Yield etrengthshallbe deterrdnadby the offeet or extension-under-loadmethode.4.I.2 Certifiedheats.- Lots of d.11 productsfrom heatswhich have beenpreviouslytestedand found to co
11、mplywith the chemicalcompetition,hardenability,macroetchand cleanlinessrequirement epecifiedherein,need not be retestedforthe above attributes.4.13 Test reporte. - F.ach shipment shall be accompanied by teet repcmteshowingcompliancewith the requirementsherein.4.14 Rejectionand retest.- If any specim
12、enfails to conformto therequirementsof this specification,it ehallbe caueefor rejectionof thematerialrepresentedby the sciman eubjectto the reteetprovisionsof Fed.Test MethodStd. No. 151, exceptthat five epectiensehallbe selectedforreteet.5. FREF.4R4TIONFOR DELIVERY5.1 Preservation,packing, and uack
13、ing.-5.1.1 LevelA. - Materialsehallbe properlygeparatedby eize and conditionwhen preparedfor,delivery. Materialeshallbe preserved,ckaged, and packedin accordancewith NIL-STD- LevelC. - Materialsahal.1be preparedfor deliveryin accordancewiththe manufacturerjscommercialpractice.5.2 Nukim of s
14、himnents.- Markingand labelingshallbe in accordancewithNIL-.sTD-lk3.6. NOTES6.1 Intended uge. - The material covered by this specification is intendedfor use in the manufactureof alrcraft pa,sand components. It may be welded.The mi+terialig not recommendedfor very heavy sectione. lhe hardenabilityan
15、dweldabilityof thie materialare consideredequivalentto that of materialcon-foru to NIL-s-6758.6.2 Orderingdata. - Procurementdocumentsehouldspecify:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Title,numbeqand date of thie specification.Size and shape.Fhy9icaland surfacecondition (eee 1.2).Exact lengtheand lengthtolerance, if mil
16、l lengthearenot acceptable.Leveleof packagingand packingdesired(see eection5).8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mL-s-6050Ao6.2.1 When bars are intended for reforging purpesea, it shouldbe eo etatad.6.2.2 When decarburizationIimAtecloee
17、rthan thoee epeclfled in 3.6 aredesired,thesete shouldbe specifiedin the contractor pu.rchaaeorder.Cue.tedians:Amy-mtilwy - AsAAr Force-11Revieweractivities:buy - Av, WcNavy - ASAlr Farce - u, alUser activities:Arnv-AT, KLINavy - IXPreparing activityAir Force - l-lReject No. %1o-oo96-. - - -9Provide
18、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-49I9FormApproved Rx&etSPECIFICATIONANALYSISSHEtT SuraauNo.119-ROO&INsTRucTIcAisThissheetia ta be filled out by paracwmel either Government or contractor, involvadin the use of the spectiicationin procurementof
19、 productsforultlnmteuseby theart-mmt of Dafanae.hissheetis provided for obtaining information on the use of t!aisspecification which till insure that au.it.sble products can be procurad with a mlnlmmtumunt of delay and at the laast cost. Cements and the return of thie fom will beamireciated. Fold on
20、 lines on revarae aide, staple in corner, and send to preparinzaiitivity.SPSCIFICATIOW mks-&15Qa stid, Chrarm-Nickel-Wd.(&30),et=.,AIr=t -tYOK?MNIZATION CITYANDSTATECONIRACTNO. QUANYITYOF 1= PROCURZO1$DOLLARAMOUNTWATERIALPROCUREDUNDZRAO DirectGovernmentContracto Subcontract1. WASIAS.u&TWZ SPZCIFICAT
22、cific.ation.If thereareadditionalpapers,attach to form and place both in an envelops addressedta eparing activity. )SUBWITIED BY (Printed or typed name and activity) DATZDD Form I&26Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FOLDKISTAOE AhfDFEES PAIDDEFENSE SUPPLY AGEWCYFIcIAL Commander, SS0Attn: SEPSWright-pattarson AFB, Ohio 5&33lWLuProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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