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本文(DLA MIL-W-76D-1992 WIRE AND CABLE HOOKUP ELECTRICAL INSULATED GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR《电线电缆连接及绝缘规范》.pdf)为本站会员(boatfragile160)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、.;EiEizlMIL+76D21 Seember 1992SUPIFGMIL+-76C3 mvember 1989MUsIiXUfxw$ %izeapoclfioeticm . - -Strandbg Constructim lor ademsterhl( ( ( (* DesignatestheApplicableinsuhtim ,-. Militarysnecificatim. The militaryspecifimtiondesignationomsists of a

2、prefixM whichindicatesa xaililaryspecificationitem,ad theqecificetim nmber.Beneficialaxmnmts (recmmmdations, additicms, deletions) and any rti-nentdatawhichmay be of use in inprovingthisdomx!entshouldbeaddressedb: QamkandingOfficer,U.S.Amy Cmmnicatims Electronics FbrtBdistributionis urdimited.Provid

3、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- lettezMZL+76Dn-?eof wire. l%e*tIds ofM?tMh of Iksting.KIL-ST 0.0226 0.7s 0.041 i,xu H% 3?:2s 0.0200 0.7s 0.0s2 1,600 7.89 3s.7M“z 0.0U3 1.00 0.06s 2,426 4.97 22.339 0.0142 1.3M 0.078 3,831 7.8: 19

4、0.0179 1.60 0.098 6,0BB : 4.810 0.0369 2.m . :.g 9,354D 1: 16,227 rb of all inspectionrequir-ts prior - sub-t inspectb and acceptance. Wiles otherwise sped-fbd, tbe supplier may utilisehisown facilitiesor any cunnerciallaboraery acceptableto * Govermwmt. Inspectionrecords of theexamina-tions ad

5、 testsshallbe keptcuqlete and availableto thevernmnt, asspecifiedin thecontract or order.4.2.2. equimumt and inmectionfacilities.Test equipt and-ti facilities*11 of sufficienta=Y8 9itYt and Vtityto -permitpc:formanceof the requiredinspecticm.TIW suppliershalles-tablishlibrationof testequipent t

6、hesatisfactionof theGovernmnt.4.2.3 Goyernmnt. liccep of the wireshallbe baseduponverifi-tion the Goverrurmtof theiers axpliance with thereguirexentsand the samplingand cticm pr=dures of thisspecification.TheGovernmentmay, at its option, repeat any or allof the inspectionsspeci-fiedherein.4.3 Accept

7、anceinsmection. Acceptanceinspectionshallwnsist ofbasiwterials inspectionti groupsA, B, andC.18Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. KXL-W-76D4.3.1 Resubnittedlots. If an inspectionlot (see6.3.2)is rejected,themanufacturermy reworkthe lot

8、or screenoutdefective and resuhitit foraccepace inspection.Resutxnittedlotsshallbe kept separatefromnew lots. The resukxnittedlot shallbe inspected,usingtightenedinspection.4.3.2 Basiter ialsinspectim. Basiterials inspectionshallconsistof verificationthatthe carponentmaterialslistedin tableX,prior t

9、Q fabricaticmof thewire,are in acoordanoewiththe aicable re-quirementsor referenoadspacificatinns.mBr.Ex. Basimnaterials inspecticm.Material Requequ:ht A#ioablespecificationCc#pperStrtis .*.*.*.*. 3.2.l(a)e%= steelstrands.-3433.2.l(b) . .*.Solder .*.O*0*Oa71 .* 3*3.4 WS-571Insli2aticxa.*.*.*.*.*I?or

10、sIJ4P, =, IMP . 1-3930andm, lWR,HWR - MIL-I-3930Pbrtype EF a71 .a71 *. LA?-390Jaoket 3.4 .Braid . 3*5 -572Shield .*.*o*a71 .* 3.6 (X)-%+343Outer jacket.*.* 3.6.1 a71 *Manufacturersidentifiationmarkerthreads. 3.8 MIL-5724.3.3 GroinA inSPection. GroupA inspectionshallconsistof

11、the ex-aminatims and tests specifiedin tableXI. S-tistiti sanplingshallbe -in accordancewith-105, levelS-2. Majorandminor defectsshallbeas defined in MIL-STP105. 100% conformanceis reguiredor theentirelotshaU be.rejetted.mBLExx. GroupA inspection.I E%aminaticmor test I Requirement I Bkthodparagraph

12、paragraphVisualanddimensional. .examnatmn. (Seetile XV) 4.4.1= resistance 3.11.1 4.4.3Voltagewithstand 3.11.2 4.4.4Insulationresistance. 3.11.3 inspection.Group S5 inspectionshallconsistof the testsin tableXI1.19Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking per

13、mitted without license from IHS-,-,-YJL+=76DTNux xxx. GrnunB insnectim. - Test Type of wire d sizee Wquiresmt MudW, noninal ragraph puagrsphP)yeial propertiesof ineubtim XJI,IAiRinsisee24-,mmadmw,l=b MIL-X-3930)U si-.Cold bnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - An 3.U.4 4.4.6Mat rshwAg

14、hg Smllity w;:;:3.11.5 4.4.7UWUOtinsisen30m261 3.U.6 4.4.8inc.rlassiibuiu LW, X4iinsises24t= 20, 3.s.7 4.4.9inc2;H, P9inmdw,M4R “in au sizes.-.Y a m p qmd .i (cwtxuctiOt A). sf insulated whe KuM-M=A M ic prt ti =-i- wnetruotions, it chall be therefr- lbnevu, if r-ing insubtd wire frm*keTd omstructkm

15、s h esoessivdy difficult, the cmstruction xior te ths jacketingcperation myhowever, finalacceptice shallbe withhelduntilthegroq C inspectim has shownthatthe correctiveactim was success-fU1.4.4 Methodsof exminatim and test. !Ihespechs shallbe of the -s,mnstructxms,,cmpments, and lengthsape

16、cifiedherein. Ibwever,if the kngth arenot spcified, theyshallb determinedby thespecialoonditi.msof the testing.4.4.3 Visualad dixensimal exminatiua. Wire.shallbe ex?mird -veri th:;Braid:Dianterwer braid. ;:;Shield:Peroentmverage 3.6 -stranding.a71 a71 a71 .a71 . 3.9DiameterOver shield 3.9Outerjacket

17、: 3.6.1Diameterwer outer jacket .- 3.9Colording .*.*,.a.e*m.*m., 3.7Manufacturersidentificationmrkerthreads(ifused)*. 3.8Worhanship *.* Sparktest (tob performedduringmanufacture).Ml productionlengthsof wire (before shielding,when a shieldisuployed)shallbe passedthroughan electrodethat mkes

18、 intimate cmtact with theirsurfaces,asdescri in method 6211of SID-228 (see3.10).23Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-W-76D4.4.3 Dc resistance.= resistanm of the strti or solid conductorsin the finisbd wireshallb determinedin accordan

19、m withmethod6021.1ofmSK%228. (= 3.11.1)a71 When c3cresistanceof thestrti is beingdeter-mined, a lengthof finishedwire shallbe stri# of insulation,unstrarded,and theaveragelengthof the strands detemined. Thedc resistanceof asinglestrandshallbe determinedas follows:Where:Rs = dc resistance of a strand

20、.secondsfrantbe tim it is reached.4.4.5 Insulationresistance(see3.11.3). Insulationresistanceof thefinishedwireshallbe determinedinaccordancewithmethod6031of FElHYI!rnndreldiam-etersshallbe as ified in tibleIX. The specirrensshallthenbe mndi-tioned for a periodof 4 bum. At theend of thisperiod,and w

21、hilestillat thaabovespecifiedtemperature,the speck shallbe wrappedarourdthemandrelsat a uniformraw of 153 revoluti per minutefor a luinixmznofsix completeturns. The weightsattachedto thelowerends of theapecimnsshallbe sufficient keepthemut duringthebendingoperationsso thatcloseturnsof thespec uponth

22、erels willbe obtained. A suitabletraversingmechanismmay be used in lieuof *ights. The apecimms shallthenbe remved franthezudrels and,withoutstraightening,ixnneraedfor1 hour intapwatera71t notazwe than30%, withapproximately6 inchesofeachend of eachimen protrudingabovethewater. The specimensshallthenb

23、e subjectedto the licable voltage-withstandvoltagespecified intableIx, in themannerspecifiedin 4.4.4 (see3.11.4).4.4.7 Beat resistzmce.Specinensof the finishedwireat least5 feetlongshallbe preparedr testingby skinningapproximately1 inchat eachend * the barecmductor. !lhespecimensshallthen however fo

24、r typeHF wire,theoven tamperatureshallbe mainined at 10 +1%. At theendof thisperiod,tba specimensandxmre shall* r-wved ard alloweda returnto roomtemperature.The coiled sections of the specinxmsshallthenbe irsed for1 hour in tapwaterat notzore than30%, withoximately 6 inchesofeachendprotrudingabve th

25、e-tar. The Specimensshallthenbe subjectedto theapplible voltage-withstandvoltagespecifiedin tableIX, in themannerspecifid in4.4.4 (see3.11.5).4.4.8 Aqinqstability(m licableonly to typesLMPaxw3LhlRwirein AKsizes30 to 26, in=usive). Speci=ns of the fi.nishedwire shallbe preparedfor testinby skinningap

26、proximately1 inchat eachend thebareconductor.suspendedThe specimens shallthenbe aged in an airwen. They shallbe25Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-, withoutmhing me anotheror thewallsof theoven. Heatedairat atmsplxxic re

27、ssureshallbe circulatedm as timaintaina uniformtem-peratureof 108%+1 , in the oven, using bafflesti avoid lad over-heating or dead +. The source of heat shall be located in the air sqplyoutsidetheovenproper,and the supplyshallbe mntrolled by upperandlowerventslmprovidea amtinaxms changeof airoaimtel

28、y per lxxxduringthe test. W speoisms shall be ditid for a periodof 96 hours.After the ditioning period,they shall be moled ta roan temperatureforat least1 hour,and thensubjected* a cdd-beti -St in acmrdanoe with4.4.6,exceptthata 3/4-inchmamirelshallbe emo (= 3.6)=4.4.9 typeLW orLA4Rwire inAW sizes30

29、 to 26, Clusive H to Sme4.4.9.1 Sx imms. Specixms of the finisbedwireshallbs rted ina hori positicmin the oenterof #e test :. They *U b? sWported at the ends am3 shall h mder sufficienttxmsion= preventsagging.mch specisenshaU b sinrkedoff with finethread(orby othersuitablemeans)at eightpointslocated

30、as follows:(al iW=PQht plaosda wnvenientdistanoefromone endofa71(b) A test-h% nt 100a= 5 *S frm th imtionpoint. -(c) Six additiaml markars,spaced 1 inoh aamrt,*inning at thetest-startingpoint. Apmratus. The testchmber shaUbeofxeWtisWwe18 incheshighby M a differentsolventshallbe used foreach s

31、pecimn.(a) Saturatedsolutionof saltwater.(b) Aviationradegasoline.(c) Mtor oil (SAENo. 20 or 30, oxidation inhibited).(d) Ethyleneglycol.(e) Alcohol (rcial methylor ethyl).At theendof theimmersionperiod,the specinms shallbe r Mm theadvents andwipedcleanwith a dry cloth. The centerl-footsections shaU

32、be givencarefulvisualetion and,within15-minutesafterreucwalframthe solvents,shallthenbe isurersedfor1 hourin tapater at not over 30%.The spec shallthenbe subjectedlm th applicablevolithstivoltagespecifiedin tableIX, in themannerspecifiedin 4.4.4 (see3.Q.8).4.4.11 Surfaceresitiviw. Specilu!?n

33、s. Specimensof the ftiisbedWire,each6 kCbSS ,shallbe prepared5br testingby skinningapproximately1 inchat one eti tothe barecmductor. The cwverings,if any,shellbe cut evenlyso thatnolooseendsprotrude. Tm ne=l-foil (orsimilar)electrodes,approximalyl/4 inchwide,shallbe wr snuglyaroundthe axisof a71ach

34、speci=n insucha manneras b providea l-inchspacebet- thebareConduc-r and thefirstelectrodeand alsobe-n the firstandseomd electrodes.This testshallaly only m finisbedwire;when theoutermst coveringisa shield,it shallbe remved and theconstructim bsneathshallbe tes=. -itioninq. The specimensshall

35、be conditionedfor a periodof 96 hours at a temperatureof 65 1%, and a relativehurnidiof 90to 95 percent. At the eti of this period,whilet specimns are stillinthe chamberat theconditioningtemperatureandhumidi, thetestsspecifiedin performedby theuseof suitableleads tiedto theeleetrodes

36、and bareconductors. Procedure. After iticming of tb imens, the resistanceshallbe measured,firstbetweenthebareootiuctorand the firstelectrcde,and thenktween the firstand secondelectrodes,utilizingtheapplicableprocedurespecifiedin 4.4.5. NC temperaturecorrectionshallbe enployed.lheresistivi in

37、 both instancesshallbe -ted as follows:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FJL-W-76Dr . 3.14.Where:r . resistiviq.d = daW of imen.R = nmsured resistance.Next,a mltage of 2,500voltsrootrmm square(rns)(1,000voltsfor LAPardH wire inM sizes30

38、 m 26, incl.) shallbe lied in accordancewith* apioable proceduresof 4.4.4be tb barewnductor and the firstelectrdle,- thenbetweenthe first-3 seoondehctmks (- 3.11.9).4.4.12 Soldering (notalxil.ible - typeRF wjre). Spcilums of * in-sulatedwire,esch6 incheslong, 1 an alternate ma-is to H suitablewramud

39、 electrodes. Determinatimsshall* madeusingtheqpratus and prmdure described in =thod 4021of IED-STD=406(See3.11.u).5. PmmRATIcN FORImJVEn5.1 Eookupwireandcableshallbe preparedfordeliveryin acmrdancewithSpecifioationMIL-C-12000,for the specifiedlevelsof packagingandpacking,andapplicablemarking (see 6.

40、2.1).6.1 Intendeduse. Wire revered by this specificatiaa are intended foruse in tiZT*ir ingof electricaland electronicequiprent.6.2 Orderinqdata.fofi% Acguisitim requirenxmts.Acquisiticodocments shouldspecifythe:28Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f

41、rom IHS-,-,-(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(9)K ities mthe insula wirewithoutwvering d Uy be raisd 8Ugbt.lywhenthemstructim incldes a rover* over the inaulatim. “Theratingisrunbienttfsrpra-e us a=e xiaedue to current. Whenanylmjacket is used, the temperature rating may be mid e approx-tely 100%6.4.4 Abrasim resi

42、stan. Whenwire is subjectto Sbraaim, it isreaamudd thatnylon-jacketedwirebe used,shoe nylcmjacketis knownb= -h abrasim resis.6.5 Sublect tirm (kcw word) list-Braid,glass yarnBraid, qnthetic yarnPolyethylenemlX&l ChlorideShield, copperSingluctorS&rem ButadieneRubberSynthetic-resininsulated,6.6 Margin

43、al notatis. The rgins of thisspecificaticmaremarkedwithan asteriskto indicatewhere significant dmnges frm the previousissueweremade. Thiswasdmeasaamvenknce only andtbe Gov t Sssws noliabili for any inaccuracies in these notations. Ber5 and ocmtr=t=s arecautionedm evalua* the requirements of this nt

44、baaed cm the entiremntent as writtenirrespectiveof marginalnotitionsand relationshipto thelastpreviousissue.Note: Cautim should be taken during handling and disposal of all mlvents,institing,jacketing,soldering,and othermaterialsinacmrdance withASTM C930and FID+7K%313 .30Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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