1、= b 0333b TT4 A Remove one vendor - FSUI: M713 input setup Edltorial changes throughout !q I RLVIIIION8 11 ri: I “ I I voltage I vblo :rlA !:pv “ I I !:E 1 t I I :;!:I :IiA I I III I I I :I;I= :51L I o = 1.5 v I I I I ITc = 25c I I II I ITc = +125*C I III I I I 14“ = 0 v or I I II I ITc = +125c I II
2、I I I 1 I VD0 = +125c I I I- I I or 4.5 V 2D 3s5 IV I voltage I ifi:l= i :YA 1 IVIN = O V ;“IN - O Or 1 I 1 I“ - PF1og I l-r+ T I 1 I ItPHL2 I :TC a -5SC, +125.C i 10. 11 I 33 I 660 1 I DWC NO. 81019 8 REV PAGE 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr
3、om IHS-,-,-= 9999996 0113973 425 W SIZE A DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER TABLE 1. Electrical pcrfonmnce charrcterirtlcs. 1 I l I Group A I Ci nitr I 1 mn inax Nnit I I II I I Test ISYabOl I Conditions l/ I I I I Transi tion pl i ITc = 25C i 9 /13360!ns I 1 I I I time I I I I I 1 III I I ITHL I I
4、(Data iwut setup Its I !TC = 25C I 9 1-60 I 50 1 ns I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I II I - I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I 1 I I I pulse width I III I I I I I I I I Isubg“ups I ITc = -55C, +125C 1 10, 11 19 i 550 1 1 l-+ I I I ITc = -S5C, +125C I io, 11 I 4 I 75 I I I Ilc = *cc I 1 ITc
5、 = -55C. +125C 10. li I 9 1 180 I I tillc IMiniwn Clock Itp(cLK)I ITc = 25C I 9 ii3ians 1 I I I Lc = -5S.C, +125c I 10, 11 I 19 I 450 I I I 9 I6 112lnr I I I II IData Input hold ItH I I CODE IDENT. NO. DWG NO. 14933 81019 REV B 5 PAGE Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit
6、ted without license from IHS-,-,-i *I I 04 - O1 - u1 - O1 - CLOCK - POLARITY - D2 - “ss - . - I 16 - “OD 2 I5 - 04 3 14 - O4 4 13 - 03 !i 12 - a3 6 II - a3 7 10 - a2 0 9- a2 * FICURE i. Teminal connections. FWkE 21 Truth table. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit
7、hout license from IHS-,-,-H 999999b OLL3975 2T8 SIZE DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER A i COOK IOCNT. NO. OW0 NO. 14933 81019 4. IALITI AfWRMCE PROVISIONS 4.1 knpliq anfi inspectlon. Saroling in Inspection pmcehall consist of the test su rwpr and LTW values shown i n tables III and IV of method WO5
8、 of !UL-STD-883, class B and as fol 7 ws: a. End-point clectrlcal parameters shall be as specified in table II hereln. b. Steady-state life test (method 1005 of nIL-.STD-83l condltlons: (11 (2) TA L25.C. riniuui. (3) Test duration: 1,W hours, except as pemitted by appendix B of HILA-36510 and c. Sub
9、groups 3 and 4 shall be added to the group C f nspactlon requirements and shall consf st of the tests. condltions. and limits specified for subgroups 10 rnd 11 of group A. Test conftlon A or O. Each clrtuft shall be driven with an appropriate signal to simulate clnuit applications and each cfnuit sh
10、all have maxiun lord applied. mthod 1005 Of MIL-STD-883. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requlrmnts. The rcqulranwnts for packaglng shall be In accordance wlth 6. NOTES 6.1 Notes. Only the note DReevaluatlon of lot quality of the notes rpeclfled In IL4-385to n11-cm. shall apply to thls drawiq. SlZS CODE
11、IDLWT. NO. DUG NO. DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER A 14933 81019 A PAGE 8 OAYTON,. OHIO RLV C * t c Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- 9999996 OLL3977 070 W DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER DAYTON. OHIO 6.2 Intended use. Dlicroclicui
12、ts confonilng to thls drawing are Intended for use when military speclflcatlons do not exist and quallfltd milltaw devices that will perfom the required functlon are not available for O01 rpplIcatlon. Thls drawing is intended exclusively to prevent the prollferatlon of unrmessarY duplIcate speciflca
13、tlons, drawings, and stock catalog 1 Istlngs. Uhen o mllltary speciflcatlon exists and the roduet covered by this drawing has been quallfled for listlng on QPL-38510, thls drawing u111 te Inactivated and wlll not be used for new desfgn. The QPi.-38510 product shall be the preferred Item for all appl
14、ications. 6.3 Ordering data. the contract or purchase order should specify the following: a. Coqlete part nwr (see 1.2). b. Sequlrwents for dellvery of one copy of the quallty confomancc Inspection data pertinent to the device lnspectlon lot to be supplled wlth each shipment by the devlce manufactur
15、er, 1 f appl Icable. c. epulrements for certlficate of colpliance, If appllcable. d. Requlrtoicnts for notiflcatfon of change of product or process to pnicurlng actlvlty, If appl Icable. e. Requirements for spacial carriers, laid lrngths, or lud fonilng, if applicable. These requirements shall not a
16、ffect the part nuber. Unless otherwlse speclfied, these reqilrements will not apply to direct shipment to the (;ovemaent. 6.4 Replaceabllity. Microciwults covered by thls drawing will replace the suc generic devlce covered by a contractor-preparad speciflcatlon or drwlng. 6.5 Generlc test data. Gene
17、rlc test data nay be used to satlsfy the requlnilcnts of 4.4.3. Group C generic test data shall be on date codes no nore thin one year old and on a die in the sme mlcroclrcul t group (See Append1 x E of UiL-H-38510) wlth the sane material , design and process and from the suc plant as the die repres
18、ented. 6roup D generic data shall be on date codes no more an one year old and on the sme package Wpe (set tem$, deflnltlons, and symbols of HL-H-385io) and from the sme plant as the package represented. The vendor Is repulred to retrln the generic data for a period of not less than 5 years from the
19、 date of shlpment. SIZE CODE IDENT. NO. DWG NO. A 14933 81019 II tV A CAGE 9 6.6 Connents. Comnts on thls drawing should be directcd to DE%-Ea, aytos, OH 45444, or telephone 51-6-537 5. MOS devices must be handled wlth certain precautions to avoid damage duc to accuulot 6-7 %=v on o static charge. I
20、nput rotaction devlces have been designed In the chip to ninlnize the effect of this static bulfdup. However, the following handling practices are recorrnended: a. b. C. d. e. f. Oevices should be handled on benches wlth conductive and grounded surfaces. Ground test equlprnt and tools. Oa not handle
21、 devlces by the leads. Store devlces in conductlvr foam or carriers. Avoid use of plastic, rubber, or silk In NOS amas. MaIntaln mlotlve hunldity above 50 poifont, if practical. 4- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i = 999999b OLL3978 T
22、O7 6.8 Suhission of certificate of coirpliancc. The certificate of compliance submitted to DESt-ECS. prior to listing as an approved swne of supply in 6.9, shall state that the manufacturers product meets the requirements herein. 6.9 A roved sounes of supply. Approved sources of supply are llstcd he
23、reln. Additlonal sounes #li be added as they becorn avallable. The vendors listed hereln have agreed to this drawing and a certiflcate of caipllance (see 3.8) has been sukltted to DESC-ECS. BESC d raulng I V endor I Ve ndor I Ipart nunber I FUII I similar part I I Inder I nuilber I Vendor FSM 31019
24、nunber OEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER DAYTON. OHIO Vendor nyc and address Solid State Sclentlflc, Incorporated Conmerce Dri ve Hontgoievtlle, PA 18936 SIZE I CODE IDINT. NO. I DWG NO. A I 14933 I 81019 REV A PAGE 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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