1、NOTICE OF REVISION (NOR) THIS REVISION DESCRIBED BELOW HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED FOR THE DOCUMENT LISTED. ublic reporiing burden for this collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing istnictions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the da
2、ta needed, and completing and reviewing the ollection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, nduding suggestions for reducing this burden, io Deparlmeni of Defense, Washingtion Headquarters Services, Directorate for nfomnai
3、on operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 222024302, and io the Office of Aanagement and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Projeci (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20!XB.PLASE D NOT RETURN IOUR COMPLETED FORM TO EITHER OF THESE ADDRESSES. RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO THE GO
4、VERNMENT SSUING CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE CONTRACT/ PROCURING ACTIVITY NUMBER LISTED IN ITEM 2 OF THIS ORM. 1. DATE (WMMDD) 97-06-04 b. ADDRESS (Stmet Cw, State, Z Code) 1. ORIGINATOR i. TYPED NAME (Firnt Middle lnitisl, Defense Supply Center Columbus 3990 East Broad Sireei Columbus, OH 43216-5ooo
5、 a. CURRENT A 5. CAGE CODE 1 67268 b. NEW B 7. CAGE CODE I 67268 a (xom) 3. TITLE OF DOCUMENT MICROCIRCUIT, DIGITAL, RADIATION HARDENED, CMOS. SINPUT NOWOR SATE, MONOLITHIC SILICON X (1) Existing document supplemented by the NOR may be used in manufacture. (2) Revised document must be received befor
6、e manufacturer may incorporate this change. (3) Custodian of master document shall make above revision and himish revised document. 10. REVISIN LETER b. ACTIVITY AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE CHANGE FOR GOVERNMENT DSCC-VA c. TYPED NAME (firnt, Mkidle InhiJ Last) 12. CONFIGURATION ITEM (OR SYSTEM) TO WHICH E
8、 DODAAC 6. NOR NO. 5962-R408-97 8. DOCUMENT NO. 5962-96638 11. ECP NO. No users listed. 13. DESCRIPTION OF REVISION Sheet 1 : Revisions ltr column; add B. Revisions description column; add Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R40 add 97-08-04. Revision level block; add B. Rev status of sheets; for sh
9、eets 20 change from A io “B“. Rev slabs of sheets; for sheets 21 change from A to “Bu. Sheet 20: NOR 5962-R170-97 sheet 7 of Appendix A for Die Physical Dimensions for Die Thickness change from 21 +/-1 mils“ to “20 +/1 mils“ Sheet 21: NOR 5962-Rl7-97 sheet 8 of Appendix A for Inierfece Materials for
10、 Glassivation Type change from “Phosphorous doped SlO2“ io Revision Level Block: change from IA“ io “6“ PSG and for Assembly Related Information for Substrate Potenal change from Tied io VSS“ io “Floating or Tied to VDD y Revision Level Block: change from *A“ io 8“ DD Form 1695, APR 92 Prevhs editin
11、s are obsolete. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SNB-5962-96638 REV A m 9999996 0094633 541 m DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER COLUMBUS 3990 EAST BROAD STREET COLUMBUS, OH 43216-5000 IN REPLY REFER TO DSCC-V AC(Mr . Saffl
12、e/(DSN)850-0540/6 14-692-0540) SUBJECT: Notice of Revision (NOR) 5962-R170-97 for Standard Microcircuit Drawing (SMD) 5962-96638 Militaryflndustry Distribution The enclosed NOR is approved for use effective as of the date of the NOR. In accordance with MIL-STD-100, SMD holders should, as a minimum,
13、handwrite those changes described in the NOR to sheet 1 of the subject SMD. After completion, the NOR should be attached to the subject SMD for future reference. Those companies who were listed as approved sources of supply prior to this action have agreed to actions taken on devices for which they
14、had previously provided DSCC a certificate of compliance. This is evidenced by an existing active current certificate of compliance on file at DSCC with a DSCC record of verbal coordination. The certificate of compliance for these devices is considered concurrence with the new revision unless DSCC i
15、s otherwise notified. The vendor, Harris Semiconductor (34371) is added to the subject SMD as a supplier for die part number 5962R9663801V9A, and 5962R9663802V9A. The next update of MIL-HDBK- 103 will reflect this information. If you have comments or questions, please contact Charles Saffle at (DSN)
16、850-0540/(6 14)692-O540. 1 Encl. MONICA L. POELKING Chief, Custom Microelectronics Team Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NOTICE OF REVISION (NOR) THIS REVISION DESCRIBED BELOW HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED FOR THE DOCUMENT LISTED. 3990 East Broa
17、d Street Columbus, OH 43216-5000 i. TYPED NAME (First, Middle Initial, 3. TITLE OF DOCUMENT JOWOR GATE, MONOLITHIC SILICON Last) MICROCIRCUIT, DIGITAL, RADIATION HARDENED CMOS, 8-INPUT 1. DATE (YYMMDD) Form Approved 97-02-28 OMB No. 0704-0188 2. PROCURING ACTIVITY NO. b. ADDRESS (Street, City, State
18、, Zip Code) 5. CAGE CODE 1. ORIGINATOR Defense Supply Center, Columbus 67268 6. NOR NO. 5962-Ri 70-97 67268 5962-96638 a. CURRENT 12. CONFIGURATION ITEM (OR SYSTEM) TO WHICH ECP APPLIES All b. NEW A 10. REVISION LElTER (x One) X (1) Existing document supplemented by the NOR may be used in manufactur
19、e. 1l.ECPNO. No users listed. 3. ACTIVITY AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE CHANGE FOR SOVERNMENT DSCC-VAC 13. DESCRIPTION OF REVISION c. TYPED NAME (First, Middle Initial, Last) MONICA L. POELKING Sheet 1: Revisions Itr column; add “A. Revisions description column; add “Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-Ri 7
20、0-97“. Revisions date column; add “97-02-28“. Revision level block; add “A“. Rev status of sheets; for sheets 1,4, and 15 through 21, add “A. this document.“ Revision level block; add “A“. Sheets 15 through 21 : Add attached appendix A. Sheet 4: Add new paragraph which states; “3.1.1 Microcircuit di
22、CHARLES F. SAFFLE, JR. 97-02-28 DD Form 1695, APR 92 Previous editions are obsolete. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SMD-5962-96638 REV A 9999996 O094615 314 .A * 15 Document No: 5962-96638 Revision: A Sheet: 2 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-R170-
23、97 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-96638 10. SCOPE 10.1 Scope. This appendix establishes minimum requirements for microcircuit die to be supplied under the Qualified lanufacturers List (QML) Program. QML microcircuit die meeting the requirements of MIL-PRF-38535 and the manufacturers
24、pproved QM plan for use in monolithic microcircuits, multichip modules (MCMs), hybrids, electronic modules, or devices using hip and wire designs in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534 are specified herein. Two product assurance classes consisting of iilitary high reliability (device class Q) and space ap
25、plication (device Class V) are reflected in the Part or Identification Number IN). When available a choice of Radiation Hardiness Assurance (RHA) levels are reflected in the PIN. 10.2 m. The PIN shall be as shown in the following example: Federal RHA Stock class designator designator (see 10.2.1) Dr
26、awing Number 10.2.1 RHA desimator. Device classes Q anc lash (-) indicates a non-RHA die. I Device type (see 10.2.2) Device Die class code designator (see 10.2.3) RHA identified die sall meet the MIL-PRF-38535 specifia 10.2.2 Device tvre(sl. The device type) shall identify the circuit function as fo
27、llows: Device tvDe Generic number Circuit function O1 02 Die Details (see 10.2.4) 40788 4078BN Rt levels. A Radiation Hardened, CMOS, 8-input NOWOR gate Radiation Hardened, CMOS, 8-input NOWOR gate, neutron irradiated die 10.2.3 Device class desianator. Device class Device reauirements documentation
28、 Q orV Certification and qualification to the die requirements of MIL-PRF-38535. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 SIZE A 5962-96638 I I REVISIONLEVEL I SHEET JUL 94 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic
29、ense from IHS-,-,-.SflD-5962-96638 REV A m 9999996 0094616 250 m 10.2.4 Die Details. The die details designation shall be a unique letter which designates the dies physical dimensions, bonding pad location(s) and related electrical function(s), interface materials, and other assembly related informa
30、tion, for each product and variant supplied to this appendix. Die Phvsical dimensions. Die TvPes Figure number 01,02 A- 1 Die Bonding pad locations and Electrical functions. Die Tvpes Figure number 01,02 A-I Interface Materials. Die Types Finure number 01,02 A- I
31、Assembly related information. 01,02 A- 1 10.3 Absolute maximum ratinns. See paragraph 1.3 within the body of this drawing for details. 10.4 Recommended operatina conditions. See paragraph 1.4 within the body of this drawing for details. 20. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 20.1 Government seecifications. standa
32、rds, bulletin, and handbooks. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications, standards, bulletin, and handbook of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards specified in the solicitation, form a part of this drawing to the extent spec
33、ified herein. SPECIFICATION MILITARY MIL-PRF-38535 - Integrated Circuits, Manufacturing, General Specification for. APPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-96638 REVISION LEVEL A Document No: 5962-96638 Revision: A Sheet: 3 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-Rl70-97 SHEET 16 STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFE
34、NSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 432164000 SIZE A 5962-96638 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-APPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-96638 STANDARDS Document No: 5962-96638 Revision: A Sheet: 4 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-Rl70-
35、97 MIL-STD-883 - Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics. REVISION LEVEL A HANDBOOK 5962-96638 SHEET 17 MILITARY MIL-HDBK-103 - List of Standardized Military Drawings (SMDs). opies of the specification, standards, bulletin, and handbook required by manufacturers in connection with specific
36、acquisition inctions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity). 20.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this drawing and the references cited herein, the text f this drawing shall take precedence. 30. REQUIREMENTS 30
37、.1 Item Reauirements. The individual item requirements for device classes Q and V shall be in accordance with Ill-PRF-38535 and as specified herein or as modified in the device manufacturers Quality Management (QM) plan. The iodification in the QM plan shall not effect the form, fit or function as d
38、escribed herein. 30.2 Design, construction and DhVSiCal dimensions. The design, construction and physical dimensions shall be as specified I MIL-PRF-38535 and the manufacturers QM plan, for device classes Q and V and herein. 30.2.1 Die Physical dimensions. The die physical dimensions shall be as spe
39、cified in and on figure A-1. 30.2.2 Die bondino Dad locations and electrical functions. The die bonding pad locations and electrical functions shall be as pecified in and on figure A-1 . 30.2.3 Interface materials. The interface materials for the die shall be as specified in 10.2.4
40、.3 and on figure A-1 . 30.2.4 Assembly related information. The assembly related infonnation shall be as specified in and figure A-1 . 30.2.5 Radiation exposure circuit. The radiation exposure circuit shall be as defined within paragraph 3.2.4 of the body of this ocumen t. 30.3 Electrical D
41、erformance characteristics and post-irradiation parameter limits. Unless otherwise specified herein, the lectrical performance characteristics and post-irradiation parameter limits are as specified in table I of the body of this ,ocument. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS
42、 COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 SIZE A DESC FORM 19% JUL 94 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Document No: 5962-96638 Revision: A 1 Sheet: 5 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-R170-97 APPENDIX A FORMS APPENDIX A PART OF A SMD 5962-96638 30.4 Electrical test
43、requirements. The wafer probe test requirements shall include functional and parametric testing sufficient to make the packaged die capable of meeting the electrical performance requirements in table I. 30.5 Markinq. As a minimum, each unique lot of die, loaded in single or multiple stack of carrier
44、s, for shipment to a customer, shall be identified with the wafer lot number, the certification mark, the manufacturers identification and the PIN listed in 10.2 herein. The certification mark shall be a “QM“ or “Q“ as required by MIL-PRF-38535. 30.6 Certification of compliance. For device classes Q
45、 and V, a certificate of compliance shall be required from a QML-38535 listed manufacturer in order to supply to the requirements of this drawing (see 60.4 herein). The certificate of compliance submitted to DSCC-VA prior to listing as an approved source of supply for this appendix shall affirm that
46、 the manufacturers product meets, for device classes Q and V, the requirements of MIL-PRF-38535 and the requirements herein. 30.7 Certificate of conformance. A certificate of conformance as required for device classes Q and V in MIL-PRF-38535 shall be provided with each lot of microcircuit die deliv
47、ered to this drawing. 40. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 40.1 Samplina and inspection. For device classes Q and V, die sampling and inspection procedures shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535 or as modified in the device manufacturers Quality Management (QM) plan. The modifications in the QM plan
48、shall not effect the form, fit or function as described herein. 40.2 Screeninq. For device classes Q and V, screening shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535, and as defined in the manufacturers QM plan. As a minimum it shall consist of: a) Wafer Lot acceptance for Class V product using the criter
49、ia defined within MIL-STD-883 TM 5007. b) 100% wafer probe (see paragraph 30.4). c) 100% internal visual inspection to the applicable class Q or V criteria defined within MIL-STD-883 TM2010 I 40.3 Conformance inspection. 40.3.1 Group E inspection. Group E inspection is required only for parts intended to be identified as radiation assured (see 30.5 herein). RHA levels for device classes Q and V shall be as specified in MIL-PRF-385
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