1、REVISIONSLTR DESCRIPTION DATE (YR-MO-DA) APPROVEDA Add device type 02. 98-12-10 K. A. CottongimREV AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHEET 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53REV AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHEET 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34REV STATUSOF SHEETSREV AAAAAAAA
3、RID, DIGITAL, QUAD, (4 X 32-BIT) MICROCONTROLLER, +3.3 VOLT SUPPLYAPPROVED BYKendall A. CottongimDRAWING APPROVAL DATE98-03-23SIZEACAGE CODE672685962-97507REVISION LEVELASHEET 1 OF 53DSCC FORM 2233APR 97 5962-E063-99DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Pro
4、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STANDARDMICROCIRCUIT DRAWINGDEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER COLUMBUSCOLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000SIZEA5962-97507REVISION LEVELASHEET2DSCC FORM 2234APR 971. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This drawing documents five product assurance c
5、lasses, class D (lowest reliability), class E, (exceptions), classG (lowest high reliability), class H (high reliability), and class K, (highest reliability) and a choice of case outlines and leadfinishes are available and are reflected in the Part or Identifying Number (PIN). When available, a choi
6、ce of radiation hardnessassurance levels are reflected in the PIN.1.2 PIN. The PIN shall be as shown in the following example:5962 - 97507 01 H X C G01G01 G01G01 G01G01G01G01 G01G01 G01G01G01 G01 G01 G01 G01 G01 Federal RHA Device Device Case Leadstock class designator type class outline finishdesig
7、nator (see 1.2.1) (see 1.2.2) designator (see 1.2.4) (see 1.2.5) / (see 1.2.3)/ Drawing number 1.2.1 Radiation hardness assurance (RHA) designator. Device classes H and K RHA marked devices shall meet theMIL-PRF-38534 specified RHA levels and shall be marked with the appropriate RHA designator. A da
8、sh (-) indicates anon-RHA device.1.2.2 Device type(s). The device type(s) shall identify the circuit function as follows:Device type Generic number Circuit function01 AD14060LBF/QML-4 Quad digital signal processor, +3.3 V supply, 40 MHz,Twelve, 40 megabyte/s link ports (3 from each processor),Four,
9、40 megabit/s independent serial ports (1 from each processor)02 AD14060LTF/QML-4 Quad digital signal processor, +3.3 V supply, 37 MHz,Twelve, 37 megabyte/s link ports (3 from each processor),Four, 37 megabit/s independent serial ports (1 from each processor)1.2.3 Device class designator. This device
10、 class designator shall be a single letter identifying the product assurance level asfollows:Device class Device performance documentationD, E, G, H, or K Certification and qualification to MIL-PRF-385341.2.4 Case outline(s). The case outline(s) shall be as designated in MIL-STD-1835 and as follows:
11、Outline letter Descriptive designator Terminals Package styleX See figure 1 308 Quad ceramic flat pack1.2.5 Lead finish. The lead finish shall be as specified in MIL-PRF-38534. 1.3 Absolute maximum ratings. 1/Supply voltage (V ) . -0.3 V dc to +4.6 V dcDDInput voltage (V ) -0.5 V dc to V + 0.5 V dcI
12、N DDOutput voltage swing (V ) . -0.3 V dc to V + 0.5 V dcOUT DDLoad capacitance 200 pFJunction temperature under bias (T ) . +130G01CJJunction to case temperature (G01 ) 0.36G01C/WJCLead temperature soldering (5 seconds) . +280G01CStorage temperature range . -65G01C to +150G01C1/ Stresses above the
13、absolute maximum rating may cause permanent damage to the device. Extended operation at themaximum levels may degrade performance and affect reliability.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STANDARDMICROCIRCUIT DRAWINGDEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER
14、 COLUMBUSCOLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000SIZEA5962-97507REVISION LEVELASHEET3DSCC FORM 2234APR 971.4 Recommended operating conditions.Supply voltage (V ):DDDevice type 01 . +3.15 V dc to +3.6 V dcDevice type 02 . +3.13 V dc to +3.47 V dcCase operating temperature range (T ):CDevice type 01 . -40G01C to +10
15、0G01CDevice type 02 . -55G01C to +125G01C2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Government specification, standards, and handbook. The following specification, standards, and handbook form a partof this drawing to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those l
16、isted in theissue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in thesolitation.SPECIFICATIONDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEMIL-PRF-38534 - Hybrid Microcircuits, General Specification for.STANDARDSDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEMIL-STD-883 - Test Methods and
17、Procedures for Microelectronics.MIL-STD-973 - Configuration Management.MIL-STD-1835 - Microcircuit Case Outlines.HANDBOOKDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEMIL-HDBK-780 - Standard Microcircuit Drawings.(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of the specification, standards, and handbook are available from the Standar
18、dizationDocument Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this drawing and the references cited herein, the textof this drawing takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes app
19、licable laws and regulations unless aspecific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Item requirements. The individual item performance requirements for device classes D, E, G, H, and K shall be inaccordance with MIL-PRF-38534. Compliance with MIL-PRF-38534 may include the performance of all
20、 tests herein or asdesignated in the device manufacturers Quality Management (QM) plan or as designated for the applicable device class. Therefore, the tests and inspections herein may not be performed for the applicable device class (see MIL-PRF-38534). Futhermore, the manufacturers may take except
21、ions or use alternate methods to the tests and inspections herein and notperform them. However, the performance requirements as defined in MIL-PRF-38534 shall be met for the applicable deviceclass.3.2 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimensions sh
22、all be as specifiedin MIL-PRF-38534 and herein.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STANDARDMICROCIRCUIT DRAWINGDEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER COLUMBUSCOLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000SIZEA5962-97507REVISION LEVELASHEET4DSCC FORM 2234APR 973.2.1 Case outli
23、ne(s). The case outline(s) shall be in accordance with 1.2.4 herein and figure Terminal connections. The terminal connections shall be as specified on figure Block diagram(s). The block diagram(s) shall be as specified on figure Timing waveform(s). The timing waveform(s) shal
24、l be as specified on figure 4.3.3 Electrical performance characteristics. Unless otherwise specified herein, the electrical performance characteristics areas specified in table I and shall apply over the full specified operating temperature range.3.4 Electrical test requirements. The electrical test
25、 requirements shall be the subgroups specified in table II. The electricaltests for each subgroup are defined in table I.3.5 Marking of Device(s). Marking of device(s) shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. The device shall be markedwith the PIN listed in 1.2 herein. In addition, the manufacture
26、rs vendor similar PIN may also be marked as listed inQML-38534.3.6 Data. In addition to the general performance requirements of MIL-PRF-38534, the manufacturer of the device describedherein shall maintain the electrical test data (variables format) from the initial quality conformance inspection gro
27、up A lotsample, for each device type listed herein. Also, the data should include a summary of all parameters manually tested, and forthose which, if any, are guaranteed. This data shall be maintained under document revision level control by the manufacturerand be made available to the preparing act
28、ivity (DSCC-VA) upon request.3.7 Certificate of compliance. A certificate of compliance shall be required from a manufacturer in order to supply to thisdrawing. The certificate of compliance (original copy) submitted to DSCC-VA shall affirm that the manufacturers product meetsthe performance require
29、ments of MIL-PRF-38534 and herein.3.8 Certificate of conformance. A certificate of conformance as required in MIL-PRF-38534 shall be provided with each lot ofmicrocircuits delivered to this drawing.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection procedures shall b
30、e in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534 or asmodified in the device manufacturers Quality Management (QM) plan. The modification in the QM plan shall not affect theform, fit, or function as described herein.4.2 Screening. Screening shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. The following additional crite
31、ria shall apply:a. Burn-in test, method 1015 of MIL-STD-883.(1) Test condition A, B, C, or D. The test circuit shall be maintained by the manufacturer under document revisionlevel control and shall be made available to either DSCC-VA or the acquiring activity upon request. Also, thetest circuit shal
32、l specify the inputs, outputs, biases, and power dissipation, as applicable, in accordance with theintent specified in test method 1015 of MIL-STD-883.(2) T as specified in accordance with table I of method 1015 of MIL-STD-883.CProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit
33、hout license from IHS-,-,-STANDARDMICROCIRCUIT DRAWINGDEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER COLUMBUSCOLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000SIZEA5962-97507REVISION LEVELASHEET5DSCC FORM 2234APR 97b. Interim test parameters shall be as specified in table II herein, except interim electrical parameter tests prior to burn-inare opti
34、onal at the discretion of the manufacturer.(1) Static supply current (I q).DDChecks that current draw is not grossly excessive. Current exceeding 1.3 amperes on the module indicatesfailure. Normal measured current is about 0.5 amperes.(2) Interconnects.Checks for electrical continuity through the pa
35、ckage leads and wirebonds, along with continuity of internal wiringwithin the module.(3) Single processor functional.A collection of test routines perform a rudimentary check of the basic functionally of each individual processor. The following individual processor units are tested: DAGs 1 and 2, ti
36、mer, program sequencer, PX register,multiplier, data register file, shifter, ALU, link ports, serial ports, DMA, IOP registers, and memory.(a) Serial port test.This routine uses internal loopback to test basic operation of serial port 0 and serial port 1, by transmittingand receiving 16-bit words. I
37、n addition, the COMPare operation of the ALU and BitSET operation of theshifter are tested. Serial ports are tested at a clock rate of 10 MHz.(b) Computation routine.The routine tests basic operation of the ALU through ADD, SUBTRACT, and COMPare functions. Inaddition, the multiplier and DAGs are tes
38、ted usings floating point multiply and load/write functions, while theshifter is tested with a BitSET function. All operations use 32-bit words.(c) Link routine.Using 32-bit data and internal memory to memory receive, basic operation of Link buffers 0 - 5 is tested. Inaddition, the ALU, COMPare, and
39、 shifter BitSET functions are tested.(d) PX routine.This routine tests basic operation of the PX register and short word addressing. The PX register is loadedwith a 48-bit word, then the PX is read into memory. Short word addressing is used to read back, in 16-bitword segments, the 48-bit word from
40、memory. In addition, the ALU, COMPare, and shifter BitSET functionsare tested.(e) Timer routine.This routine will count down the timer until t = 0, at which time an interrupt will occur, followed by acountreturn to the code. This test will verify operation of the program sequencer, timer, ALU, COMPa
41、re function,and shifter BitSET function.(4) Multiprocessor functional.(a) Interprocessor links: all tested using 2 times the clock rate (80 MHz for device type 01) and (74 MHz fordevice type 02).(b) Multiprocessor memory space: each processor accesses and checks memory of the other three processors.
42、c. Final electrical test parameters shall be as specified in table II herein.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STANDARDMICROCIRCUIT DRAWINGDEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER COLUMBUSCOLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000SIZEA5962-97507REVISION LEVELASHEET6DSCC F
43、ORM 2234APR 97TABLE I. Electrical performance characteristics. G01G01 G01 G01G01 G01Test G01 Symbol G01 Conditions 1/ G01 Group A G01 Device G01 Limits G01 UnitG01G01 G01 subgroups G01 types G01 G01G01G01 unless otherwise specified G01G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01G01G01 Min G01 Max G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G
44、01High level input voltage 2/ G01V G01V = +3.6 V dc G01 1, 2, 3 G01 01 G01 2.0 G01G01 VIH1 DDG01G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01V = +3.47 V dc G01G01 02 G01 2.0 G01G01DDG01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01High level input voltage 3/ G01V G01V = +3.6 V dc G01 1, 2, 3 G01 01
45、G01 2.2 G01 G01 VIH2 DDG01G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01V = +3.47 V dc G01G01 02 G01 2.2 G01G01DDG01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01Low level input 2/ 3/ G01V G01V = +3.15 V dc G01 1, 2, 3 G01 01 G01G01 0.8 G01 VIL DDvoltage G01G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G
46、01G01V = +3.13 V dc G01G01 02 G01G01 0.8 G01DDG01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01High level output voltage 4/ G01V G01V = +3.15 V dc, 5/ G01 1, 2, 3 G01 01 G01 2.4 G01G01 VOH DDG01G01 I = -2.0 mA G01G01G01G01G01OHG01G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01V = +3.13 V dc G01G01 02
47、G01 2.4 G01G01DDG01G01 I = -2.0 mA G01G01G01G01G01OHG01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01Low level output voltage 4/ G01V G01V = +3.15 V dc, 5/ G01 1, 2, 3 G01 01 G01G01 0.4 G01 VOL DDG01G01 I = 4.0 mA G01G01G01G01G01OLG01G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01V = +3.13 V dc G01G01
48、 02 G01G01 0.4 G01DDG01G01 I = 4.0 mA G01G01G01G01G01OLG01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01High level input 6/ 7/ 8/ G01I G01V = +3.6 V dc, G01 1, 2, 3 G01 01 G01G01 10 G01 AIH DDcurrent G01G01 V = V MAX G01G01G01G01G01IN DDG01G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01G01G01V = +3.47 V dc G01G01 02 G01G01 10 G01DDG01G01 V = V MAX G01G01G01G01G01IN DDG01G01 G01 G01G01G01G01See footnotes at end of table.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STANDARDMICR
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