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本文(DOD A-A-54028-1990 CLAMP ARTERY INFANT PARTIAL OCCLUDING (CASTANEDA)《部分闭塞动脉夹》.pdf)为本站会员(lawfemale396)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、A-A- 54028 7 August 1990 COMIIERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION CLAW, ARTERY, INFANT, PARTIAL OCCLUDINQ ( CASTANEDA) The eneral Service6 Administration has authorized the use of this commercial item description. This commercial item description COVPB a gpoon-type, partial- occluding infant-gize artery clamp o

2、! the Castonedo style suitable for use in vascular procedures. Salient characteristics: Generz! The clamp shall be 4-l/e inche8 long with jaws hav1r.g interdi g: tating transverse tee th Termtnol ogy ek,a? 1 be in kcccrdance with ASTh! Designetion F64i. Material Materia! of the clamp shall be Class

3、4 mertensltic tainles stee ir. accordance with ASTM Designation F8Q. Iiardnese ?he clamp ,ohEl! have a Rockwei: IiardneRE C Scale (KRCI o! 40 to 47 wher. tested :n accordance with ASTM Designation E18 or E02 whichever is aplicable. Convereicr, of hardne8s values shall be In accoraancc with ASTM Desi

4、gnation E140 Style, aesiCn and dimensions The clamp shall be ir, acccrdance with Defense Personnel Support Center (DFSC) Crawing No 22369 ior stple, cesign and dimeneions Finigt;. The clkmp shail be =irpor, setin or matte The motte finish shall exhibit (L uniform nondirectional surface texture equiv

5、slent to that produced by lightly blasting the prepared surface with fine abuives undel. pre8su.e Paeefvetior,. The clamp shall bt properly parrlvattd Corrotrion-reEirt digtribution Is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-54

6、028 Performance. The clamp shall conform to applicable portions of ASTM Deaignation F1026 Identification marking and labelinR. In addition to the requirements specified fn ASTk! Designation FlO26, the clamp shall be legibly marked with the contractors name or registered trademark and the word rtainl

7、ess Clamps ehal? bear the name of the country of origin Workmanship The clamp shall be free from defects which detract fporn its appearance OF impair ita serviceability. Product Quality Level Visual and dimensional examination Clamps shall be examined tc verify that aesign, construction and workmans

8、hip are in accordance with pplicable requirements Materiels The supplier shall be responsible for performing teste tc assure that materiais are in accordance with r equ i re ment s Unit Each (EA) One clamp, a8 specified, constitutes one un? t W- Quality Asurance Provisions ReeDonsibilitv for nepecti

9、on Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for th-e perfcrmance of all inspection requirement8 as apecified herein Except as otherwise specifred in the contract or pvrchase order, the contractor may uze his own or any facilities suitbble for the pe

10、rformance of the :nspectLon requirements specified hereln, unless cisapproved b) the Government The Qovernment Peserves the right tc perform my of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed neccosary to nt. time to time. Cuning tht performance of tht contract en

11、d !or a period of thiae yeers after delivery of tht supplies to which such records relate. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A- A- 94028 Inapection Inspection, as used herein, is defined ar both examination (such as visual or suditory

12、 investigation without the use of special laboratory appliances or procedures) and teiting (determination by technical meanB of physical and chemical propertieel of the item Sampling for examination Sampling for examination Eholl be conducted fn accordancc with MIL-STD-105, end as tptcif ied herein

13、Unit of product for examination purposes ahail be one clamp. Sampling shall be Inspecticn Level II and an Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) of 1.0. Examinatior, Exanination shall be conducted to determine compliance with specificat+on products SamplinR for tests Sampling for tests shall be conducted ir

14、. acccrdance with MIL-STD-105 and as specified herein The unit of product for test purposes shcll be one clern; ACL shell be l O (percent defective) with an Inspection Level of S-2 Tests Tests shall be conducted to determine compliance with specif Ication requirements. Where feasible, the same sampl

15、e ohell be used :or the dttermfnstion of two or more test characterixticr. Contractor certification. The contractor shall certify that the product offered meets the rilient characteristics of thia description arid conforma to the produccr own drawings, rpecificationi, standardr, and quality atrsurin

16、ce practices The overnment reserves the right to require p-oof o! such conformance pr+or to first delivery and therezfter as may be otherwise provided for under the provisions cf the contract Metric products Producte manufacturec tc metric dimensions Will be considered 01; an equal basis Kith those

17、mhnuiactured using inch-pound unita, providing they fall within the tcleFances epecifiel ussng conveneion tables contained ir, the letegt revieion of Federal Standard No 37, an2 all other requirements o: this document are met If E prodcict is manufactured to metric dimensions and thoee dimensions ex

18、ceed the tcierancas gpecified in the inchpound urdite. A request ehould be %de LG the contract,ng cfficer tc determine i? the product LE acceptable The contracting officer has the option of accepting or rejecting the product. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

19、hout license from IHS-,-,-A- A- 54020 Regulatory requirements Federal Food, Drug and Cogmetic Act If the product covered by this document has been dttermlned by the U S Food and Drug Adminlotration to be under its jurisdiction, the offeror/contractor shall conp?y, and be responsible for cornplirnce

20、by its subcontracto?s/ru?pliere, with the requirement8 o! the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, es amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder. in add1 ton, the offeror/contrsctor shall comp;y, and be re.pon#ble for compliance by ita subcontractors,suppliers, with the requirement8 of all othe

21、r applicable FedeFa!, State, and local statutee, ordinancee, And regulations Recovered me te riz! The offeror/contractor is encouraged to use recovered materia! in azccrdance wth Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 23 4 tc tbe maximum extent practica Preservation packaging, p ackine, iabeling. &A

22、C marking Unless otherwise specified, resrrvaticr., pechagng, and packing shall be to a degree of protection to preclude damage to Containern encilor ccntents thereof under normel shipping conditiona, handling, etc , involving 8hLpAent from the supply source to the receiving activity, plug reshipmen

23、t from receiving activity, and shall conform to applrcsble carriere ruleg snd reguletonff Intermediate and exterio? package quentitiee and labeling and marking stall be as specified in the contract and/or oFder. NOTE The following National Stock Number is covered by th8 document * NSh ITEM IDENTIFIC

24、ATION CLAhP, ARTEEU, Infant. Spoon-type, Partial OccluCing. Ca8taneda Ordering data (IntermeOote/exterlor package qurntities, labclirig, and marking murt be speciiiad in the contract and/or order) CUP toc: ans 3cD - m W Army - MD Navy - Ms Air Force - 03 4 Adent: DLA-DM Provided by IHSNot for Resale

25、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CIVIL AC1ENCY COORDINATINff ACTIVITIES. VA-OSS PHS FDA-MPQAS Project No 6515-4713 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IWTiUCTlCWS: In a continuing erfort to makm out .

26、trndudiaon documentr better, the DoD prorida ttur fom Cor uw In cubmitttag comnwntr and auggestm for improvement AU wem of mihtuy rtendirchaon documenta a uinted to provide -thoair Ibu form miy be detrched, folded dong the Lna indlakd, hpcd dong the 1- ede (Do NOT STAPLE), and mril.d. In block 6, be

27、 n rpscifu .I puublc about pattinihr problem LIUI auch u wording which rcquued uiterpret.tmn, wu too rigid, ratricrr, I-, unbiguoun. oc N iacompdble, and prc prpoud wording chinpea which would J1evutc the pobkmr. &ter in block 6 any remuks not rcliLd to a rpccific p-pb of the document If block 7 u f

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