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本文(DOD MIL-D-89029-1995 DIGITAL BATHYMETRIC DATA BASE 0 1 MINUTE - 0 5 MINUTE (DBDB 0 1-0 5)《0 1分钟-0 5分钟海底地形数据资料库(DBDB0 1-0 5)》.pdf)为本站会员(brainfellow396)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

DOD MIL-D-89029-1995 DIGITAL BATHYMETRIC DATA BASE 0 1 MINUTE - 0 5 MINUTE (DBDB 0 1-0 5)《0 1分钟-0 5分钟海底地形数据资料库(DBDB0 1-0 5)》.pdf

1、I .- .I METRIC JMIL-D-89029 (NAVY)27 JZUWJARY 1995MILITARY SPECIFICATIONDIGITAL0.1DIGITAL0.5This specification isBATHYMETRIC DATA BASEMINUTE (DBDB-0.1 )andBATHYMETRIC DATA BASEMINUTE (DBDB-O .5)approved for use by the Navai OceanographicOffice, Department of the Navy, and is avaiiabia for use by aii

2、Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 m. Conformance to these specifications will ensureuniformity of treatment among all mapping and charting elementsengaged in a coordinated production and maintenance program forthis product. There is no systematic maintenance program f

3、or DBDBproducts. Maintenance of individual products may be done on as. .needea Dasls.1.2 BJJQQs=. The purpose of this document is to specify theformat, content, related product design and details necessary forthe production of DBDB-O.1 and DBDB-O.5.1.3 This Specification is UNCLASSIFIED. DBDB-O.1and

4、 DBDB-O.5 are classified SECRET because of the detailed surveysincorporated into the source material. The delineation ofgeographic coverage for DBDB-O.1 and DBDB-O.5 is classifiedSECRET .Beneficial comments (recommendations, additiona, deletions)and any pertinent data which may be of use in improvin

5、gthis document should be addreaaed to: Director, DefenseMapping Agency, ATTN: PR (ST A-13), 8613 Lee Highway,Fairfax, VA 22031-2137 by using the StandardizationDocument Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing atthe end of this document or by letter.A14SC N/A MEA MCGT. This specification is app

6、roved orpublic release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-890292. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2,1.1 ns. Thefollowing specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part ofthis document to the extent specified he

7、rein. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues of these documents are those listed in thecurrent department of defense Index of Specifications andStandards (DODISS) and the supplement thereto, cited in thesolicitation (see 6.2) .Military StandardsMIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipping and StorageMIL-STD-2414

8、 DMA Bar CodingMIL-STD-600001 MChG Accuracy Standard(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and militaryspecifications, standards, and handbooks are available from theStandardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094). a712.1.2 QLb_er GOV draw This

9、 section is not applicable to this specification.2.2 Non-Goveubllcato. . . This section is notapplicable to this specification.2.3 . In the event of a conflict betweenthe text of this document and the references cited herein (exceptfor related associated detail specifications, specificationsheets, o

10、r standards) the text of this document takes precedence.Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws andregulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 . When specifiedbe subjected to first article inspectionwith 4.3.(see 6.2), a sample shall(see 6.3) in

11、 accordance3.2 ACCULQL. At the present, there is no formalrequirement for absolute or relative accuracy of DBDB-O.I andDBDB-O.5. The following are included as program objectives only.3.2.1 RBDB-O.1 a. The horizontalaccuracy in surveyed areas is : SCiDEFENSE MAPPING AGENCYk “ YA - Oranoe:ToriSecretO/

12、applicable applicableIdentlflcatlonNumber/ Trademark,asapplicableClassificationmatingsrequired,hemclassificationmarkingwillbediffarentforproducfsthatarelassifiadbyexistenceRequiredforTopSecretorcodeworddisksFIGURE 3. .11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lic

13、ense from IHS-,-,-. .MIL-D-89029III -1-T111I111#1tI:II1I1II+1IICLASSIFICATIONLOCATION DIAGRAMGeographic Area of Coverage:WON10WON000”E to 000”EGraphic depiction of the contents ofthe CD-ROM. Shaded area is actualcOverage.DISTRIBUTION/USERINFORMATIONI IClassifiedby:Declassifyon: :11I18I,II1II1I1II11I

14、I1It1FIGURE 4. .5.3 Packaging shall be level C (see6.2) unless otherwise specified. This packaging provides minimumprotection, and it is needed to protect materiel under knownfavorable conditions. The following criteria determine therequirements for this degree of protection:a. Use or consumption of

15、 the item at the first destination.b. Shock , vibration, and static loading during the limitedtransportation cycle. c. Favorable warehouse environment for a maximum of 18 months. a7112Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-89029d. Effe

16、cts of environmental exposure during shipment andintransit delays.e. Stacking and supporting superimposed loads during shipmentand temporary storage.5.4 In addition to any special markings required bythe contract or order, markings shall be in accordance withrequirements of MIL-STD-129 for military

17、levels of protection.5.5 Bar code markings are required andshall be applied in accordance to MIL-STD-2414.6. NOTES(This section contains information of a general orexplanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)6.I . DBDB-O.1 and DBDB-O.5 are developed bythe Naval Oceanographic Office

18、. The data bases are classified dueto the detailed nature of the surveys incorporated into the sourcematerial. The designed use of DBDB-O.1 and DBDB-O.5 is to supportthe generation of bathymetric chart products, and to providebathymetric data to be integrated with other geophysical andenvironmental

19、parameters for ocean modeling.6.1.1 BDB-O.l aen. DBDB-O.1 is generated byinputting the digital source data or digitized contours through agridding routine developed by the Naval Oceanographic Office.This routine takes the values that fall within a grid node area ofinfluence and, utilizing a multi-st

20、age minimum-curvature splinealgorithm, interpolates the values to derive a singlerepresentative depth value for each grid node.6.1.2 Q.BJ2B-O.5ae. DBDB-O.5 is generated in twodistinct manners:a. It can be derived directly from the higher resolutionDBDB-O.1 by application of computer algorithms, orb.

21、 When source data is primarily hard copy chartinformation, bathymetric contours are digitized at a rate of 21measurements per inch of contour and at a nominal chart scale of1:500000. These digitally-rendered contours are then put througha gridding routine developed by the Naval Oceanographic Office.

22、This routine takes the values that fall within a grid node area ofinfluence and, utilizing a multi-stage minimum-curvature splinealgorithm, interpolates the values to derive a singlerepresentative depth value for each grid node.6.2 . Acquisition documents mustspecify the following:13Provided by IHSN

23、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-89029I a. Title, number, and date of this specification.b. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and ifrequired, the specific issue of individual documents referenced(see 2.1.1 and 2.2).1 c. When a fir

24、st article is required (see 3.1, 4.3, and6.3).d. Levels of packaging (see 5.3).1 6.3 -t arti. When a first article is required, itshall be inspected and approved under appropriate provisions ofFAR 52.209. The first article shall be a preproduction sample.The contracting officer shall specify the app

25、ropriate type offirst article and the number of units to be furnished. Thecontracting officer shall also include specific instructions inacquisition documents regarding arrangements for selection,inspection, and approval of the first article.6.4.1 . The degree of conformity with whichhorizontal posi

26、tion and vertical values are represented on a map,chart, or related product in relation to an established standard. a71a. Horizontal accuracy, absolute. The uncertainty inhorizontal position of a point with respect to the World GeodeticSystem caused by random and uncorrected systematic errors. Theva

27、lue expressed as a circular error at the 90% confidence level.b. Vertical accuracy, absolute. The uncertainty in theheight of a point with respect to Mean Sea Level caused by randomand systematic errors. The value expressed as a linear error atthe 90% confidence level.6.4.2 C.Ql. One degree latitude

28、 by one degree longitudearea of coverage.6.4.3 erroc. An accuracy figure representing thestated percentage of probability that any point expressed as afunction of two linear components (for example, latitude andlongitude or northing and casting) will be within the givenfigure6.4.4 . A geographicmatr

29、ix of depth values converted into a numerical format forcomputer storage and analysis at precise increments of latitudeand longitude,6.4.5 A rectangular array of depth values.14Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.a71IaIIMIL-D-890296.4.6

30、. Describes the byte ordering used by differentcomputers. Little endian indicates the data was written withleast significant bit first (bit O is the rightmost bit). Big-.endian indicates the data was written with most significant bitfirst (bit O is the leftmost bit) .6.4.7 . The difference between t

31、he true orknown value and the measured or derived value, and is normallyexpressed in terms of a percentage probability level. LE 90% iSthe term used to express the linear error at 90% probability, theMap Accuracy Standard. This refers to the vertical accuracy ofdepth data in the digital data base.6.

32、4.8the sea forelevations .6.4.9value) . The average height of the surface ofall stages of the tide, used as a reference for6076 feet; 1852 meters (international6.4.10 Geodetic Svstem (WGS) . A consistent set ofparameters describing the size and shape of the Earth, thepositions of a network with resp

33、ect to the center of mass of theEarth, transformations from major geodetic datums, and thepotential of the earth (usually in terms of harmoniccoefficients) .6.5 This sectionis not applicable to this specification.36 byte headerbathymetric datadatabasegriddingmagnetic tape15Provided by IHSNot for Res

34、aleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .MIL-D-89029INDEXIIIAccuracy requirements .,.6.2Applicable documents 2.Cell 6.4.2Circular error ,.6.4.3Classification of inspection 4.2Data file characteristics .3.s.2.2Data file contents. .,3,5.3.2Datum .3

35、.3DBDB-O.1 absolute horizontal accuracy . 3,2.1DBDB-O.1 absolute vertical accuracy . 3.2.2DBDB-O.l generation. 6.1.1DBDB-O.5 absolute horizontal accuracy . 3.2.3DBDB-O.5 absolute vertical accuracy . 3.2.4DBDB-0.5 generation. 6.1.2Definitions .6.4Depth matrix 6.4.5Description of file contents .,3.s.3

36、Digital Bathymetric Data Base (DBDB) 6.4.4Indian 6.4.6Examination .,.,4.4.1File characteristics 3.s .2File description 3.5First article .3.16.3First article inspection 4.3Government documents 2.1Government furnished material . 4.5Government property surplus .4.6Horizontal datum 3.3.2Index file chara

37、cteristics file contents . file to data file relation use 6.1International Standardization Agreements . 6.5Linear error. .6.4.7Logical characteristics ,3.5.1Mean sea level 6.4.8Nautical mile .6.4.9Non-Government publications . 2.2Notes .6.Order of precedence.

38、 2.3Other Government documents, drawings,and publications. .2.1.2Physical characteristics of distribution media . 3.4.1Purpose .1.2Quality assurance .4.Quality conformance inspection 4.4PAGE2141321414104832313331314146141510432 a7114102101034b6131515415152132231910 a7116Provided by IHSNot for Resale

39、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IMIL-D-89029INDEXRequirements 3.Responsibility for compliance . 4.1.1Responsibility for inspection . 4.1Scope .1.1.1Security 1.3Specifications, standards, and handbooks 2.1.1Standard format .3.4Tests .4.4.2TypeofInput/Output (1/0)

40、3.4.2Vertical sounding datum .3.3.1World Geodetic System (WGS) .6.4.10PAGE2991112310331517Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CustodianMIL-D-89029CONCLUDING: DMA - MPNAVY - NOReview Activity: Navy - MCMATERIALPreparing Activity:DMA - UP18

41、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL1. Thepreparing acfivity nustmmplete bb*al,2,3, and8. In bbdtl, beththe dmmmtnumbarandrevisbnletter shoutdbe given.2. Thaaubrnkferoflhialonnm uaScwnpleteb

42、Jceka4,5,6, and7.3. The preparing acfJviiyMUSSprovfcfea reply wfmln 30daysfremrscelp4ofIfseform.NOTE. TNs form may not be used 10 request mpies of documents, nor to requesf waivers, or clarifkation ofraquimmams on cament Wdracfs. COMTWItS submitted on this fOFM do not conaltiufe or impJy authorfzafi

43、in towake any potion of the referenced document(a) or to amend mntracfual reireMerIfS,I RECOMMEND A CHANGE: 1.GQXJMENT NUMSERMIL-P-a9029(NAvn I 2“ WYW?m “-ouMEWnTE Military Specification for DBDB-O.1 and OBDB-O.5NATURE OF CHANGE (Idmtitigunw+h nutir mdtiuda PMPMnd d, ifpsibls. Am+! own dmm m ne9Ssd)

44、REASON FOR RECOMMENDAnONSU6MITTERNAME Lax FFSCa hfWJ b, ORGANIZATIONAODRESS ( ZV Cab) d. TELEPWNE (fncA#a Ar8s Cc+ 7. OA7E sUBMITIED(l)c-am- (WUMOD)(2) AUTOW3NqesM9JPREPARING ACTIVllYNAME Defense Mapping Agency b. TELEPHONE (/noL& Arm Ccdsj1) COmwcial (2) AUTOVONAlTN: PR, ST A-13 (703) 265-9333 356-

45、9333ADORESS (Imhde ZkI Cede) IF YOU 00 NOT RECEIVE A REPLY WITNIN 45 OAVS, CONTACT:6613LeeHiihwayFairfax. VA 22031-2137%&%?&%d %?%,%, VA, 22041 -24S4Telephone 17 ) ?%-224o AUTOVON 2SS2S40.,. . . . . . !RxDD Form 1426, OCT 89 l-rwwuse-consamW.uvum. .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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