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1、257 Federal Highway Administration, DOT Pt. 650 A vertical clearance of 7.1 meters above the top of rails, which includes an allowance for future ballasting of the railroad tracks, may be approved. Vertical clearance greater than 7.1 meters may be approved when the State regulatory agency having jur

2、isdiction over such matters requires a vertical clear-ance in excess of 7.1 meters or on a site by site basis where justified by the railroad to the satisfaction of the SHA and the FHWA. A railroads justification for increased vertical clearance should be based on an analysis of engineering, operati

3、onal and/or economic conditions at a specific structure location. Federal-aid highway funds are also eligible to participate in the cost of providing vertical clearance greater than 7.1 meters where a railroad establishes to the satisfac-tion of a SHA and the FHWA that it has a definite formal plan

4、for electrification of its rail system where the proposed grade separa-tion project is located. The plan must cover a logical independent segment of the rail system and be approved by the railroads corporate headquarters. For 25 kv line, a vertical clearance of 7.4 meters may be ap-proved. For 50 kv

5、 line, a vertical clearance of 8.0 meters may be approved. A railroads justification to support its plan for electrification shall include maps and plans or drawings showing those lines to be electrified; actions taken by its corporate headquarters committing it to electrifica-tion including a propo

6、sed schedule; and ac-tions initiated or completed to date imple-menting its electrification plan such as a showing of the amounts of funds and identi-fication of structures, if any, where the rail-road has expended its own funds to provide added clearance for the proposed electrifica-tion. If availa

7、ble, the railroads justification should include information on its con-templated treatment of existing grade sepa-rations along the section of its rail system proposed for electrification. The cost of reconstructing or modifying any existing railroad-highway grade separa-tion structures solely to ac

8、commodate elec-trification will not be eligible for Federal-aid highway fund participation. c. Railroad Structure Width Two and eight tenths meters of structure width outside of the centerline of the outside tracks may be approved for a structure car-rying railroad tracks. Greater structure width ma

9、y be approved when in accordance with standards established and used by the affected railroad in its normal practice. In order to maintain continuity of off- track equipment roadways at structures car-rying tracks over limited access highways, consideration should be given at the prelimi-nary design

10、 stage to the feasibility of using public road crossings for this purpose. Where not feasible, an additional structure width of 2.5 meters may be approved if designed for off-track equipment only. 53 FR 32218, Aug. 24, 1988, as amended at 62 FR 45328, Aug. 27, 1997 PART 650BRIDGES, STRUCTURES, AND H

11、YDRAULICS Subpart ALocation and Hydraulic Design of Encroachments on Flood Plains Sec. 650.101 Purpose. 650.103 Policy. 650.105 Definitions. 650.107 Applicability. 650.109 Public involvement. 650.111 Location hydraulic studies. 650.113 Only practicable alternative finding. 650.115 Design standards.

12、650.117 Content of design studies. Subpart BErosion and Sediment Control on Highway Construction Projects 650.201 Purpose. 650.203 Policy. 650.205 Definitions. 650.207 Plans, specifications, and estimates. 650.209 Construction. 650.211 Guidelines. Subpart CNational Bridge Inspection Standards 650.30

13、1 Purpose. 650.303 Applicability. 650.305 Definitions. 650.307 Bridge inspection organization. 650.309 Qualifications of personnel. 650.311 Inspection frequency. 650.313 Inspection procedures. 650.315 Inventory. 650.317 Reference manuals. Subpart DHighway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Progra

14、m 650.401 Purpose. 650.403 Definition of terms. 650.405 Eligible projects. 650.407 Application for bridge replacement or rehabilitation. 650.409 Evaluation of bridge inventory. 650.411 Procedures for bridge replacement and rehabilitation projects. 650.413 Funding. 650.415 Reports. Subparts EF Reserv

15、ed Subpart GDiscretionary Bridge Candidate Rating Factor 650.701 Purpose. 650.703 Eligible projects. VerDate Mar2010 09:39 May 11, 2011 Jkt 223076 PO 00000 Frm 00267 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223076.XXX 223076wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

16、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-258 23 CFR Ch. I (4111 Edition) 650.101 650.705 Application for discretionary bridge funds. 650.707 Rating factor. 650.709 Special considerations. Subpart HNavigational Clearances for Bridges 650.801 Purpose. 650.803 Policy. 650.805 Bridges not requiring a USC

17、G per-mit. 650.807 Bridges requiring a USCG permit. 650.809 Movable span bridges. AUTHORITY: 23 U.S.C. 109(a) and (h), 144, 151, 315, and 319; 33 U.S.C. 401, 491 et seq.; 511 et seq.; sec. 4(b) of Pub. L. 97134, 95 Stat. 1699 (1981); sec. 161 of Pub. L. 97424, 96 Stat. 2097, at 3135 (1983); sec. 131

18、1 of Pub. L. 105178, as added by Pub. L. 105206, 112 Stat. 842 (1998); 23 CFR 1.32; 49 CFR 1.48(b); E.O. 11988 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 117); Department of Transpor-tation Order 5650.2, dated April 23, 1979 (44 FR 24678). Subpart ALocation and Hydrau-lic Design of Encroachments on Flood Plains SOURCE:

19、 44 FR 67580, Nov. 26, 1979, unless otherwise noted. 650.101 Purpose. To prescribe Federal Highway Ad-ministration (FHWA) policies and pro-cedures for the location and hydraulic design of highway encroachments on flood plains, including direct Federal highway projects administered by the FHWA. 650.1

20、03 Policy. It is the policy of the FHWA: (a) To encourage a broad and unified effort to prevent uneconomic, haz-ardous or incompatible use and devel-opment of the Nations flood plains, (b) To avoid longitudinal encroach-ments, where practicable, (c) To avoid significant encroach-ments, where practic

21、able, (d) To minimize impacts of highway agency actions which adversely affect base flood plains, (e) To restore and preserve the nat-ural and beneficial flood-plain values that are adversely impacted by high-way agency actions, (f) To avoid support of incompatible flood-plain development, (g) To be

22、 consistent with the intent of the Standards and Criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program, where appropriate, and (h) To incorporate A Unified Na-tional Program for Floodplain Manage-ment of the Water Resources Council into FHWA procedures. 650.105 Definitions. (a) Action shall mean any high

23、way construction, reconstruction, rehabili-tation, repair, or improvement under-taken with Federal or Federal-aid highway funds or FHWA approval. (b) Base flood shall mean the flood or tide having a 1-percent chance of being exceeded in any given year. (c) Base flood plain shall mean the area subjec

24、t to flooding by the base flood. (d) Design Flood shall mean the peak discharge, volume if appropriate, stage or wave crest elevation of the flood as-sociated with the probability of exceed-ance selected for the design of a high-way encroachment. By definition, the highway will not be inundated from

25、 the stage of the design flood. (e) Encroachment shall mean an ac-tion within the limits of the base flood plain. (f) Floodproof shall mean to design and construct individual buildings, fa-cilities, and their sites to protect against structural failure, to keep water out or to reduce the effects of

26、water entry. (g) Freeboard shall mean the vertical clearance of the lowest structural member of the bridge superstructure above the water surface elevation of the overtopping flood. (h) Minimize shall mean to reduce to the smallest practicable amount or de-gree. (i) Natural and beneficial flood-plai

27、n values shall include but are not limited to fish, wildlife, plants, open space, natural beauty, scientific study, out-door recreation, agriculture, aqua-culture, forestry, natural moderation of floods, water quality maintenance, and groundwater recharge. (j) Overtopping flood shall mean the flood

28、described by the probability of exceedance and water surface elevation at which flow occurs over the highway, over the watershed divide, or through VerDate Mar2010 09:39 May 11, 2011 Jkt 223076 PO 00000 Frm 00268 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223076.XXX 223076wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by

29、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-259 Federal Highway Administration, DOT 650.111 structure(s) provided for emergency re-lief. (k) Practicable shall mean capable of being done within reasonable natural, social, or economic constraints. (l) Preserv

30、e shall mean to avoid modi-fication to the functions of the natural flood-plain environment or to maintain it as closely as practicable in its nat-ural state. (m) Regulatory floodway shall mean the flood-plain area that is reserved in an open manner by Federal, State or local requirements, i.e., unc

31、onfined or unobstructed either horizontally or vertically, to provide for the discharge of the base flood so that the cumu-lative increase in water surface ele-vation is no more than a designated amount (not to exceed 1 foot as estab-lished by the Federal Emergency Man-agement Agency (FEMA) for admi

32、n-istering the National Flood Insurance Program). (n) Restore shall mean to reestablish a setting or environment in which the functions of the natural and beneficial flood-plain values adversely impacted by the highway agency action can again operate. (o) Risk shall mean the consequences associated

33、with the probability of flooding attributable to an encroach-ment. It shall include the potential for property loss and hazard to life during the service life of the highway. (p) Risk analysis shall mean an eco-nomic comparison of design alter-natives using expected total costs (con-struction costs

34、plus risk costs) to de-termine the alternative with the least total expected cost to the public. It shall include probable flood-related costs during the service life of the fa-cility for highway operation, mainte-nance, and repair, for highway-aggra-vated flood damage to other property, and for add

35、itional or interrupted high-way travel. (q) Significant encroachment shall mean a highway encroachment and any direct support of likely base flood-plain development that would involve one or more of the following construction-or flood-related impacts: (1) A significant potential for inter-ruption or

36、 termination of a transpor-tation facility which is needed for emergency vehicles or provides a com-munitys only evacuation route. (2) A significant risk, or (3) A significant adverse impact on natural and beneficial flood-plain val-ues. (r) Support base flood-plain develop-ment shall mean to encour

37、age, allow, serve, or otherwise facilitate addi-tional base flood-plain development. Direct support results from an en-croachment, while indirect support re-sults from an action out of the base flood plain. 650.107 Applicability. (a) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to all encroachments

38、 and to all actions which affect base flood plains, except for repairs made with emergency funds (23 CFR part 668) dur-ing or immediately following a dis-aster. (b) The provisions of this regulation shall not apply to or alter approvals or authorizations which were given by FHWA pursuant to regulati

39、ons or di-rectives in effect before the effective date of this regulation. 650.109 Public involvement. Procedures which have been estab-lished to meet the public involvement requirements of 23 CFR part 771 shall be used to provide opportunity for early public review and comment on al-ternatives whic

40、h contain encroach-ments. 53 FR 11065, Apr. 5, 1988 650.111 Location hydraulic studies. (a) National Flood Insurance Pro-gram (NFIP) maps or information de-veloped by the highway agency, if NFIP maps are not available, shall be used to determine whether a highway location alternative will include an

41、 en-croachment. (b) Location studies shall include evaluation and discussion of the prac-ticability of alternatives to any longi-tudinal encroachments. (c) Location studies shall include dis-cussion of the following items, com-mensurate with the significance of the risk or environmental impact, for

42、all alternatives containing encroachments VerDate Mar2010 09:39 May 11, 2011 Jkt 223076 PO 00000 Frm 00269 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223076.XXX 223076wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-260 23 CFR Ch. I (4

43、111 Edition) 650.113 and for those actions which would sup-port base flood-plain development: (1) The risks associated with imple-mentation of the action, (2) The impacts on natural and bene-ficial flood-plain values, (3) The support of probable incompat-ible flood-plain development, (4) The measure

44、s to minimize flood- plain impacts associated with the ac-tion, and (5) The measures to restore and pre-serve the natural and beneficial flood- plain values impacted by the action. (d) Location studies shall include evaluation and discussion of the prac-ticability of alternatives to any signifi-cant

45、 encroachments or any support of incompatible flood-plain development. (e) The studies required by 650.111 (c) and (d) shall be summarized in envi-ronmental review documents prepared pursuant to 23 CFR part 771. (f) Local, State, and Federal water resources and flood-plain management agencies should

46、 be consulted to deter-mine if the proposed highway action is consistent with existing watershed and flood-plain management programs and to obtain current information on devel-opment and proposed actions in the af-fected watersheds. 650.113 Only practicable alternative finding. (a) A proposed action

47、 which includes a significant encroachment shall not be approved unless the FHWA finds that the proposed significant encroachment is the only practicable alternative. This finding shall be included in the final environmental document (final environmental impact statement or finding of no significant

48、 impact) and shall be supported by the following in-formation: (1) The reasons why the proposed ac-tion must be located in the flood plain, (2) The alternatives considered and why they were not practicable, and (3) A statement indicating whether the action conforms to applicable State or local flood

49、-plain protection standards. (b) Reserved 44 FR 67580, Nov. 26, 1979, as amended at 48 FR 29274, June 24, 1983 650.115 Design standards. (a) The design selected for an en-croachment shall be supported by anal-yses of design alternatives with consid-eration given to capital costs and risks, and to other economic, engineer-ing, social and environmental con-cerns. (1) Consideration of capital costs and risks shall include, as appropriate, a risk

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