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1、212 49 CFR Ch. X (10110 Edition) 1253.20 showing the basis for charges to mem-bers. All disbursements shall be sup-ported by vouchers, payrolls, canceled checks, and other evidences of expendi-tures, including the basis for any ap-portionment of expense items to mem-bers. 32 FR 20474, Dec. 20, 1967

2、1253.20 Other records. Each such organization subject to sections 5a or 5b shall maintain: (a)(1) A file for each proposal relating to rates, fares, classifications, divi-sions, allowances, or charges (including charges between carriers and com-pensation paid or received for the use of facilities an

3、d equipment), or rules and regulations pertaining thereto, which shall contain the complete pro-posal, all procedural documents issued, protests, memoranda, amendments, re-ports, etc., submitted and any other correspondence respecting the matter proposed. Also reports or minutes of all proceedings a

4、t any oral, committee or public hearing held thereon and the de-termination relating thereto; (2) a file covering each petition or protest filed by the organization against tariff publications of a member for suspension of rates or other mat-ters published for such member carrier; (3) a file coverin

5、g each instruction or request for publication by independent action. (b) All accounts and other records covered by this part shall be filed in such manner as to be readily accessible for examination by representatives of the Board. (c) All rate bureaus are required to: (1) Advise the Board of any ch

6、ange in legal address by notifying the Chief, Section of Administration, Office of Proceedings; and (2) Submit information to the Board when requested. (49 U.S.C. 10706, 11145; 5 U.S.C. 553) 32 FR 20474, Dec. 20, 1967, as amended at 47 FR 37904, Aug. 27, 1982; 74 FR 52912, Oct. 15, 2009 1253.30 Rete

7、ntion of records. Each organization subject to sections 5a or 5b shall retain records or docu-ments relating to its transactions or activities in accordance with part 1220, Preservation of Records, of this chap-ter. 40 FR 50389, Oct. 29, 1975 PARTS 12601269VALUATION NOTE: The report forms prescribed

8、 by parts 12601269 are available upon request from the Office of Economics, Environmental Anal-ysis, and Administration, Surface Transpor-tation Board, Washington, DC 204230001. PARTS 12601261 RESERVED PARTS 12801299CLASSIFICA-TION AND DECLASSIFICATION OF NATIONAL SECURITY INFOR-MATION AND MATERIAL

9、PART 1280HANDLING OF NA-TIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION AND CLASSIFIED MATERIAL Sec. 1280.1 Purpose. 1280.2 Policy. 1280.3 Authority to classify. 1280.4 Responsibility for handling of classi-fied documents. 1280.5 Safeguarding of classified material. 1280.6 Storage of classified documents. 1280.7 Educat

10、ion of employees. 1280.8 Requests for mandatory review. AUTHORITY: E.O. 12356. SOURCE: 49 FR 7832, Mar. 2, 1984, unless oth-erwise noted. 1280.1 Purpose. To set forth those provisions of the Surface Transportation Board Security Regulations to the extent that they af-fect the general public. 1280.2

11、Policy. It is the policy of the Surface Trans-portation Board to act in accordance with Executive Order 12356, dated April 6, 1982, in matters relating to national security information. 1280.3 Authority to classify. The Board does not have authority of its own to classify any of its internally gener

12、ated documents. The only docu-ments handled by the Board which are classified as confidential, secret, or top VerDate Mar2010 08:56 Nov 10, 2010 Jkt 220220 PO 00000 Frm 00222 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220220.XXX 220220erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

13、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-213 Surface Transportation Board, DOT 1280.6 secret are those generated by Execu-tive Branch Agencies with original classification authority. 1280.4 Responsibility for handling of classified documents. (a) Responsible Official. Primary re-sponsibility f

14、or the handling of classi-fied documents shall rest with the As-sistant to the Director of the Office of Compliance and Consumer Assistance, who is also Emergency Coordinator for the Board. All documents bearing the terms Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential shall be delivered to the Emergency Coord

15、inator or his/her al-ternate immediately upon receipt. The alternate is also an Assistant to the Director of the Office of Compliance and Consumer Assistance as set forth in 1280.4(b) of the rules. All potential recipients of such documents shall be advised of the name of the Emergency Coordinator.

16、In the event that the Emergency Coordinator or his/her al-ternate is not available to receive such documents, they shall be turned over to the Associate Director, Office of Compliance and Consumer Assistance, and secured, unopened, in the combina-tion safe located in Room 5325 of the headquarters bu

17、ilding until the Emer-gency Coordinator or alternate is available. All material not imme-diately deliverable to either the Emer-gency Coordinator, alternate, or the Associate Director, Office of Compli-ance and Consumer Assistance, shall be delivered at the earliest opportunity. Under no circumstanc

18、es shall classified material that cannot be delivered to the Emergency Coordinator be stored other than in the designated safe in Room 5325 of the STB headquarters building. (b) The alternate to the Emergency Coordinator for the receipt and han-dling of documents mentioned in para-graph (a) of this

19、section, shall be the other Assistant to the Director, Office of Compliance and Consumer Assist-ance. (c) Any person whose position re-quires access to classified information must execute Form SF #189. (d) Any contracts with media rep-resentatives by personnel with access to classified material and

20、involving such material will be cleared through the Emergency Coordinator and more than one person shall be present during any briefing or interview. 1280.5 Safeguarding of classified ma-terial. (a) Reproduction of classified mate-rial shall take place only when abso-lutely necessary, and in accorda

21、nce with section 2001.46 of the Directive. Should copies be made, they are sub-ject to the same controls as the origi-nal document. Records showing the number and distribution of copies shall be maintained by the Emergency Coor-dinator and the log stored with the original documents. (b) Any suspecte

22、d or actual unau-thorized disclosures of classified infor-mation shall be reported to the Emer-gency Coordinator or Alternate. An im-mediate investigation will be under-taken by the Emergency Coordinator or Alternate to establish all facts sur-rounding the disclosure. The Emer-gency Coordinator or A

23、lternate shall ascertain the nature of the information disclosed and the extent to which it has been disseminated and will main-tain records of disclosures as evaluated and investigated. (c) Any suspected or actual unau-thorized disclosure of classified infor-mation will be reported as soon as pos-s

24、ible to the Department of Justice and the Information Security Oversight Of-fice. (d) Any unauthorized disclosure of classified information or any failure to cooperate with the investigation of un-authorized disclosures by an employee shall be cause for appropriate discipli-nary or other remedial ac

25、tion as pro-vided in the Boards Canons of Con-duct, 49 CFR 1000.73531. 49 FR 7832, Mar. 2, 1984, as amended at 54 FR 38998, Sept. 22, 1989 1280.6 Storage of classified docu-ments. All classified documents shall be stored in the safe located in Room 5325 of the STB headquarters building. In those ins

26、tances where the Emergency Coordinator is not available to receive classified documents, they may be stored, unopened, in the safe located in Room 5325. VerDate Mar2010 08:56 Nov 10, 2010 Jkt 220220 PO 00000 Frm 00223 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220220.XXX 220220erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided

27、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-214 49 CFR Ch. X (10110 Edition) 1280.7 1280.7 Education of employees. All employees who have been granted a security clearance and who have oc-casion to handle classified materials shall be advised of the proc

28、edures out-lined in 49 CFR part 1280. They shall also be required to review Executive Order 12356 and appropriate directives of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). This shall be achieved by a memorandum to all affected employ-ees at the time these procedures are implemented, and by app

29、ropriate in-structions to new employees receiving security clearances in the future. 1280.8 Requests for mandatory re-view. Because the Board does not itself generate classified documents, any re-quests made for mandatory review shall be coordinated by the Emergency Coordinator with appropriate offi

30、cials of the Department or Agency respon-sible for issuance of the document in-volved. PARTS 12811299 RESERVED VerDate Mar2010 08:56 Nov 10, 2010 Jkt 220220 PO 00000 Frm 00224 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8006 Y:SGML220220.XXX 220220erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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