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1、796 49 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) Pt. 177 WARNINGMAY CONTAIN EXPLO-SIVE MIXTURES WITH AIRKEEP IGNITION SOURCES AWAY WHEN OPENING (6) A motor vehicle or mechanical equipments ignition key may not be in the ignition while the vehicle or me-chanical equipment is stowed aboard a vessel. (b) All equipment

2、 used for handling vehicles or mechanical equipment must be designed so that the fuel tank and fuel system of the vehicle or me-chanical equipment are protected from stress that might cause rupture or other damage incident to handling. (c) Two hand-held, portable, dry chemical fire extinguishers of

3、at least 4.5 kg (10 pounds) capacity each must be separately located in an accessible location in each hold or compartment in which any motor vehicle or mechan-ical equipment is stowed. (d) NO SMOKING signs must be conspicuously posted at each access opening to the hold or compartment. (e) Each port

4、able electrical light, in-cluding a flashlight, used in the stow-age area must be an approved, explo-sion-proof type. All electrical connec-tions for any portable light must be made to outlets outside the space in which any vehicle or mechanical equip-ment is stowed. (f) Each hold or compartment mus

5、t be ventilated and fitted with an over-head water sprinkler system or fixed fire extinguishing system. (g) Each hold or compartment must be equipped with a smoke or fire detec-tion system capable of alerting per-sonnel on the bridge. (h) All electrical equipment in the hold or compartment other tha

6、n fixed explosion-proof lighting must be dis-connected from its power source at a location outside the hold or compart-ment during the handling and trans-portation of any vehicle or mechanical equipment. Where the disconnecting means is a switch or circuit breaker, it must be locked in the open posi

7、tion until all vehicles have been removed. (i) Exceptions. A motor vehicle or me-chanical equipment is excepted from the requirements of this subchapter if the following requirements are met: (1) The motor vehicle or mechanical equipment has an internal combustion engine using liquid fuel that has a

8、 flash point less than 38 C (100 F), the fuel tank is empty, and the engine is run until it stalls for lack of fuel; (2) The motor vehicle or mechanical equipment has an internal combustion engine using liquid fuel that has a flash point of 38 C (100 F) or higher, the fuel tank contains 418 L (110 g

9、allons) of fuel or less, and there are no fuel leaks in any portion of the fuel system; (3) The motor vehicle or mechanical equipment is stowed in a hold or com-partment designated by the adminis-tration of the country in which the vessel is registered to be specially suit-ed for vehicles. See 46 CF

10、R 70.101 and 90.1038 for U.S. vessels; (4) The motor vehicle or mechanical equipment is electrically powered by wet electric storage batteries; or (5) The motor vehicle or mechanical equipment is equipped with liquefied petroleum gas or other compressed gas fuel tanks, the tanks are completely empti

11、ed of liquid and the positive pres-sure in the tank does not exceed 2 bar (29 psig), the line from the fuel tank to the regulator and the regulator itself is drained of all trace of (liquid) gas, and the fuel shut-off valve is closed. (j) Except as provided in 173.220(d) of this subchapter, the prov

12、isions of this subchapter do not apply to items of equipment such as fire extinguishers, compressed gas accumulators, airbag inflators and the like which are in-stalled in the motor vehicle or mechan-ical equipment if they are necessary for the operation of the vehicle or equipment, or for the safet

13、y of its oper-ator or passengers. Amdt. 17643, 62 FR 24742, May 6, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 58630, Sept. 29, 2000; 66 FR 45384, 45385, Aug. 28, 2001; 70 FR 56099, Sept. 23, 2005 PART 177CARRIAGE BY PUBLIC HIGHWAY Subpart AGeneral Information and Regulations Sec. 177.800 Purpose and scope of this pa

14、rt and responsibility for compliance and train-ing. 177.801 Unacceptable hazardous materials shipments. 177.802 Inspection. VerDate Mar2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00806 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:49X49220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

15、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-797 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT 177.810 177.804 Compliance with Federal Motor Car-rier Safety Regulations. 177.810 Vehicular tunnels. 177.816 Driver training. 177.817 Shipping papers. 177.823 Movement of motor vehicles in emergency sit

16、uations. Subpart BLoading and Unloading 177.834 General requirements. 177.835 Class 1 materials. 177.837 Class 3 materials. 177.838 Class 4 (flammable solid) materials, Class 5 (oxidizing) materials, and Divi-sion 4.2 (pyroforic liquid) materials. 177.839 Class 8 (corrosive) materials. 177.840 Class

17、 2 (gases) materials. 177.841 Division 6.1 and Division 2.3 mate-rials. 177.842 Class 7 (radioactive) material. 177.843 Contamination of vehicles. Subpart CSegregation and Separation Chart of Hazardous Materials 177.848 Segregation of hazardous materials. Subpart DVehicles and Shipments in Transit;

18、Accidents 177.854 Disabled vehicles and broken or leaking packages; repairs. Subpart ERegulations Applying to Haz-ardous Material on Motor Vehicles Carrying Passengers for Hire 177.870 Regulations for passenger carrying vehicles. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 51015127; 49 CFR 1.53. Subpart AGeneral Informati

19、on and Regulations 177.800 Purpose and scope of this part and responsibility for compli-ance and training. (a) Purpose and scope. This part pre-scribes requirements, in addition to those contained in parts 171, 172, 173, 178 and 180 of this subchapter, that are applicable to the acceptance and trans

20、-portation of hazardous materials by private, common, or contract carriers by motor vehicle. (b) Responsibility for compliance. Un-less this subchapter specifically pro-vides that another person shall perform a particular duty, each carrier, includ-ing a connecting carrier, shall perform the duties

21、specified and comply with all applicable requirements in this part and shall ensure its hazmat employees receive training in relation thereto. (c) Responsibility for training. A car-rier may not transport a hazardous ma-terial by motor vehicle unless each of its hazmat employees involved in that tra

22、nsportation is trained as required by this part and subpart H of part 172 of this subchapter. (d) No unnecessary delay in movement of shipments. All shipments of haz-ardous materials must be transported without unnecessary delay, from and including the time of commencement of the loading of the haza

23、rdous mate-rial until its final unloading at destina-tion. Amdt. 17779, 57 FR 20954, May 15, 1992, as amended by Amdt.17786, 61 FR 18933, Apr. 29, 1996 177.801 Unacceptable hazardous ma-terials shipments. No person may accept for transpor-tation or transport by motor vehicle a forbidden material or

24、hazardous mate-rial that is not prepared in accordance with the requirements of this sub-chapter. Amdt. 17787, 61 FR 27175, May 30. 1996 177.802 Inspection. Records, equipment, packagings and containers under the control of a motor carrier, insofar as they affect safety in transportation of hazardou

25、s materials by motor vehicle, must be made available for examination and in-spection by a duly authorized rep-resentative of the Department. Amdt. 17771, 54 FR 25015, June 12, 1989 177.804 Compliance with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Motor carriers and other persons sub-ject to this par

26、t must comply with 49 CFR part 383 and 49 CFR parts 390 through 397 (excluding 397.3 and 397.9) to the extent those regulations apply. 68 FR 23842, May 5, 2003 177.810 Vehicular tunnels. Except as regards Class 7 (radio-active) materials, nothing contained in parts 170189 of this subchapter shall be

27、 so construed as to nullify or supersede regulations established and published VerDate Mar2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00807 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:49X49220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-798

28、49 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) 177.816 under authority of State statute or municipal ordinance regarding the kind, character, or quantity of any hazardous material permitted by such regulations to be transported through any urban vehicular tunnel used for mass transportation. Amdt. 17752, 46 FR 5316,

29、Jan. 19, 1981, as amended by Amdt. 17778, 55 FR 52710, Dec. 21, 1990; 62 FR 51561, Oct. 1, 1997 177.816 Driver training. (a) In addition to the training re-quirements of 177.800, no carrier may transport, or cause to be transported, a hazardous material unless each hazmat employee who will operate a

30、 motor ve-hicle has been trained in the applicable requirements of 49 CFR parts 390 through 397 and the procedures nec-essary for the safe operation of that motor vehicle. Driver training shall in-clude the following subjects: (1) Pre-trip safety inspection; (2) Use of vehicle controls and equip-men

31、t, including operation of emer-gency equipment; (3) Operation of vehicle, including turning, backing, braking, parking, handling, and vehicle characteristics including those that affect vehicle sta-bility, such as effects of braking and curves, effects of speed on vehicle con-trol, dangers associate

32、d with maneu-vering through curves, dangers associ-ated with weather or road conditions that a driver may experience (e.g., bliz-zards, mountainous terrain, high winds), and high center of gravity; (4) Procedures for maneuvering tun-nels, bridges, and railroad crossings; (5) Requirements pertaining

33、to at-tendance of vehicles, parking, smok-ing, routing, and incident reporting; and (6) Loading and unloading of mate-rials, including (i) Compatibility and segregation of cargo in a mixed load; (ii) Package handling methods; and (iii) Load securement. (b) Specialized requirements for cargo tanks an

34、d portable tanks. In addition to the training requirement of paragraph (a) of this section, each person who op-erates a cargo tank or a vehicle with a portable tank with a capacity of 1,000 gallons or more must receive training applicable to the requirements of this subchapter and have the appropria

35、te State-issued commercial drivers li-cense required by 49 CFR part 383. Spe-cialized training shall include the fol-lowing: (1) Operation of emergency control features of the cargo tank or portable tank; (2) Special vehicle handling charac-teristics, including: high center of gravity, fluid-load su

36、bject to surge, ef-fects of fluid-load surge on braking, characteristic differences in stability among baffled, unbaffled, and multi- compartmented tanks; and effects of partial loads on vehicle stability; (3) Loading and unloading proce-dures; (4) The properties and hazards of the material transpor

37、ted; and (5) Retest and inspection require-ments for cargo tanks. (c) The training required by para-graphs (a) and (b) of this section may be satisfied by compliance with the current requirements for a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with a tank ve-hicle or hazardous materials endorse-ment. (d) Tra

38、ining required by paragraph (b) of this section must conform to the requirements of 172.704 of this sub-chapter with respect to frequency and recordkeeping. Amdt. 17779, 57 FR 20954, May 15, 1992, as amended by Amdt. 17779, 58 FR 5852, Jan. 22, 1993 177.817 Shipping papers. (a) General requirements.

39、 A person may not accept a hazardous material for transportation or transport a haz-ardous material by highway unless that person has received a shipping paper prepared in accordance with part 172 of this subchapter or the material is excepted from shipping paper re-quirements under this subchapter.

40、 A subsequent carrier may not transport a hazardous material unless it is accom-panied by a shipping paper prepared in accordance with part 172 of this sub-chapter, except for 172.204, which is not required. (b) Shipper certification. An initial carrier may not accept a hazardous material offered fo

41、r transportation un-less the shipping paper describing the VerDate Mar2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00808 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:49X49220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-799 Pipeline and Hazardo

42、us Materials Safety Admin., DOT 177.823 material includes a shippers certifi-cation which meets the requirements in 172.204 of this subchapter. Except for a hazardous waste, the certification is not required for shipments to be transported entirely by private car-riage and for bulk shipments to be t

43、ransported in a cargo tank supplied by the carrier. (c) Requirements when interlining with carriers by rail. A motor carrier shall mark on the shipping paper required by this section, if it offers or delivers a freight container or transport vehicle to a rail carrier for further transpor-tation: (1)

44、 A description of the freight con-tainer or transport vehicle; and (2) The kind of placard affixed to the freight container or transport vehicle. (d) This subpart does not apply to a material that is excepted from ship-ping paper requirements as specified in 172.200 of this subchapter. (e) Shipping

45、paper accessibilityacci-dent or inspection. A driver of a motor vehicle containing hazardous material, and each carrier using such a vehicle, shall ensure that the shipping paper re-quired by this section is readily avail-able to, and recognizable by, authori-ties in the event of accident or inspec-

46、tion. Specifically, the driver and the carrier shall: (1) Clearly distinguish the shipping paper, if it is carried with other ship-ping papers or other papers of any kind, by either distinctively tabbing it or by having it appear first; and (2) Store the shipping paper as fol-lows: (i) When the driv

47、er is at the vehicles controls, the shipping paper shall be: (A) Within his immediate reach while he is restrained by the lap belt; and (B) either readily visible to a person enter-ing the drivers compartment or in a holder which is mounted to the inside of the door on the drivers side of the vehicl

48、e. (ii) When the driver is not at the ve-hicles controls, the shipping paper shall be: (A) In a holder which is mounted to the inside of the door on the drivers side of the vehicle; or (B) on the drivers seat in the vehicle. (f) Retention of shipping papers. Each person receiving a shipping paper re

49、-quired by this section must retain a copy or an electronic image thereof, that is accessible at or through its principal place of business and must make the shipping paper available, upon request, to an authorized official of a Federal, State, or local govern-ment agency at reasonable times and locations. For a hazardous waste, the shipping paper copy must be retained for three years after the material is ac-cep

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