1、403 PART 600 RESERVED PART 601ORGANIZATION, FUNCTIONS, AND PROCEDURES Subpart AGeneral Provisions Sec. 601.1 Purpose. 601.2 Organization of the administration. 601.3 General responsibilities. 601.4 Responsibilities of the Administrator. Subpart BPublic Availability of Information 601.10 Sources of i
2、nformation. Subpart CRulemaking Procedures 601.20 Applicability. 601.21 Definitions. 601.22 General. 601.23 Initiation of rulemaking. 601.24 Contents of notices of proposed rule-making. 601.25 Participation by interested persons. 601.26 Petitions for extension of time to comment. 601.27 Contents of
3、written comments. 601.28 Consideration of comments received. 601.29 Additional rulemaking proceedings. 601.30 Hearings. 601.31 Adoption of final rules. 601.32 Petitions for rulemaking or exemp-tions. 601.33 Processing of petition. 601.34 Petitions for reconsideration. 601.35 Proceedings on petitions
4、 for reconsid-eration. 601.36 Procedures for direct final rule-making. Subpart DEmergency Procedures for Public Transportation Systems 601.40 Applicability. 601.41 Petitions for relief. 601.42 Emergency relief docket. 601.43 Opening the docket. 601.44 Posting to the docket. 601.45 Required informati
5、on. 601.46 Processing of petitions. 601.47 Review procedures. AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 552; 49 U.S.C. 5334; 49 U.S.C. 1657, 1659; Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1968 (82 Stat. 1369); 49 CFR 1.51. SOURCE: 70 FR 67318, Nov. 4, 2005, unless otherwise noted. Subpart AGeneral Provisions 601.1 Purpose. This part
6、 describes the organization of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), an operating administration within the U.S. Department of Trans-portation. This part also describes gen-eral responsibilities of the various of-fices of which FTA is comprised. In ad-dition, this part describes the sources and
7、locations of available FTA pro-gram information, and provides infor-mation regarding FTAs rulemaking procedures. 601.2 Organization of the administra-tion. (a) The headquarters organization of FTA is comprised of eight principal of-fices which function under the overall direction of the Federal Tran
8、sit Ad-ministrator (the Administrator) and Deputy Administrator. These offices are: (1) Office of Administration. (2) Office of Budget and Policy. (3) Office of Chief Counsel. (4) Office of Civil Rights. (5) Office of Communications and Congressional Affairs. (6) Office of Planning and Environ-ment.
9、 (7) Office of Program Management. (8) Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation. (b) FTA has ten regional offices, each of which function under the overall di-rection of the Administrator and Dep-uty Administrator, and under the gen-eral direction of a Regional Adminis-trator. In addition, F
10、TA has estab-lished a Lower Manhattan Recovery Office, which is under the general di-rection of the Director for this office. Region/States Office/address Telephone No. I. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamp-shire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.FTA Regional Administrator, Kendall Square, 55 Broa
11、dway, Suite 920, Cambridge, MA 02142 1093.(617) 4942055 II. New York, New Jersey, and U.S. Virgin Islands FTA Regional Administrator, One Bowling Green, Room 429, New York, NY 100141415.(212) 6682170 III. Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Penn-sylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.FTA Region
12、al Administrator, 1760 Market Street, Suite 500, Philadelphia, PA 191034124.(215) 6567100 VerDate Mar2010 10:10 Dec 13, 2010 Jkt 220218 PO 00000 Frm 00413 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220218.XXX 220218wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted
13、without license from IHS-,-,-404 49 CFR Ch. VI (10110 Edition) 601.3 Region/States Office/address Telephone No. IV. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mis-sissippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Caro-lina, and Tennessee.FTA Regional Administrator, Atlanta Federal Cen-ter, Suite 17T50, 61 Fors
14、yth Street, SW., Atlanta, GA 30303.(404) 5623500 V. Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.FTA Regional Administrator, 200 West Adams Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60606.(312) 3532789 VI. Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.FTA Regional Administrator, 819 Taylo
15、r Street, Room 8A36, Fort Worth, TX 76102.(817) 9780550 VII. Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska FTA Regional Administrator, 901 Locust Street, Suite 404, Kansas City, MO 64106.(816) 3293920 VIII. Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Da-kota, Utah, and Wyoming.FTA Regional Administrator, Dept. of
16、 Transpor-tation, FTA, 12300 W. Dakota Ave., Suite 310, Lakewood, CO 802282583.(720) 9633300 IX. Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands.FTA Regional Administrator, 201 Mission Street, Suite 310, San Francisco, CA 94105.(415) 7443133 X. Alaska, Idaho,
17、Oregon, and Washington FTA Regional Administrator, Jackson Federal Build-ing, 915 Second Avenue, Suite 3142, Seattle, WA 981741002.(206) 2207954 Lower Manhattan Recovery Office FTA LMRO Director, One Bowling Green, Room 436, New York, NY 10004.(212) 6681770 601.3 General responsibilities. The genera
18、l responsibilities of each of the offices which comprise the head-quarters organization of FTA are: (a) Office of Administration. Directed by an Associate Administrator for Ad-ministration, this office develops and administers comprehensive programs to meet FTAs resource management and administrativ
19、e support require-ments in the following areas: Organiza-tion and management planning, infor-mation resources management, human resources, contracting and procure-ment, and administrative services. (b) Office of Budget and Policy. Di-rected by an Associate Administrator for Budget and Policy, this o
20、ffice is re-sponsible for policy development and performance measurement, strategic and program planning, program evalua-tion, budgeting, and accounting. The office provides policy direction on leg-islative proposals and coordinates the development of regulations. The office formulates and justifies
21、 FTA budgets within the Department of Transpor-tation, to the Office of Management and Budget, and Congress. The office establishes apportionments and allot-ments for program and administrative funds, ensures that all funds are ex-pended in accordance with Administra-tion and congressional intent, a
22、nd pre-pares and coordinates statutory re-ports to Congress. The office coordi-nates with and supports the Depart-ment of Transportation Chief Financial Officer on all FTA accounting and fi-nancial management matters. This of-fice also serves as the audit liaison in responding to the Office of the I
23、nspec-tor General and the Government Ac-countability Office. (c) Office of Chief Counsel. Directed by a Chief Counsel, this office provides legal advice and support to the Admin-istrator and FTA management. The of-fice is responsible for reviewing devel-opment and management of FTA-spon-sored projec
24、ts; representing the Admin-istration before civil courts and admin-istrative agencies; drafting and review-ing legislation and regulations to im-plement the Administrations pro-grams; and working to ensure that the agency upholds the highest ethical standards. The office coordinates with and support
25、s the U.S. Department of Transportations General Counsel on FTA legal matters. (d) The Office of Civil Rights. Directed by a Director for Civil Rights, this of-fice ensures full implementation of civil rights and equal opportunity ini-tiatives by all recipients of FTA assist-ance, and ensures nondis
26、crimination in the receipt of FTA benefits, employ-ment, and business opportunities. The office advises and assists the Adminis-trator and other FTA officials in ensur-ing compliance with applicable civil rights regulations, statutes and direc-tives, including but not limited to the Americans with D
27、isabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation, and Equal Em-ployment Opportunity, within FTA and in the conduct of Federally-assisted VerDate Mar2010 10:10 Dec 13, 2010 Jkt 220218 PO 00000 Frm 00414 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220218.
28、XXX 220218wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-405 Federal Transit Admin., DOT 601.3 public transportation projects and pro-grams. The office monitors the imple-mentation of and compliance with civil right
29、s requirements, investigates com-plaints, conducts compliance reviews, and provides technical assistance to re-cipients of FTA assistance and mem-bers of the public. (e) Office of Communications and Con-gressional Affairs. Directed by an Asso-ciate Administrator for Communica-tions and Congressional
30、 Affairs, this office is the agencys lead office for media relations, public affairs, and Congressional relations, providing quick response support to the agency, the public, and Members of Congress on a daily basis. The office distributes in-formation about FTA programs and policies to the public,
31、the transit in-dustry, and other interested parties through a variety of media. This office also coordinates the Administrators public appearances and is responsible for managing correspondence and other information directed to and issued by the Administrator and Deputy Admin-istrator. (f) Office of
32、 Planning and Environment. Directed by an Associate Adminis-trator for Planning and Development, this office administers a national pro-gram of planning assistance that pro-vides funding, guidance, and technical support to State and local transpor-tation agencies. In partnership with the Federal Hig
33、hway Administration (FHWA), this office oversees a national program of planning assistance and certification of metropolitan and state-wide planning organizations, imple-mented by FTA Regional Offices and FHWA Divisional Offices. The office provides national guidance and tech-nical support in emphas
34、is areas includ-ing planning capacity building, finan-cial planning, transit oriented develop-ment, joint development, project cost estimation, travel demand forecasting, and other technical areas. This office also oversees the Federal environ-mental review process as it applies to transit projects
35、throughout the coun-try, including implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Clean Air Act, and related laws and regulations. The office pro-vides national guidance and oversight of planning and project development for proposed major transit capital fixed guideway projects,
36、 commonly referred to as the New Starts program. In addi-tion, this office is responsible for the evaluation and rating of proposed projects based on a set of statutory cri-teria, and applies these ratings as input to the Annual New Starts Report and funding recommendations sub-mitted to Congress, a
37、s well as for FTA approval required for projects to ad-vance into preliminary engineering, final design, and full funding grant agreements. (g) Office of Program Management. Di-rected by an Associate Administrator for Program Management, this office administers a national program of cap-ital and ope
38、rating assistance by man-aging financial and technical resources and by directing program implementa-tion. The office coordinates all grantee directed guidance, in the form of circu-lars and other communications, devel-ops and distributes procedures and pro-gram guidance to assist the field staff in
39、 grant program administration and fosters responsible stewardship of Fed-eral transit resources by facilitating and assuring consistent grant develop-ment and implementation nationwide (Statutory, Formula, Discretionary and Earmarks). This office manages the oversight program for agency for-mula gra
40、nt programs and provides na-tional expertise and direction in the areas of capital construction, rolling stock, and risk assessment techniques. It also assists the transit industry and State and local authorities in pro-viding high levels of safety and secu-rity for transit passengers and employ-ees
41、 through technical assistance, train-ing, public awareness, drug and alcohol testing and state safety oversight. (h) Office of Research, Demonstration, and Innovation. Directed by an Asso-ciate Administrator for Research, Demonstration and Innovation, this of-fice provides transit industry leader-sh
42、ip in delivery of solutions that im-prove public transportation. The office undertakes research, development, and demonstration projects that help to in-crease ridership; improve capital and operating efficiencies; enhance safety and emergency preparedness; and bet-ter protect the environment and pr
43、o-mote energy independence. The office VerDate Mar2010 10:10 Dec 13, 2010 Jkt 220218 PO 00000 Frm 00415 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220218.XXX 220218wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-406 49 CFR Ch. VI (101
44、10 Edition) 601.4 leads FTA programmatic efforts under the National Research Programs (49 U.S.C. 5314). 601.4 Responsibilities of the Adminis-trator. The Administrator is responsible for the planning, direction and control of the activities of FTA and has authority to approve Federal transit grants,
45、 loans, and contracts. The Deputy Ad-ministrator is the first assistant for purposes of the Federal Vacancies Re-form Act of 1998 (Pub. L. 105277) and shall, in the event of the absence or disability of the Administrator, serve as the Acting Administrator, subject to the limitations in that Act. In
46、the event of the absence or disability of both the Administrator and the Deputy Administrator, officials designated by the agencys internal order on succes-sion shall serve as Acting Deputy Ad-ministrator and shall perform the du-ties of the Administrator, except for any non-delegable statutory and/
47、or reg-ulatory duties. Subpart BPublic Availability of Information 601.10 Sources of information. (a) FTA guidance documents. (1) Circu-lars and other guidance/policy informa-tion are available on FTAs Web site: http:/www.fta.dot.gov. (2) Single copies of any guidance doc-ument may be obtained witho
48、ut charge by calling FTAs Administrative Serv-ices Help Desk, at (202) 3664865. (3) Single copies of any guidance doc-ument may also be obtained without charge upon written request to the As-sociate Administrator for Administra-tion, Federal Transit Administration, 400 7th Street SW., Room 9107, Was
49、h-ington, DC, 20590, or to any FTA re-gional office listed in 601.2. (b) DOT Docket Management System. Unless a particular document says oth-erwise, the following rulemaking docu-ments in proceedings started after Feb-ruary 1, 1997, are available for public review and copying at the Department of Transportations Docket Manage-ment System, Room PL 401, 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20590, or for review and downloading through t
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