1、I MIL-S-3050bC 40 W 7777706 OLOb351 5 W a J-01-25 rnL-S-30506C Octobrr 1980 SPESEDING KlL-S-30506B September 19 7 7 p. SACUtS, SUCKLE FITTINGS, SWIVELS; BUOY % 1 SCOPE 1.1 Scope. Thir rpacification cover8 rhacklrm, rhacklc pine, corrooon rrrirtant rplit keys yid rwivelr urrd ar chain fitting8 on aid
2、o to navigation buoyr. Alio, included are “Hodrer“ ihacklce, used in partc- ular rituationa for handling dir-lock and rtud link chain in lieu of chain riingr. 1.2 Clarrification. The following Clai8ifiC8tiOn8 are covarrd by this rprci.ficetion, rtipulatrd (88CtiOn 6.1). Sita is defined nn the diamet
3、er of the bar 8tOCk. Sire (incheu) Site (inchar) Sire (inches) Clarrification Shackle8 Swivalc Hodeer ShackleB lrt Clarr 2 2nd Char 1 314 3rd ChBr 1 112 4th Clarr 1 Special 2 112 2 1 314 1 112 1 1f4 In addition, corrorion raiirtant rplit keyi are of the mamo clarriflcatloni. 1.3 Stylar. he follwlnp
4、rtylei are covrrrd by thlr rpaclflcatlon, 08 rtipulitrd (rea mrction 6.1). Stylar rrfrr only to rvivrlm. Uprrt Hrad Thrradrd Nut 1.4 m. rtipulrcrd (are rrction 6.1). Thr follovia typer are covered by Chlr rprcfication, ar Typer rrfrr only Co pini. tLpr 1 Split by Pia Type II Rivet ?in 2. mwwtt-s 2.1
5、 Irmuri of Documenit. affect O(I thr data of iolictrtlm fori r part of thin mpocilication to thr axtmt rprc.lfled hrralnt thr followlnt docmncr of the (risus in THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS iificatlonr b. nil8 rprcficrtim C. The drwloar d, Othrr rpplicrblr docuiratr, In thr rvrnt of aonfllct brtwern the d
6、etailed rrquire- t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-30506C L(0 W 7797706 0306353 7 W MIL-S-30506C 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Ctneral. The Contractor rhrll iupply #hackles, ivale and modeer rhackles of the clarsification, type and style
7、outlined in rections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, and in the quntitiec required (ret rection 6.1) in the cmtract. J.i.2 Shackle Assemblies. Whgn the ordering dsto (see rection 6.1) rpecifics “aaaembly“ of a given clrrr and type, the Contractor rhall provide the indicated number of complete arrembliai consistin
8、g of the rpecified class of ihacklr, the identical cirrr of pin of the rpecified type, and the identical char of rplit key if required; rsmemblcd. On ASScmblieS vith Type II rivet pin8 r retaining wire ahall be inacrtcd through the 3/16 inch hole provided, o that the pin ahall remain vith the ihackl
9、e during ihipwnt. 3.2 Material, 3.2.1 Shrckler, Swivrli and Pini. Shacklea, BWVB and pinr rhn11 bo nade of any carbon rtrel conforming to MIL-S-16971 or of camtin8 rteel in confomnce with chor 70-36 of MIL-S-15083, 3.2.2 Corrosion R;rlrtrnc Split Koyi, plate or rtrip of clair 304 corroiion rerirtrnt
10、 iter1 conforming to QQ-S- 766. 3.2.3 Certificate of Conformance. The contrrctor rhrll furniih a crrtlficatr of conformncr rithrr from thr manuircturrr or r reputrbe rnilnrerini laboratory Co the rffrct that each MtOthl uird hri bean tested and found to bo in accordance vith the rrqulrumnci of HtL-S
11、-lbP7blocked, and braced to prevent movement, and the boxes shall be closed and strapped In accordance with the ppendix to the applicable box specification. Flat steel strapping shall be used. 5.1.2 Level B. The shackles, ewivels, pins and keyc shall be packed as specified for level A, except that t
12、he boxes shall be domestic type or class, as applicable. 5.1.3 Level C. The ehackles, swivels, pins and keys shall be packed in accordance with MIL-STDL1188. Shackles shall be bundled In the amounts shown. 1st class - four per bundle 2nd class - five per bundle 3rd clasr - five per bundle 4th clara
13、- ten per bundle Special class - three per bundle 5.2 Marking. or order, unit packages and shipping containers rhall be marked in accordance vith the requirmentr ob Hn-STD-129. In addition to any rpecial mrking required by the contract 6 NOTES 6.1 Ordering Data. Procurement documents chould stipulat
14、e the following: a. Title, number, and date of specification, b. Carsification(r) requirrd (res rection 1.2); that ir, the - etyle(s), type(c), claeo(co), and whether the individual items or com- plete assemblies are required, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with
15、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-3050bC 40 7977706 0306359 T HlL-b- U500C C. Quantities of each claeoification required. d. Federal rtock nunbers. e. - NOTICE: . Level of packing (ace rection 5.1). When and the fact that the Covemart MY hive formulated, furnirhrd, or in any way ruppllrd the raid drawi
16、ngs, apecificn- tion, or other data ir not to be ragrrdcd by implication or otherwire ar in any manner licenring the holder or my other perron or corporation, or conveying any rlghtr or permrrion to manufacture, ure, or rell any patented invention that my in any vry be related thereto. Cu,8todLnrt P
17、reparing Activity: Air ?orce-bobilr Air Ilterlrl Area A; my-Mobility Comnd NIV-NAVFAC UsS, COr8t Cuird . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-S-30506C 40 = 7999906 0306360 6 R Appendix A certificate of Performance * Contract No. 1. I
18、hereby certify that the following tests were performed on the tem rpecifed below to be delivered on the above contract vith the following reoui t 8 : Itan: (Circle one) .Shackle/Swivel/Pin , j $. Class: size: Type : Style: ht No. 2. subjected to thr proof load trrt A8 rpecfled. All umplrr in thir lo
19、t nibmittrd for the above contract have been quantity trrted quantity failed to hold proof load for 15 rcconde quantity parrad thr port-tart nnprction 3. hvr bom mubjrctrd to thi bruk load trat a8 iprcfird. Thr bruk load umplrr in thio lot muhittad for thr rbovr contract Smplr M. 3 rupturd .t Suipl8
20、 #o. 4 mpturad at Iiiiplr No, 5 ruptured at Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-3050bC LtO 77777Ob OLOb3bL W I SHACKLES, SHACKLE FIITINCS, AND SnJIvELS; BUOY SPECIFICATION NO. OCTOBER 1980 * b Prepared by: Approved by : CAPT, USCC C
21、hhf, Ocun Eng. Div. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-S-3050bC Li0 m 7777906 0306362 T m p .Il! _I . . L. . . . i o I. -U- c Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-3050bC 90 = 7977706 0306363 I W d I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-j_ MIL-S-3050bC 40 7977706 O306364 3 t-J-*-i ,- a, , .!, I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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