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ECA 324-A-1982 Color Picture Tubes Registered Screen Dimensions for《彩色显象管的已注册的屏幕尺寸》.pdf

1、EIA 324-A 82 m 3234b00 00b5580 b m ANSIIEIA RS-324-A-19S2 APPROVED MARCH 19, 1982 F EIA STANDARD REGISTERED SCREEN DIMENSIONS t FOR COLOR PICTURE TUBES .RS-324-A APRIL 1982 Engneerng rtm ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION EIA 32V-A 82 m 3234600 O065581 m NO JICE EIA Engineering Standards and Publicat

2、ions ace designed ta serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need

3、. Existence of such Standards and Pub- lications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming ta such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by thos

4、e other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume

5、 any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recom- mended Standard or Publication. This EIA Recommended Standard is considered to have international standardi- zation implications, but the formulating Committeq is not aware of any IEC activi

6、ty where a valid comparison between the EIA Recommended Standard and the IEC Recommendations can be made. Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, RL. 20006 Copyright 1981 ELECTRONIC INDUCTRIES ASSOCIATION Ali rights reserved PRICE: $4.b

7、0 Printed in U.$.A, _ EIA 324-A 82 3234600 00b5582 T RS-324-A Page 1 REGISTERED SCREEN DIMENSIONS FOR COLOR PICTURE TUBES (From EIA Standards Proposal No. 1469, formulated under the cognizance of EIA JT-6 Committee on Television Pict,yre Tubes.) The minimum useful screen dimensions and area to be us

8、ed for registration data of shadow mask type color picture tubes shall be established as a projected area from the inside geometry of the face panel. The boundary of this area is mainly determined by the principal axes dimensions of the face panel which are derived from the glass manufacturers desig

9、n drawing. After the boundary is established, the area is calculated and expressed to the nearest square inch or square centimeter for registration. When establishing the minimum screen boundary, the length of each of the principal axes determined by the distance between the centers of the heel radi

10、i at the ends of each axis and by the heel radius as shown in Figure 1. The screen size on these axis is chosen to extend into the heel or blend radius of curvature at the edges of the panel face plate to a point which is 30 beyond the centers-of the heel radius. Thus, the total length of a projecte

11、d dimension, D, for any principal axis is equal to the distance between the centers of the heel radii, d, plus the magnitude of the heel radius (r sin 30 on each side). The heel radius and its center location are specified by the glass manufacturers design drawing. Having established the principal a

12、xes in the section view, the projected screen boundary is determined in the plan view shown in Figure 2. The screen corners are calculated by the dimension Dd (diagonal) and the centers of the panel corners. The corners of the projected screen boundary are assumed to be concentric with the corner of

13、 the glass panel and, therefo.,have the same centers as the panel corners which are always located on the diagonal axis. The screen corner radius is then equal to the difference between Dd, and the projected distance from - 2 anel corners. the panel centerface to the The panel corner centers derived

14、 from the glass manu P .acturers drawing. Screen Bounciary 4 D- are also Heel Radius 1 FIGURE 1 FACE PANEL, SECTION VIEW RS-324-A Page 2 After the corner radius is determinedr the minlinum screen boundary is completed by calculating a long side radius and a short side radius tangexit to the corner r

15、adius and through the boundary pints QXI the minor and majur axes respectively. With the defined boundary determined, the screen area can be Calcrllated (see the following sample calculation), The screen thus estabrished fs referred to as the minimum useful screen since a phosphor screen of this act

16、ua2 size inside the panel will be magnified by the refraction of the face-plate curvature and appear larger when viewed from outside the panel. tained as a safety factor in tube manufacturing. This screen magnification is main- Exceptions to the Rule: 1. In the case of a round bulb where the vertica

17、l height is limited by the tube mnufi)cturer, the published area will be calculated u&ng the assigned height dimension for the screen. 2. If the bulb is not of the conventional design such that the inside geometry does not fit that which is described in Chis standard, the tube qanufacturer shall spe

18、cify the inside peripheral dimensions of the screen and also state whether the screen projection is minimum or bogey since the face panel glass ma y or ma y not magnify .the inside dimensions. Procedure for EstablishintJ the Minimg ,Scre.eJ Bognary The following example is shown for calculating Che

19、screen boundary of the F667 (25V) panel. drawings. Dinicrisions froin Design Drawing The dimensions are derived ram the glass manuaeturers design ! r (heel radius) = .438 in. ( 11.13 mm) dv (distance between centers of heet radius vertical axis) = 15.144 in. (384.66 nun) dh (distance etween centers

20、of heel radius L horizontal axis) = 20.338 in. (516.59 mix) dd (distance between centers of heel radius - diagonal axis) = 24.220 in. (615.19 mm) (distance from vertical axis to center ok.corner mdiUS) = 9.483 in. (240.87 mm) DS (distance from horizontal axis ta center of corner radius)= 6.778 in. (

21、172.16 nun) Cal cla tcd Dimensions irinimum Screen Boundary on Principal Ages, see Figuro b D=d+r Dv (vertical) = 15.144 + ,438 * 15,582 in. (395.78 mm) h (horizontal) = 20,338 + ,438 = 20,776 in., (527b7f mm) d (diagond) = 24.220 + .43U a 24,658 in. (62C.3. mm) = .673 in. (17.09 mm) a“ PROBLEM HARD

22、 COPY - EIA 324-A 82 m 3234600 O065584 3 m RS-324-A Page 3 I -.- I Figure 2 Calculating the Uncl Side Radius, R2: = (R 2 -2 (R2 - R ) - z)2 + GS -2 -2 32 2 - 2R3R2 + R3 e -2ZRz + GB + GS -2 -2 2 2(= - R3)R2 i GB + GS - R3 Where Cb- Dv - fiiF = 15.582 - 6.778 GB = 1.013 in. (25.73mm) 2 - 2 -2 - + GS

23、- RJ2 R, = And from. above, c 2(% - R3)- GS = 9.483 in. (240.87mm) R3 = =.673 in. (17.09mm) R2 e 133.089in.(3380.46mm) .Similiarly, RJ can ke calculated by the same methud: Where = Dh - = 20.776 - 9.483 2 - 2 = .905 in. (22.99mm) And from above, bs f 6,?78 in. (172.16mm) - R3 = ,673 in: (17.09mm) -

24、EIA 324-A 82 W 3234b00 00b5585 5 W . RS -3 24 -A Page 4 Subs ti tu ting , . 2 a- 2 (.go5 - -673) Fdgure 4. Sector of a Circ = .905 + 6.7782 9 -673 R1 R1 = 99.800 in, (2534.92m) Area Calculation Procedure Example is for F667 (25V) Panel e The screen area boundary has quadrant symmetry and. the quadra

25、nt can be subdivided into 5 segmen$ shown in Figure 3. circle and the other two are trapezoids. equal to 52 (0-sin. 0) with 8 in xadians (see Fig. 4) Three of the segments are sectors of a The area of a segment of a circle is 2. - .-&- Figuro 3. Quadrant of Minimum Screen Boundary EIA 324-A 82 m

26、 3234600 0065586 7 m RS-324-A Page 5 Wheresin 8 = I= - Circle Segment of Radius R2 with Angle 8 sin 0) CS = 9.483 = 0.0716152 R2-R3 133.089-.673 O. 071676 6 radians Substi tuting, AI = 133.08g2 (0.0716766 - 0.0716152 ) 2 AY = . .544 in? (350.9711) Area II (Fig. 3) Where Sin = Sin = = a= Sin Zl3 = -

27、Half of Circle Segment of Radius RI with Angle 2 (2 - Sin 2#3 I z = 6.778 - Rl-R3 99.800 - -673 O. 0683769 O. 0684303 radians 0.1368606 radians 0.1364337 Substituting, AII (99.800)2 (0.1368606 - 0.1364337) 4 1.063 in? (685.81mm2) AXI = Area III (Fig. 3) - Circle Segment of Radius R3 with Angle Cc -

28、sina) 2 WhsrC c( a JI - 8 - = 1.5707363 - 0.071G7GG - O.OG84303 2 . a = 1.4306894 radians Sin u = 0.9902011 _. RC-324-A Page 6 Substituting, (.673)2 (1.4306894 - 0.990201 1 ) 2 A = = O.lOOi$ (64.52nd) AIII Area IV (Fig. 3) - Trapezoid Where AB = D, = 15.582 = 9 2 - P 7.791 in. (1 97.8 9mnl) = 9.531

29、in. (242.09mm) 2 - BH R2 BH = .342 in. (8.69m) = 133.089 - d133.0892 - 9.531 - -_. CJ = AB - BH = 7.791 - a342 cJ = 7.449 in. (189.20mm) Substituting , Area V (Fig. 3) - Trapezoid = 6.778 EF = 6.824 in. (173.33mm) KF = R1 -4- = w 2 99.800 -499.8002 - 6.824 EIA 324-A 82 3234600 00b5588 O N RC-324-A P

30、age 7 = oh = 20.776 2 - 2 E 3 10.388 in. (263.86m) = E - 5 = 10.388 - ,234 Z= 10.154 in. (257.911) JF .623 in. (15.82m) Substituting, Ay =(7.449 + 6.824 (.623) = 4.446 in? (2868.38md) 2 1 Total Area = 4(Ar + AIT + AIXI +. AI“ + AV ) = 4(.544 + 1.063 + .lo0 + 72.626 + 1.446) 2 AT Nearest sq. in. = 315 in.2 2 AT Nearest sq. cm. = 2032 cm (203225.41nm )

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