1、EIA 498BA00 90 3234600 0073795 2 -. & 7 - _ ANSIIEIA-498BA00-1989 APPROVED: September 18, 1989 O O SPECIFICATION Blank Detail Specif icaton for Keyboard Switches EIA-498BAOO JANUARY 1990 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Approved For Use In The NECQ System EIA 498BA00 90 m 323
2、4600 0071796 4 m NOTICE EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining
3、 with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Stan
4、dards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents on articles, m
5、aterials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. This EIA Specification is considered to have International Standardization implication, but the Inter
6、national Electrotechnical Commission activity has not progressed to the point where a valid comparison between the EIA Specification and the IEC document can be made. This Specification does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements.
7、 It is the responsibility of the user of this Specification to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (From EIA Standards Proposal No. 2153 formulated under the cognizance of the EIA P- 13.3 Subcommittee on Non-S
8、ensitive Pushbutton and Keyboard Switches.) APPROVED FOR USE IN THE NECQ SYSTEM AS NQ/EIA-498BA00. COPYRIGHT 1990 Published by ELECTRON IC IN DUSTRI ES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 (Temporary Headquarters 1722 Eye St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 2
11、witches Introduction: A Blank Detail Specification is a supplementary document to the Sectional Specification and contains requirements for style, layout and minimum content of detail specification. Detail specifications not complying with these requirements shall not be considered as being in accor
12、dance with the certification system nor shall they be so described. In the preparation of detail specifications, the content of Subclause 2.6 of the Sectional Specification shall be taken into account. A detail specification shali cover a particular type of keyboard switch construction and may inclu
13、de several styles for that type, or, in the case of a capability approval specification, specific parts which represent a broad range of products. It is preferable that all styles of a particular type of keyboard switch construction be contained in a single detail specification wherever possible. Di
14、fferent construction types shall not be contained in the same detail specification. The detail specification shall state directly, or by reference to other documents, all information necessary to completely describe all interchangeability parameters for that type of keyboard switch, including any st
15、yles, and to ensure conformance thereof with all requirements for quality assessment. The pages following this introduction and instruction illustrate a detail specification. The numbers between brackets correspond to the following information which shall be inserted in the positions indicated: 0 Id
16、entification of the detail specification (i) (2) (3) (4) (5) The standards organization under whose authority the detail specification is drafted. The number of the detail specification, date of issue. The number and issue of the Generic Specification. The number and issue of the Sectional Specifica
17、tion. The number and issue of the Blank Detail Specification. EIA 49BA00 40 m 3234b00 0071799 T m EIA-498BA00 Page 2 A short description of the type of keyboard switch which shall include as a minimum the information needed for listing on the Qualified Products List. See Appendix A. A circuit diagra
18、m or short description of the electrical circuit(s). Information on the typical construction (when applicable) Application(s) covered and/or assessment level. An outline drawing containing the maximum enclosure dimensions. When spacing permits, the drawing may include detailed dimensions also. The d
19、rawing shall comply with Subclause 2.6.1 of the Sectional Specification. The specification number and the title may be shown here. This is optional since it repeats front page information. The introduction and the information shown are mandatory. Following the introduction, the scope and object shal
20、l be given. The information shown is mandatory. Additional information may be added as necessary. The information shown is mandatory, Any additional information which supplements Section Two of EIA-498 shall be given in this section. The paragraph numbers shall correspond with the paragraph numbers
21、of EIA-498. New paragraph numbers shall be assigned for headings not included in EIA-498. Example: 2.3 2.9 The related documents, units, symbols, terminology, standard values, and marking are prescribed in Section Two of EIA-498 and the following additional requirements. Terminology: . Additional te
22、rminology is defined in Appendix A herein. Part Numbering: Each switch described by this detail specification has been assigned a discrete part number. The part numbering system is described in Appendix B herein. EIA 498BA00 90 = 3234b00 007LBOO 2 EM-4 9 8BA0 O Page 3 (15) The information shown is m
23、andatory. Any additional information which supplements a combination of Section Three of EIA-498 and Section Three of the Sectional Specification shall be given in this section. The paragraph numbers shall correspond with the paragraph numbers of EIA-498. New paragraph numbers shall be assigned for
24、headings not included in EIA-498. (16) The information shown is mandatory. Any additional information which supplements Section Four of the Sectional Specification shall be given in this section. The paragraph numbers shall correspond with the paragraph numbers of EIA-498. New paragraph numbers shal
25、l be assigned for headings not included in EIA-498. (17) The detail specification shall include a table, based upon Table 1 of ELA-498, which is complete and sufficient for qualification approval inspection and which substantiates compliance of all optional keyboard features with the performance req
26、uirements. (18) The detail specification shall include a table, based upon Appendix A of this specification, which is complete and sufficient for lot-by-lot and periodic inspection. EIA YBA00 90 m 3234600 007LBOL 4 m s. A EIA-498BA00 Page 4 INTRODUCTION (12) SCOPE AND OBJECT 1.1 Scope The (applicabl
27、e modifiers to described subfamily of keyboards) keyboards of certified quality covered by this detail specification. 1. have maximum enclosure dimensions of (maximum length, width, and height dimensions). 2. have a maximum rated voltage of (highest rated voltage of subfamily). 3. have a maximum rat
28、ed current of (highest rated current of subfamily). 4. (other) 1.2 Object: The object of this detail specification is to provide all information required for the identification, quality assessement, and certification of these keyboards. The information, contained herein or by reference, is complete
29、and sufficient for inspection purpose. GENERAL The related documents, units, symbols, terminology, standard values, preferred values, and markings are prescribed in Section Two of EIA-498. (14) QUALITY ASSESSEMENT PROCEDURES The quality assessement procedures are prescribed in Sectional Three of EIA
30、-498 and are supplemented by the following information. 3.1.1 Qualification Approval Inspection Tests: The qualification approval inspection tests are prescribed in Table I herein for the qualification of the entire sub-family of keyboards covered by this Detail Specification. a - EIA 498BA00 90 m 3
31、234600 0073802 b m EIA-498BA00 Page 5 3.4.6 Lot-by-Lot Inspection Tests: The lot-by-lot inspection tests are prescribed in Table II herein. (If the sequence of tests is not optional, the detail specification shall specify the mandatory test sequence). 3.4.7 Periodic Inspection Tests: The periodic in
32、spection tests are also prescribed in Table II herein. (15) TEST METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS The test methods and requirements are prescribed in Section Four of EIA-498 and are supplemented by the following information. (See instruction. As a minimum, the detail specification shall prescribe all detail
33、s of tests required by the basic test methods, RS-448 etc., for the following tests.) 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.23 4.24 4.27 Visual Examination Dimension Examination Voltage Proof Robustness of Terminations Solderability (for solder terminals only) Mechanical Endurance with Electrical Load Te
34、mperature Rise Operating Characteristics Overload Actuator Strength (16) Table I - Qualification Approval Inspection Tests (17) Table II - Lot-by-Lot and Periodic Inspection Tests EIA YSBBAOO 90 m 323Yb00 0071803 8 m ,a v EIA-498BA00 Page G APPENDIX A QUALITY CONFORMANCE INSPECTION TEST SCHEDULE TES
35、T METHODS AND GROUPS (TEST FREQUENCY) ACCEPTANCE TESTS GROUP A (LOT-BY -LOT) Visual examination Major Minor Ekctrical circuitry Switch resistance PERIODIC TESTS GROUP B (EVERY G MONTHS) Operating characteristics Contact bounce Solderability Terminal strength Logic level endurance GROUP C (EVERY G MO
36、NTHS) Thermal Shock Visual examination Voltage proof GKOUP I) (EVERY 36 MONTHS) TEST NO. “D“ OR “ND“ ASSESSMENT LEVELS LEVEL “c“ IL AUL 4.4 ND 4.8 ND 4.29 ND 4.6 ND 4.19 ND 4.10 D 4.13 D 4.14 D 4.15 4.4 4.9 D ND ND Requalification (See Table I) D EIA STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION NUMBERING STANDARD A d
37、ocument that establishes engineering and technical requirements for processes, procedures, practices and methods that have been decreed by authority or adopted by consensus. Standards may also be established for selection, application and design criteria for material. Standards and other documents n
38、ot in the specification format use only the EIA basic numbering system as follows: EIA-123 Original Standard EIA-123-1 Addendum to Original Standard EIA-I 23-A First Revision of original Standard incorporating all Addenda S P ECI FI CATI ON A document prepared specifically to facilitate procurement
39、which clearly and accurately describes the essential technical requirements for purchased material. Procedures necessary to determine that the requirements for the purchased material covered by the specification have been met shall also be referenced or included. EIA Specifications use the following
40、 system: EIA 1 2 3 AA - A Standard or Generic Specification Standard Prefix for all Numbers Sectional Specification Designator Blank Detail Specification Designator -T Detail Specification Designator A - EIA I230000 EIA 123A000 EIA 123AAOO EIA 123M EIA 123OOAA is a Generic Specification is a Section
41、al Specification is a Blank Detail Specification is a Detail Specification is a Detail Specification for which no Sectional or Blank Detail Specification was issued. NOTES: 1. Some older specifications may not have been converted to this numbering system. Format,“ for more detail. 2. See EP-I 1 “Guide for the Preparation of Specification Using IECQ-System (1 -1
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