1、 EIA STANDARD TP-06C Contact Resistance Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors EIA-364-06C (Revision of EIA-364-06B) March 2006 Electronic Components Industry Association EIA-364-06C ANSI/EIA-364-06C-2006(R2017) Approved: March 21, 2006 Reaffirmed: August 21, 2017 NOTICE EIA Engineering Standards
2、and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his par
3、ticular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of ECIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary u
4、se by those other than ECIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Standards and Publications are adopted by ECIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, ECIA does not assume any liability to any
5、patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication. This EIA Standard is considered to have International Standardization implication, but the International Electrotechnical Commission activity has not progressed to the point where a valid compar
6、ison between the EIA Standard and the IEC document can be made. This Standard does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices
7、and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (From Standards Proposal No. SP-5393.02 formulated under the cognizance of the CE-2.0 National Connector Standards Committee). Published by Electronic Components Industry Association 2017 EIA Standards & Technology Departme
8、nt 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 265 Herndon, VA 20170 i PLEASE ! DONT VIOLATE THE LAW! This document is copyrighted by the EIA and may not be reproduced without permission. Organizations may obtain permission to reproduce a limited number of copies through entering into a license agreement. For inform
9、ation, contact: IHS 15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80112-5704 or call USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179), International (303-397-7956) ii CONTENTS Clause Page 1 Introduction . 1 1.1 Scope . 1 2 Test resources . 1 2.1 Equipment . 1 3 Test specimen 2 3.1 Description 2 3.2 Preparation 2 4 Test proced
10、ure . 2 5 Details to be specified . 3 6 Test documentation . 4 Figure 1 Test circuit 4 iii (This page left blank) EIA-364-06C Page 1 TEST PROCEDURE No. 06C CONTACT RESISTANCE TEST PROCEDURE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS (From EIA Standards Proposal No. 5106, formulated under the cognizance EIA CE-2.0 Co
11、mmittee on National Connector Standards, and previously published in EIA-364-06B.) 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope This standard establishes test methods to determine the resistance of mated connector contacts attached to lengths of wire by measuring the voltage drop across the contacts while they are carr
12、ying a specified current. 2 Test resources 2.1 Equipment 2.1.1 An ammeter capable of measuring the applied current to an accuracy of 2%. 2.1.2 A high-impedance voltmeter (in the order of 10,000 ohms per volt). The meter accuracy shall be such that the value being measured is accurate to 2%. NOTE For
13、 greater ease of measuring forward and reverse readings, a zero-center or digital voltmeter with automatic polarity reversal is recommended. 2.1.3 A suitable current source having a controlled output as required for test currents specified in the referencing document. Either ac or dc may be used for
14、 this contact resistance test. For ac measurements, the frequency shall not exceed 2 kHz. In the event of a discrepancy between ac and dc measurements, the dc method shall be employed. 2.1.4 An example of a test circuit is shown in figure 1 for the test method described in 4.2 through 4.5. EIA-364-0
15、6C Page 2 3 Test specimen 3.1 Description A test specimen shall consist of a mated connector, a pair of contacts such as a pin and a socket, mating hermaphroditic contacts, or a printed pad and its mating contacts. 3.2 Preparation 3.2.1 All specimens shall be prepared as they would be for normal app
16、lications. Care shall be taken to assure that the wire is properly stripped so that all strands are intact and the wire - to - contact joint is free of inclusions such as marking thread or frayed insulation. 3.2.2 Cleaning may be performed to remove solder fluxes associated with specimen preparation
17、. However, unless otherwise specified in the referencing document there shall not be any additional cleaning. There shall not be additional lubricants or other coatings be applied, unless otherwise specified in the referencing document. 3.2.3 The test specimens may be installed in a suitable connect
18、or and engaged as in normal service. Specimens not installed in a connector shall not be rigidly fixed by any method that might possibly influence the forces acting on the interface between the mating contacts. 3.2.4 Voltmeter probe points may be prepared prior to starting the test. It is recommende
19、d to permanently attach the voltmeter leads by soldering, spot welding, or crimping with a suitable device when required by the environmental conditions existing at the time the test shall be made. 3.2.5 Voltage probes for crimp contacts shall be placed on the conductors a distance of 152.4 millimet
20、ers 3.0 millimeters (6.00 inch 0.12 inch) from each other, with the mated contacts in the center of that distance unless otherwise specified in the referencing document. 4 Test procedure 4.1 With the current OFF, connect the specimen into the test circuit. 4.2 Energize the circuit and increase the c
21、urrent until the required test current is achieved. The lowest voltage shall be used that allows the specified test current to be achieved. Unless otherwise specified in the referencing document the output voltage of the current source shall not exceed the rated working voltage of the specimen. 4.3
22、Allow the test specimen to stabilize at the test current. EIA-364-06C Page 3 4.4 Connect the voltmeter probes (leads) to the specimen (if not permanently attached) and measure and record the voltage drop. Assure that the test current has remained at the correct value. 4.5 When readings are one milli
23、volt or less on small dc measurements, reverse current readings shall be taken. The two measurements shall be averaged to cancel the effects of thermal potentials. 4.5.1 If necessary, adjust power supply to make reverse current equal to forward current. 4.5.2 Measure and record the reverse voltage d
24、rop. 4.5.3 Calculate the specimen voltage drop as follows: 4.5.4 Deenergize circuit and disconnect specimen. 4.5.5 Calculate resistance, if required. 5 Details to be specified The following details shall be specified in the referencing document: 5.1 Test specimen preparation, if other than specified
25、 herein. 5.2 Specimen description including fixturing 5.3 Test current 5.4 Maximum voltage of the current source 5.5 Parameters to be measured, voltage drop or resistance 5.6 Number of specimens to be tested 5.7 Location of voltage drop measurement points and dimension X in figure 1 forward voltage
26、drop + reverse voltage drop Specimen voltage drop = 2 EIA-364-06C Page 4 6 Documentation Documentation shall contain the details specified in clause 5, with any exceptions, and the following: 6.1 Title of test 6.2 Specimen description, including fixturing if applicable (photographs may be used) 6.3
27、Test equipment used, and date of last and next calibration 6.4 Test current and applied voltage 6.5 Test procedure 6.6 Values and observations 6.7 Name of operator and date of test Figure 1 - Test circuit Voltage drop measurement points Specimen under test Controlled current source Voltmeter Ammeter
28、 X (see 3.2.5 and 5.7) EIA-364-06C Page 5 EIA Document Improvement Proposal If in the review or use of this document, a potential change is made evident for safety, health or technical reasons, please fill in the appropriate information below and mail or FAX to: Electronic Industries Alliance Techno
29、logy Strategy & Standards Department Publications Office 2500 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 FAX: (703-875-8906) Document No.: Document Title: Submitters Name: Telephone No.: FAX No.: e-mail: Address: Urgency of Change: Immediate: At next revision: Problem Area: a. Clause Number and /or Drawing: b
30、. Recommended Changes: c. Reason/Rationale for Recommendation: Additional Remarks: Signature: Date: FOR EIA USE ONLY Responsible Committee: Chairman: Date comments forwarded to Committee Chairman: Electronic Components Industry Association 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 265 * Herndon, VA 20170 * tel 571-323-0294 * fax 571-323-0245 www.ecianow.org
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