1、STD-EIA IS-749-ENGL 3998 3234b00 0589392 375 EIA INTERIM STANDARD Q, t )c I s I I Rectified Mains Application Expected EIAAS-749 JANUARY 1998 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - STD-EIA IS-749-ENGL 2998 3234b00 0589293 202 m NOTICE EU En- Striadards and publications are design
2、ed to seme the public inkrest through eliminating miSundCrstandings * between mrmiifivhinrr and piirchascrs, facilitating inmgeability alKl improvcmcnt of products, and assisting the purchasa in selecting and obtaining with minimum &lay the proper product for his particular d. Existcact of such Stao
3、dards and Publications sha not in any respect preclude any member or ImlmakkofEIAfmln or selling products not conforming to suai Stadads and Publications, nor shall tkcxktaofsuch Standards rindPubiicahs&tIicirvol use by thosc other than EiA members, whetherthe standardis tobcusedeitbadamsticallyorin
4、. Stemdards and Publicabs a adoptedby EIA m accdanwithtbc American Natid Standards institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such acticm, EiA dots not assume any liability to any patent owi1, nor does it assurnt any obligaionwtiattvertoparticsadoptingthe Standardorhblicatioa EIAINTEWSTANDARDS EiAIntaimStem
5、dardsinfondctmcdtobeoftechnicalvaluctothc indusy7 and are published at the request of the Originating CommiaCe without necessarily following the rigorous public review and resolution of cammcnts which is a procedurai part of the development of an EiA Standard EIA Interim Standards &odd be reviewed o
6、nan mual basis by the formulating Committee and adecision made on whether to proceed to belop an EM Standard on this subject. EiA Interim Standards must be cancelled by the commi#et and removed from the EiA Standards Catalog befm the end of their third year of existence. Publidcm of this ELA interim
7、 Standard for triai use and c(nnmcLlf has been approved by the Electronic industres hstnbutianofthis EIA Interim Standard foicomment shallnotoontinUe beyond 36 months fiomthc date of publication. It is expected that foliowing this 36 month period, this EIA Interim Standard, revised as DCCCSSIIY, wil
8、l be submitted to he Amerim Natid Standards institute for approval as an AmericanNational Standard SuggcstionS for revision should be directed to: Bemie Aronson, Engineuing Department, Electronic ladustries Association, 2500 Wilson Bouievard, Arlington, VA 2220 1. ran Project Niimber 3873, formulate
9、d under the cognizance of he EM P-2.4 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Subcommi#cc.) Publisbed by OELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION 1998 2500 Wilson Boukvard EngineaingDeP- Adingm, VA 2220 1 PRICE: Please refer to tbe current Catdog of EM, JEDEC, and TIA STANDARDS and ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS or ca
10、 Globai Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179) Internationai (305397-1956) Ali rights resewed Printcd in U.S.A. Preface Clause 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Table 1 2 Figure 1 2 3 CONTENTS Scope Test circuit Test fixtures Preconditioning Initial measurement Test environment Recovery per test int
11、erval Measurement per test interval Test completion Definition of wear-out failure Test conditions Suggested test circuit Screw terminai style capacitor test fixture Copper bus structure for screw terminal style capacitors Page 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 2 i STD-EIA IS-749-ENGL 1998 ICI 3234b00 05893
12、35 O84 I Preface This interim standard was developed under the cognizance of the P-2.4, Subcommittee on Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors. . lll Previous page is blank EIA/IS-749 Page 1 Equivalent series resistance Capacitance DC leakage current 1 Scope Greater than 200% initial requirement for equiv
13、alent series resistance Less than 80% initiai measured capacitance Greater than initiai requirement for DC leakage current This test procedure determines the expected wear-out lifetime for aluminum electrolytic capacitors. It provides a measure of the operating time required for parametric changes t
14、o cause capacitors to become unusable as filter capacitors on rectified mains applications. While it measures the time till wear-out, it does not indicate failure rate during the operating life. Wear-out is defined by conditions specified in table 1. Measurements are to be taken periodically and the
15、 measurements are to be taken at the same temperature throughout the test. I Evidence of mechamcd damage, leakage of electrolyte, or I i-on I venting. 2 Test circuit Specimens may be connected using the test circuit or equivalent as shown in figure 1. Specimens that fail during the test should be re
16、placed by new devices to maintain the circuit integrity. A typical value for inductor L is 10 H. Figure l-Suggested test circuit STD0EIA IS-749-ENGL 1998 m 3234bOD 0589397 757 EWis-749 Page 2 3 Test futures Screw termination style capacitors specimens shall be mounted horizontally with mounting-brac
17、kets and capacitors spaced 13 mm (1/2 in) away fiom a test-furture board with ventilation holes of 35 mm (1 3/8 in) diameter at each capacitor. The capacitors shall be in one or two horizontal rows and spaced 25.4 mm (1 in) or more apart. The bottom row will be up no less than the capacitor diameter
18、 fiom the bottom edge of the board. The test fixtures illustrated in figures 2 and 3 may be used. Printed circuit *le capacitor specimens shall be mounted vertically on an appropriate printed circuit board material maintaining 25.4 mm (1 in) minimum spacing between parts. Y I 13mm (112 in) 144 mm (4
19、 112 in) Ventilation holes for capacitors under test 144 mm (4 1/2 in) Figure 2-Screw terminal style capacitor test future Figure 3-Copper bus structure for screw terminal style capacitors EIA/IS-749 Page 3 Applied ripple current DC bias voltage Ambient temperature 4 Preconditioning As rated for 120
20、Hz or adjusted to maintain the same power dissipation if performed at a frequency other han 120Hz. Rated voltage minus peak applied AC 85OC I2OC Allow specimens to come to initial measurement temperature as defined in table 2 without ripple current or bias voltage for 24 hours minimum. Initiai measu
21、rement temperature Periodic measurement temperature Sample size 5 Initial measurement Less uian Or equal to 85 Oc Equal to temperature * 2 Oc More than or equal to 10 specimens Measure 120Hz equivalent senes resistance, 120Hz capacitance, and DC leakage current at temperature specified in table 2 pe
22、r usual methods. 6 Test environment The specified bias voltage and ripple current shall be continuously applied to the specimens in the test chamber at the specified temperature as defined in table 2. Table 2 - Test conditions Air flow Periodic test interval I Less than 0.5 m/s I Less than or quai t
23、o 1,000 hours 7 Recovery per test interval Allow specimens to come to initial measurement temperature as defined in table 2 without ripple current or bias voltage for 24 hours minimum. 8 Measurement per test interval Measure 120 Hz equivalent series resistance, 120 Hz capacitance, and DC leakage cur
24、rent at the same temperature as initial measurement as defined in table 2 per usual methods. 9 Test completion The expected rectified mains application lifetime is less than or equal to the time when 10% or more of the test specimens have reached wear-out failure as defined in table 1. However, up to an additional 10% of the test specimens may fail as short or open circuits and not be counted as wear-out failures. STD-EIA IS-749-ENGL 1998 0 3234b00 0584399 72T
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