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本文(ECA PDP-100-1987 Parts Division Publication 100 Registered and Standard Mechanical Outlines for Electronic Parts《注册100号部分出版物和电子零件的机械纲要》.pdf)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ECA PDP-100-1987 Parts Division Publication 100 Registered and Standard Mechanical Outlines for Electronic Parts《注册100号部分出版物和电子零件的机械纲要》.pdf

1、EIA PDP-LOO 87 W 3234600 0554724 Tb9 EIA-PDP-10 O OCTOBER 1987 Parts Division Publication 100 Registered and Standard M ec han cal Out I i nec for Electronic Parts EtECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION EIA PDP-LOO 87 = 3234600 0554725 9T5 NOTICE EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to

2、 serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such

3、Standards and Pub- lications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publicatiuns, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA mem

4、bers, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents on articles, materiais, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to an

5、y patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recorn- mended Standard or Publication. Published by: ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20006 Copyright 19 8 7 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Printed

6、in U.S.A. EIA PDP-BOO 7 m 3234600 0554726 831 m INDEX OF PDP-100 OUTLINES INITIAL APPLICATIONS DATE NUMBER SMT Chip (Rectangular) 1.0 mm x 0.5 mm 51 1019 1 Capacitor, Ceramic SOCM-1005 SOCM-1608 SMT Chip (Rectangular) 1.6mm xO.8mm 5/10/91 Capacitor, Ceramic SOCM-20 12 SMT Chip (Rectangular) 2.0mm x

7、1.2mm 5/10/91 (Issue B) Resistors the size, location, and number designation of terminals; the space required by .the package; the size and location of surfaces for mounting; body size for mechanical handling; etc. DEFINITIONS The following definitions will assist in the understanding and preparatio

8、n of outline drawings: Registered Outline A registered outline is one that has been (1) assigned an IA outline desig- nation, and (2) announced to the Industry through the IA Type Registration System. The Registered EIA product outlines are compiled in an outline pub1 ication. I e -10- 4.2 Seating P

9、lane The reference plane which designates the interface between the package or its terminals and the surface on which it is mounted. 4.3 Base Plane A plane parallel to the seating plane through the lowest point on the body of the package. It may coincide with the seating plane. 4.4 Gauge Plane A pla

10、ne perpendicular to the terminal leads located at a defined distance from the seating plane. The location of the terminals is measured in the gauge plane. 4.5 Body That part of the package or device exclusive of electrical terminals, studs, leads , etc. 4.6 Tenninal That part of the package or devic

11、e primarily used in making an electrical, mechanical , or thermal connecfion. Examples of terminals are flexible leads, rigid leads, and studs. 4.7 Visual Index A reference mark, chamfer, notch, tab, flat, etc., which identifies the number of terminal position. 4.8 Mechanical Index A mark, chamfer,

12、notch, tab, flat, etc., which allows mechanical , optical, electrical or pheumatic sensing during mechanized handling. It may or may not identify the number on terminal position. 4.9 Index Area lhe area in which a portion or all of the visual or mechanical indexes must lie. -11- EIA PDP-100 87 EIA-P

13、DP-100 5. PREPARATION OF OUTLINES 5.1 Views O The outline drawina shal include a views needed to clearly show the dimensional and gemetrical features of the package. Enlarged detail views may be used. 5.2 Nates Descriptive notes may be used at the bottom of or adjacent to the outlines with proper re

14、ference to the body of the drawing. 5.3 Dimensions 5.3.1 5.3.2 5,3.3 5.3.4 a 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.4 5.5 All dimensions on the outline shall show the maximum and minimum limits to the required number of decimal places or be properly referenced such as to a thread standard. Open ended dimensions, i.e., maxim

15、um only or a minimum only, shall be avoided. Nominal dimensions, i.e. , dimensions without tolerances, may be used, but shall be followed either by the letters “RFE“ when used for general information or by “TP“ 0r;“BSC“ when used to specify true geometrical positions by means of linear or angular di

16、mensions. ANSI document ANSI Y14.5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing (latest ievision) will be used as the definitive reference on all outlines. Outline drawings may be submitted for balloting on either the derimalired-inch or the metric system. Conversions to the other system must be made to the other s

17、ystem before publication. Identification of units-both millimeter and inch dimensions shall be tabulated in separate tables. Each table and drawing shall have a note as follows: Note - 1/ Control 1 ing dimension: MILLIMETERS Note - 2/ Controlling dimension: INCH or Indexes (Indices) The outlines sha

18、ll show the nature and location of the visual index used for terminal numbering, and if present the mechanical index used for package sensing or orientation. P1 anes Where applicable, the outline shall show the location of the base, gauge, and seating planes. - -12- Il 5.6 5.7 Temi na1 s - EI A- PDP

19、 O. Internai Structure 5.8 Threads Thread features shall be designated in the Unified System of Class 2 or 26 as applicable to plated finishes per ANSI 61.1-1960. 7. OUTLINE SUBMISSION Outlines for registration should be submitted with an appropriate cover letter to: li . p-4 Comnittce on Mecha

20、nical Outlines c/o El ectrotii c Indus tri es Association Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N.W. Washington , DC 20006 -13- EIA PDP-LOO 87 3234600 0554739 49T EIA-PDP-130 e a a a 8 8 8 a e e EIA-P-4 PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION/STANDARDIZATION OF OUTLINES - The Sponsor mist initlatc the action f

21、or registration or standardlzatlon of an outline. The Sponsor may be an individual company, a parts conmittee, a working group or any Ad Hoc Group. The Sponsor must have the following: a. One piece of hardware b. A Co-Sponsor (required for individual companies only) c. A proposed outline in the EIA

22、outline format and drafting procedure. (One copy of each to: the P-4 Chairman* the EIA Office and the Chairman of the Editorial Comaittee along with the Request for Registration.) The Editorial Review consists of checking the format, details of drafting procedure and other editorial matters. outline

23、 is returned to the Sponsor for modification until it is accep ta ble . The P-4 Chairman mist approve all outlines for ballot. When It teks . desirable the Chairman may ask the entire P-4 Comnittcc to review and approve before ballot. The EIA Parts Engineering Office will maintain a list of outline

24、proposals and 8 list of P-4 voting ambers. When outlines ire approved for ballot they will be circulated to all voting ambers with a requested response tim of 30 days. A letter ballot number is assigmd and the itw is placed on the item log. Approval requires two-thirds majority of those voting (abse

25、ntions are not counted). All negative responses must have reasons given in written fom. Responses postmarked after the explration date may not be accepted. The sponsor must address each negative vote In wrltlng for the purpose of having the vote changed to a wsitive one. A detenination shall be made

26、 8s to what the requirement would be for a change to a positive vote. Every reasonable attmpt nust be made by the sponsor to resolve all coinmnts. The sponsor rust prepare the complete sumnary response of the ballot to be presented to the P-4 Committee. This shall Include the ballot results by canpa

27、ny and a complete list of cancnts made. be prepared for screen projection to the entire group along with a projection of the original outline and any changes proposed. Copies of the total sumnsry should be M& avallable to the P-4 Secretary. Edltorial or minor changes may be vote on at the P-4 Meetin

28、g. The results of the ballot, of the negative resolution efforts and conmittee detemination shall be recorded in the minutes. The cmittee decisions shall be to: If not proper the - Ittms should a. Approve to publish b. Cancel the total proposal c. Approval to revise the outllne and reballot - For re

29、gistered outlines after P-4 Cmittee approval and a review by the Editorial Cmittee the outline shall be published In the IA publication for Hechanical Outliner. For standard outlines after P-4 approval and review by the Editorial Conmittee the outline is submitted to the EIA Engineering Office for t

30、he standards proposal approval procedure which is used for all EIA stan- dards. This includes a circulation to industry for cmmcnt and approval by the EIA Engineering Department Executive Cmittee. After these approvals the outline is published as a standard outline In the EIA Publication on Hechanic

31、al Outlines. -14- EIA PDP-LOO 87 3234600 0554740 10% 0 EIA-PDP-100 ! EIA P-4 Comnlttee on Mechanical Outllnc (See Page 2 for explanation) Procedure for Registra tion/Standardizatton of Out1 in m S All outlines are proposed by a sponsor who has the nsponsibflity for seeing that the procedure is compl


33、I . I P-4 REVIEW OF COMIENTS I to Publlrh I I I EDITORIAL REVIEW STANDARDS mi ISH TO STANDARDS PROP0 AL PRCEDRE I 1 to Reba 1 1 ot I -15- IA-PDP-100 EIA P-4 COLUIITTEE SCOPE To develop and publish a series of mechanical drawings of outlines of commonly used passive electronic parts. These outlines w

34、ill be in two categories: (a) Registered Outlines which indicate that there is some use of the part in the electronics industry and (b) Standard Outlines which have acquired broad usage in the industry and are accepted as highly representative of the type of parts described. The committee will attem

35、pt to discourage proliferation of outlines and will serve to encourage cooperation between manufacturers and users to provide the best possible descriptions. Special effort will be made to encourage new technology and new techniques for packaging parts. HEHBERSHIP All individuals representing the el

36、ectronic industry are encouraged to participate. Broad representation is planned from parts users, parts manufacturers, governmental agencies, and general interest industry members. Members of the EIA Parts Division may participate by requesting committee membership for their representative. Compani

37、es not members of the parts division may request membership and pay a participation fee. All committee members are expected to participate actively by attendance at meetings and by the return of mail ballots. ORGAHIZATIOH Committee will be directed by a Chairman appointed by the Chairman of the Part

38、s Engineering Panel. The term of the Chairman is for one year which may be extended on a yearly basis, based on the formal recommendation of the committee membership and the approval of the Parts Engineering Panel Chairman. A Vice-chairman will be appointed to serve in the absence of the Chairman. S

39、ubcommittee or working groups may be appointed by the Chairman to work on specific product areas and/or to perform specific tasks. All subcommittees and task groups must report in writing at each committee meeting. The committee organization and activity is responsible to the Parts Engineering Panel

40、 and the EIA Parts Division. -16- EIA PDP-LOO 87 3234600 0554742 T84 EIA-PDP-100 HEETINGS Will be held on a regularly scheduled.basis several times per year in order to coordinate similar outlines, to expeditiously resolve negative ballots or to resolve conflicts. -17- - _ EIA PDP-LOO 7 3234600 0554

41、743 910 TPE DESIWATION SYSTEM FOR PASSIVE ELECTRONIC PART MECHANIML OUTLINES EIA-PDP-100 This type designation system is intended to provide a part outline numbering system which will allow easy identification and retrieval of specific outlines both manually and by automated systems. AA Desi nation

42、&y outline sheet shall be designated by an 8 character number. The variations within that sheet are described by an additional 2 characters. The designation number shall be determined as follows: 1. R , r 1 . -1 326 II ounting egis tere ermi nati on humerical umeri ca Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5

43、 Para. 5 or Type Fom t Descriptor Standard. a Out7ines. Vari ati ons Para. 6 attachment method to the electronic circuit. O Or S - Surface mounted by soldering or welding T - Wire or pin mounted through a circuit board . 3. Reqistration or Standard Ail outlines are classified either as a registered

44、outline (Accepted by P-4) or a standard outline (Recognized by the electronic industry as a widely used standard). O - Outline Registration S - Standard Outline - -18- EIA-PDP-OO EIA PDP-100 87 3234600 055474V 857 4. Termination Type This character identifies the general COnfigUratiOn of the body or

45、 electrical contact portion of the body with the circuit. A - Attached mechanically to board C - Flat Chip with end band termination F - Flat Pack 6 - %u11 Win “ or “LW lead I - “1 (Butt! lead 3 - “J“ Bend lead L - Leadless chip with multiple pads M - Cylindrical body with end band temination (MELF)

46、 P - Right Angle contact pads T - Rectangular or cylindrical terminal pins Surface Mount Through Hole W - Wire leads 5. Numerical Format This character identifies the type of numbering system used for the following four numerical digits. Format identifiers are as follows: M - The four digit nupiber

47、is used as follows: The first two digits indicate the approximate length of the part in tenths of a millimeter. The third and fourth .digits indicate the approximate width of the part in tenths of a millimeter. Example: A part 3.2ain by 1.h has a numerical descriptor of 3216 C - The four digit numbe

48、r is used as follows: The first tm, digits indicate the approximate length of the part in millimeters. The third and fourth digits indicate the approximate width of the part in llimeteir. N - The four digits are not significant- The numbers are issued sequen- tially and indicate a position in a numb

49、er of designations whose features are otherwise similar. 6. Out1 ine Variations variations of outlines may be listed on a single sheet. Variations must not require changes in the pdnciple drawing but may only use one or two variations in the table of dimensions. Examples are variations in the number of terminations, variations in the seated height, etc. Variations shall be designated by 2 alphabetic characters starting with the letter AA, AB, etc., in the sequence assigned by the editorial comnittee. -19- - _I_ EIA PDP-LOO 7 = 3234600 0554745 793 = ELECTR

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