1、CEN EN*314-2 93 H 3404589 004Lbl 346 W EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM February ISSn UDC 674.M-419.3:621.792:620.176 Descriptors: Plywood, bonding qwiii, requirement, bondinq desses. ob strength, veneer plywood EN 314-21993 English version Plywood - Bonding quality - Part 2 : Requi
2、rements tontroplaqu - -lit du college - Partie 2 : Sperrholz - Quilft,. 4 S MterriiiuitiOIl Of tk bondiiig thSS 5 Annex A (infonrtivc) 0ibliogr.phy . 6 Foreword This Europs-n Saruiard was pmpared by Wcrking Group 2 Plywood“ (&etana: France) of Technical commttse - mmc 112. Woodbared panaJs (S6cremia
3、t: G8miany). . CEN ENx3LY-2 93 = 3404587 00417b3 119 Page 3 EN 314-2:1993 t Scape This European Standard specifies requirements for bonding classes of veneer plywood according to thir end uses. The appropriate test methods are Specified in EN 314-1. 2 Norutive references This European Standard Ifmrp
4、orteS by dated Or undated reference, prWiSiOnS from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in te text and the publications are listed here- after. For dated references, SubseqUant wndiants to or revisionis of any of thhu publications apply to this European
5、 Standard, only nhen incorporated in it by annbcnt or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referre to applies. EN 36-1 Plynood .* Specifications Part 1: Requirawnts for plywood for use in dry conditions 1 EN 636-2 Plywoob speclf ications Part 2: Requirements for ply
6、wood for use in huid conditlans 9) Spacificationr Part 3: Requirements for plywood for use in exterior ditions *) EN 636-3 Plywood EN 314- Plywood 8onding quality Part 1: test nthods a Bondingeluses Bonding quality is divided into three clses, .ccocding to EN 636-1, U4 636-2 an En 636-3, based upon
7、moisture resistmce as follows: - Class 1: dry conditions This banding class is appropriate for noml interior clirrte. - Clas 2: huid conditions This bonding class is appropriate for protected mterna applications (e. g. behind cladding or under roof coverings). but is capable of misting weather expos
8、ure for short periods (e. g. then expolad during the construction). It is alto uiit8blo fw interior situations ubre the service moisture di- tion it raised above the class 1 level. - Class 3: exterior conditions This bonding class is designed for exposure to weather owr sustained periods. NOTE: othe
9、r factors. Iht durability of plywood depends not only upon th bonding performance level, but also upon 1) At present at the draft stage E.ch pretreatment Is carried out on a separate set of ten pleces for a.ch glueline. Table 1: Pretreatments for the three bondlng cluses Class 1: dry Interlor C1.u 2
10、: covered exterjor Clam 3: non cowred exterlor -. 3 Pretreatwnts (.ccOrdlng to EN 314-1) s.1.1 I 1.1.2 “I The rel8tiwhip ktmn the me8n percent- of mrmt cohlv* wood fallure and the ae8n *ar strength given in table 2 is lllwtrate In flgure 1 1. I CEN ENx3L4-2 73 m 3404589 0041i765 T9L m . M- fail Page
11、 5 EN 314-2:1993 1 I I 1 u 14 lb Nimm* b) Shear stmth (fi) S Oetecrination of the bonding class The corparison of results obtaine .ccording to EM 314-1 ond rcquireciants defined in this Stdrd, allaus etcnination of the bonding class to which the tested purel belongs. CEN ENx314-2 93 = 3404589 004L7bb 928 Page 6 . EN 314-2:1993 Annex A (informative) EN 313-1 Plynood Classification af Terminology Part 1: Classification Clizzification and Terminology Part 2: Terminology - EN 313-2 Plynoad. .-. -_ ., .* t
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