1、BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 14829:2007 Independent gas-fired flueless space heaters for nominal heat input not exceeding 6 kW The European Sta nda rd EN 14829:2007 ha s th e sta tus of a Britis hS tandard ICS 97.100.20BS EN 14829:2007 This B ri tish Standard was publis hed under the authori ty of t he St
2、an dar ds Policy and Strategy Committe e on28 Septem ber 2007 BSI 2007 ISBN 978 05 80 54134 6 National foreword This Briti sh Stan dardis t he UK i mpl ementati on of EN 14829:2007. The UK par tici pa tio n in i ts prep ar at ion was ent ru sted to Tech nica l Commi ttee GSE/36, Ind ep en dent g as
3、-f ir ed spa ce heat ers. A list of org anizations represe nt ed o n this committee can be obtaine d on re qu es t to its s ecretary. This pu bli cat ion does not pur po rt to in clude all the necessary p rov isi on so f a contract . Users are responsib le f or its correct application. Compliance wi
4、th a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsEUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 14829 August 2007 ICS 97.100.20 English Version Independent gas-fired flueless space heaters for nominal heat input not
5、exceeding 6 kW Appareils de chauffage domestiques non raccords indpendants utilisant les combustibles gazeux pour un dbit calorifique nominal infrieur ou gal 6 kW Konvektions-Raumheizer ohne Abgasabfhrung fr gasfrmige Brennstoffe mit einer Nennwrmebelastung kleiner oder gleich 6 kW This European Sta
6、ndard was approved by CEN on 24 June 2007. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning s
7、uch national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own langu
8、age and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland , France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, L
9、uxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels 2007 CEN Al
10、l rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members . Ref. No. EN 14829:2007: EEN 14829:2007 (E) 2 Contents Page Foreword. 7 1S cope 8 2N ormative references . 8 3T erms and definitions.9 4C lassification. 15 4.1 Classification of gases . 15 4.2 Categori
11、es of appliances 15 4.2.1G eneral. 15 4.2.2 Category I. 16 4.2.3 Category II 16 5C onstructional requirements. 17 5.1 General. 17 5.1.1C onversion to different gases . 17 5.1.2M aterials and method of construction 18 5.1.3A ccessibility for use and maintenance. 18 5.1.4C onnections 19 5.1.5S oundnes
12、s of the gas circuit assembly. 1 9 5.1.6 Electrical equipment. 20 5.1.7S afety in the event of fluctuation, interruption and restoration of the auxiliary energy. 20 5.1.8A ppliance stability and fixing 20 5.1.9D ress guards. 20 5.1.10 Confirmation of operation 20 5.2 Adjusting, control and safety de
13、vices 2 1 5.2.1 General. 21 5.2.2I njectors and gas rate adjusters2 1 5.2.3 Aeration adjusters. 22 5.2.4 Shut-off valves. . 22 5.2.5 Flame supervision devices. . 23 5.2.6 Pressure regulators 23 5.2.7 Thermostats. 24 5.2.8A tmosphere sensing device 24 5.3I gnition devices . 24 5.3.1 General. 24 5.3.2
14、I gnition burners. 25EN 14829:2007 (E) 3 5.4F lame supervision systems (Appliances with automatic burner systems only) . 25 5.5 Ignition burner or start-gas flame establishment 25 5.5.1 Appliances with non-automatic burner systems.2 5 5.5.2 Appliances with automatic burner systems.2 5 5.6 Main flame
15、 establishment 25 5.6.1 General. 25 5.6.2A ppliances with non-automatic burner systems.2 5 5.6.3 Appliances with automatic burner systems.2 6 5.6.4 Direct establishment of the main flame2 6 5.7 Burners. . 26 5.7.1G eneral. 26 5.7.2 Pan burners. 26 5.8F an to assist in the distribution of heat 26 5.9
16、 Pressure test points 26 6O perational requirements 27 6.1G eneral. 27 6.2 Soundness. 27 6.3 Heat inputs. 27 6.3.1N ominal heat input 27 6.3.2 Reduced rate heat input .2 7 6.4 Temperature of various parts of the appliance 27 6.4.1 Temperature of external parts of the appliance. 27 6.4.2T emperature
17、of components .2 8 6.4.3 Temperature of floor, shelf and walls .2 8 6.5 Ignition and cross-lighting.2 8 6.5.1 General. 28 6.5.2C onstruction integrity test on glass fronted appliances 28 6.6 Flame stability. 28 6.7P ressure regulators 28 6.8 Combustion . 29 6.8.1 Reference gas. .2 9 6.8.2 Limit gas.
18、 . 29 6.8.3A ppliances fitted with a fan to assist in the evacuation of the products of combustion 29 6.8.4N ormala nd abnormal voltage fluctuation . 29 6.8.5M easurement of nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ). 29 6.8.6V alues to be used in Annex G . 29 6.9S ooting.2 9 6.9.1 Cold condition . 29EN 14829:2007 (E
19、) 4 6.9.2H ot condition . 30 6.10 Atmosphere sensing device 30 6.11 Flame supervision devices. . 30 6.11.1T hermoelectric device 30 6.11.2A utomatic burner control system .3 0 7T est methods. 30 7.1G eneral. 30 7.1.1 Characteristics of test gases: reference and limit gases . 30 7.1.2C onditions for
20、preparation of the test gases. 31 7.1.3P ractical application of test gases 31 7.1.4 Test pressures. 31 7.1.5G eneral test conditions 32 7.2A ppliance stability and fixing 33 7.3S oundness of the gas circuit. 33 7.4 Heat inputs. 33 7.4.1N ominal heat input 33 7.4.2 Reduced rate . 35 7.5 Temperature
21、of various parts of the appliance 35 7.5.1 General. 35 7.5.2T emperature of external parts of the appliance. 35 7.5.3 Temperature of components .3 5 7.5.4 Temperature of floor, shelf and walls .3 6 7.6 Ignition and cross-lighting.3 6 7.6.1 General. 36 7.6.2I gnition performance. . 37 7.6.3 Crossligh
22、ting . 37 7.6.4 Supplementary tests. 38 7.7 Flame stability. 38 7.7.1L ift. 38 7.7.2 Light back 38 7.7.3R esistance to draught 38 7.8 Pressure regulators 39 7.8.1 Operational pressure regulator . 39 7.8.2P ressure regulator out of service 39 7.9 Combustion . 39 7.9.1 General. 39 7.9.2C ombustion whe
23、n tested in an atmosphere with approximately normal level of oxygen 40 7.9.3N ormal and abnormal voltage fluctuation 42EN 14829:2007 (E) 5 7.9.4N itrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) 43 7.10 Sooting. 44 7.10.1G eneral. 44 7.10.2 Determination of the smoke number 44 7.10.3T est conditions 44 7.11 Atmosphere sensi
24、ng devices 45 7.11.1A ll appliances 45 7.11.2B lockage of combustion gases for closed fronted appliances. 45 7.12 Flame supervision device 45 7.12.1T hermoelectric device 45 7.12.2A utomatic burner control systems. 46 8M arking and instructions . 46 8.1D ata plate. 46 8.2 Other marking 47 8.2.1G ene
25、ral. 47 8.2.2 Warning labels. 47 8.3 Marking of the packaging. 47 8.4U tilization of symbols on the appliance and packaging .4 8 8.4.1 Electrical supply 48 8.4.2 Type of gas 48 8.4.3 Gas supply pressure. 48 8.4.4 Country of destination 48 8.4.5 Category. 49 8.4.6 Other information 49 8.5 Instruction
26、s 49 8.5.1 General. 49 8.5.2I nstructions for use, and user maintenance. . 49 8.5.3 Technical instructions for installation and maintenance . 50 8.5.4 Additional information 51 Figure 3 Example of combustion products collecting device 54 Annex A (informative) National situations .5 5 A.1G eneral. 55
27、 A.2M arketing in different countries of the categories listed in the text of the standard 55 A.3S upply pressures for the appliances corresponding to the categories given in A.2. . 57 A.4S pecial categories marketed nationally or locally. 59 A.4.1G eneral. 59 A.4.2D efinition of special categories.
28、 60 A.4.3G as rate adjusters, aeration adjusters and regulators . 62 A.4.4C onversion to different gases . 62 A.5T est gases corresponding to the special categories given in A.4. 62 A.6G as connections in the various countries . 65 Annex B (informative) Gas valve arrangements for automatic controls
29、for automatic control. . 66EN 14829:2007 (E) 6 Annex C (informative) Means of identification of the types of gas in use in the various countries 67 Annex D (normative) Apparatus for the determination of the smoke number. 68 D.1 Pump 68 D.2S ampling tube. 6 8 D.3 Filter paper. 68 D.4 Grey scale. .6 8
30、 Annex E (normative) Dress guards 70 E.1 Scope 70 E.2 Requirements 70 E.2.1A ccess 70 E.2.2S trength . 70 E.3 Tests. 70 E.3.1A ccess 70 E.3.2S trength . 71 Annex F (normative) Vitiation room . 73 F.1 Dimensions 73 F.2 Sealing requirement 73 F.3 Construction 73 Annex G (normative) Room size and venti
31、lation 75 G.1G eneral. 75 G.2R oom size. . 75 G.2.1G eneral. 75 G.2.2M aximum allowable gas input with regard to CO emissions .7 6 G.2.3M aximum allowable gas input with regard to NO 2emissions 76 G.2.4C alculation of minimum room size. 77 G.2.5V entilation 77 Annex H (informative) A-deviation. 78 A
32、nnex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essentia l Requirements of EU Directive 90/396/EEC. 79 Bibliography . 81EN 14829:2007 (E) 7 Foreword This d ocument (EN 14829:2007) h as b een prepared by T echnical C ommittee CEN/TC6 2 “Independent gas-fired space heaters”,
33、the secretariat of which ish eld by BSI. This European Standard shall be given the status ofa national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February2 008, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by February 2008. This do
34、cument has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s). For relationship with EU D irective(s), s ee informative Annex Z A, w hich i s an integral part o f this document. Accordi
35、ng to the CEN/CENELEC I nternal Regulations, t he national standards o rganizations o f the following countries are bound to implement this E uropean Standard: Austria, B elgium, Bulgaria , Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, E stonia, Finland, France, Germany, G reece, Hungary, I celand, Ireland, Ital
36、y, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. EN 14829:2007 (E) 8 1 Scope This document specifies, for the purpose of type examination, the requirements and test methods for construction, s
37、afety, m arking a nd rational u se o f energy of 2 nda nd 3 rdf amily gas-fired domestic flueless space heating appliances having a nominal input not exceeding 6 kW( based on net calorific value). It covers the following Type A ASfixed flueless heaters: NOTE These are type A appliances fitted with a
38、n atmosphere sensing device, with or without a fan. a) heaters with or without a catalytic converter ; b) Category1 appliances burning gases of the second family; c) Category2 appliances burning gases of the second and third families . It does not cover i. M obile heaters. ii. Category1 appliances b
39、urning gases of the third family. iii. Portable flueless heaters. iv. Diffusive catalytic combustion heaters. There are no specific thermal efficiency requirements appropriate to these typ es of appliance as: All the heat produced by the combustion process is released into the space to beh eated. Th
40、e requirements with regard to the combustion performance, which is a safety matter,e nsure the effective burning of the fuel gas. This standard is only applicable to appliances which are to be type tested. Matters related to quality assurance systems, tests during production and to certificates of c
41、onformity of auxiliaryd evices are not dealt with by this standard . 2 Normativer eferences The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the lateste dition of the referenced do
42、cument (including any amendments) applies . EN 88-1, Pressure regulators and associated safety devices for gas appliances Part1 : Pressure regulators for inlet pressures up to and including 500 mbar EN 125, Flame supervision devices for gas burning appliances Thermoelectric flame supervision devices
43、 EN 126, Multifunctional controls for gas burning appliances EN 161, Automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas appliances EN 257, Mechanical thermostats for gas-burning appliancesEN 14829:2007 (E) 9 EN 298, Automatic gas burner control systems for gas burners and gas burning appliances with
44、or without fans EN 437:2003, Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories EN 751-1, Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in contact with 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases and hot water - Part 1: Anaerobic jointing compounds EN 751-2, Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in cont
45、act with 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases and hot water - Part 2: Non-hardening jointing compounds EN 1057:2006, Copper and copper a lloys - Seamless, r ound copper tubes f or w ater and g as in sanitary and heating applications CR 1404, Determination ofe missions from appliances burning gaseous fuels
46、during type-testing EN 60068-2-75, Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test Eh: Hammer tests (IEC 60068-2-75:1997) EN 60335-1:2002, Household and similar e lectrical appliances Safety - Part 1: G eneral requirements (IEC 60335- 1:2001, modified) EN 60335-2-102, Household and similar e lectrical
47、appliances S afety P art 2-102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid-fuelb urning appliances having electrical connections (IEC 60335- 2-102:2004, modified) EN 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) (IEC 60529:1989) EN 60730-2-9 , Automatic electrical c ontrols f or
48、household and similar u se - Part2 -9: Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls (IEC 60730-2-9:2000, modified) EN ISO 228-1:2003 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads - Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and designation (ISO 228-1:2000) EN ISO 3166-1, Codes
49、 for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: Country codes (ISO 3166-1:2006) ISO 7-1:1994, Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads - Part1 : Dimensions, tolerances and designation 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply . 3.1 working surfaces parts of an appliance, which, due to the nature of the appliance, have temperatures exceeding the limits specified in 6.4.1 excluding parts that are likely to be touched during operations carried out
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