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本文(EN 45510-1-1997 en Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 1 Common clauses《发电站设备的采购指南 第一部分 通用条款》.pdf)为本站会员(lawfemale396)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

EN 45510-1-1997 en Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 1 Common clauses《发电站设备的采购指南 第一部分 通用条款》.pdf

1、STD-BSI BS EN 4551O-L-ENGL 1998 m Lb24bb9 Ob93098 893 m BRITISH STANDARD Guide for Procurement of power station equipment Part 1. Common clauses * m * The European Standard EN 45510-1 : 1997 has the status of a British standard ICs 27.100 BS EN 45510-1 : 1998 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT

2、 AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW - STD-BSI BS EN 45510-1-ENGL 199 1624bb9 Ob93099 72T BS EN 45610-1 : 1998 National foreword This British Sandard is the English language version of EN 45510-1 : 1997 published by the European Commit - present to the responsible inte - monitor related intet ortry endors

3、ement, at the latest by AprU 1998, and coicting nationai stardards shau be wiMmum at the latest by AprU 1998. This Guide f0rpmmwn.M has been pmpare under mandates given to CEN and CENELEC by the Eumpmn Cornmission and ule Eumpean Free liade Association. Th$.sGuidefiprocurementisapartofaseriesof Gu?-

4、smandated to couerthepcut ofpozum statim pant and equipment in amformiicy with, Europaan Ptvcumt LXmtves. The am: misGuidefip?Dcu-thasbeenpreparedbythe EN 45510: Guide for procurement of power station Part 1: Part2-1: Part 2-2: Part 2-3: Part2-4: Part 2-5: part 2-6: Partz-E Part 2-8: Part 2-

5、9: Part 3-1: Part 3-2: Part 3-3: Part4-1: Part 4-2: hrt4-3: Part 4-4: Part4-5: Part 4-6: Part 4-7: Part 4-8: Part 4-9: Part 4-1 O: Part 5-1: Part 5-2: Part 5-22 Part 5-4: Part 6-1: Part 6-2: Part 6-3: Part 6-4: Part 6-5: Part 6-6: Part 6-E Part 6-8: Part 6-9: Part 7-1: Part”-2: Part 8-1: EN 4551 O P

6、art 1 contains those clauses common to a4 the abwe Guidespitring thepvisirms of a rwm equipment spa$% naEure fi use in the procuremat of puwer statim plant. EN45510 is the r6pmab *i -pmdictedper$ormance is achw - ancillary equipment is pvperg s2zea; - mhbiU, ava#!ab and Metg tvquits are achw -cons.i

7、derationisgimtotheevalwicion process and the qualitg maclsures to be applied. This Guide does not dderm.ine the type of specification (e.g. deta - any allocation of responsibilities which are determid by the contmct. This Guide does not prescribe the amngemmt of the Ciocuments in the enquiry. NOTE.

8、As a comprehensive Eumpean envronmta policy is stiU under preparation, this Guide - geological e.g. seimnic conditms and chamctenstics of subsoil (e.g. caverns, gliding stratifications, bad bearing capability of subsoils); - geographic e.g. elevation, irme of local topography and structures; - hydro

9、logical e.g. jooding and tides. O BSI 1998 - STD-BSI ES EN 45510-1-ENGL 1998 D lb24bb9 Ob93105 853 Page 6 EN 46611: 1997 4.3 Equipment task The speclk these should be to a mgnM European or intaacional stunad The speciic Guides give further recomenons on other services required for the operation of t

10、he equipment here, if appropriate. and 4.7 Other interfaces The speccnt intm$es mq if amyropriate). In - restrictions e.g. process waste disposal. supplies or cooling systems; 7.2 Manning levels The specification should define the mer station manning levels where uley may iqfiumm the equipment suppl

11、y. The specific Guides give further recommendations on manning levels here, if appropriate. 7.3 Normal operation The specification should defim in had temzs the expected normal opetation of the power station and of the equipment. The specifc Guides give further recommendations on normal operation he

12、re, if appropriate. 7.4 Operating hours The specification should define the total lfe time required of the power station and the equipment (e.g. hours) and the required operating period of the equipment. The specific Guides give further reconmendations on operating hours here, if appropriate. 7.6 St

13、art-up and shut-down The specific Guides give relevant recommendations on start-up and shutxiown cycles and types here. The speclfecation should define the expected changeover strategy where sturuiby equipment or bypasses are provided. The specific Guides give further recommendations on change over

14、strategy here, if appropriate. 7.6 Abnormal conditions The spectfEcation should provide information on the known atmonnal conditions to which the equipment might be suected. The supplier should take #,ese into account in the Wiqn or seiectwn of componentshnaterials. The specific Guides give further

15、relevant recommendations on abnormal conditions here, if appropriate. 7.7 Further operational requirements Some of the specific Guides give further recommendations on equipment related operationai requirements such as load changes, out of service conditions, extreme conditions and accidental operati

16、ng conditions, etc. here, as appropriate. O BSI 1998 STD-BSI BS EN YS5LO-L-ENGL 3998 Lb24bb9 0693L07 626 Page 8 EI46610-1: 1997 8 Life expectancy 8.1 Design life 8.1.1 General This should be a spmkperiod which takes into account the anticipated opemting regime and TIXOTTZ- maintenume and w bnwy equa

17、te to the stated opemting hours (see 7.41. !lhe spec#ca#on should defzne the design life of components which may be suQje.ct to periodic replacement. The specific Guides give further recommendations on desgn life here, if appropriate. The supper should cU pmms. 0.1.2 Number start-up and shut-down cy

18、cles The speciftcation dwui an estimte of the number of cydes to which the equipment w be s2I.Qjected The specic Guides give further recommendations on the number of start-up and shutdown cycies here, if apPrOP*. 0.1.3 Equipment for monitoring remaining life !lhe spec#cation mag request pmpo

19、sah for .monitoring the rema2n.ining life of mmts which am std$xt to fa-, wea erosion ador corrosiUn. In some cases Spec requirements may be stated The specific Guides give further recommendations on monit.oring remaining life here, if appmpriate. .2 Components requiring periodic maintenance le spec

20、#ca#on should request the supplier to pmuih? a scheuk of componats which require periodic maintenance or replacemat. mis should idude thef?vqWmq of thes? opemtkms. mis scheduk should idde estimates of mantt?nam madurum and cost of com-cte to meet the availability ?vqui-. 9.6 Further performance requ

21、irements Some of the specific Guides give further recommendations on equipment misted performance requirements such as efficiency, operational flexibiiia etc. here, as appropriate. if appropriate. opermlional secUri - aUow evalwction by thpurchasez - faciJitate system stud*; mis inrmation may includ

22、e design paramm, drawings, sch.ed - runnang costs; - cost-effectiveness; - quality; - aesthetic and functional churacteristics; - technicd merit; - after-sales seruice and technicai assistance; - commitments with regard to spare parts; - pice. - security of supplies; 14.2 Technical criteria The enqu

23、iry should define the method of appmpriate, in the evaluation. 14.2.1 Quality Availability, reliability and maintainability are a rneusure of total quality and the purchaser may emluate the tender in these terms. 14.2.2 Functional characteristics mis may be based not only on infinmution di?clare by

24、the supplier but also on independent information obtained by the purchaser. The evaluation may take into account the performance requirements given in clause 9 including plant capacity, equipment margins, jkcrity, maintainability, operational security and ease of operation taking into account the an

25、ticipated number of operators and maintenance Shfi 14.2.3 Technical merit Where the spectfication c Fax: 0181 996 7400. BSI offers membm an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying standards rdm for ail BSI,

26、 internationai and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services, sales Department at Chiswick Tel: 0181 996 7000, Faz: 0181 996 7001. In response to ordem for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI implementation of those that have been published as Br

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29、 at Chiswick Tek 0181 996 7002, Fax: 0181 996 7001. Copyright Copyright subsists in ail BSI publications. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the publications of the intemationai standardization bodies. Except as pemitked under the Copyright, Designs and patents Act 1988 no extract may be re

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