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本文(EN ISO 8780-2-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 2 Dispersion Using an Oscillatory Shaking Machine《颜料和稀释剂 色散.pdf)为本站会员(explodesoak291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

EN ISO 8780-2-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 2 Dispersion Using an Oscillatory Shaking Machine《颜料和稀释剂 色散.pdf

1、Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispersion characteristics Part 2. Dispersion using an osciHatory shaking machine The European Standard EN IS0 8780-2 : 1995 has the status of a British Standard BS EN IS0 8780-2 : 1992 CEN EN*ISO*8780- 2 95 3404589 0108548 738 W BS 34

2、83 : Part D2 : 1991 A National foreword This Part of BS 3483 has been prepared under the direction of the Pigments, Paints and Varnishes Standards Policy Committee. It is identical with IS0 8780-2 : 1990 Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispersion characteristics - Pa

3、rt 2 : Dispersion using an oscillatory shaking machine, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It supersedes BS 3483 : Part B5 : 1974, which is withdrawn. In 1994 the European Committee for Standanhation (CEN) accepted IS0 8780-2 : 1990 as European Standard EN IS0 878

4、0-2 : 1995. As a consequence of implementing the European standard this British Standard is renumbered as BS EN IS0 878-2 : 1995 and any reference to EX3 3483 : Part D2 should be read as a reference to BS EN Is0 8780-2. Cross-references International standard IS0 842 : 1984 IS0 2431 : 1984 IS0 8780-

5、 1 : 1990 ISO8781-1 1990 IS0 8781-2 : 1990 IS0 8781-3 : 1990 Corresponding British Standard ES 4726 : 1986 Methods for sampling raw materials for paints and varnishes (Identical) BS 3900 Methods of test for paints Part A6 : 1986 Determination of flow time by use of flow cups (Identical) BS 3483 Meth

6、ods of testing pigments for paints Part D1 : 1991 Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispersion characteristics (Introduction) (Identical) Part El : 1991 Assessment of dispersion characteristics from the change in tinting strength of coloured pigments (Identical) Part E2 : 1991 Assessment of di

7、spersion characteristics from the change in fineness of grind (Identical) Part E3 : 1991 Assessment of dispeision characteristics from the change in gloss (Identical) The Technical Committee has reviewed the provisions of IS0 787- 10 : 1981, to which reference is made in the text, and has decided th

8、at they are acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard. IS0 787- 10 is related to BS 34 AI - the top and bottom of each mill base container are at the same distance from a horizontal plane through the centre axis of the shaking machine; : - the mean time-weighted position of the contain- e

9、rs is verticai! The designshown in figure 1 meets these require- ments. F 4.3 Containers, of a suitable type. Containers for the mill bases shall be of the same size and type as those used for the agreed reference pigments. Dirnensioiis in millirnetres 6-B Rubber inserts Backwards and forwards movem

10、ent A-A Details not given are to be selected to suit the purpose Figure 1 - Holder i 2 CEN EN*ISO*8780- 2 75 3404589 0308554 T31 IS0 8780-2:1990(E) Examples of suitable types are 250 ml glass or b) pigments of medium binder demand - pigment polyethylene bottles with screw caps lined with concenirati

11、on 10 % (m/m) to 40 /O (rn/rn): polyethylene inserts The size and type of container shall be agreed on and shall be recorded in the test report c) pigments of high binder demand - pigment con- centration lower than 10 % (in!rn) 4.4 Grinding spheres, of a suitable type 7.2 Volume Spheres of the same

12、size and type sliall be used lor all the mill bases under simultaneous test The type, mean diameter and density shall be agreed on and shall be recorded in the test report. II lhe spheres have never been used, ihey shall be conditioned by shaking them in a mill base (see 7.1), for example for 60 min

13、. and cleaned. NOTE 2 The diameter. density and total mass of the The mill base shall OCCUPY approximately 3oo% of the volume of the container (4 3) The mass of the pigment and of the binder system may he deter- mined hy using the following equations. Mass, r77p, of pigment. in grams 0.3 x 1, p 1 10

14、0-PC - + fo p,xPC 1?7 = _ Mass, mM, of hindei- system. in grams grinding spheres have a significant effect on the disper- sion obtained. Glass spheres of a mean diameter of 3 mm f. 0.5 mm and a density of 2.6 gkm3 .k 0,2 glcrn? 171p X (1 00 - Pc) PC have been found to be suitable IHM = _- where 5 Bi

15、nder system The binder system shall be agreed on between the interested parties. The test report shall state the PC is the pigment concentration in the mill base, expressed as a percentage by m=tcc. 1 I I CI .1 cl. binder. the solvent and the concentration of the binder in the solvent, as well as gi

16、ving information on the rheological properties (for example, viscosity or flow time) of the binder system. The same batch of binder system shall be used for all tests in the same series. 6 Sampling Take a representative sample of the product to be tested, as described in IS0 842. 7 Mill base 7.1 Com

17、position The viscosity o a mill base depends on the binder demand of lhe pigment and ils concentration in a given binder system Pi-eliminary experiments shall therefore be carried oiit to ascertain a suitable mill base composition The viscosity of the mill base dilring dispersion shall be stich that

18、 the grinding spheres can move freely (see clause I) This can be checked by shaking the containers manually. For binder sycteins with flow times of 20 s to 40 s, determined with flow cup IS0 2431 No. 6, the follow- ing pigment concentrations have been found to be suitable as starting points. a) pigm

19、ents of low binder demand - pigment con- centration higher than 40 % (rn/m); 1 is the volume, in millilitres, of the con- lainer (4.3): is lhe density. in grams per cubic centi- metre, of the binder system, is lhe density, in grams per ciibic centi- metre, of the pigment, determiiied by one of the p

20、rocedures described in pM pp IS0 787-10. 8 Volume of grinding spheres The apparenl volume o the grinding spheres (sec note 2) shall be approximately 50% of the total vol- ume o the container The came volume of grinding spheres shall be used in all tests in the same series. 9 Procedure 9.1 Filling th

21、e containers Unless otherwise agreed or found advisable (see note 3). weigh the grinding spheres (4 4) into the container (4 3) Add the required mass o binder system (171M). calculated in accordance with 7.2. Wet the grinding spheres with the binder system by tilt- ing the container Then add the req

22、uired mass of pigment (7). calculated in accordance with 7.2 Close the container Wet the pigment by carefully tilting the container. -3 NOTE 3 if it is difficult to wet the pigment. it may be advisable to select a different sequence of preparing lhe containers and, if necessary, the mill base may be

23、 placed in the container first and stirred with a spatula prior to the addition of the grinding spheres. The total mass of these test portions shall not ex- ceed 15% of the initial mass of the mill base. Oth- make dispersions for each tirne interval. .? Complete the preparation of the full set of mi

24、ll bases as quickly as possible in order to avoid differences in stirring or wetting time between the samples. If the criterion for assessing the dispersion charac- teristics is to be the evaluation of the development of tinting strenglh (see IS0 8781-1). the masses of the pigment and of the binder

25、system shall be de- termined to within 0,5%. For other methods of as- sessment (for example fineness of grind, see IS0 8781-2. and change of gloss, see IS0 8781-3). wider tolerance ranges may be agreed on. l 9.2 Dispersion Immediately afier the last mill base has been pre- pared, place the container

26、s in the holder (4.2) and clamp the assembly in the paint-conditioning ma- chine (4.1). NOTE 4 The intensity of the shaking process depends on the loading of the holder. If repeatable dispersion re- sults are to be obtained, particularly in the case of two- armed shaking machines, the holders should

27、 be equally loaded. Take test portions of the dispersion afier each of several (agreed) shaking times. At least four shak- ing times shall be selected from the following: - pigments with poor ease of dispersion - 5 min, 10 min, 20 min, 40 min, 80 min, 160 min; 9.3 Stabilization If necessary, for exa

28、mple if the mill base is not Sta-? ble enough, stabilize each test portion afier its re- moval from the mill base by adding, for example. more binder and/or special additives. The procedure shall be agreed on between the interested parties 9.4 De-aeration If necessary, allow any air bubbles within t

29、he test portions to escape before proceeding to assess the dispersion. The means by which this is achieved, Tor example by allowing to stand for a few minutes. shall be agreed on between the interested parties. 10 Test report i The test report shall contain at least the following information: a) all

30、 details necessary to identify the product tested; b) a reference to this part of IS0 8780; c) the items of supplementary information referred to in annex A: d) any deviation from the procedure specified; e) the date(s) of the test - pigments with high ease of dispersion - 1 min, 2 min, 4 min, 8 min

31、, 16 min, 32 min. 4 Annex A (norinative) Required supplementary information The items of supplemenlaiy inlormalion lisled III this annex shall be supplied as appropriale to enable the melliod lo be carried oiit. The information required should preferably he agreed between lhe interested parties and

32、niy be derived, iii pari or lolally. from an inlernatinnai 01 national staiidard or other tlocunwii! related In the producl w-der lest a) Type of machine (see 4.1) r) Type arwJ size of conlainei- (see 4 3) d) Type. mean diameler. density and lotal mass o the grinding spheres (see 4 4). e) Binder sys

33、tem (see clarise 5) f) Coinposition of lhe mill base (see i 1) g) Shaking limes (see 9 2) ti) Stabilization procediire (see 9 3) b) Type of holder (see 4 2) i) De-aei-alion procediire (see 9 4) EN IS0 8780-2 : 1995 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their re

34、levant European publications This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereater. For dated references, subsequent amenments to or re

35、visions of any of these publicaiions appiy to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publidon refed to applies (including amendments). Pubcation Year IS0 8781-1 1990 IS0 8781-2 1990 IS0 87813 1990 Is0 8780-1 1990

36、 Title EN Year disperJion characteristics Part 1: Assessment- the change in tinng stmqth of colouredpigments d.ispersion chamcteristics Part 2: Assessment- the change in fineness of grind Pignats and txtmdms - Mewds of Llssessment of dispersion characteristics Part 3: Assessment jnn the change in gl

37、oss Pigmats and extmdem - MeuLods of disptmion for ENISO8780-1 1995 assessment of d.isperJion charaCteriStb Part 1: Introduction Pigmatsand-Methodsofassessmentof EN IS0 8781-1 1995 pigments and aedem- Methods of assessment of EN IS0 8781-2 1995 EN IS0 87813 1995 Publication(s) referred to See nation

38、al foreword. BS 34-83 : part D2 : 1991 IS0 8780-2 : 1990 Amd. No. This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Pigments, Paints and Varnishes Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 1 30 April 1991 OBSI 1

39、991 The following RSi references relate to the work on this , standard: i Committee reference PVC/I i Draft for comment 8W52354 Dc ISBN O 580 19.535 X Date Text affected 9104 - 4- 0.7k- B CEN EN*ISO*h780- 2 95 3404589 0308558 bh7 e Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of

40、this British Standard was entrusted by the Pigments, Paints and Varnishes Standards Policy Committee (PVC/-) to Technical Committee PVC/l, upon which the following bodies were represented: Aluminium Powder and Paste Association British Cement Association British Railways Board Chemical Industries As

41、sociation Oil and Colour Chemists Association Paintmakers Association of Great Britain Ltd Titanium Pigment Manufacturers Technical Committee Zinc Development Association c Amendments issued since publication I 1 BSI. 2 Park Street, London WlA 2Bs BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE PVCI 1 CEN

42、 EN*IS0*8780- 2 95 3404589 0108559 513 AMD 8529 Amendment No. 1 published and effective from 15 August 1995 to BS 3483 : Part D2 : 1991 Methods for testing pigments for paints Part D2. Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispershm characteristics using an oscillatory shaking machine NOTE. The Eu

43、ropean Committee on Standardization CEN has accepted IS0 8780-2 : 1990 as a European Standard designated as EN IS0 8780-2 : 1995. This amendment implements EN IS0 8780-2 : 1995 as a British Standard in the BS EN series. Implementation of European Standard Front page Delete the outside front page and

44、 substitute the attached. AMD 8529/August 1995 -_-_-_- National foreword At the end of paragraph 1 insert the following paragraph. In 1994 the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) accepted IS0 8780-2 : 1990 as European Standard EN IS0 8780-2 : 1995. As a consequence of implementing the Europ

45、ean Staridard this British Standard is renumbered as BS EN Is0 8780-2 : 1995 and any reference to BS 3483 : Part D2 should be read as a reference to BS EN IS0 8780-2. AMD 8529/Auguet 1995 EN title page and foreword Immediately after the nationai foreword, insert the attached EN title page and forewo

46、rd. AMD 8529/August 1995 -_-_-_- 95DS-0.4k- PP BRITISH STANDARD Pigments and extenders - 1 Methods of dispersion BS EN IS0 8780-2 : 1992 for assessment of dispersion characteristics Part 2. Dispersion using an oscillatory shaking machine The European Standard EN IS0 8780-2 : 1995 has the status of a

47、 British Standard - _- CEN EN*IS0*8780- 2 95 3404589 Ol1085bL 17% = EUROPEIN STANDARD NORME EXJR0PEE”E EuROP.ECXE NORM EN IS0 8780-2 March 1995 ICs 87.060.10 Descriptors: paints, pigments, extenders, dispersibility. dispersing English version Pigrnents and extenders - Methods of meision for assessme

48、nt of dispersion characteristics - Part 2: Dispersion using an oscillatory shaking machine (Is0 8780-2 : 1990) Pigments et matires de charge - Mthodes de dispersion pour valuer la dispersibilit - Partie 2: Dispercion laide dune mhine secousses (IS0 8780-2 : 1990) (IS0 87S-2 : 1990) Pigmente und Full

49、stoffe - Dispc-jerverfahren zur Beurteilung des Dispergierverhaltens - Teil 2: Dispergieren mit einer Schttelmaschine This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1994-1-17. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nat

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