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ETSI NET 4-1994 Attachments to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) General Technical Requirements for Equipment to Be Connected to an Analogue Subscriber Interface in the PSTN_1.pdf

1、Norme Europenne de Ticornmunication NET 4 Key words: PSTN, Access, TE Attachments to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); General technical requirements for equipment to be connected to an analogue subscriber interface in the PSTN ETSI European Telecommunications Standards institute ETSI Secret

2、ariat Postai address: 06921 Sophia Antipoiis Cedex - FRANCE Office address: Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE Tel.: + 33 92 94 42 O0 - Fax: + 33 93 65 47 16 O European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1992. Ali rights reserved. Page i NET 4: 1994 Whilst every care has b

3、een taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Editing and Standards Approval Dept.“ at the address shown on the title page. Page iii NET 4: 1994 Contents ,*-



6、T 4 . ix STD-ETSI NET 9-ENGL 1774 m 3900855 0307254 72T m Page iv NET 4: 1994 NORMES EUROPEENES DE TELECOMMUNICATION It is recognized, in the field of telecommunications within Europe, that there is a need to create common European standards for telecommunications equipment. Such harmonization would

7、, among other things facilitate co-operation between telecommunications equipment manufacturers and public telecommunications network operators, create a marketplace which naturally transcends that of national frontiers, enhance the efficiency of business and other communication across Europe to bri

8、ng economic benefits and help translate the vision of a united Europe into a working reality. In 1 985 an initiative by the Conference of European Posts and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) resulted in the drafting of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to the mutual recognition of

9、 results of tests of conformity to a technical specification which would be known a a Norme Europene de Tlcommunication (or NET). A list of signatories to the MOU is shown at the end of this introductory text. The signatories represent telecommunications Administrations in most countries in Western

10、Europe, including EEC and EFTA Administrations. In 1991, in view of the transition from the Directive 86/361 /EEC (on the initial stage of the mutual recognition of type approval for telecommunications terminal equipment) to the Directive 91/263/EEC (on the approximation of the laws of the Member St

11、ates concerning telecommunications terminal equipment, including the mutual recognition of their conformity) a new Memorandum of Understanding on Common Technical Regulations (CTRs) for telecommunications terminal equipment was agreed by the same signatories of the 1985 MOU. The 1991 MOU also contai

12、ns provisions for the continuation of the mutual recognition of test results against NETs. 1 NETs 1 .I Guiding principles under which a NET is written are the need to ensure essential requirements are met. These include: - user safety insofar as this requirement is not covered by other legal instrum

13、ents (e.g. Directive 73/23/EEC); - safety of employees of public telecommunications network operators insofar as this requirement is not covered by other legal instruments (e.g. Directive 73/23/EEC); - protection of public telecommunications networks from harm; - inter working of terminal equipment,

14、 in justified cases. 1.2 Each NET constitutes part of a series of NETs prepared in response to the MOU. 1.3 A NET details the requirements and a specification of interface tests for conformance to those requirements which a defined type of telecommunications terminal equipment is required to satisfy

15、 in order to obtain authorization for connection of the equipment to a defined European telecommunications network. The NET also includes, where appropriate, requirements made necessary in a given State by historical network peculiarities. 1.4 The existence of a NET will make it possible for an accr

16、edited laboratory in a country whose Administration has signed the MOU to carry out tests specified in the NET, on terminal equipment submitted to it and to issue a test report. On the basisof the report, a competent body may then issue a certificate of conformity to the NET. There may of course be

17、cases where the laboratory itself is the competent certification authority. This certificate is then recognized as valid in all the other signatory countries, avoiding the need for the equipment to have to undergo the same tests over again each time approval is applied for in any of those countries.

18、 STD-ETSI NET 4-ENGL 1994 3400855 0307255 Bbb W Page v NET 4: 1994 The common reference point which a NET represents thus offers the opportunity of substantially reducing the complexity, length and cost of approval formalities. The operators of blic networks are required to make reference to relevan

19、t NETs in public supply contracts. anufacturers are thereby enabled to compete on a more equal technical basis in the supply of rminal equipment covered by NETs. TYPES OF NET -“The majority of NETS fali into o s NETs and terminal NETs. Access NET Details of the technical c nical and access control p

20、rotocol), to be offered by terminal equipment at the interface to a specific public telecommunications network are covered in an “access NET“. The objective of an access NET is to ensure no disturbance occurs to the network and to ensure interworking between network and terminal equipment so that ca

21、lls can be routed successfully through the network (but without any guarantee of terminal to terminal operation). Indeed, since an access NET may have to serve a number of terminal NETs and applications which have not even been envisaged at present, it is important for the content not to include any

22、thing which is particular to a specific terminal or otherwise inhibiting to new developments. Terminal NET The objective of a terminal NET is to ensure the end-to-end compatibility of a defined telecommunication service. The terminal NET should include any requirements which must be added to the cor

23、responding access NET(s) to ensure end-to-end communication. DATE OF APPLICATIO The date of application of a NET is that date at which the NET is recognized as being applicable, in he signatory Administrations, for the purposes of type approval. TRANSITION PERIOD 1 The transition period commences at

24、 the date of application. The transition period is a period flexibility during which there will be coexistence between the NET and any national requirements hich relate to the Scope. r the expiry of the transition period the only applicable standard within the Scope for type pproval purposes will be

25、 that of the particular NET. e end of the transition period U In some cases, however, erators may not be in a positi riod will be a date which is i ected date by which the end tive for ali signatory countries of the work has to be set up, all network uch cases, the end of the transition y and Admini

26、strations will publish the achieved. The following notes are offered as guidance on conformance testing of telecommunications quipment during the transition period. ring the transition period, new telecommunications equipment offered by manufacturers under Scope of this NET may be tested at a certif

27、ied laboratory located within the signatory countries, er under this NET or under the existing national requirements, at the choice of the manufacturer. sting under the NET rather than under the old requirements might offer the manufacturer the portunity of a larger marketplace in which to sell the

28、equipment. STD-ETSI NET 4-ENGL 1794 m 3400855 0307256 712 Page vi NET 4: 1994 The transition period is also an opportunity for the public network operators to update their network. However, a national approval authority would have the facility of refusing the approval of terminal equipment, for whic

29、h a certificate of conformance to a NET had been issued, if the network were not yet compatible with the terminal equipment to be connected. 4.3 The following note is offered as guidance on the supply and connection of telecommunications equipment that has already been approved either before applica

30、tion of this NET or during the transition period. After the application date of this NET that is during and after the transition period, the supply and connection of equipment already approved to earlier standards may continue unless the national authority terminates the validity of approvals to ear

31、lier standards for whatever reason. Figure 1 is a diagrammatic representation of the above points. b 5 APPROVAL PROCEDURES Details of national type approval procedures are not contained within NETS but are decided by national Administrations. 6 REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED The scope statement define

32、s which types of equipment must meet the requirements of each NET. In addition, equipment may also have to satisfy the requirements in other NETs (as defined in their scope statements) or, in the absence of harmonised NETs, one or more published national standards. In the absence of any requirements

33、 in other NETs, or in published national standards no additional tests may be sought by any approval authority in the countries whose Administration has signed the MOU. 7 LEGAL BASIS OF THIS INTRODUCTION TEXT This introductory text is provided for guidance, and to aid interpretation. The legal basis

34、 varies from country to country. This NET must be seen in the context of the 1985 MOU and of the 1991 MOU. STD.ETS1 NET 4-ENGL 1994 3400855 0307257 b37 H Page vi NET 4: 1994 “-“(A) Conformance Testing iL Under old requirements * %. - Under this NET 6) Supply and Connection of Equipment Type- Approve

35、d before end of Transition Period Transition Period Data of Application End of Transition of NET Period Figure 1 -8 SIGNATORIES OF THE MOU Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal United Kingdom STD-ETSI NET q-ENGL L77it E 3LI00855 0307258 575 .I Page viii NET 4: 1994 9 AMENDMENTS TO THIS NET 9.

36、1 PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL PARTS It is recognised that NET 4 contains national peculiarities. Signatories shall take any reasonable initiative to amend their national regulations to reduce or eliminate these peculiarities, and in particular to align them with the essential requirements o

37、f Directive 9 1 /263/EEC. Draft changes to the national parts shall be notified in accordance with the provisions and procedures of Directive 83/189/EEC or with equivalent procedures for countries not falling under Directive 83/189/EEC and at the same time, to TRAC and ETSI. This ensures transparenc

38、y. The draft shall indicate how the change relates to the existing NET 4. Normally this will be by quoting the relevant parts of the NET 4 English text. Normally, the Directive 83/189/EEC (or equivalent) procedures should be completed after three months. Exceptionally a further standstill period may

39、 be invoked (additional three months). On completion of the procedures, the change can be adopted by the initiating country. The TRAC secretariat and ETSI shall be advised of the change. Either an “Amendment“ or a “Corrigendum“ shall be issued by ETSI. Exceptionally, for example if safety of users i

40、s at risk, regulatory authorities can implement changes immediately on a national basis, but this must be indicated according to Directive 83/189/EEC procedures. All the above notifications will be carried out by the contact person that each country has identified for this task. 9.2 PROCEDURE FOR AM

41、ENDMENTS TO THE COMMON PART Where the NET 4 text applies to more than one country, any change shall be made on a co- ordinated basis. Proposals for change may be raised in TRAC or ETSI, but the technical content shall be debated through ETSI procedures. For each change, an ETSI “Change Request“ shou

42、ld be completed by the proposer of the change. This will include reasons, degree of urgency, solution and details of the proposed change. It shall quote the relevant parts of NET 4 English text. Normally, the change shall not be introduced nationally until a corresponding Amendment is approved by ET

43、SI and accepted by TRAC. Exceptionally, for example if safety of users is at risk, regulatory authorities can implement changes immediately on a national basis, but this must be indicated in the change request. When a change to NET 4 common text is accepted by TRAC, a transitional period will normal

44、ly be agreed, after which the new text should apply in all countries. Each country is obliged to notify the change in its national regulations under Directive 83/189/EEC (or equivalent) procedures, so that the change is introduced by the end of the agreed period. The TRAC secretariat shall advise th

45、e ETSI of the accepted change. ETSI shall issue an Amendment to NET 4. Page ix NET 4: 1994 .3 ERRORS DETECTED rrors detected within the text of a NET, or difficulties experienced with the application of a NET, hould be reported to the following address: he Director uropean Telecommunications Standar

46、ds Institute 6 06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex France e comments will be consid C under an approved modifications ocedure. Public consultation will take place in respect of all but the most urgent modifications to THIS NET (NET 4) ET 4 refers to ETS 300 O01 and covers issues of regulatory nature which

47、are associated with Eis (date of application, transition period, etc.). he text of ETS 300 O01 is available from: uropean Telecommunications Standards Institute 6921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex 0.1 ADOPTION e content of NET 4 was adopted alon h the agreement in chapter 11 by a meeting of the chnical Reco

48、mmendations Application Committee (TRAC), on the basis of an ETSIETSI, on 16 ctober 1992, the Hague, the Netherlands. 0.2 DATE OF APPLICATIO is NET applies from 16 October 1992 within those States represented in the list of signatories, bject to the transition period. .3 TRANSITION PERIOD FOR THIS N

49、ET his NET is subject to a transition period of about 18 months from the date of application. After the pire of the transition period on 30 April 1994 the only applicable standard for type approval rposes within the Scope will be this NET. 1 he regulatory authorities who C Memorandum of Understanding on uropean Teiecommunications S uipment (Copenhagen, 15 November 9851, considering that TRAC ting in The Hague on 16 October 992 in accordance with the p sitional period lasting up to the end f April 1994, considering t ognition of test results, .e. of onformance certificates acc

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